142 research outputs found

    Comparing Nonlinear Free Vibrations of Timoshenko Beams with Mechanical or Geometric Curvature Definition

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    Abstract The nonlinear free oscillations of a planar, initially straight Timoshenko beam are investigated by means of the asymptotic development method. Attention is focus on the difference in considering the "mechanical" vs the "geometric" curvature of the axis of the beam, which are different for extensible beams. A comparison of the results obtained by the two models is proposed, and it is shown when they are equivalent and when they give different nonlinear behaviours. A parametric analysis showing the effects of the slenderness (arbitrary, not necessarily large) and of the stiffness of the right-end axial spring is performed

    UNIPI-NLE at CheckThat! 2020: Approaching Fact Checking from a Sentence Similarity Perspective Through the Lens of Transformers

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    This paper describes a Fact Checking system based on a combination of Information Extraction and Deep Learning strategies to approach the task named Verified Claim Retrieval" (Task 2) for the CheckThat! 2020 evaluation campaign. The system is based on two main assumptions: a claim that verifies a tweet is expected i) to mention the same entities and keyphrases, and ii) to have a similar meaning. The former assumption has been addressed by exploiting an Information Extraction module capable of determining the pairs in which the tweet and the claim share at least a named entity or a relevant keyword. To address the latter, we exploited Deep Learning to refine the computation of the text similarity between a tweet and a claim, and to actually classify the pairs as correct matches or not. In particular, the system has been built starting from a pre-trained Sentence-BERT model, on which two cascade fine-tuning steps have been applied in order to i) assign a higher cosine similarity to gold pairs, and ii) classify a pair as correct or not. The final ranking produced by the system is the probability of the pair labelled as correct. Overall, the system reached a 0.91 MAP@5 on the test set

    Longitudinal–transversal internal resonances in Timoshenko beams with an axial elastic boundary condition

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    AbstractThe internal resonances between the longitudinal and transversal oscillations of a forced Timoshenko beam with an axial end spring are studied in depth. In the linear regime, the loci of occurrence of 1 : ir, ir∈Nir \in \mathbb {N} i r ∈ N , internal resonances in the parameters space are identified. Then, by means of the multiple time scales method, the 1 : 2 case is investigated in the nonlinear regime, and the frequency response functions and backbone curves are obtained analytically, and investigated thoroughly. They are also compared with finite element numerical simulations, to prove their reliability. Attention is paid to the system response obtained by varying the stiffness of the end spring, and it is shown that the nonlinear behaviour instantaneously jumps from hardening to softening by crossing the exact internal resonance value, in contrast to the singular (i.e. tending to infinity) behaviour of the nonlinear correction coefficient previously observed (without properly taking the internal resonance into account)

    Impact of ART Use on Labour Force Participation among PLWHA Using ART in Southern Highlands HIV/AIDS Program in Tanzania

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    This is the retrospective cohort study which was conducted to analyse the impact of ART on labour force participation by 2829 PLWHA using ART at in Tanzania from 2005 to 2011. Quantitative method of research was applied and review of patients’ record was used to collect data. The results revealed that 92.4% of PLWHA registered on ART belong to working age group i.e. 15 – 65 years old (t-statistical value = 4.9 and p - value = 0.0002). There were 92.0% PLWHA who were able to work before ART, but labour force increased to 99.5% after PLWHA initiated on ART (correlation coefficient, r = 0.999, p-value < 0.001). The researcher concluded that majority of PLWHA using ART belongs to the working age group, and ART increases PLWHA labour force participation .The researcher therefore recommended that ART is worth continuing on with the universal population coverage. The study has some limitations as it assessed only one benefits of ART that is labour force participation of PLWHA. Key words: PLWHA, Antiretroviral therapy, labour force participation, resource limited settin

    Crumbling of Amatrice clock tower during 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence: Advanced numerical insights

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    The dynamic behaviour and the seismic vulnerability of the ancient civic tower of Amatrice, dramatically damaged by the last shocks sequence of 2016 that occurred in Central Italy, have been studied in this paper by means of advanced 3D numerical analyses with the Discrete Element Method (DEM). Thus, a discontinuous approach has been used to assess the dynamic properties and the vulnerability of the masonry structure, through large deformations regulated by the Signorini's law, concerning the impenetrability between the rigid bodies, and by the Coulomb's law, regarding the dry-friction model. Afterward, different values have been assigned to the friction coefficient of the models and real seismic shocks have been applied in the nonlinear analyses. The major purpose of this study is to highlight that relevant data on the real structural behaviour of historical masonry can be provided through advanced numerical analyses. The comparison between the results of the numerical simulation and the survey of the existing crack pattern of the bell tower permitted to validate the approach used. Finally, from the results and conclusions of this case study, it is possible to affirm that the used methodology can be applied to a wide variety of historical masonry structure in Europe

    MULTI-Fake-DetectiVE at EVALITA 2023: Overview of the MULTImodal Fake News Detection and VErification Task

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    This paper introduces the MULTI-Fake-DetectiVE shared task for the EVALITA 2023 campaign. The task was aimed at exploring multimodality within the realm of fake news and intended to address the problem from two perspectives, represented by the two sub-tasks. In sub-task 1, we aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of multimodal fake news detection systems. In sub-task 2, we sought to gain insights into the interplay between text and images, specifically how they mutually influence the interpretation of content in the context of distinguishing between fake and real news. Both perspectives were framed as classification problems. The paper presents an overview of the task. In particular, we detail the key aspects of the task, including the creation of a new dataset for fake news detection in Italian, the evaluation methodology and criteria, the participant systems, and their results. In light of the obtained results, we argue that the problem is still open and propose some future directions

    Damage Assessment by Numerical Modeling of Sant'Agostino's Sanctuary in Offida During the Central Italy 2016–2017 Seismic Sequence

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    The subject of this work is the Sant'Agostino Sanctuary in Offida (Italy); we investigated both the dynamic behavior and the seismic vulnerability of the complex, used nowadays in its parts as school building, oratory, and church. Offida is in central Italy; the village has been severely damaged by the last seismic events of 2016. The sanctuary was heavily damaged by the earthquake of 24 August 2016. We recurred to finite elements to estimate the vulnerability of the sanctuary and its dynamic response, considering masonry's non-linear behavior by means of proper constitutive assumptions. To estimate how the monastery bears the lateral loads related to the expected demands resulting from seismic actions (N2 method) using non-linear static analysis (Pushover), we recurred to a homogenized material and smeared cracking and crushing constitutive law. As may be remarked by observing buildings that share the same features of the sanctuary and, moreover, by comparing seismic demand vs. capacity, the structure is prone to massive damage leading to collapse. The paper underlines how advanced numerical analysis grants fundamental data on how historical masonry buildings behave under seismic action, providing a method that may easily be implemented at historic monasteries in Europe

    Molecular View on the iRGD Peptide Binding Mechanism: Implications for Integrin Activity and Selectivity Profiles

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    Receptor-selective peptides are widely used as smart carriers for specific tumor-targeted delivery. A remarkable example is the cyclic nonapeptide iRGD (CRGDKPGDC, 1) that couples intrinsic cytotoxic effects with striking tumor-homing properties. These peculiar features are based on a rather complex multistep mechanism of action, where the primary event is the recognition of RGD integrins. Despite the high number of preclinical studies and the recent success of a phase I trial for the treatment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), there is little information available about the iRGD three-dimensional (3D) structure and integrin binding properties. Here, we re-evaluate the peptide's affinity for cancer-related integrins including not only the previously known targets alpha v beta 3 and alpha v beta 5 but also the alpha v beta 6 isoform, which is known to drive cell growth, migration, and invasion in many malignancies including PDAC. Furthermore, we use parallel tempering in the well-tempered ensemble (PT-WTE) metadynamics simulations to characterize the in-solution conformation of iRGD and extensive molecular dynamics calculations to fully investigate its binding mechanism to integrin partners. Finally, we provide clues for fine-tuning the peptide's potency and selectivity profile, which, in turn, may further improve its tumor-homing properties

    Expeditious damage index for arched structures based on dynamic identification testing

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    This paper presents a new damage detection index for arched structures, which can easily and quickly provide an estimate of their integrity. The results from eight laboratory tests performed on both reinforced and unreinforced adobe arches are used to define the index. The arches are damaged up to collapse using pseudo-static test cycles carried out by applying progressive controlled displacements at third span. The test records allow to follow the stiffness degradation of each arch by plotting the relative force-displacement curves, as well as to track their frequencies variation during the damage evolution by means of dynamic identification tests performed at the end of each cycle. The new index considers the bending moment as the main cause of damage for the analysed arches; therefore, starting from the bending stiffness, a damage indicator was developed and experimentally validated, as function of the frequency reduction, respect to the undamaged scenario. Finally, the index is also validated for diferente types of arch collapse mechanisms through Finite Element Modeling.(undefined
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