695 research outputs found

    Subsidiary capability upgrading and parent-subsidiary relationship: insights from a Chinese acquisition in the UK

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    Purpose: - This study aims to explore capability upgrading of EMNE’s subsidiaries in developed countries and how the parent-subsidiary relationship influences such upgrading. Design/methodology/approach: - The study adopts an interdisciplinary approach to capability upgrading of EMNEs subsidiaries in developed countries. It employs a single case study to explore this under-research area. Finding: - the analysis challenges the orthodox view and suggests broad based capability upgrading has taken place in the EMNE acquired subsidiaries ranging from product, process, functional to intersectoral. In addition, the capability upgrading was contingent on the degree of subsidiary autonomy and subsidiary mandates. Originality/value: - This study represents one of the first to examine capability upgrading and parent-subsidiary relationship in the context of EMNEs’ internationalisation activities

    Sero-prevalence of HIV among patients with cervical cancer managed at the Tikur Anbassa Hospital Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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    Background: Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the world. Globally, according to the 2010 report, 493,243 women diagnosed with cervical cancer and 273, 505 of them died from the disease. It is also the commonest gynecologic cancer in the Ethiopian women. Ethiopia is one of the Sub- Saharan African countries with high HIV prevalence. Studies done in different parts of the world demonstrated clear association between HIV and premalignant cervical lesions but studies on HIV prevalence in invasive cervical cancer are few and showed a wide range of variations. Objective: To determine the sero-prevalence of HIV among patients with histologically confirmed cervical cancer in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Design: A facility based cross-sectional descriptive study. Setting: Tikur Anbassa hospital, Addis Ababa, the only comprehensive cancer treatment center in Ethiopia. Main variables: Prevalence of HIV, mean age, diagnosis of cervical cancer. Materials and methods: All newly diagnosed, and biopsy proven uterine cervical cancer patients who were managed at Tikur Anbassa hospital records were sought. The records were identified perused and those found to fulfil study entry criteria were evaluated and information collected using structured questionnaire. Data required from each study subject included; socio-demographic, reproductive characteristics and clinical information. Data was then pooled, screened and entered in SPSS. The results were computed and presented in the form of; tables and figures, mean with standard deviation and proportion for quantitative and qualitative statistic respectively. T-test for equality, Chi-square test, and logistic regression were used to measure associations. Significance level was set at P value of 0.05.Result: Of the 255 subjects studied, majority has late clinical stage and squamous cell carcinoma histologically, 64.7% and 92.5% respectively. Similarly,34 out of the 255 were positive for HIV, making the overall sero-prevalence rate of 13.3%. The mean age of the total study population was 46 ±10.55 years. Significant difference was observed in the mean age of cervical cancer occurrence for HIV infected cases compared to the non-infected, 37.01 ± 6.7 and 48.23±10.26 years, respectively (p=000). HIV status and CD4 count were not shown to have any association with clinical stage and histologic variants. Having more than one lifetime sex partner and age less than 40 years were independently shown to have significant association with HIV sero-positivity. Mean CD4 count of the HIV positive subjects was 442.2±251.27. Conclusion and recommendation: In this study HIV infected women with cervical cancer were 8 to 14 years younger than HIV- negative women with cervical cancer. The disease stage and histology were not different in both groups, and without evidence of advanced disease in immune compromised state. It is recommending that further larger scale multicenter study, to explore the reasons for the younger age of occurrence of invasive cervical cancer in patients with HIV/AIDS

    Pathways to improved nutrition in the Ethiopian Highlands

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    United States Agency for International Developmen


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    This study aims to determine the nutritional quality and digestibility value of dry matter and organic matter of local feed. The research was carried out at the Nutrition and Animal Feed Laboratory of the Kupang State Agricultural Polytechnic for 2 months. The variables observed were nutrient quality and dry matter and organic matter digestibility in vitro.The results of the analysis showed the average nutrient content of local feed ingredients, namely gamal leaf (BK 93.77%), putak flour (BO 90.33%), fish meal (PK 43.45%), fish meal (LK 4.61% ), rice bran (SK 29.84%), fish meal (KA 39.44%). Thehighest organic matter digestibility was in putak flour 66.47%, followed by fish meal 57.76%, gamal leaf 56.42%, corn husks 47.52%, and rice bran 40.78%. The conclusion of this study is that local feed ingredients for goats, namely rice bran, corn husks, fish meal, putak flour and gamal leaves can be recommended as animal feed.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas nutrien dan nilai kecernaan bahan kering dan bahan organik pakan lokal. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Nutrisi dan Pakan Ternak Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Kupang selama 2 bulan. Variabel yang diamati adalah kualitas nutrien serta kecernaan bahan kering dan bahan organik secara in vitro. Hasil analisis menunjukkan rata-rata kandungan nutrien bahan pakan lokal yaitu daun gamal (BK 93,77%), tepung putak (BO 90,33%), tepung ikan (PK 43,45%), tepung ikan (LK 4,61%), dedak padi (SK 29,84%), tepung ikan (KA 39,44%). Kecernaan bahanorganik tertinggi ada pada tepung putak 66,47%, diikuti tepung ikan 57,76%, daun gamal 56,42%, klobot jagung 47,52%, dan dedak padi sebesar 40,78%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahan pakan lokal untuk ternak kambing yaitu dedak padi, klobot jagung, tepung ikan, tepung putak dan daun gamal dapat direkomendasikan sebagai pakan terna

    Assessing the severity and the incidence of Cassava Root Necrosis Disease (CRND) in western Democratic Republic of Congo

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    Open Access ArticleCassava is the staple food in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where both the roots and leaves are consumed. This crop is susceptible to several viral diseases, including Cassava Mosaic Disease(CMD) and Cassava Brown Streak Disease(CBSD) in eastern DRC. Following earlier studies that show root necrosis occurring in western DR Care not due to CBSD but to Cassava Root Necrosis Disease (CRND), an exploratory survey was conducted in western DRC from 2016 to 2017 in order to determine the distribution, the severity and the incidence of this disease (previously known as CBSD-like disease). NGS ( Next Generation Sequencing) results confirmed all the previous negative results obtained using PCR and CBSV primers. This suggests that microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi could be responsible for cassava root necrosis in western DRC and is not CBSD as predicted. Five provinces (Bas-Congo, Kinshasa, Bandundu, Equateur and Kasai-Oriental) were surveyed and data were collected according to the harmonized protocols adopted by countries within the West African Virus Epidemiology (WAVE) project. Statistical tests (ANOVA) performed on our data showed that CRND severity did not vary significantly among the provinces of Kinshasa, Bandundu and Bas-Congo which are the areas most affected by the disease. Bas-Congo and Kinshasa provinces presented the highest maximum disease severity (score 3 and 5 respectively), while Equateur province had the lowest disease severity score. Equateur province also had the highest percentage of healthy plants and few plants presented mild symptoms. The overall average of cassava root necrosis severity in western DRC ranged around 1.88 ± 0.08, an approximate score of 2. The overall mean incidence of CRND in western DRC was 22.24 ± 2.4% but reached 100% in localities considered as hotspots (Lukuakua in Bas-Congo and Nguma in Plateau des Batékés). The behaviour of cassava varieties against CRND is similar with CBSD in East Africa, most of improved varieties and landraces are susceptible to both diseases. Correlation analyses showed a positive correlation (r = 0.6940) between severity and incidence of CRND. Therefore, Bas-Congo province is the most affected province, while the province of Equateur is the least affected province in western DRC. Further investigations, including genomic surveillance, should also be conducted in the eastern DRC where CBSD is confirmed to know if CRND is found in conjunction with CBSD and to report possible instances of mixed infections. For medium-term disease control, our study suggests that the development and deployment of control measures including cultivars with resistance to CRND and CBSD should be a priority

    Dying two deaths - programmed cell death regulation in development and disease

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    Programmed cell death (PCD) is a fundamental cellular process that has adopted a plethora of vital functions in multicellular organisms. In plants, PCD processes are elicited as an inherent part of regular development in specific cell types or tissues, but can also be triggered by biotic and abiotic stresses. Although over the last years we have seen progress in our understanding of the molecular regulation of different plant PCD processes, it is still unclear whether a common core machinery exists that controls cell death in development and disease. In this review, we discuss recent advances in the field, comparing some aspects of the molecular regulation controlling developmental and pathogen-triggered PCD in plants

    Nutrition: Africa RISING science, innovations and technologies with scaling potential from the Ethiopian highlands

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    United States Agency for International Developmen

    Ceftaroline in complicated skin and skin-structure infections

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    Ceftaroline is an advanced-generation cephalosporin antibiotic recently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of complicated skin and skin-structure infections (cSSSIs). This intravenous broad-spectrum antibiotic exerts potent bactericidal activity by inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis. A high affinity for the penicillin-binding protein 2a (PBP2a) of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) makes the drug especially beneficial to patients with MRSA cSSSIs. Ceftaroline has proved in multiple well-conducted clinical trials to have an excellent safety and efficacy profile. In adjusted doses it is also recommended for patients with renal or hepatic impairment. Furthermore, the clinical effectiveness and high cure rate demonstrated by ceftaroline in cSSSIs, including those caused by MRSA and other multidrug-resistant strains, warrants its consideration as a first-line treatment option for cSSSIs. This article reviews ceftaroline and its pharmacology, efficacy, and safety data to further elucidate its role in the treatment of cSSSIs

    Gonadal Hormones Rapidly Enhance Spatial Memory and Increase Hippocampal Spine Density in Male Rats

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    17β-estradiol (E(2)) rapidly, within minutes, activates behaviors and cognition by binding to membrane estrogen receptors, activating cell signaling cascades and increasing dendritic spines. In female rodents, E(2) enhances spatial memory within 2–4 hours, and spine density is increased in the CA1 area of the hippocampus within 30–60 minutes. Although chronic gonadal hormone treatments in male rats alter cognition and spines/spine synapses and acute hormone effects occur in hippocampal slices, effects of acute, in vivo hormone administration in males are unknown. Therefore, we assessed rapid effects of E(2) (20 μg/kg) and testosterone (T) (750 μg/kg) on spatial memory using the object placement task and on hippocampal spine density using Golgi impregnation. Orchidectomized rats received hormones immediately after the training trial and were tested for retention 2 hours later. Vehicle-injected orchidectomized males spent equal time exploring objects in the old and new locations, but E(2-) or T-treated subjects spent more time exploring objects at the new location, suggesting enhanced memory. Both hormones also increased spine density in CA1, but not the dentate gyrus, by 20%–40% at 30 minutes and 2 hours after injections. This report is the first, to our knowledge, to show E(2) and T enhancements of memory and spine density within such a short time frame in male rats

    Cytokine secretion in breast cancer cells – MILLIPLEX assay data

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    © 2019 The Author(s) Metastatic breast cancer is the most advanced stage of breast cancer and the leading cause of breast cancer mortality. Although understanding of the cancer progression and metastasis process has improved, the bi-directional communication between the tumor cell and the tumor microenvironment is still not well understood. Breast cancer cells are highly secretory, and their secretory activity is modulated by a variety of inflammatory stimuli present in the tumor microenvironment. Here, we characterized the cytokine expression in human breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231, MCF-7, T-47D, and BT-474) in vitro using 41 cytokine MILLIPLEX assay. Further, we compared cytokine expression in breast cancer cells to those in non-tumorigenic human breast epithelial MCF-10A cells
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