552 research outputs found

    KIBS Innovative Entrepreneurship Networks on Social Media

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    The analysis of the use of social media for innovative entrepreneurship in the context has received little attention in the literature, especially in the context of Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS). Therefore, this paper focuses on bridging this gap by applying text mining and sentiment analysis techniques to identify the innovative entrepreneurship reflected by these companies in their social media. Finally, we present and analyze the results of our quantitative analysis of 23.483 posts based on eleven Spanish and Italian consultancy KIBS Twitter Usernames and Keywords using data interpretation techniques such as clustering and topic modeling. This paper suggests that there is a significant gap between the perceived potential of social media and the entrepreneurial behaviors at the social context in business-to-business (B2B) companies.Comment: This paper was presented on the EU-SPRI Early Career Researcher Conference (ECC) on Innovative Entrepreneurship. Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI). Milan, Italy. November 23rd and 24th, 201

    Detectability of Varied Hybridization Scenarios using Genome-Scale Hybrid Detection Methods

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    Hybridization events complicate the accurate reconstruction of phylogenies, as they lead to patterns of genetic heritability that are unexpected under traditional, bifurcating models of species trees. This has led to the development of methods to infer these varied hybridization events, both methods that reconstruct networks directly, and summary methods that predict individual hybridization events. However, a lack of empirical comparisons between methods - especially pertaining to large networks with varied hybridization scenarios - hinders their practical use. Here, we provide a comprehensive review of popular summary methods: TICR, MSCquartets, HyDe, Patterson's D-Statistic (ABBA-BABA), D3, and Dp. TICR and MSCquartets are based on quartet concordance factors gathered from gene tree topologies and Patterson's D-Statistic, D3, and Dp use site pattern frequencies to identify hybridization events. We then use simulated data to address questions of method accuracy and ideal use scenarios by testing methods against complex networks which depict gene flow events that differ in depth (timing), quantity (single vs. multiple, overlapping hybridizations), and rate of gene flow. We find that deeper or multiple hybridization events may introduce noise and weaken the signal of hybridization, leading to higher false negative rates across methods. Despite some forms of hybridization eluding quartet-based detection methods, MSCquartets displays high precision in most scenarios. While HyDe results in high false negative rates when tested on hybridizations involving ghost lineages, HyDe is the only method to be able to separate hybrid vs parent signals. Lastly, we test the methods on ultraconserved elements from the bee subfamily Nomiinae, finding the possibility of hybridization events between clades which correspond to regions of poor support in the species tree estimated in the original study

    Formación de equipos en función de la extroversión de sus integrantes: un experimento replicado

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    Durante los cursos académicos 2010/2011 y 2011/2012 se han llevado a cabo un experimento y una réplica del mismo en el marco de la asignatura de bases de datos. La característica más destacable de estos estudios radica en que los equipos se han formado en función de un factor de personalidad de los miembros de los mismos, en concreto la extroversión. El objetivo de ambos estudios empíricos consiste en comprobar si el grado de extroversión del equipo (en función de la extroversión de los miembros del mismo) afecta, por un lado, a la calidad final de los productos software desarrollados y, por otro lado, a la satisfacción de los miembros del equipo durante el desarrollo de dichos productos. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la réplica y la agregación de los resultados de ambos estudios. Como principal conclusión, cabe destacar que tanto la réplica como la agregación de resultados afianzan los resultados del experimento original, que establecían que a la hora de formar equipos, si el docente equilibra el número de estudiantes con carácter extrovertido y no extrovertido, conseguirá un alto nivel de satisfacción durante la realización de los proyectos sin que la calidad de los productos software desarrollados se vea mermada.A controlled experiment and a replication of it have been carried out during the academic courses 2010/2011 and 2011/2012 in the context of a databases subject. The most remarkable characteristic of these studies relies on the fact that the work-teams were set according to a personality factor of their members (extroversion). The goal of the studies is to check whether the extroversion degree of the teams (accordingly to the extroversion degree of their members) affects, on one hand, the global quality of the software products developed and, on the other hand, the satisfaction perceived by the members of the teams while developing those products. In this work, we present the results of the replication and the aggregation of both studies. As a main conclusion, all these results strengthen the conclusion obtained in the original controlled experiment. This conclusion states that balancing the number of extroverted and nonextroverted students in a team-work, makes the overall satisfaction level achieved to be the highest while the quality of the software products developed is not reduced

    Determinación de los índices de salud nutricional de la leche fresca de bovino mediante espectroscopía de infrarrojo cercano

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    Bovine milk is one of the most complete foods that exist. During the last decades, milk FA have shown to improve human health due to the reduction in risk of cardiovascular disease and related pathologies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) reflectance analysis to predict the nutritional value, fatty acid (FA) composition, and health index of fresh milk from dairy cows of pastoral systems. The prediction of Atherogenicity and Thrombogenicity indexes, along with other FA ratios in fresh milk samples by NIRS were precise and accurate. In addition, the calibration model obtained by NIRS provides an opportunity for the routine quantification of milk’s healthy FA such as omega-3 and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), with applications in the dairy industry for food labeling, and at the farm level for management of the dairy cow’s diet.La leche bovina es uno de los alimentos más completos que existe. Durante la última década, se ha demostrado que los ácidos grasos de la leche pueden mejorar la salud humana, a través de la reducción del riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares y patologías asociadas. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la factibilidad del análisis de reflectancia NIRS para predecir valor nutricional, composición de ácidos grasos e índices de salud de leche fresca de vacas de sistemas lecheros pastoriles. La predicción por NIRS del índice aterogénico y trombogénico, de ácidos grasos en muestras de leche fresca, fueron precisos. Por tanto, el modelo de calibración obtenido por NIRS representa una oportunidad para la cuantificación rutinaria de los ácidos grasos saludables de la leche como omega-3 y CLA, con aplicaciones en la industria lechera para el etiquetado nutricional y a nivel de lechería para el manejo de la alimentación de las vacas

    Exploration of the treatment of fish-canning industry effluents by aqueous-phase reforming using Pt/C catalysts

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    In the current work, an exploratory study on the application of catalytic aqueous phase reforming (APR) to the treatment of fish-canning wastewater was performed for the first time. Pt/C (3%, w) catalysts were supported on different commercial carbon supports (two activated carbons and a carbon black) and tested in the APR of tuna-cooking wastewater. The effect of the supports and the reaction systems (batch vs. semi-continuous) on the performance of the catalysts was tested. The stability of the catalysts upon 3 successive reuse cycles was checked. TOC and COD removal ranged within 45-60%, which was ascribed to adsorption on the supports, hydrothermal carbonization and APR. The percentage of valuable gases (H2 and alkanes) reached up to 18% of the gas production showing the potential of APR for the valorization and treatment of wastewater. The production of gases is affected by the high chloride, acetate and phosphate concentrations, which may provoke catalyst deactivation. The use of a catalyst with a basic support significantly increased the production of gases and the H2 percentage in the gas fraction. Gas production was higher in semi-continuous compared to batch operation, maybe because the withdrawn gas displaces the reaction towards the products. The percentage of alkanes in the gas phase decreased upon successive catalyst reuse cycles at the expense of H2, which is probably due to sintering of Pt nanoparticles with the corresponding decrease of the number of low-coordinated Pt sites promoting methanation reactionsThe authors greatly appreciate financial support from Spanish MINECO (CTQ2015-65491-R). A. S. Oliveira thanks the Spanish MINECO for a research grant (BES-2016-077244

    Generation and Distribution of Quantum Oblivious Keys for Secure Multiparty Computation

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    The oblivious transfer primitive is sufficient to implement secure multiparty computation. However, secure multiparty computation based only on classical cryptography is severely limited by the security and efficiency of the oblivious transfer implementation. We present a method to efficiently and securely generate and distribute oblivious keys by exchanging qubits and by performing commitments using classical hash functions. With the presented hybrid approach, quantum and classical, we obtain a practical and high-speed oblivious transfer protocol, secure even against quantum computer attacks. The oblivious distributed keys allow implementing a fast and secure oblivious transfer protocol, which can pave the way for the widespread of applications based on secure multiparty computation.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    KIBS Innovative Entrepreneurship Networks on Social Media

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    The analysis of the use of social media for innovative entrepreneurship in the context has received little attention in the literature, especially in the context of Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS). Therefore, this paper focuses on bridging this gap by applying text mining and sentiment analysis techniques to identify the innovative entrepreneurship reflected by these companies in their social media. Finally, we present and analyze the results of our quantitative analysis of 23.483 posts based on eleven Spanish and Italian consultancy KIBS Twitter Usernames and Keywords using data interpretation techniques such as clustering and topic modeling. This paper suggests that there is a significant gap between the perceived potential of social media and the entrepreneurial behaviors at the social context in business-to-business (B2B) companies

    A Method Based on a Nonlinear Generalized Heisenberg Algebra to Study the Molecular Vibrational Spectrum

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    We propose a method, based on a Generalized Heisenberg Algebra (GHA), to reproduce the anharmonic spectrum of diatomic molecules. The theoretical spectrum generated by GHA allows us to fit the experimental data and to obtain the dissociation energy for the carbon monoxide molecule. Our outcomes are more accurate than the standard models used to study molecular vibrations, namely the Morse and the qq-oscillator models and comparable to the perturbed Morse model proposed by Huffaker \cite{hf}, for the first experimental levels. The dissociation energy obtained here is more accurate than all previous models
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