14 research outputs found

    Diferentes estilos de afrontamiento al estrés entre trabajadores de la Generación Y en empresas en Ciudad Juárez

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    ResumenObjetivo: Determinar los estilos de afrontamiento al estrés de trabajadores de la Generación Y (millennials) que laboran en Ciudad Juárez.Metodología: Estudio descriptivo transversal incluyendo una muestra de trabajadores de la Generación Y que laboran en empresas en Ciudad Juárez.Resultados: los principales estilos de afrontamiento al estrés reportados en los trabajadores son los enfocados a la resolución de problema. No se encontró una diferencia significativa por género.Discusión: Los resultados son coincidentes con estudios previos donde se observa una variedad de estilos de afrontamiento. No se observaron valores altos en los estilos de afrontamiento enfocados en la emoció


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    In recent years a large number of organizations, both public and private, have implemented downsizing, with the aim of improving productivity, efficiency and competitiveness. But studies show that the results are not always as expected, with firms reporting negative effects among their workers in terms of stress, uncertainty, insecurity and fear of losing their jobs. The current work investigates the relation between internal communication, job satisfaction and organizational commitment in firms implementing this change strategy. Results show that internal communication has a positive effect on job satisfaction, and that job satisfaction, in turn, has a positive effect on organizational commitment

    Syndromes of self-reported psychopathology for ages 18-59 in 29 societies

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    This study tested the multi-society generalizability of an eight-syndrome assessment model derived from factor analyses of American adults' self-ratings of 120 behavioral, emotional, and social problems. The Adult Self-Report (ASR; Achenbach and Rescorla 2003) was completed by 17,152 18-59-year-olds in 29 societies. Confirmatory factor analyses tested the fit of self-ratings in each sample to the eight-syndrome model. The primary model fit index (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation) showed good model fit for all samples, while secondary indices showed acceptable to good fit. Only 5 (0.06%) of the 8,598 estimated parameters were outside the admissible parameter space. Confidence intervals indicated that sampling fluctuations could account for the deviant parameters. Results thus supported the tested model in societies differing widely in social, political, and economic systems, languages, ethnicities, religions, and geographical regions. Although other items, societies, and analytic methods might yield different results, the findings indicate that adults in very diverse societies were willing and able to rate themselves on the same standardized set of 120 problem items. Moreover, their self-ratings fit an eight-syndrome model previously derived from self-ratings by American adults. The support for the statistically derived syndrome model is consistent with previous findings for parent, teacher, and self-ratings of 11/2-18-year-olds in many societies. The ASR and its parallel collateral-report instrument, the Adult Behavior Checklist (ABCL), may offer mental health professionals practical tools for the multi-informant assessment of clinical constructs of adult psychopathology that appear to be meaningful across diverse societies

    Preferences of millennials for a pictorial scale: An opportunity to engage younger generations to participate in research studies

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    Communication tools (advertising, social media, etc.) are evolving to become increasingly more visual, driven largely by the commercial preferences of younger generations (e.g., millennials), creating promising opportunities in many areas, including research. Visuals provide an opportunity to make questionnaires and scales that are more engaging and in sync with the times. The challenge when adding visuals to questions includes choosing the best type of visual and the possibility that the changes alter the questions. Even those that are strictly visual can compromise the validity of questionnaires or scales. Visuals that include pictorial descriptions with text have been shown to be helpful and to maintain validity among those confronting communication disparities; although, studies have not specifically analized these issues among educated younger generations. The objective of this study was to analize, among college students, a pictorial and non–pictorial scale with the intent to compare psychometric properties and to study users’ preferences between the two scales. The two scale versions (pictorial vs. non pictorial) demonstrated comparable test-retest reliability and internal consistency, and performed in theoretically predicted ways. College students preferred the pictorial format versus the original text-only version and considered the pictorial format to be friendlier, clearer, and faster to complete. Pictorial descriptions added to questions might offer advantages versus other type of visuals because pictorial descriptions have been consistently shown to have a minimal effect on the psychometrics of scales, both in previous studies and in the present study. With the evolving progress of visual preferences for communication tools, using this strategy in questionnaires, surveys, and scales can offer a more up-to-date appearance to engage younger generations and possibly encourage participation in research studie

    La amenaza del plagio en el ámbito académico

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    Métodos estadísticos en artículos de administración. Diseccionar la sección de los métodos en un artículo de investigación

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    En el siguiente artículo se indican algunos pasos que se requieren para entender la sección de métodos de artículos científicos. Se habla de las diferencias entre el análisis estadístico que se utiliza cuando la muestra sigue una distribución normal

    Métodos estadísticos en artículos de administración. Diseccionar la sección de los métodos en un artículo de investigación

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    En el siguiente artículo se indican algunos pasos que se requieren para entender la sección de métodos de artículos científicos. Se habla de las diferencias entre el análisis estadístico que se utiliza cuando la muestra sigue una distribución normal

    Un estudio comparativo del estrés percibido en estudiantes de ciencias administrativas y biológicas en tiempos de violencia

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    In various studies carried out with university students, it has been considered that the primary factors that contribute to stress are: 1) the educational demands placed upon them; 2) the university environment itself; 3) the job seeking process; 4) their interpersonal relationships; and 5) emotional disorders. However, very few studies consider the probable impact that global stressors, such as an increase in local violence, will have on an individual. This study compares the perceived stress of three different university student groups from the biological and administrative sciences, including two groups measured at periods when city violence was considered extreme. The results indicate that there is an increase in the student's perceived stress in the periods when local violence has been deemed to be high. The increase is more evident in female students when compared to males, independent of the career path selected. It is important to consider the possible impact that an increase in stress might have on the student's professional formation, as well as on their short and long term health.En estudios anteriores relacionados con estudiantes universitarios se considera que los principales factores que contribuyen al estrés son las exigencias del aprendizaje, el medio universitario per se, la búsqueda de empleo, las relaciones interpersonales y los desórdenes emocionales; sin embargo, existen pocos estudios que consideran los factores globales como el aumento desmedido y por un periodo largo de la violencia en el nivel local atribuida al crimen organizado. En este estudio se comparó el estrés percibido en tres grupos de estudiantes que cursan carreras en ciencias administrativas y biológicas, en tres periodos, incluyendo dos etapas donde la violencia en la ciudad ha sido considerada como extrema. Los resultados indican que existe un incremento de estrés en los estudiantes durante los periodos donde ha aumentado la violencia en el nivel local. El incremento es más evidente en las mujeres que en los hombres, independientemente de la carrera seleccionada. Es importante considerar el posible impacto que este incremento en el estrés puede tener en su formación y salud a corto y largo plazos

    Un nuevo paradigma de la responsabilidad social corporativa: El aumento de enfermedades crónico-degenerativas en la fuerza laboral

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    The exponential increase of chronic diseases observed in Mexico in the last 20 years is poised to threaten the number of productive years of the workforce at all levels. Organizations need to consider the possibility of intervention to respond to this threat to their workforce due to the alarming increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases. This epidemic is unlikely to be controlled by medicines or vaccines but with strategies never used before and by actors that typically lack experience in the field of health. If corporations decide to intervene, it will be necessary to consider programs that could be incorporated as a new paradigm for the corporate social responsibility. This manuscript raises the need for organizations to make a contribution in preventing chronic diseases among their employees through interventional activities within their corporate social responsibility programs. In addition, we discuss the profile of the professional to be in charge of these programs, the importance of reviewing and employing successful strategies used in the past to avoid repeating the same mistakes, and the importance of considering a cost-benefit in all programmed activities.El aumento exponencial de las enfermedades crónico-degenerativas, que se han observado en México en los últimos veinte años, amenaza reducir considerablemente en el futuro el número de años productivos de los empleados de todos los niveles jerárquicos. Ante la amenaza de que su fuerza laboral se vea afectada por el aumento en la prevalencia de enfermedades crónico-degenerativas, las corporaciones necesitan considerar la posibilidad de intervención. No se vislumbra detener la epidemia con medicinas o vacunas, sino con inéditas intervenciones y actores sin experiencia en el campo de la salud. Si las empresas deciden intervenir, podrían considerar estas actividades como un nuevo paradigma de la responsabilidad social corporativa. Es por esto que en este trabajo se plantea la necesidad de que las empresas puedan contribuir a prevenir las enfermedades crónico-degenerativas de sus empleados con actividades dentro de sus programas de responsabilidad social. Se discute también el perfil del profesional que podría ser el encargado de estos programas, así como la importancia de revisar y replicar estrategias de éxito y no repetir los mismos errores y la importancia de considerar el costo-beneficio de las actividades programadas