23 research outputs found

    BU INC's Inktober Zine 2018

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    The BU Illustration Narrative Collaborative (BU INC), previously known as the Boston University Comic Arts (BUCA), is a student-run organization that brings together comic artists and illustrators of all backgrounds and skill levels. We meet twice weekly to share our work with each other, draw together, and learn together. Our goal is to provide learning and networking opportunities for our members as well as to introduce the world of comics to the Boston University community!This Inktober zine was produced by BU's very own Illustration Narrative Collaborative. The zine consists of over 50 pages of stunning black and white artwork from club members, novice and experienced alike

    Integrative Visual Analytics for Suspicious Behavior Detection

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    In the VAST Challenge 2009 suspicious behavior had to be detected applying visual analytics to heterogeneous data, such as network traffic, social network enriched with geo-spatial attributes, and finally video surveillance data. This paper describes some of the awarded parts from our solution entry

    Application of a Deep Learning Approach to Analyze Large-Scale MRI Data of the Spine

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    With its standardized MRI datasets of the entire spine, the German National Cohort (GNC) has the potential to deliver standardized biometric reference values for intervertebral discs (VD), vertebral bodies (VB) and spinal canal (SC). To handle such large-scale big data, artificial intelligence (AI) tools are needed. In this manuscript, we will present an AI software tool to analyze spine MRI and generate normative standard values. 330 representative GNC MRI datasets were randomly selected in equal distribution regarding parameters of age, sex and height. By using a 3D U-Net, an AI algorithm was trained, validated and tested. Finally, the machine learning algorithm explored the full dataset (n = 10,215). VB, VD and SC were successfully segmented and analyzed by using an AI-based algorithm. A software tool was developed to analyze spine-MRI and provide age, sex, and height-matched comparative biometric data. Using an AI algorithm, the reliable segmentation of MRI datasets of the entire spine from the GNC was possible and achieved an excellent agreement with manually segmented datasets. With the analysis of the total GNC MRI dataset with almost 30,000 subjects, it will be possible to generate real normative standard values in the future

    Rakennusyrityksen tarjousvaiheen kustannuslaskenta

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli koota Rakennus K. Karhu Oy:lle toimintaohje tarjousvaiheen kustannuslaskentaan. Varsinaista tutkimustyötä tähän opinnäytetyöhön ei sisällytetty, vaan tarkoituksena oli useiden laajempia kokonaisuuksia käsittelevien eri lähteiden uumenista ja haastattelemalla aiheen parissa työskennelleitä henkilöitä koota pelkästään tarjousvaiheen kustannuslaskentaan keskittyvä ohje. Tarkoituksena ei ollut luoda uutta toimintatapaa yritykselle, vaan kehittää ja yhtenäistää jo käytössä olevia ja ajan saatossa muotoutuneita toimintaperiaatteita. Tämän tarjousvaiheen kustannuslaskentaan keskittyvän toimintamallin on tarkoitus päätyä osaksi mahdollisesti tulevaisuudessa koottavaa, koko yrityksen toiminnan kattavaa laatujärjestelmää. Tavoitteena oli luoda ohjeesta tiivis kokonaisuus, jota ei olisi liian raskas käyttää, jättäen jokaiselle projektinvetäjälle mahdollisuus toteuttaa omaa toimintatapaansa, kuitenkin yrityksen yhtenäistä linjaa noudattaen. Tässä ohjeen muotoon laaditussa opinnäytetyössä käsitellään rakennusyrityksen tarjousvaiheen kustannuslaskennan vaiheet, vaihe vaiheelta. Pääaihepiirit on jaoteltu projektin etenemisjärjestyksessä alusta loppuun. Tarkastellaan kohteen valinta, minkälainen ja mitkä kriteerit tulee kohteella olla, jotta siitä lähdetään tarjousta tekemään. Kun päätös tarjouskilpaan lähtemisestä on tehty, suoritetaan ennakkotarjouksien kysely alihankintana tehtävistä urakoista. Kun tämä on suoritettu, ja raaka-aineiden määrälaskenta on suoritettu, siirrytään hinnoitteluun ja varsinaiseen alihankintatarjousten kyselyyn. Ennen varsinaista tarjouskäsittelyä, käsiteltävää kohdetta verrataan vielä sopiviin viitekohteisiin ja näiden jälkilaskentatietoihin. Avainsanat (asiasanat) Kustannuslaskenta, tarjoaminen Muut tiedotThe purpose of this bachelor’s thesis was to collect instructions for tender-stage cost calculation in Rakennus K. Karhu Oy. No theoretical research was included in this bachelor’s thesis, but the purpose was to collect instructions just for tender-stage cost calculation, using several extensive sources and interviewing people working on the subject. The purpose was not to create a new kind of procedure for the company, but to develop and unify the principles already in use. The purpose is that this procedure, based on tender-stage cost calculation, is to be included as part of a quality system which will perhaps be created in the future. The main goal was to create a compact package that would not be too difficult to use, leaving each project leader the possibility to do things in his or her own way, still respecting the consistent? procedures of the company. In this bachelor’s thesis, compiled in a form of instruction, the stages of tender calculation in a construction company are dealt with step by step. The main topics are divided from start to finish in the order of the progress of the project. Choosing of the target is examined: what should it be like and what criteria should it have to lead to tendering. When the decision on participating in tendering is made,asking for preliminary bids from subcontractors follows. After this and the quantity calculations for raw-materials have been done, pricing and the actual asking for subcontractors’ tenders follow. Before the actual processing of the tender, the target is compared to similar reference targets and their post-calculation data

    Nitrogênio e fósforo no crescimento de plantas de ginseng brasileiro [Pfaffia glomerata(Spreng.) Pedersen] cultivadas in vitro Nitrogen and phosphorus on growth of brazilian ginseng [Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng.) Pedersen] in vitro cultured plants

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    O ginseng brasileiro [Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng.) Pedersen] apresenta propriedades medicinais marcantes e, por isso, atualmente, é largamente explorado de forma extrativista, tanto por parte dos coletores de ervas como pela indústria farmacêutica. Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar o efeito da variação isolada da concentração de N e P do meio MS no crescimento de plantas de P. glomerata cultivadas in vitro. Segmentos nodais de 1,0cm de comprimento e sem folhas, de plantas já estabelecidas in vitro, foram cultivados em meio MS contendo cinco concentrações (0, 25, 50, 100 e 150% da concentração padrão do meio de cultura MS) de nitrogênio ou fósforo. Aos 15 dias após a inoculação (DAI), o número de raízes e o percentual de enraizamento são maiores na concentração de N e P equivalentes a 50% daquela do meio de cultura MS. Aos 40 DAI, o crescimento em altura das brotações, número de segmentos nodais, índice de área foliar, número de folhas, matéria seca de raízes, da parte aérea e total da planta é maior na concentração de N e P, em média, próxima a 80% daquela do meio de cultura MS.<br>Brazilian ginseng [Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng.) Pedersen] has expressionable medicinal properties, and therefore, nowadays it is extensively exploited either by the herb collectors as well as the pharmaceutical industry. The aim of this work was to characterize the effect of N and P concentrations from the MS medium on growth of P. glomerata in vitro cultured plants. 1-node segment without leaves, from in vitro cultivated plants, were grown on five levels (0, 25, 50, 100, and 150% of the strength of the MS medium) of N and P. After 15 days of inoculation, root number and rooting percentage are greater on N and P levels of the MS medium with 50% strength. After 40 days of inoculation, growth, based on sprout height, number of nodal segments per plant, leave area index per plant, number of leaves per plant, dry weight of aerial parts, roots and of the whole plant, is greater when the N and P levels of the MS medium is near to 80% strength