82 research outputs found

    Operationalising Senian capability approach by modelling human development

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    Abstract: In this paper we model sustainable human development as intended in Sen’s capability approach in a system dynamic framework. Our purpose is to verify the variations over time of some achieved functionings, due to structural dynamics and to variations of the institutional setting and instrumental freedoms (IF Vortex). The model is composed of two sections. The ‘Left Side’ one points out the ‘demand’ for functionings in an ideal world situation. The real world one, on the ‘Right Side’ indicates the ‘supply’ of functionings that the socio-economic system is able to provide individuals with. The general model, specifically tailored for Italy, can be simulated over desired time horizons: for each time period, we carry out a comparison between ideal world and real world functionings. On the basis of their distances, the model simulates some responses of decision makers. These responses, in turn influenced by institutions and instrumental freedoms, ultimately affect the dynamics of real world functionings, i.e. of sustainable human development.Capabilities; Instrumental Freedoms; Sustainable Human Development

    Exploring patterns of beta‐diversity to test the consistency of biogeographical boundaries: A case study across forest plant communities of Italy

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    Aim To date, despite their great potential biogeographical regionalization models have been mostly developed on descriptive and empirical bases. This paper aims at applying the beta-diversity framework on a statistically representative data set to analytically test the consistency of the biogeographical regionalization of Italian forests. Location Italy. Taxon Vascular plants. Methods Forest plant communities were surveyed in 804 plots made in a statistically representative sample of forest communities made by 201 sites of Italian forests across the three biogeographical regions of the country: Alpine, Continental, and Mediterranean. We conducted an ordination analysis and an analysis of beta-diversity, decomposing it into its turnover and nestedness components. Results Our results provide only partial support to the consistency of the biogeographical regionalization of Italy. While the differences in forest plant communities support the distinction between the Alpine and the other two regions, differences between Continental and Mediterranean regions had lower statistical support. Pairwise beta-diversity and its turnover component are higher between- than within-biogeographical regions. This suggests that different regional species pools contribute to assembly of local communities and that spatial distance between-regions has a stronger effect than that within-regions. Main conclusions Our findings confirm a biogeographical structure of the species pools that is captured by the biogeographical regionalization. However, nonsignificant differences between the Mediterranean and Continental biogeographical regions suggest that this biogeographical regionalization is not consistent for forest plant communities. Our results demonstrate that an analytical evaluation of species composition differences among regions using beta-diversity analysis is a promising approach for testing the consistency of biogeographical regionalization models. This approach is recommended to provide support to the biogeographical regionalization used in some environmental conservation polices adopted by EU

    Novel mutation in the ligand‐binding domain of the androgen receptor gene (1790p) associated with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome

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    Mutations in the X-linked androgen receptor (AR) gene cause androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS), resulting in an impaired embryonic sex differentiation in 46,XY genetic men. Complete androgen insensitivity (CAIS) produces a female external phenotype, whereas cases with partial androgen insensitivity (PAIS) have various ambiguities of the genitalia. Mild androgen insensitivity (MAIS) is characterized by undermasculinization and gynecomastia. Here we describe a 2-month-old 46,XY female patient, with all of the characteristics of CAIS. Defects in testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) synthesis were excluded. Sequencing of the AR gene showed the presence in exon 6 of a T to C transition in the second base of codon 790, nucleotide position 2369, causing a novel missense Leu790Pro mutation in the ligand-binding domain of the AR protein. The identification of a novel AR mutation in a girl with CAIS provides significant information due to the importance of missense mutations in the ligand-binding domain of the AR, which are able to induce functional abnormalities in the androgen binding capability, stabilization of active conformation, or interaction with coactivators

    The comparative analysis of Mediterranean coastal communities: six case studies

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    The aim of this study is to promote cooperation and actions for the benefit of coastal communities on the Southern and Eastern shores of the Mediterranean region by adopting an approach that integrates environmental, economic and social dimensions. These areas are traditionally based on Fisheries, especially small-scale fisheries (SSFs), which contribute to strengthen social cohesion, in that the seafood value chains still represent the backbone of the coastal economy. The six coastal communities analysed in this paper are located in Algiers port - Casbah (Algeria), Marsa Matrouh (Egypt), Tricase (Italy), Tyre (Lebanon), Nador Lagoon (Morocco), Zarzis (Tunisia). Conclusions emphasise the need to develop a comprehensive reference system for dialogue, cooperation and capacity building both at national and regional level. The cluster approach can help create a favourable cooperation and competition environment, generating income and employment opportunities for local communities.Le but de cette \ue9tude est de promouvoir la coop\ue9ration et des actions en faveur des communaut\ue9s c\uf4ti\ue8res sur les rives Sud et Est de la M\ue9diterran\ue9e, en adoptant une approche qui int\ue8gre les dimensions environnementale, \ue9conomique et sociale. Cette r\ue9gion est traditionnellement ax\ue9e sur la p\ueache, et notamment la petite p\ueache, qui contribue \ue0 renforcer la coh\ue9sion sociale, car les cha\ueenes de valeur des produits de la mer constituent encore la colonne vert\ue9brale de l\u2019\ue9conomie c\uf4ti\ue8re. Les six communaut\ue9s c\uf4ti\ue8res examin\ue9es dans ce travail sont situ\ue9es \ue0 la Casbah- port d\u2019Alger (Alg\ue9rie), \ue0 Marsa Matrouh (Egypte), \ue0 Tricase (Italie), Tyre (Liban), dans la lagune de Nador (Maroc) et \ue0 Zarzis (Tunisie). Dans les conclusions, l\u2019accent est mis sur l\u2019importance de structurer un syst\ue8me de r\ue9f\ue9rence global pour encourager le dialogue, la coop\ue9ration et le d\ue9veloppement des capacit\ue9s \ue0 l\u2019\ue9chelle nationale et r\ue9gionale. Le mod\ue8le du cluster pourrait contribuer \ue0 cr\ue9er un environnement de coop\ue9ration et comp\ue9tition favorable, g\ue9n\ue9rant des revenus et des emplois au niveau des communaut\ue9s locales

    Platelet Function Testing in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke: An Observational Study

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    Background: The measurement of platelet reactivity in patients with stroke undergoing antiplatelet therapies is not commonly performed in clinical practice. We assessed the prevalence of therapy responsiveness in patients with stroke and further investigated differences between patients on prevention therapy at stroke onset and patients naive to antiplatelet medications. We also sought differences in responsiveness between etiological subtypes and correlations between Clopidogrel responsiveness and genetic polymorphisms. Methods: A total of 624 stroke patients on antiplatelet therapy were included. Two different groups were identified: "non-naive patients", and "naive patients". Platelet function was measured with multiple electrode aggregometry, and genotyping assays were used to determine CYP2C19 polymorphisms. Results: Aspirin (ASA) responsiveness was significantly more frequent in naive patients compared with non-naive patients (94.9% versus 82.6%, P < .0010). A better responsiveness to ASA compared with Clopidogrel or combination therapy was found in the entire population (P < .0010), in non-naive patients (P < .0253), and in naive patients (P < .0010). Multivariate analysis revealed a strong effect of Clopidogrel as a possible "risk factor" for unresponsiveness (odds ratio 3.652, P < .0001). No difference between etiological subgroups and no correlations between responsiveness and CYP2C19 polymorphisms were found. Conclusion: In our opinion, platelet function testing could be potentially useful in monitoring the biological effect of antiplatelet agents. A substantial proportion of patients with stroke on ASA were "resistant", and the treatment with Clopidogrel was accompanied by even higher rates of unresponsiveness. Longitudinal studies are needed to assess whether aggregometry might supply individualized prognostic information and whether it can be considered a valid tool for future prevention strategies

    Operationalising Senian capability approach by modelling human development

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    Abstract: In this paper we model sustainable human development as intended in Sen’s capability approach in a system dynamic framework. Our purpose is to verify the variations over time of some achieved functionings, due to structural dynamics and to variations of the institutional setting and instrumental freedoms (IF Vortex). The model is composed of two sections. The ‘Left Side’ one points out the ‘demand’ for functionings in an ideal world situation. The real world one, on the ‘Right Side’ indicates the ‘supply’ of functionings that the socio-economic system is able to provide individuals with. The general model, specifically tailored for Italy, can be simulated over desired time horizons: for each time period, we carry out a comparison between ideal world and real world functionings. On the basis of their distances, the model simulates some responses of decision makers. These responses, in turn influenced by institutions and instrumental freedoms, ultimately affect the dynamics of real world functionings, i.e. of sustainable human development

    Operationalising Senian capability approach by modelling human development

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    Abstract: In this paper we model sustainable human development as intended in Sen’s capability approach in a system dynamic framework. Our purpose is to verify the variations over time of some achieved functionings, due to structural dynamics and to variations of the institutional setting and instrumental freedoms (IF Vortex). The model is composed of two sections. The ‘Left Side’ one points out the ‘demand’ for functionings in an ideal world situation. The real world one, on the ‘Right Side’ indicates the ‘supply’ of functionings that the socio-economic system is able to provide individuals with. The general model, specifically tailored for Italy, can be simulated over desired time horizons: for each time period, we carry out a comparison between ideal world and real world functionings. On the basis of their distances, the model simulates some responses of decision makers. These responses, in turn influenced by institutions and instrumental freedoms, ultimately affect the dynamics of real world functionings, i.e. of sustainable human development

    CYP1A1 Variability In Human Populations

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    The human cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1) enzyme plays an important role in the metabolism of xenobiotics and endogenous substrates. Because polymorphisms within the CYP1A1 gene have been shown to be associated with various cancer risks and with the predicting clinical efficacy of some chemotherapies in different populations, most studies focus on their clinical significance. We, however, were interested in evaluating whether the polymorphisms could be used to distinguish human populations. Four single nucleotide CYP1A1 polymorphisms (rs4646903/ g.75011641; rs1048943/g.75012985; g.75012235; and rs1799814/ g.75012987) were analysed via PCR-RFLP assay in 1,195 individuals of various human groups from all over the world. In order to gain a more complete view of the genetic variability of the CYP1A1 gene, different statistical analyses were performed upon the populations of the present study and upon the limited data gleaned from previously studied populations. The allele and haplotype frequencies vary among populations: the rs4646903 (C) and rs1048943 (G) have been found to be nearly always linked and were found at the highest frequencies in Native Americans, while the variant associated to the position g.75012235 was only detected in certain African populations. Our work clearly indicates that the CYP1A1 polymorphisms differ among populations and that the prediction of genotypes constitutes an important aspect of precision medicine since some variants were associated with certain cancers and rs1048943 show strong association with optimized chemotherapy. Moreover, the CYP1A1 gene plays an important role in the metabolism of xenobiotics and it is likely that its frequencies could be strongly influenced by environmental factors

    miRNAs Expression Analysis in Paired Fresh/Frozen and Dissected Formalin Fixed and Paraffin Embedded Glioblastoma Using Real-Time PCR

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    miRNAs are small molecules involved in gene regulation. Each tissue shows a characteristic miRNAs epression profile that could be altered during neoplastic transformation. Glioblastoma is the most aggressive brain tumour of the adult with a high rate of mortality. Recognizing a specific pattern of miRNAs for GBM could provide further boost for target therapy. The availability of fresh tissue for brain specimens is often limited and for this reason the possibility of starting from formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissue (FFPE) could very helpful even in miRNAs expression analysis. We analysed a panel of 19 miRNAs in 30 paired samples starting both from FFPE and Fresh/Frozen material. Our data revealed that there is a good correlation in results obtained from FFPE in comparison with those obtained analysing miRNAs extracted from Fresh/Frozen specimen. In the few cases with a not good correlation value we noticed that the discrepancy could be due to dissection performed in FFPE samples. To the best of our knowledge this is the first paper demonstrating that the results obtained in miRNAs analysis using Real-Time PCR starting from FFPE specimens of glioblastoma are comparable with those obtained in Fresh/Frozen samples

    Contribution à une meilleure connaissance de la biologie, la distribution et la diversité des espÚces démersales le long de la cÎte libanaise, Méditerranée orientale : un focus sur les espÚces de poissons lesseptiennes

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    The aim of this study was to contribute to a better knowledge of demersal species in the Lebanese coastal waters, Eastern Mediterranean. Various aspect related to the distribution, diversity and biology of these species were studied. The data were collected from a three-year experimental survey in the framework of the ‘CIHEAM-PESCA Libano project’. A highly diversified mix of fish species (teleosteans and selaceans), cephalopods and crustaceans were sampled. Spatio-temporal distribution and diversity was evaluated respectively using the ‘Catch Per Unit Effort’ which was considered as an approximation of an abundance index and the total number of species caught in the surveys.L’objectif de cette Ă©tude Ă©tait de contribuer Ă  une meilleure connaissance des espĂšces dĂ©mersales dans les eaux cĂŽtiĂšres libanaises en MĂ©diterranĂ©e orientale. DiffĂ©rents aspects relatifs Ă  la distribution, la diversitĂ©, et la biologie de ces espĂšces ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© collectĂ©es Ă  partir de captures expĂ©rimentales dans le cadre du projet ‘CIHEAM-PESCA Libano’. Un mĂ©lange hautement diversifiĂ© d'espĂšces de poissons (tĂ©lĂ©ostĂ©ens et sĂ©laciens), de cĂ©phalopodes et de crustacĂ©s, ainsi que de organismes macro-benthiques ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©chantillonnĂ©s. La distribution spatio-temporelle et la diversitĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©es respectivement Ă  l'aide de la ‘capture par unitĂ© d'effort’ qui a Ă©tĂ© assimilĂ©e Ă  un indice d’abondance et du nombre total d'espĂšces capturĂ©es dans les relevĂ©s.Des relations longueur-poids ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablies pour plusieurs espĂšces prĂ©sentant un nombre d’individus suffisant. Finalement, l'accent a Ă©tĂ© portĂ© sur la biologie et l'Ă©cologie d'une espĂšce lesseptienne et exploitĂ©e, l’holocentre rouge, Sargocentron rubrum. Cette Ă©tude constitue une premiĂšre Ă©tape dans la gestion des pĂȘches et la conservation dans cette rĂ©gion
