128 research outputs found

    Can health claims made on food be scientifically substantiated? Review on satiety and weight management

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenObesity is becoming an increasing health problem and results when energy intake exceeds energy expenditure. Food has a crucial role in weight management. The new EU legislation on nutrition and health claims permits the use of weight regulation and satiety related health claims on foods, if they are based on generally accepted scientific evidence. In this review the current knowledge on food properties, that have been proposed to affect satiety and/or energy expenditure and thus might be useful in weight control are considered, as part of the project "Substantiation of weight regulation and satiety related health claims on foods" funded by the Nordic Innovation Centre. At this point the scientific evidence of the short term effects of dietary fibers and proteins in relation to satiety seems to be convincing. However, it might be challenging to make product specific satiety and weight management claims as the dose response is not always known. On the other hand two step health claims might be applied, for example rich in dietary fibre - dietary fibre can increase satiety or rich in protein - protein can increase satiety.Ný evrópsk reglugerð leyfir heilsufullyrðingar á umbúðir matvæla um áhrif innihaldsefna á seddutilfinningu og þátt þeirra við þyngdarstjórnun, að því gefnu að fullyrðingin standist kröfur um vísindalegar sannanir. Rökin fyrir reglugerðinni eru meðal annars að seddutilfinning eftir neyslu matar minnki líkur á að orkuinntaka verði meiri heldur en orkunotkun og gegni þannig hlutverki í þyngdarstjórnun. Á þann hátt er reiknað með því að geta minnkað líkur á offitu sem er vaxandi heilsufarsvandi. Í þessari yfirlitsgrein er gerð grein fyrir stöðu þekkingar á því hvernig ýmsir fæðuþættir tengjast mælikvörðum fyrir seddu og/eða orkujafnvægi. Samantektin byggist á vinnu norrænna sérfræðinga verkefnis (Substantiation of weight regulation and satiety related health claims on foods) sem styrkt var af Norrænu nýsköpunarmiðstöðinni. Nú virðast vísindalegar sannanir á skammtímaáhrifum trefja og próteina á seddu vera mest sannfærandi og gætu þar af leiðandi reynst góður kostur við þyngdarstjórnun. Hins vegar má draga í efa að unnt sé að nota fullyrðingar varðandi seddu og þyngdarstjórnun á umbúðir einstakra matvæla þar sem skammtaáhrif eru ennþá illa skilgreind á þessu sviði. Styðjast mætti við tveggja þrepa fullyrðingar á borð við trefjaríkt - trefjar auka seddu eða próteinríkt - prótein auka seddu

    The effect of fibre amount, energy level and viscosity of beverages containing oat fibre supplement on perceived satiety

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    Background: Soluble fibre has been proposed to suppress appetite-related perceptions and it could thus contribute favourably to the regulation of energy intake and the increasing obesity problem. Objective: To investigate the effect of an oat ingredient rich in β-glucan on perceived satiety at different dietary fibre (DF) concentrations, energy levels and viscosity levels. Design: A total of 29 healthy volunteers, age 19–39, mean BMI 23.2 kg/m2 participated in this study. Measurement of subjective perceptions (satiety, fullness, hunger, desire to eat something/the sample food and thirst) was performed during a 180-min period after ingestion of the sample. There were altogether six samples: two beverages without fibre at energy levels 700 and 1,400 kJ; two beverages containing 5 or 10 g oat DF (2.5 and 5 g oat β-glucan, respectively) at energy level 700 kJ, one beverage containing 10 g oat DF/1,400 kJ and one beverage containing 10 g enzymatically treated oat DF with low viscosity at energy level 700 kJ. Each beverage portion weighted 300 g. The order of the samples was randomised for each subject and evaluated during six separate days. The results are reported in three sets of samples: ‘fibre’, ‘energy’ and ‘viscosity’. Results: In the fibre set, the beverages containing 5 or 10 g of fibre had a larger area under curve (AUC) for perceived satiety and smaller AUC for hunger compared to the beverage without fibre, but no significant dose–response relationship was detected. Increasing the energy content from 700 to 1,400 kJ in the energy set did not affect the satiety-related perceptions. In the viscosity set, the beverage with low-viscosity β-glucan increased satiety-related perceptions from no fibre containing beverage, but less compared to the beverage with the same amount of fibre and higher viscosity. Conclusions: Addition of an oat ingredient rich in β-glucan and high viscosity of beverages enhance post-meal satiety induced by beverages. The effect was, however, not related to the amount of ingested fibre or energy

    Usage and Dose Response of a Mobile Acceptance and Commitment Therapy App : Secondary Analysis of the Intervention Arm of a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Mobile phone apps offer a promising medium to deliver psychological interventions. A mobile app based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) was developed and studied in a randomized controlled trial (RCT). Objective: To study usage metrics of a mobile ACT intervention and dose-response relationship between usage and improvement in psychological flexibility. Methods: An RCT was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of different lifestyle interventions for overweight people with psychological stress. This paper presents a secondary analysis of the group that received an 8-week mobile ACT intervention. Most of the analyzed 74 participants were female (n=64, 86%). Their median age was 49.6 (interquartile range, IQR 45.4-55.3) years and their mean level of psychological flexibility, measured with the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire II, was 20.4 (95% confidence interval 18.3-22.5). Several usage metrics describing the intensity of use, usage of content, and ways of use were calculated. Linear regression analyses were performed to study the dose-response relationship between usage and the change in psychological flexibility and to identify the usage metrics with strongest association with improvement. Binary logistic regression analyses were further used to assess the role of usage metrics between those who showed improvement in psychological flexibility and those who did not. In addition, associations between usage and baseline participant characteristics were studied. Results: The median number of usage sessions was 21 (IQR 11.8-35), the number of usage days was 15 (IQR 9.0-24), and the number of usage weeks was 7.0 (IQR 4.0-8.0). The participants used the mobile app for a median duration of 4.7 (IQR 3.2-7.2) hours and performed a median of 63 (IQR 46-98) exercises. There was a dose-response relationship between usage and the change in psychological flexibility. The strongest associations with psychological flexibility (results adjusted with gender, age, and baseline psychological variables) were found for lower usage of Self as context related exercises (B=0.22, P=.001) and higher intensity of use, described by the number of usage sessions (B=-0.10, P=.01), usage days (B=-0.17, P=.008), and usage weeks (B=-0.73, P=.02), the number of exercises performed (B=-0.02, P=.03), and the total duration of use (B=-0.30, P=.04). Also, higher usage of Acceptance related exercises (B=-0.18, P=.04) was associated with improvement. Active usage was associated with female gender, older age, and not owning a smart mobile phone before the study. Conclusions: The results indicated that active usage of a mobile ACT intervention was associated with improved psychological flexibility. Usage metrics describing intensity of use as well as two metrics related to the usage of content were found to be most strongly associated with improvement.Peer reviewe

    Metabolic profiles reflect weight loss maintenance and the composition of diet after very-low-energy diet

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    Background & aims: Diet and weight loss affect circulating metabolome. However, metabolite profiles induced by different weight loss maintenance diets and underlying longer term weight loss maintenance remain unknown. Herein, we investigated after-weight-loss metabolic signatures of two isocaloric 24-wk weight maintenance diets differing in satiety value due to dietary fibre, protein and fat contents and identified metabolite features that associated with successful weight loss maintenance. Methods: Non-targeted LC-MS metabolomics approach was used to analyse plasma metabolites of 79 women and men (mean age \ub1 SD 49.7 \ub1 9.0 years; BMI 34.2 \ub1 2.5 kg/m2) participating in a weight management study. Participants underwent a 7-week very-low-energy diet (VLED) and were thereafter randomised into two groups for a 24-week weight maintenance phase. Higher satiety food (HSF) group consumed high-fibre, high-protein, and low-fat products, while lower satiety food (LSF) group consumed isocaloric low-fibre products with average protein and fat content as a part of their weight maintenance diets. Plasma metabolites were analysed before the VLED and before and after the weight maintenance phase. Metabolite features discriminating HSF and LSF groups were annotated. We also analysed metabolite features that discriminated participants who maintained ≥10% weight loss (HWM) and participants who maintained <10% weight loss (LWM) at the end of the study, irrespective of the diet. Finally, we assessed robust linear regression between metabolite features and anthropometric and food group variables. Results: We annotated 126 metabolites that discriminated the HSF and LSF groups and HWM and LWM groups (p < 0.05). Compared to LSF, the HSF group had lower levels of several amino acids, e.g. glutamine, arginine, and glycine, short-, medium- and long-chain acylcarnitines (CARs), odd- and even-chain lysoglycerophospholipids, and higher levels of fatty amides. Compared to LWM, the HWM group in general showed higher levels of glycerophospholipids with a saturated long-chain and a C20:4 fatty acid tail, and unsaturated free fatty acids (FFAs). Changes in several saturated odd- and even-chain LPCs and LPEs and fatty amides were associated with the intake of many food groups, particularly grain and dairy products. Increase in several (lyso)glycerophospholipids was associated with decrease in body weight and adiposity. Increased short- and medium-chain CARs were related to decreased body fat-free mass. Conclusions: Our results show that isocaloric weight maintenance diets differing in dietary fibre, protein, and fat content affected amino acid and lipid metabolism. Increased abundances of several phospholipid species and FFAs were related with greater weight loss maintenance. Our findings indicate common and distinct metabolites for weight and dietary related variables in the context of weight reduction and weight management. The study was registered in isrctn.org with identifier 67529475

    Psychological flexibility mediates change in intuitive eating regulation in acceptance and commitment therapy interventions

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    Objective: Despite the promising results related to intuitive eating, few studies have attempted to explain the processes encouraging this adaptive eating behaviour. The focus of the present study was on exploring mechanisms of change in intuitive eating and weight in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) interventions. Mediation provides important information regarding the treatment processes and theoretical models related to specific treatment approaches. The study investigates whether psychological flexibility, mindfulness skills and sense of coherence mediated the interventions' effect on intuitive eating and weight. Design: Secondary analysis of a randomized control trial. Mediation analysis compared two ACT interventions - face-to-face (in a group) and mobile (individually) - with a control group using a latent difference score model. Settings: Data were collected in three Finnish towns. Subjects: The participants were overweight or obese (n 219), reporting symptoms of perceived stress. Results: The effect of the interventions on participants' (i) BMI, (ii) intuitive eating and its subscales, (iii) eating for physical rather than emotional reasons and (iv) reliance on internal hunger and satiety cues was mediated by changes in weight-related psychological flexibility in both ACT groups. Conclusions: These findings suggest that ACT interventions aiming for lifestyle changes mediate the intervention effects through the enhanced ability to continue with valued activities even when confronted with negative emotions and thoughts related to weight.Peer reviewe

    Plasma lipid profile associates with the improvement of psychological well-being in individuals with perceived stress symptoms

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    Psychological stress is a suggested risk factor of metabolic disorders, but molecular mediators are not well understood. We investigated the association between the metabolic profiles of fasting plasma and the improvement of psychological well-being using non-targeted liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) platform. The metabolic profiles of volunteers participating in the face-to-face intervention group (n = 60) in a randomised lifestyle intervention were compared to ones of controls (n = 64) between baseline and 36-week follow-up. Despite modest differences in metabolic profile between groups, we found associations between phosphatidylcholines (PCs) and several parameters indicating stress, adiposity, relaxation, and recovery. The relief of heart-rate-variability-based stress had positive, while improved indices of recovery and relaxation in the intervention group had an inverse association with the reduction of e.g. lysophosphatidylcholines (LPC). Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist and adiposity correlated positively with the suppressed PCs and negatively with the elevated plasmalogens PC(P-18:0/22:6) and PC(P-18:0/20:4). Also, we found changes in an unknown class of lipids over time regardless of the intervention groups, which also correlated with physiological and psychological markers of stress. The associations between lipid changes with some markers of psychological wellbeing and body composition may suggest the involvement of these lipids in the shared mechanisms between psychological and metabolic health.Peer reviewe

    The Effects of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Intervention on Inflammation and Stress Biomarkers: a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background Psychological processes can be manifested in physiological health. We investigated whether acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), targeted on psychological flexibility (PF), influences inflammation and stress biomarkers among working-age adults with psychological distress and overweight/obesity. Method Participants were randomized into three parallel groups: (1) ACT-based face-to-face (n = 65; six group sessions led by a psychologist), (2) ACT-based mobile (n = 73; one group session and mobile app), and (3) control (n = 66; only the measurements). Systemic inflammation and stress markers were analyzed at baseline, at 10 weeks after the baseline (post-intervention), and at 36 weeks after the baseline (follow-up). General PF and weight-related PF were measured with questionnaires (Acceptance and Action Questionnaire, Acceptance and Action Questionnaire for Weight-Related Difficulties). Results A group x time interaction (p = .012) was detected in the high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) level but not in other inflammation and stress biomarkers. hsCRP decreased significantly in the face-to-face group from week 0 to week 36, and at week 36, hsCRP was lower among the participants in the face-to-face group than in the mobile group (p = .035, post hoc test). Age and sex were stronger predictors of biomarker levels at follow-up than the post-intervention PF. Conclusion The results suggest that ACT delivered in group sessions may exert beneficial effects on low-grade systemic inflammation. More research is needed on how to best apply psychological interventions for the health of both mind and body among people with overweight/obesity and psychological distress.Peer reviewe

    Effectiveness of workplace choice architecture modification for healthy eating and daily physical activity

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    Background: Modifying the choice architecture of behavioural contexts can facilitate health behaviour change, but existing evidence builds mostly on small-scale interventions limited in duration, targets, strategies, and settings. We evaluated the effectiveness of a one-year hybrid type 2 implementation-effectiveness trial aimed at promoting healthy eating and daily physical activity with subtle modifications to the choice architecture of heterogeneous worksites. The intervention was contextualised to and integrated into the routine operations of each worksite. Effectiveness was evaluated in a quasi-experimental pre-post design. Methods: Intervention sites (n = 21) implemented a median of two (range 1–9) intervention strategies for healthy eating and one (range 1–5) for physical activity. Questionnaires pre (n = 1126) and post (n = 943) intervention surveyed employees’ behavioural patterns at work (food consumption: vegetables/roots, fruit/berries, nuts/almonds/seeds, sweet treats, fast food, water; physical activity: restorative movement, exercise equipment use, stair use). The post-intervention questionnaire also measured employees’ perception of and response to three intervention strategies: a packed lunch recipe campaign, a fruit crew-strategy, and movement prompts. Multi- and single-level regression models evaluated effectiveness, treating intervention as a continuous predictor formed of the site-specific dose (n intervention strategies employed) and mean quality (three-point rating per strategy halfway and at the end of the intervention) of implementation relevant to each outcome. Results: Multinomial logistic regression models found the intervention significantly associated with a favourable change in employees’ fruit and berry consumption (interaction effect of time and implementation p = 0.006) and with an unfavourable change in sweet treat consumption (p = 0.048). The evidence was strongest for the finding concerning fruit/berry consumption—an outcome that sites with greater dose and quality of implementation targeted by using strategies that reduced the physical effort required to have fruit/berries at work and by covering multiple eating-related contexts at the worksite. The quality of implementation was positively associated with the perception of (p = 0.044) and response to (p = 0.017) the packed lunch recipes, and with response to the fruit crew-strategy (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The results suggest that a contextualised, multicomponent choice architecture intervention can positively influence eating behaviour in diverse real-world settings over a one-year period, and that higher implementation quality can enhance intervention perception and response. However, outcomes may depend on the type of intervention strategies used and the extent of their delivery.Peer reviewe

    Ruokasuhteen pedagoginen viitekehys ruokakasvatuksen näkökulmana

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      Ruokakasvatuksellisella toiminnalla on pitkä historia, mutta ruokakasvatuksen käsite on vasta viime vuosina yleistynyt muun muassa pedagogisissa asiakirjoissa. Tässä artikkelissa esittelemme monitieteisenä yhteistyönä kehitettyä ruokasuhteen pedagogista viitekehystä. Tarkastelu pohjautuu aiemmin julkaisemallemme viitekehysluonnokselle, jota olemme edelleen kehittäneet ja täydentäneet. Viitekehyksen ytimen muodostavat ruokasuhteen käsite ja sille pohjautuva pedagoginen ruokasuhdetyöskentely, joiden monitieteistä teoriataustaa avaamme tässä artikkelissa. Ruokasuhdetta voidaan kuvata koko elämän ajan kertyneiden, ruokaan ja syömiseen liittyvien kokemusten, sekä yksilön näille kokemuksille antamien tulkintojen ja merkitysten muodostamaksi ainutlaatuiseksi kokonaisuudeksi. Se ei ole muuttumaton, vaan ajassa ja ympäristön kanssa vuorovaikutuksessa syntyvien kokemusten myötä muovautuva kokonaisuus. Pedagogisessa ruokasuhdetyöskentelyssä painottuu ruokasuhteen erilaisten puolien tiedostaminen ja hyväksyminen sekä vastavuoroinen, arvostava kohtaaminen. Lisäksi ammattilaisen henkilökohtainen ruokasuhdetyöskentely nähdään tärkeänä.   The Framework of food relationship as an approach for food education Abstract Food-related pedagogical activity has a long history, but the concept of food education has become more common in pedagogical documents during recent years. However, there are only a few pedagogical approaches of food education yet. In this paper we introduce the pedagogical framework of food relationship (PFFR) that has been developed as an interdisciplinary collaboration. There are two core issues in the PFFR, which we present in this article: the concept of food relationship and the pedagogical method based on that concept. . Food relationship can be described as a unique whole of individual’s food and eating-related experiences and meanings given to these experiences by the individual. Food relationship is not static but rather changes in interaction with the environment and time. The Pedagogical method emphasizes being aware of and appreciating different sides of food relationship in reciprocal and appreciative encounters. Additionally, the framework takes a stand on the meaning of professional’s own food relationship. Keywords: pedagogical framework of food relationship, food relationship, food education, pedagogical activit