710 research outputs found

    Разработка низкопроницаемых коллекторов с помощью горизонтальных скважин с многостадийным гидроразрывом пласта на нефтяном месторождении "А" (Томская область)

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    Современное состояние работ в области разработки месторождений с низкопроницаемыми коллекторами показывает, что использование горизонтальных скважин с многостадийным гидравлическим разрывом пласта является одним из наиболее эффективных и современных методов вовлечения в разработку месторождений с трудноизвлекаемыми запасами, эксплуатация которых с помощью системы наклонно-направленных скважин малоэффективна и нерентабельна. Как правило дебиты нефти горизонтальных скважин с многостадийным гидравлическим разрывом пласта значительно выше дебитов наклонно-направленных скважин с ГРП. В данной работе проведены исследования по определению оптимального расстояния между трещинами многостадийного гидравлического разрыва пласта, подобрана оптимальная длина ГС и расстояние между рядами добывающих и наThe current state of work in the field of development of deposits with low-permeability reservoirs shows that the use of horizontal wells with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing is one of the most effective and modern methods of involving deposits with hard-to-recover reserves, which are inefficient and unprofitable using a system of directional wells. As a rule, the oil flow rates of horizontal wells with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing of the formation are much higher than the rates of directional wells with fracturing. In that work, studies were carried out to determine the optimal distance between the Multi-stage hydraulic fracturing cracks, the optimal length of the horizontal wells and the distance between the rows of producing and injection wells in the geological-physical condition

    Пути обеспечения эффективного использования ресурсного потенциала промышленного предприятия

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    Доказано, что одним из факторов, что обеспечит повышение эффективности использования основных средств на предприятии является рост удельного веса активной части основных средств, в частности, доли действующих машин и оборудования, что одновременно будет способствовать и увеличению объемов производства продукции за относительно малых затрат труда и соответственно увеличению фондоотдачи технологического оборудования

    Traces to the oldest flint and rock crystal mining places in the Austrian Alps

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    Recently the Institute of Archaeology (Dep. of Pre- and Protohistory) of the University of Innsbruck has undertaken excavation work in the Kleinwalsertal (Vorarlberg). Actually all sites and finds belong to the Mesolithic period. The lithic artefacts are made to a large extend from a red and green radiolarite which has been mined in the very close surroundings. Finds of corresponding raw material in the river gravel of the valley led to the primary layers on precipitous slopes in an altitude of 1600 meters. This place can therefore be defined as the oldest and highest mining site in the Alps. From the actual explorations we can deduce that the so called fresh raw material was stroken off in form of steps. In 2007 a mining tool corresponding to a stone-hammer could be found. The raw-material is of good quality and the localized rich natural deposits in this area permits a kind of small supplying center for the western region of Austrian Alps in the Mesolithic age. Other studies were conducted in the Lechtaler Alps and in the Rofan Mountains in the upper and respectively in the lower Inn Valley of the Tyrol. There Silex resources appear in great quantities so that prehistoric mining is to be expected. Further exploration work is done in the Tuxer Alps where big quartz clefts show traces of prehistoric extractions of rock-crystal.Les travaux de ces dernières décennies ont révélé ques les chasseurs-cueilleurs de l’époque postglaciaire avaient occupé de manière intensive toute la région des Alpes, que ce soit dans les vallées, en moyenne altitude ou vers les sommets. Pour fabriquer leurs outils en pierre, ils puisaient alors dans les différents types de chert. Les outils de meilleure qualité parcouraient souvent de longues distances avec leur propriétaire. Mais où trouver des mines où extraire ces précieux matériaux ? Contrairement aux excavations néolithiques que l’on retrouve dans toutes les Alpes, il n’y a pratiquement pas de traces datant du Mésolithique dans cette région des Alpes autrichiennes. Les travaux récents conduisent à s’intéresser aux zones calcaires du Tyrol et du Vorarlberg. L’institut d’archéologie (département de pré- et protohistoire) de l’Université d’Innsbruck vient de commencer une campagne de fouilles dans le Kleinwalsertal (Vorarlberg). Tous les sites et les objets trouvés remontent de fait à la période mésolithique. Les artefacts lithiques sont pour la plupart fabriqués à partir d’une radiolarite rouge et verte, extraite dans des mines voisines. Les matériaux bruts correspondants trouvés dans le gravier de rivière de la vallée nous ont conduits aux couches primaires présentes sur les pentes escarpées, à 1 600 m d’altitude. Un outil de mineur (maillet en pierre) a été mis au jour sur place en 2007, ce qui pourrait permettre de conclure à la présence, à l’époque Mésolithique, d’un petit centre d’approvisionnement pour la partie occidentale des Alpes autrichiennes. D’autres études ont été effectuées dans les Alpes du Lechtal ainsi que dans les Montagnes du Rofan, se situant dans la vallée supérieure et inférieure de l’Inn au Tyrol. Dans ces régions, des affleurements de silex sont fréquents, une exploitation préhistorique est très probable. D’autres recherches ont lieu dans les Alpes de Tux, où des failles alpines avec présence de cristal de roche démontrent aussi l’évidence d’une exploitation préhistorique

    Simulations of CMOS pixel sensors with a small collection electrode, improved for a faster charge collection and increased radiation tolerance

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    CMOS pixel sensors with a small collection electrode combine the advantages of a small sensor capacitance with the advantages of a fully monolithic design. The small sensor capacitance results in a large ratio of signal-to-noise and a low analogue power consumption, while the monolithic design reduces the material budget, cost and production effort. However, the low electric field in the pixel corners of such sensors results in an increased charge collection time, that makes a fully efficient operation after irradiation and a timing resolution in the order of nanoseconds challenging for pixel sizes larger than approximately forty micrometers. This paper presents the development of concepts of CMOS sensors with a small collection electrode to overcome these limitations, using three-dimensional Technology Computer Aided Design simulations. The studied design uses a 0.18 micrometer process implemented on a high-resistivity epitaxial layer.Comment: Proceedings of the PIXEL 2018 Worksho

    Development and Implementation of an Online Kraft Black Liquor Viscosity Soft Sensor

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    The recovery and recycling of the spent chemicals from the kraft pulping process are economically and environmentally essential in an integrated kraft pulp and paper mill. The recovery process can be optimised by firing high-solids black liquor in the recovery boiler. Unfortunately, due to a corresponding increase in the liquor viscosity, in many mills, black liquor is fired at reduced solids concentration to avoid possible rheological problems. Online measurement, monitoring and control of the liquor viscosity are deemed essential for the recovery boiler optimization. However, in most mills, including those in New Zealand, black liquor viscosity is not routinely measured. Four batches of black liquors having solids concentrations ranging between 47 % and 70 % and different residual alkali (RA) contents were obtained from Carter Holt Harvey Pulp and Paper (CHHP&P), Kinleith mill, New Zealand. Weak black liquor samples were obtained by diluting the concentrated samples with deionised water. The viscosities of the samples at solids concentrations ranging from 0 to 70 % were measured using open-cup rotational viscometers at temperatures ranging from 0 to 115 oC and shear rates between 10 and 2000 s-1. The effect of post-pulping process, liquor heat treatment (LHT) on the liquors’ viscosities was investigated in an autoclave at a temperature >=180 oC for at least 15 mins. The samples exhibit both Newtonian and non-Newtonian behaviours depending on temperature and solids concentration; the onsets of these behaviours are liquor-dependent. In conformity with the literature data, at high solids concentrations (> 50 %) and low temperatures, they exhibit shear-thinning behaviour with or without thixotropy but the shear-thinning/thixotropic characteristics disappear at high temperatures (>= 80 oC). Generally, when the apparent viscosities of the liquors are 50 %, viscosity decreases with increasing RA content of the liquor. This shows that the RA content of black liquor can be manipulated to control the viscosity of high-solids black liquors. The LHT process had negligible effect on the low-solids liquor viscosity but led to a significant and permanent reduction of the high-solids liquor viscosity by a factor of at least 6. Therefore, the incorporation of a LHT process into an existing kraft recovery process can help to obtain the benefits of high-solids liquor firing without a concern for the attending rheological problems. A variety of the existing and proposed viscosity models using the traditional regression modelling tools and an artificial neural network (ANN) paradigm were obtained under different constraints. Hitherto, the existing models rely on the traditional regression tools and they were mostly applicable to limited ranges of process conditions. On the one hand, composition-dependent models were obtained as a direct function of solids concentration and temperature, or solids concentration, temperature and shear rate; the relationships between these variables and the liquor viscosity are straight forward. The ANN-based models developed in this work were found to be superior to the traditional models in terms of accuracy, generalization capability and their applicability to a wide range of process conditions. If the parameters of the resulting ANN models can be successfully correlated with the liquor composition, the models would be suitable for online application. Unfortunately, black liquor viscosity depends on its composition in a complex manner; the direct correlation of its model parameters with the liquor composition is not yet a straight forward issue. On the other hand, for the first time in the Australasia, the limitations of the composition-dependent models were addressed using centrifugal pump performance parameters, which are easy to measure online. A variety of centrifugal pump-based models were developed based on the estimated data obtained via the Hydraulic Institute viscosity correction method. This is opposed to the traditional approaches, which depend largely on actual experimental data that could be difficult and expensive to obtain. The resulting age-independent centrifugal pump-based model was implemented online as a black liquor viscosity soft sensor at the number 5 recovery boiler at the CHHP&P, Kinleith mill, New Zealand where its performance was evaluated. The results confirm its ability to effectively account for variations in the liquor composition. Furthermore, it was able to give robust viscosity estimates in the presence of the changing pump’s operating point. Therefore, it is concluded that this study opens a new and an effective way for kraft black liquor viscosity sensor development