209,704 research outputs found

    Telegram from Maria Joao Sande Lemos, Social Democratic Party of Portugal, to Geraldine Ferraro

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    Telegram from Maria Joao Sande Lemos, Social Democratic Party of Portugal, to Geraldine Ferraro. Telegram has handwritten notes.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/vice_presidential_campaign_correspondence_1984_international/1363/thumbnail.jp

    Web 2.0: plataforma para la reconfiguración de la educación en la cibercultura

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    Este artículo busca reflexionar sobre el momento cibercultural contemporáneo y las nuevas posibilidades para la enseñanza-aprendizaje ofrecidas por la emergencia de la Web y su reconfiguración en Web 2.0. En ese sentido, establece relaciones entre los principios de la cibercultura (Lemos E. & Levy, 2010; Lemos, 2005; Lemos, 2003) y el contexto educacional. Evidencia posibilidades y recursos para la reconfiguración de la práctica pedagógica en la cibercultura. Propone que los dispositivos digitales y las redes de comunicación sean utilizados con intención pedagógica y al servicio de la promoción de la ciudadanía en la cultura digital.This paper discusses cyberculture and new possibilities for teaching and learning offered by the emergence of Web and its evolution to Web 2.0. It relates the principles of cyberculture (Lemos & Levy, 2010; Lemos, 2003; Lemos, 2005) to education. It evidences opportunities and resources for the reconfiguration of pedagogical practice in cyberculture. It proposes that digital devices and communication networks are used with intent to promote learning and citizenship in the digital culture

    Civil Challenges to the Use of Low-Bid Contracts for Indigent Defense

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    In recent years, increasing attention has been directed to the problem of adequate representation for indigent criminal defendants. While overwhelming caseloads and inadequate funding plague indigent defense systems of all types, there is a growing consensus in the legal community that low-bid contract systems-under which the state or locality\u27s indigent defense work is assigned to the attorney willing to accept the lowest fee-pose particularly serious obstacles to effective representation. In this Note, Margaret Lemos argues that the problems typical of indigent defense programs in general-and low-bid contract systems in particular-can and should be addressed through § 1983 civil actions alleging that systemic defects in the state or locality\u27s chosen method for providing indigent defense services constitute a violation of indigent defendants\u27 constitutional right to effective assistance of counsel Lemos concludes that, by addressing the causes of ineffective assistance, such an approach can achieve positive change in a way that case-by-case adjudication of postconviction claims of ineffective assistance cannot

    ATIVIDADES de pesquisa e transferência de tecnologia realizadas em parceria entre Embrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros e Empresa Baiana de Desenvolvimento Agrícola: região nordeste da Bahia anos agrícolas 2005 e 2006.

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    bitstream/CPATC-2009-09/20204/1/Doc-140.pdfEmbrapa Tabuleiros Costeiros: Edson Diogo Tavares; Hélio Wilson Lemos de Carvalho; Emanuel Richard de Carvalho Donald; Ivênio Rubens de Oliveira, Francisco Elias Ribeiro; Semíramis Rabelo Ramalho Ramos; José Raimundo Fonseca Freitas; José Gouveia de Figueiroa. Empresa Baiana de Desenvolvimento Agrícola: Sandra Lúcia Lemos de Carvalho; Benedito Carlos Lemos de Carvalho; Edson Alva; Jilvan Silva de Anchieta; Paulo Roberto Nunes; aldeir Vieira Santos; Raimundo Maia; José Jario Gama de Macedo; Luiz Gonzaga Lima

    Civil Challenges to the Use of Low-Bid Contracts for Indigent Defense

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    In recent years, increasing attention has been directed to the problem of adequate representation for indigent criminal defendants. While overwhelming caseloads and inadequate funding plague indigent defense systems of all types, there is a growing consensus in the legal community that low-bid contract systems-under which the state or locality\u27s indigent defense work is assigned to the attorney willing to accept the lowest fee-pose particularly serious obstacles to effective representation. In this Note, Margaret Lemos argues that the problems typical of indigent defense programs in general-and low-bid contract systems in particular-can and should be addressed through § 1983 civil actions alleging that systemic defects in the state or locality\u27s chosen method for providing indigent defense services constitute a violation of indigent defendants\u27 constitutional right to effective assistance of counsel Lemos concludes that, by addressing the causes of ineffective assistance, such an approach can achieve positive change in a way that case-by-case adjudication of postconviction claims of ineffective assistance cannot

    Prestación y eficiencia en la provisión de los servicios municipales: Comarca de Lemos

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    [Resumen]: Este trabajo trata de estudiar la fusión por integración de los municipios que configuran la Comarca de Lemos (Monforte de Lemos, Bóveda, O Saviñao, Sober, Pantón y A Pobra do Brollón) en un solo municipio. Las causas de este estudio se deben a los problemas actuales de eficiencia y sostenibilidad de estas Administración Locales, sobretodo en pequeños municipios. Estos problemas con los que conviven las Haciendas Locales, son debidos a múltiples factores y de un origen muy dispar: demográficos, socio-económicos, de prestación de los servicios públicos y presupuestarios, para ello realizaremos un estudio de los distintos municipios en dichos aspectos. Para dar respuesta a esta problemática, la fusión de municipios puede ser una buena alternativa, puesto que ello podría mejorar la provisión y accesibilidad a los servicios públicos locales, la maximización de éstos, una mayor recaudación y el adelgazamiento de la Administración Pública. Para evitar con los efectos derivados de la hipotética fusión municipal que integran la Comarca de Lemos, en uno solo, Terras de Lemos, provoquen incertidumbre y malestar, es necesario un estudio detallado y completo del medio analizado que ofrezca conclusiones lo suficientemente precisas para decidir si es viable o no, dicha fusión.[Abstract]: This work tries to study the merger for integration of the municipalities that form the Region of Lemos (Monforte de Lemos, Bóveda, O Saviñao, Sober, Pantón and A Pobra do Brollón) in one township. The causes of this study are due to the current problems of efficiency and sustainability of this Local Administration, especially in small municipalities. These problems are being generated at the local level, are derived from multiple factors and different origin: the demographic problems, socio-economic, provision of public services and budget, to do this we will make a study of the various municipalities in these aspects. In response to this problem, the combination of municipalities can be a good alternative, which could improve the supply and acces of public local services, the maximization of these services, higher tax collections and the thinning of the Public Administration. To prevent the measures arising from the hypothetical merger of the municipalities that put be together the Region of Lemos, in one single, Terras de Lemos, cause uncertainty and unease, it is necessary a detailed and complete study that offering conclusions sufficiently precise to decide whether it is feasible or not, that unity.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.ECO). ADE. Curso 2015/201

    Radiation-Dominated Quantum Friedmann Models

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    Radiation-filled Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universes are quantized according to the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner formalism in the conformal-time gauge. Unlike previous treatments of this problem, here both closed and open models are studied, only square-integrable wave functions are allowed, and the boundary conditions to ensure self-adjointness of the Hamiltonian operator are consistent with the space of admissible wave functions. It turns out that the tunneling boundary condition on the universal wave function is in conflict with self-adjointness of the Hamiltonian. The evolution of wave packets obeying different boundary conditions is studied and it is generally proven that all models are nonsingular. Given an initial condition on the probability density under which the classical regime prevails, it is found that a closed universe is certain to have an infinite radius, a density parameter Ω=1\Omega = 1 becoming a prediction of the theory. Quantum stationary geometries are shown to exist for the closed universe model, but oscillating coherent states are forbidden by the boundary conditions that enforce self-adjointness of the Hamiltonian operator.Comment: 18 pages, LaTex, to appear in J. Math. Phy

    Service to the king and loyalty to the duke: The Castro family in the faction of the Duke of Lerma

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    The Castro family, Counts of Lemos since the Middle Ages, reached the zenith of its power and prestige during the reign of Philip III. The political link generated by the marriage between the sixth Count of Lemos and one of the Duke of Lerma’s sisters allowed the sons of the couple to play a leading role within the faction led by the favourite of the King. The article aims to compare the work of the seventh and the eighth Count of Lemos, especially during their viceregal mandates in the Italian lands, highlighting the way in which they were able to contribute to the faction’s objectives and strategies. This comparison will show how, in the factions of early modern Europe, characters of very different abilities and ambitions could act together, being used each and every time according to their own skills and the needs of their families and alliesLos Castro, condes de Lemos desde la Edad Media, tuvieron su época de mayor poder y prestigio durante el reinado de Felipe III. El vínculo político generado por el matrimonio entre el VI conde de Lemos y una de las hermanas del duque de Lerma permitió que los hijos de la pareja jugaran un papel importante dentro de la facción liderada por el favorito del rey. El artículo tiene como objetivo comparar el trabajo del VII y del VIII conde de Lemos, especialmente durante sus mandatos virreinales en tierras italianas, poniendo de relieve de qué manera fueron capaces de contribuir a los objetivos y estrategias de la facción. Esta comparación mostrará cómo, en las facciones de la Europa moderna, personajes de muy diferentes capacidades y ambiciones podían actuar juntos, siendo utilizados cada vez de acuerdo con sus propias habilidades y con las necesidades de sus familias y sus aliados