10 research outputs found

    Work relations reforms : Brazil and Mexico

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    Orientadores: Marcia de Paula Leite, Angela Maria Carneiro AraujoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias HumanasResumo: As transformações registradas no mundo do trabalho ao longo das últimas décadas têm sido acompanhadas de um amplo debate sobre a necessidade de se reformar o aparato legal que regula as relações de trabalho, tanto no Brasil quanto no México. Porém, o conteúdo destas reformas está longe de ser consensual, colocando em campos opostos os defensores de uma simples desregulamentação dos mercados de trabalho e os que defendem uma profunda reforma sindical, que leve ao fortalecimento da representação dos trabalhadores e a ampliação de sua autonomia de negociação. Entre os primeiros, predomina o diagnóstico segundo o qual a inadequação do atual sistema de regulação trabalhista deriva de sua excessiva rigidez, que impede o livre funcionamento dos mercados, causando distorções que resultam em desemprego. Esta argumentação parte de concepções teóricas liberais, que ganharam força a partir das décadas de 70 e 80, num contexto de ampla reestruturação capitalista. A segunda corrente de pensamento argumenta que esta mesma reestruturação resultou numa maior sujeição do trabalho em relação ao capital, sendo que as reformas trabalhistas seriam necessárias, no sentido de restabelecer certo equilíbrio de forças que teria caracterizado a fase capitalista anterior. No entanto, nos casos brasileiro e mexicano, tal "equilíbrio de forças" jamais foi estabelecido, em função das limitações decorrentes dos processos de industrialização destes países, que conduzidos pelo Estado, reproduziram as assimetrias sociais desde sempre existentes, em ambos os casos. Neste contexto é que foram criados os sistemas sindicais corporativos, estabelecidos sob a tutela do Estado, e que representam hoje um dos muitos desafios enfrentados pelos trabalhadores, que desde os anos 1990, têm sido submetidos a uma deterioração das condições de trabalho, em função dos processos de abertura econômica que passaram a ser adotados, sob a lógica da globalização. Tal lógica é reforçada pelas reformas de cunho neoliberal que têm sido recomendadas por organismos internacionais como panacéia curativa para todos os males econômicos, mas que implicam o abandono dos modelos de industrialização voltadas para o mercado interno, em troca de uma inserção subordinada na nova ordem econômica mundial, marcada por divisão internacional do trabalho desfavorável aos paises em desenvolvimentoAbstract: Changes in the world of labor, registered in the last few decades, have been followed by a wide debate about the need to reform de legal apparatus which regulates work relations in Brazil as well as in Mexico. But the content of such reform is far from being consensual, placing in opposite fields the defenders of a simple deregulation of work markets and those who defend a broad union reform, which would lead to the strengthening of workers representation and the broadening of their negotiation autonomy. Among the first dominates the diagnosis according to which the inadequacy of the current work regulation system comes from its excessive stiffness, which prevents free markets from working and causes distortions that lead to unemployment. Such line of thought originates in liberal theoretical conceptions which gained momentum in the 1970s and 1980s in a context of broad capitalist restructuring. The second line of thought argues that this same restructuring resulted in a stronger subjection of work to capital and that the work reforms would be necessary to restore the preexisting balance. However, in the Mexican and Brazilian cases, such balance has never been established due to limitations caused by the industrialization processes in these countries. Conducted by the state, they reproduced the social unbalances which have always existed in both cases. The corporate union systems were created in this context, established and tutored by the state, and represent today one of the many challenges faced by the workers who, since the 1980s, have been subject to the deterioration of work conditions due to the economic opening processes that took place under the new globalization logic. Such logic is reinforced by the so called neoliberal reforms which have been recommended by multilateral international agencies as a healing panacea for all economic evils. However, they implicate the forsaking of industrialization processes aimed at the internal market for a subordinated insertion in the new world economic order, marked by an international work division unfavorable to the developing countriesDoutoradoCiencias SociaisDoutor em Ciências Sociai

    Poder econômico e extraeconômico do agro latifundiário no Brasil

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    The agrarian issue in Brazil is marked by the subordination of agriculture to the logic of capital accumulation, with its tendency to concentrate the ownership of land and means of production. Even though in more recent decades the hegemony of agribusiness in the Brazilian countryside has altered the former patterns of capital accumulation, our hypothesis is that economic and extra-economic power of large estate agricultural production is a structural and structuring element of (and in) the Brazilian agrarian issue, more notably for the connections established, peacefully or forcedly, between economy and politics. That said, this paper aims to bring to light the fact that, even if capable of change in its appearance, the large estate agricultural production in Brazil remains essentially an amplified process of capital accumulation, given its capacity - legal or otherwise - of private and concentrated appropriation of land and public funds. Therefore, we demonstrate in our work the shaping up of a trend that even when presented as a badge of modernity is sustained by the economic, political and coercitive force that land ownership gives a certain fraction of the dominating class.A questão agrária brasileira é marcada pela subordinação da agricultura à lógica do capital, com sua tendência à concentração da propriedade da terra e dos meios de produção. Nas décadas mais recentes, a hegemonia do agronegócio no rural brasileiro alterou padrões anteriores de acumulação de capital, todavia, nossa hipótese é que o poder econômico e extraeconômico do agro latifundiário no país é um elemento estrutural e estruturante da (e na) questão agrária brasileira, notadamente pelas imbricações que se estabelecem, pacífica ou coercitivamente, entre economia e política. Dito isso, o objetivo desse artigo é evidenciar que, mesmo passível de alterações na aparência, o agro latifundiário brasileiro mantém, dialeticamente sua essência no processo de acumulação ampliada de capital, por meio de sua capacidade – legal ou não – de apropriação privada e concentrada da terra e de fundos públicos. Configura-se assim, como buscamos demonstrar ao longo do trabalho, uma dinâmica que, mesmo apresentada como síntese da modernidade, se sustenta pela força econômica, política e coercitiva que a propriedade da terra confere a uma determinada fração da classe dominante

    Reformas trabalhistas em pauta: Brasil e México

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    RESUMO Objetiva expor um panorama geral das propostas de reforma trabalhista que têm sido elaboradas, no Brasil e no México, a partir do debate sobre a necessidade – ou não – de adequar as atuais legislações trabalhistas a um novo contexto das relações entre capital e trabalho. Argumenta que, não obstante a gestão da força de trabalho já esteja sendo flexibilizada à revelia da legislação em vigor, as discussões sobre a alteração no conjunto de leis são caracterizadas por amplo dissenso. Palavras-chave: Reforma trabalhista. Brasil. México. Relação capital e trabalho. Flexibilização. ABSTRACT The objective of this work is to present an overview of proposed labor reforms that have developed in Brazil and Mexico. From that background the author considers the debate over the need - or lack thereof - to adapt the current labor laws to the new context of relations between capital and labor.The author argues that despite the already easing management climate of the workforce in defiance of current legislation, discussions about changing the set of laws are characterized by ample dissent. Keywords: Labor reform. Brazil. Mexico. Capital and labor relations. Labor flexibility

    Inovações gerenciais e sua conotação politica : bancarios em São Paulo nos anos 90 : um estudo de caso

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    Orientador: Angela Maria Carneiro de AraujoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias HumanasResumo: A reestruturação produtiva é um processo que tem transformado as relações de trabalho nas últimas décadas e colocado o movimento sindical diante de grandes desafios. Longe de estar restrito ao setor industrial, este fenômeno atinge hoje amplas esferas econômicas, políticas e sociais. O setor financeiro, mais especificamente o setor bancário, tem sido palco de um dos mais acentuados processos de reestruturação econômica e reorientação estratégica registradas no bojo da reestruturação produtiva mundial. No Brasil este processo foi ainda mais radical se levarmos em conta as transformações causadas no setor bancário nacional pela estabilização macroeconômica e a pela abertura do setor aos grandes grupos financeiros internacionais, nos anos 90. As mudanças registradas no cotidiano de trabalho dos bancos tem contribuído para a formação de um novo perfil ideal de trabalhador. Mais jovem e escolarizado, este passa a ter que desenvolver novas qualificações, como a flexibilidade, a polivalência e a capacidade de relacionamento, entre outras. Esta nova realidade, associada às muitas inovações gerenciais que acompanham todo o processo, tem um potencial desmobilizador da atividade sindical, ao incentivar o individualismo meritocrático e colaborar para a mudança de atitude dos bancários em relação à ação coletiva. Esta mudança aponta para adoção de uma lógica individualista em detrimento daquela que pregava a solidariedadeAbstract: In the past decades, labor relationships have been transformed by the restructuring of production, a process in which the trade unions have been faced with great new challenges. Far from being restricted to the industrial sector, these changes have had far reaching consequences in economy, politics and society. Part of a worldwide process of production restructuring, the economic restructuring and strategy reorientation processes that have affected the financial sector, and the banks more specifically, has been one of the strongest ever seen. In Brazil, it has been still more radical if we consider the transformations in the national banking sector caused by macroeconomic stabilization and the opening to big international financial groups, in the 1990s. The changes registered in the daily work of the banks has contributed to shape a new "ideal profile" for the employee. Younger and better educated, the new professional has to develop new qualifications, such as flexibility, being able to perform many different functions, and ability to work in a team, among others. This new reality, added to the many managerial innovations that come with the process, have the potential effect of lessening union activity: they stimulate meritocratic individualism and help change the employees' attitude towards group action. This change suggests the adoption of an individualist logic in detriment of one preaching solidarityMestradoMestre em Ciência Polític

    Reforma trabalhista e relações de trabalho no Brasil: por quem os sinos dobram?

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    2017 labor reforms are the most far-reaching change Brazilian Labor Laws (CLT) has undergone since its launch. This article compares the new laws and the position on the subject by the CNI and DIEESE, entities which represent two of the most affected social groups: industrial bosses and workers. Based on the framework of neoclassical economics and Dunlop’s studies on Industrial Relations Systems, it is demonstrated that the reform directly serves the employers’ interests, to the detriment of points of view put forward by the workers' entity, reflecting a very unfavourable correlation of forces to the latter, and casting doubt on the explanatory power of Dunlop’s “balanced” systems. The method consists of presenting changes in the legislation, contrasting them with the entities’ positions. There is 100% convergence between the new laws and CNI’s view on the matter, with broad rejection by DIEESE, which indicates the logic behind the reforms: the (neoclassical) recommendation for flexibility in the labor market, an argument that is dear to the bosses, but problematized by several academic studies in work relations field.As reformas trabalhistas de 2017 são a mais abrangente alteração sofrida pela CLT desde seu lançamento. Este artigo compara as novas leis e o posicionamento sobre o tema por parte da CNI e do DIEESE, entidades que representam dois dos grupos sociais mais afetados: patrões industriais e trabalhadores. A partir do referencial da economia neoclássica e dos estudos de Dunlop sobre Sistemas de Relações Industriais, demonstra-se que a reforma atende diretamente aos interesses patronais, em detrimento dos pontos de vista colocados pela entidade dos trabalhadores, refletindo uma correlação de forças muito desfavorável a estes últimos, e lançando dúvidas sobre a capacidade explicativa dos sistemas “equilibrados” de Dunlop. O método consiste em apresentar as alterações na legislação, contrastando-as com o posicionamento das entidades. Verifica-se 100% de convergência entre as novas leis e a visão da CNI, com ampla rejeição por parte do DIEESE, o que indica a lógica por trás das reformas: a recomendação (neoclássica) de flexibilização do mercado de trabalho, argumento caro ao patronato, mas problematizado por váriosestudos acadêmicos na área das relações de trabalho

    Economía social y solidaria en la educación superior: un espacio para la innovación (Tomo 3)

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    The third and last volume of the collection Social and Solidarity Economy in Higher Education: A Space for Innovation presents curricular experiences in universities in Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Portugal, and Spain. It begins with the systematization of an experience that emerged in the late 1970s in Colombia, which has inspired the creation of subsequent formal and non-formal programs to strengthen the theory and practice of solidarity economy in the territories. Then, the training activities of the SSE in the classroom were linked to mathematics and its contributions to the popular economy. In the line of curriculum development, its two chapters show the innovative contribution of the teaching of the social economy in a master’s degree in Portugal and of the production of knowledge through undergraduate projects and projects in Colombian universities. The following chapters explore the aesthetic experiences in the solidarity economy, as well as the role that virtual education plays in the development of entrepreneurial skills. Finally, Brazil once again provides an example of the capacity of universities for solidarity entrepreneurship and innovation (the LabEcosol experience and its impacts on the territory).La crisis social por la que atraviesa la civilización occidental ha demandado la definición de estrategias por parte de las instituciones educativas, los gobiernos y las organizaciones de la sociedad civil —entre ellas, las de la economía social y solidaria— para crear condiciones que propicien una mejora en la calidad de vida y el desarrollo sostenible. En este contexto, algunas universidades han incluido a la economía solidaria en su currículo, lo que ha dado origen, en algunos casos, a ecosistemas en los cuales las funciones misionales de investigación, educación y extensión se articulan, lo que, a su vez, genera un impacto tanto en la cultura institucional como en las organizaciones y el territorio donde se desarrollan. El tercer y último tomo de la colección Economía social y solidaria en la educación superior: un espacio para la innovación expone experiencias curriculares en universidades de Colombia, Brasil, Argentina, Portugal y España. Inicia con la sistematización de una experiencia que surge a finales de los años setenta en Colombia, que ha inspirado la creación de posteriores programas formales y no formales para fortalecer la teoría y la práctica de la economía solidaria en los territorios. Después, las actividades formativas de la ess en el aula se vinculan con las matemáticas y sus aportes a la economía popular. En la línea de desarrollo curricular, sus dos capítulos muestran el aporte innovador de la enseñanza de la economía social en una maestría en Portugal y de la producción de conocimiento a través de trabajos de grado y proyectos en universidades colombianas. Los siguientes capítulos exploran las experiencias estéticas en la economía solidaria, así como el papel que juega la educación virtual para el desarrollo de competencias emprendedoras. Finalmente, Brasil vuelve a dar ejemplo de la capacidad de las universidades para el emprendimiento solidario y la innovación (la experiencia LabEcosol y sus impactos en el territorio)

    Brazilian Flora 2020: Leveraging the power of a collaborative scientific network

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    International audienceThe shortage of reliable primary taxonomic data limits the description of biological taxa and the understanding of biodiversity patterns and processes, complicating biogeographical, ecological, and evolutionary studies. This deficit creates a significant taxonomic impediment to biodiversity research and conservation planning. The taxonomic impediment and the biodiversity crisis are widely recognized, highlighting the urgent need for reliable taxonomic data. Over the past decade, numerous countries worldwide have devoted considerable effort to Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), which called for the preparation of a working list of all known plant species by 2010 and an online world Flora by 2020. Brazil is a megadiverse country, home to more of the world's known plant species than any other country. Despite that, Flora Brasiliensis, concluded in 1906, was the last comprehensive treatment of the Brazilian flora. The lack of accurate estimates of the number of species of algae, fungi, and plants occurring in Brazil contributes to the prevailing taxonomic impediment and delays progress towards the GSPC targets. Over the past 12 years, a legion of taxonomists motivated to meet Target 1 of the GSPC, worked together to gather and integrate knowledge on the algal, plant, and fungal diversity of Brazil. Overall, a team of about 980 taxonomists joined efforts in a highly collaborative project that used cybertaxonomy to prepare an updated Flora of Brazil, showing the power of scientific collaboration to reach ambitious goals. This paper presents an overview of the Brazilian Flora 2020 and provides taxonomic and spatial updates on the algae, fungi, and plants found in one of the world's most biodiverse countries. We further identify collection gaps and summarize future goals that extend beyond 2020. Our results show that Brazil is home to 46,975 native species of algae, fungi, and plants, of which 19,669 are endemic to the country. The data compiled to date suggests that the Atlantic Rainforest might be the most diverse Brazilian domain for all plant groups except gymnosperms, which are most diverse in the Amazon. However, scientific knowledge of Brazilian diversity is still unequally distributed, with the Atlantic Rainforest and the Cerrado being the most intensively sampled and studied biomes in the country. In times of “scientific reductionism”, with botanical and mycological sciences suffering pervasive depreciation in recent decades, the first online Flora of Brazil 2020 significantly enhanced the quality and quantity of taxonomic data available for algae, fungi, and plants from Brazil. This project also made all the information freely available online, providing a firm foundation for future research and for the management, conservation, and sustainable use of the Brazilian funga and flora

    The ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider: a description of the detector configuration for Run 3

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    Abstract The ATLAS detector is installed in its experimental cavern at Point 1 of the CERN Large Hadron Collider. During Run 2 of the LHC, a luminosity of  ℒ = 2 × 1034 cm-2 s-1 was routinely achieved at the start of fills, twice the design luminosity. For Run 3, accelerator improvements, notably luminosity levelling, allow sustained running at an instantaneous luminosity of  ℒ = 2 × 1034 cm-2 s-1, with an average of up to 60 interactions per bunch crossing. The ATLAS detector has been upgraded to recover Run 1 single-lepton trigger thresholds while operating comfortably under Run 3 sustained pileup conditions. A fourth pixel layer 3.3 cm from the beam axis was added before Run 2 to improve vertex reconstruction and b-tagging performance. New Liquid Argon Calorimeter digital trigger electronics, with corresponding upgrades to the Trigger and Data Acquisition system, take advantage of a factor of 10 finer granularity to improve triggering on electrons, photons, taus, and hadronic signatures through increased pileup rejection. The inner muon endcap wheels were replaced by New Small Wheels with Micromegas and small-strip Thin Gap Chamber detectors, providing both precision tracking and Level-1 Muon trigger functionality. Trigger coverage of the inner barrel muon layer near one endcap region was augmented with modules integrating new thin-gap resistive plate chambers and smaller-diameter drift-tube chambers. Tile Calorimeter scintillation counters were added to improve electron energy resolution and background rejection. Upgrades to Minimum Bias Trigger Scintillators and Forward Detectors improve luminosity monitoring and enable total proton-proton cross section, diffractive physics, and heavy ion measurements. These upgrades are all compatible with operation in the much harsher environment anticipated after the High-Luminosity upgrade of the LHC and are the first steps towards preparing ATLAS for the High-Luminosity upgrade of the LHC. This paper describes the Run 3 configuration of the ATLAS detector.</jats:p