99 research outputs found

    Motorcycle Potential Problems in Jakarta

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    After the economic crisis in 1997, motorcycles become a popular transport mode in Indonesian cities.However this condition leads to large number of violation and accident rate. This study tried to discuss howthis problem started and what possible measure can be taken to solve the problems, mainly based on literaturereview. The traffic data used were compiled from the data provided by PT Pamintori Cipta. Interview surveywas conducted to find people perception of motorcycles issues. The conclusion suggests that there is a needof further comprehensive study to find out what condition that makes motorcyclists voluntary return to usepublic transport and social engineering and intensive training program should be implemented for youngergeneration to improve traffic condition in Jakarta


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    After the economic crisis in 1997, motorcycles become a popular transport mode in Indonesian cities.However this condition leads to large number of violation and accident rate. This study tried to discuss howthis problem started and what possible measure can be taken to solve the problems, mainly based on literaturereview. The traffic data used were compiled from the data provided by PT Pamintori Cipta. Interview surveywas conducted to find people perception of motorcycles issues. The conclusion suggests that there is a needof further comprehensive study to find out what condition that makes motorcyclists voluntary return to usepublic transport and social engineering and intensive training program should be implemented for youngergeneration to improve traffic condition in Jakarta.Keywords : motorcycle violation, traffic safety, and public transport


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    After the economic crisis in 1997, motorcycles become a popular transport mode in Indonesian cities.However this condition leads to large number of violation and accident rate. This study tried to discuss howthis problem started and what possible measure can be taken to solve the problems, mainly based on literaturereview. The traffic data used were compiled from the data provided by PT Pamintori Cipta. Interview surveywas conducted to find people perception of motorcycles issues. The conclusion suggests that there is a needof further comprehensive study to find out what condition that makes motorcyclists voluntary return to usepublic transport and social engineering and intensive training program should be implemented for youngergeneration to improve traffic condition in Jakarta.Keywords : motorcycle violation, traffic safety, and public transport

    Koefisien Distribusi Kendaraan Untuk Perancangan Tebal Perkerasan Lentur Di Mataram, Bandung, Dan Surabaya

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    A comprehensive knowledge regarding vehicle distribution can be utilized to adjust vehicle distribution coefficient (C) on the Manual of Indonesian Flexible Pavement Design (SKBI- This paper discusses the effect of city characteristics, lane configuration, and flow level on vehicle distribution in urban road lanes. Three cities were observed, i.e. Mataram, Bandung, and Surabaya. Ten road links were observedwhich consist of six 4 lanes-2 ways and four 6 lanes-2 ways divided roads. Surveys were carried out for 24 hours of a normal working day. Traffic counts were grouped every 15 minutes per direction, per lane for 3 vehicle types. i.e. light vehicle, heavy vehicle, and motorcycle. T-test of mean differences was used as a technique for analysis. The results show that the design lane was the most right lane and the values of C in Mataram, Bandung, and Surabaya were higher than those on the Manual

    Sebaran Posisi Sepeda Motor Di Jalur Jalan Pada Berbagai Kondisi Arus Lalulintas

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    Tingkat kepemilikan sepeda motor di Indonesia tergolong tinggi. Keberadaan sepeda motor dalam jumlah besar tersebut menyebabkan operasi lalulintas yang rumit dan cenderung berbahaya. Untuk memahami potensi bahaya ini, diperlukan analisis sebaran posisi sepeda motor pada jalur jalan pada berbagai situasi lalulintas. Observasi pada penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Jalan Kyai Tapa, Jakarta Barat, pada jam sibuk pagi (7.00-10.00), tengah hari (11.00-13.00), dan sore (14.30-17.30) pada arah tersibuk. Observasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan handycam dari atas jembatan penyeberangan yang melintang di atas jalan yang diobservasi. Pada saat penayangan hasil liputan kamera, monitor televisi diberi tanda pada tiap jalur, untuk memisahkannya menjadi lima sektor tiap lajur. Jumlah sepeda motor yang berada pada tiap sektor didata tiap periode waktu 5 menit. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa nilai rasio volume terhadap kapasitas (rasio V/C) sebagian besar berkisar antara 0,5 hingga 0,8 dengan komposisi kendaraan yang cenderung konstan. Akibatnya sulit dilihat korelasi yang valid antara rasio V/C dan komposisi kendaran dengan sebaran posisi sepeda motor.Kata


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bukti empiris terkait pengaruh managerial ownership, family ownership, firm size dan firm risk terhadap firm value pada perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Pada penelitian ini populasi yang digunakan adalah seluruh perusahaan yang terdaftar di BEI selama kurun waktu tahun 2008. Sampel dipilih dengan menggunakan proporsional random sampling dan diperoleh 100 perusahaan dalam periode tahun 2008. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan bantuan program SPSS 15.0 for Windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bukti empiris bahwa managerial ownership tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap firm value, sehingga hipotesis I tidak didukung. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga tidak berhasil membuktikan hipotesis II dimana family ownership tidak berpengaruh signfikan terhadap firm value. Selanjutnya, hasil penelitian berhasil membuktikan hipotesis III dimana firm size berpengaruh signifikan terhadap firm value. Terakhir, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bukti empiris bahwa firm risk tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap firm value, sehingga hipotesis IV tidak didukung. Penelitian ini mempunyai beberapa keterbatasan. Pertama, penelitian ini dilakukan pada seluruh jenis industri pada perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia sehingga dapat memunculkan bias karena perbedaan karakteristik jenis industri. Kedua, penelitian ini belum dapat membuktikan pengaruh kepemilikan keluarga dan kepemilikan manajerial serta risiko perusahaan terhadap nilai perusahaan. Dengan berbagai keterbatasan tersebut dapat berpengaruh pada hasil penelitian ini dan dapat dijadikan dasar pengembangan bagi penelitian berikutnya. Kata Kunci: managerial ownership, family ownership, firm size, firm risk, firm value

    Satisfaction Level of the Blind on Urban Transportation System in Greater Jakarta

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    The availability of transportation infrastructure and facilities accessible for people with disability is required to provide convenience for people with disability in conducting daily activities independently. Data collection was conducted on a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with of 13 blind people as subjects of research. They are members of Indonesian Visually Impaired Union (PERTUNI). Other sources of data were field observation and secondary data of design and service standards. Transportation related to blind people on this reseacrh consisted of Urban Railway System and Transjakarta Bus Rapid Transit System. Observation, FGD, and the study of design and service standards of the railway station include type of information service, ticket counter, tap card equipment, priority seats, and toilets. Observation, FGD, and the study of design and service standards of Transjakarta line includes pedestrian facilities, stairs, guiding block, type of service information, officers, convenience of Transjakarta boarding/ alighting, and TJ card. In general blind people in Greater Jakarta have not been provided with easiness and accessible urban public transport mode since universal design principle have not been totally adopted, e.g. in terms of gap between train and station platform, auditory information in the bus, gender identification of toilets, conditon of guiding blocks et

    Tingkat Ketaatan Pengemudi Sepeda Motor Dalam Penggunaan Lajur Jalan Pada Berbagai Kondisi Arus Lalulintas

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    A rapid increase of motorcycle ownership in the last twenty years made a decline to the road safety. This condition led Jakarta government to announce a policy for motorcycles to ride on leftmost lane on the road effectively by January 2007. Therefore, this paper analyzes the obedient of motorcyclist to the policy after about 4 months officially announced in various traffic conditions. This paper analysis is based on the 24 hours observation on both directions of Letjen. S. Parman Arterial Road using video recorder. First of all the distribution of motorcycles across the lanes are analyzed. Furthermore, the percentages of motorcycle in the leftmost lane on different time periods and different V/Cs are compared using t-test. Additionally a Pearson correlation analysis is also conducted between the percentage of motorcycle in the leftmost lane and several other variables. The results shows about 46 percent of motorcyclists obey the policy. The analysis also shows that there are significant differences between the obedience of motorcyclists in the 10.00-16.00 observation periods and in the 22.00-06.00 observation period
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