339 research outputs found

    Kinetics of DNA Force-Induced Melting

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    Help-seeking behaviour in women diagnosed with gynaecological cancer : a systematic review

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    Pauline Williams completed this work while undertaking an NHS Research Scotland career researcher fellowship that supported salary costs.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The Effects of 5G Implementation on the Aspects of Sustainability In The Air Transportation Industry

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    The concern of 5G C-band frequency interference with global aviation operations was founded on the criticality of a single-point failure with the radio altimeter operations. The research in this report intends to highlight the severe impact of 5G C-band implementation on the air transportation industry. It focuses on one airport in the United States, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA), one of the busiest airports in the country, flying both domestically and internationally. The results show that Boeing aircraft are affected more than Airbus for 5G interference. Further, the findings show that the United States should align its 5G implementation with other countries, such as Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, France, Japan, South Korea, and the United Kingdom

    Strengthening The Efficiency of Orphan and Vulnerable Children Program Design and Implementation through Geospatial application in Nigeria

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    Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as a tool to strengthened program coordination and scale-up of Orphan and Vulnerable Children (OVC) related services in resource-limited settings remains largely untapped. Assessing geographic program coverage in its focus communities, Pact Nigeria in partnership with an indigenous community based organization, Safe Motherhood Ladies Association (SMLAS) implemented a GIS study in 8 communities across 3 Local Government Areas (LGA) of Ebonyi State. Although conventionally used in the context of vertical programs, GIS approaches can help improve service delivery outlets, extent of effective coverage and beneficiaries. About 450 children enrolled in the OVC program, were geotagged with attributes of service providers offering health, nutrition, shelter, economic strengthening, education, child-protection, legal and psycho-social support (services required in the OVC continuum of care), the geotagged ID were then linked to database containing demographics and relevant service assessment information. In-depth spatial analysis of this information led to the identification of geographic features of interest and the mapping of household, OV

    Factores Asociados a la Automedicación en Estudiantes de Enfermería Universidad Tecnológica de los Andes 2019

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    Objetivos: Determinar factores demográficos, sociales y económicos asociados a automedicación en estudiantes de enfermería UTEA Sede Abancay 2019, tipo de muestreo no probabilístico por prueba de normalidad, muestra de 269 estudiante, técnica de encuesta, herramienta de cuestionarios, prueba de concordancia entre jueces, prueba piloto y Sexo Alfa de Cronbach confiable 0.752. Resultados: el factor demográfico estado civil el 88.8% indicaron ser solteras(os), el factor social tipo de seguro el 68.8% indicaron tener SIS, el factor económico el 66.9% indicaron no tener empleo y dependencia económica el 76.2% indicaron depender de sus padres siendo estos factores asociados a la automedicación con medicamentos como analgésicos/antiinflamatorios en un 58% y 45.7%, mientras que el factor demográfico procedencia el 66.9% proceden de una zona urbana, el factor social influencia el 54.6% lo hacen por decisión propia, auto medicándose con medicamentos como analgésico/antiinflamatorio, antipirético y antibiótico en 43.9% y 34.9%, ambos factores no están asociados a la automedicación. Se usa la estadística inferencial no paramétrica: Chi Cuadrado siendo estadísticamente significativas para factor demográfico estado civil p= 0.000, factor social tipo de seguro p= 0.000, factor económico empleo p= 0.016, dependencia económica p= 0.000 y estadísticamente no significativas para factor demográfico procedencia y factor social influencia. Conclusiones: Los factores demográfico, social y económico están asociados a la automedicación

    Reading the mind's eye: Decoding category information during mental imagery

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    Category information for visually presented objects can be read out from multi-voxel patterns of fMRI activity in ventral–temporal cortex. What is the nature and reliability of these patterns in the absence of any bottom–up visual input, for example, during visual imagery? Here, we first ask how well category information can be decoded for imagined objects and then compare the representations evoked during imagery and actual viewing. In an fMRI study, four object categories (food, tools, faces, buildings) were either visually presented to subjects, or imagined by them. Using pattern classification techniques, we could reliably decode category information (including for non-special categories, i.e., food and tools) from ventral–temporal cortex in both conditions, but only during actual viewing from retinotopic areas. Interestingly, in temporal cortex when the classifier was trained on the viewed condition and tested on the imagery condition, or vice versa, classification performance was comparable to within the imagery condition. The above results held even when we did not use information in the specialized category-selective areas. Thus, the patterns of representation during imagery and actual viewing are in fact surprisingly similar to each other. Consistent with this observation, the maps of “diagnostic voxels” (i.e., the classifier weights) for the perception and imagery classifiers were more similar in ventral–temporal cortex than in retinotopic cortex. These results suggest that in the absence of any bottom–up input, cortical back projections can selectively re-activate specific patterns of neural activity

    Precision Antifungal Treatment Significantly Extends Voice Prosthesis Lifespan in Patients Following Total Laryngectomy

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    Indwelling silicone valves called voice prostheses (VPs) are the gold standard for speech rehabilitation in patients with laryngeal cancer following total laryngectomy. Reported VP lifespans amongst these patients are highly variable but when devices fail patients experience loss of voice and an increase risk of chest infection. Early failure of VP is a current clinical concern that is associated with regular hospital visits, reduced quality of life and associated medical cost. Poly-microbial biofilms comprised of both bacterial and fungal microorganisms readily colonize VPs and are linked to loss of device performance and its early failure in addition to providing a reservoir for potential infection. Our detailed analysis of poly-microbial biofilm composition on 159 early failing VPs from 48 total laryngectomy patients confirmed Candida albicans as the predominant fungal species and Staphylococcus aureus as the most common bacterial colonizer within our patient cohort. Using a combination of microbiological analysis, patient data and a high-throughput antifungal test assay mimicking in vivo conditions we established an evidence based precision antifungal treatment approach to VP management. Our approach has allowed us to implement a personalized VP management pathway, which increases device in situ lifespan by an average of 270%. Our study represents a significant step forward in both our understanding of the cause of VP failure and a new effective treatment pathway that offers tangible benefit to patients