405 research outputs found

    The effect of aclidinium bromide on daily respiratory symptoms of COPD, measured using the Evaluating Respiratory Symptoms in COPD (E-RS: COPD) diary: pooled analysis of two 6-month Phase III studies.

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    BACKGROUND: Reducing the severity of respiratory symptoms is a key goal in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). We evaluated the effect of aclidinium bromide 400 μg twice daily (BID) on respiratory symptoms, assessed using the Evaluating Respiratory Symptoms in COPD (E-RS(™): COPD) scale (formerly EXACT-RS). METHODS: Data were pooled from the aclidinium 400 μg BID and placebo arms of two 24-week, double-blind, randomized Phase III studies evaluating aclidinium monotherapy (ATTAIN) or combination therapy (AUGMENT COPD I) in patients with moderate to severe airflow obstruction. Patients were stratified by Global initiative for chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) Groups A-D. Change from baseline in E-RS scores, proportion of responders (patients achieving pre-defined improvements in E-RS scores), and net benefit (patients who improved minus patients who worsened) were analyzed. RESULTS: Of 1210 patients, 1167 had data available for GOLD classification. Mean (standard deviation) age was 63.2 (8.6) years, 60.7 % were male, and mean post-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in 1 s was 54.4 % predicted. Compared with placebo, aclidinium 400 μg BID significantly improved RS-Total (2.38 units vs 0.79 units, p < 0.001) and domain scores (all p < 0.001) at Week 24, and doubled the likelihood of being an RS-Total score responder (p < 0.05), irrespective of GOLD group. The net benefit for RS-Total (Overall: 56.9 % vs 19.4 %; A + C: 65.7 % vs 6.3 %; B + D: 56.0 % vs 20.8 %, for aclidinium 400 μg BID and placebo respectively; all p < 0.05) and domain scores (all p < 0.05) was significantly greater with aclidinium compared with placebo, in both GOLD Groups A + C and B + D. CONCLUSIONS: Aclidinium 400 μg BID significantly improved respiratory symptoms regardless of the patients' level of symptoms at baseline. Net treatment benefit was similar in patients with low or high levels of symptoms. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ATTAIN (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT01001494 ) and AUGMENT COPD I (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT01437397 )

    Pusat Animasi Dan Desain Grafis Di Manado (Ilusionisme Dalam Arsitektur)

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    Perkembangan bidang multimedia dan perekonomian yang ditunjang dengan kemajuan teknologi dan informasi menjadikan industri animasi dan desain grafis semakin berkembang, bahkan permintaan terhadap produksinya mengalami peningkatan setiap tahun, baik dari segi komersil maupun dari segi hiburan. Namun banyaknya permintaan terhadap animasi dan desain grafis tidak didukung dengan studio produksi yang kompeten. Maka Pusat Animasi dan Desain Grafis yang berfungsi sebagai rumah produksi dihadirkan untuk mampu menjawab berbagai potensi dan permasalahan tersebut, serta mampu mewadahi berbagai animo masyarakat khususnya para animator dan desainer grafis untuk dapat lebih berkarya dan mengeksplor ide serta kreatifitas mereka, agar kualitas animasi dan desain grafis yang ada di Indonesia khususnya Sulawesi Utara semakin meningkat. Untuk mendukung rancangan objek, maka tema Ilusionisme dalam Arsitektur pun dipilih untuk diimplementasikan dalam perancangan karena dianggap mampu merepresentasikan fungsi serta karakteristik objek. Pada perancangan ini, proses perancangan yang dipakai adalah proses desain generasi II sesuai dengan kategorisasi dari Horst Rittel yang terdiri dari 2 fase, yang pertama adalah fase pengembangan wawasan komprehensif, yaitu pengkajian tipologi objek, tapak dan lingkungan, serta tema Ilusionisme dalam Arsitektur, lalu dilanjutkan ke fase kedua yaitu fase konseptualisasi, dengan mekanisme siklus image-present-test menurut John Zeisel, yang diawali dengan pemikiran konsep (imaging), dilanjutkan dengan penyajian konsep ke dalam bentuk gambar (presenting), lalu mengevaluasi konsep berdasarkan kriteria pengujian tertentu (testing). Proses tersebut dilakukan secara berulang dengan memperbaiki setiap hasil evaluasi, hingga perancang memutuskan untuk mengakhiri proses pada siklus tertentu. Gubahan bentuk Pusat Animasi dan Desain Grafis di Manado ini mengambil konsep bentuk “The Ebbinghaus Illusion” yang merupakan contoh dari salah satu jenis tema Ilusionisme dalam Arsitektur, yaitu ilusi skala. Selain ilusi skala, beberapa jenis ilusi lain yang diimplementasikan pada objek perancangan adalah ilusi fisiologis, ilusi distorsi, ilusi ambigu, ilusi Shakkei, ilusi Trompe L'oeil, dan ilusi anamorfosis. Jenis-jenis ilusi tersebut diimplementasikan pada beberapa kriteria perancangan arsitektur seperti gubahan massa, ruang dalam (interior), selubung bangunan, dan ruang luar (eksterior). Implementasi jenis-jenis ilusi tersebut umumnya diimplementasikan pada elemen arsitektural yang dapat dilihat secara langsung, karena tema Ilusionisme dalam Arsitektur mengandalkan teknik visualisasi untuk dapat dinikmati / dirasakan

    Effect of Salt Valency and Concentration on Shear and Extensional Rheology of Aqueous Polyelectrolyte Solutions For Enhanced Oil Recovery

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    The injection of polymer solutions into an oil basin can lead to enhanced oil recovery (EOR) by increasing the microscopic sweep of the reservoir, improving the water-oil motility ratio, and thus leading to greater yield from oil fields. In this contribution, we characterize both shear and extensional rheological response of aqueous solutions of partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM), the most commonly used polymer for EOR, for velocity gradients in both the flow direction (extensional) and perpendicular to flow (shear) arise in EOR applications. As HPAM is a charged polymer, to better emulate the environment in oil basins, the rheological response was investigated in presence of salt, sodium chloride, and calcium chloride, with concentrations 3.7 × 10−4 − 1.5 M, as a function of polymer molecular weight (2–10 million g/mol) and concentration (0.005–0.3 wt%). The extensional relaxation times and extensional viscosity are measured using dripping-onto-substrate (DoS) rheometry protocols, and a commercial shear rheometer was utilized for characterizing the shear rheology response. The polyelectrolyte solutions formed by HPAM exhibit shear thinning in steady shear, but show strain hardening in response to extensional flow. Even though an increase in monovalent salt concentration leads to a decrease in both shear viscosity and extensional relaxation times, an increase in divalent salt concentration leads to an increase in extensional viscosity and relaxation time, implying that ion coordination can play a role in the presence of multivalent ions

    Convivencia escolar en la transici?n de primaria a secundaria en estudiantes de la Instituci?n Educativa Dindalito Centro El Espinal

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    130 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa presente investigaci?n se realiz? con la intenci?n de conocer las conductas que afectan la convivencia escolar de los estudiantes que hacen su paso del grado quinto al grado sexto de la INSTITUCI?N EDUCATIVA ?DINDALITO CENTRO? del EspinalTolima. El objetivo fue caracterizar, interpretar y comparar las conductas, a partir de la percepci?n de los estudiantes a cerca de la pr?ctica docente y de su propio comportamiento. Adem?s de una mirada de los docentes sobre lo que observan en la realidad en cuanto al estilo de convivencia que se da dentro del aula de clase. El marco te?rico fue construido con base a la problem?tica, mencionada correspondiendo a conceptualizar varios t?rminos desde una perspectiva de la b?sica primaria y todos los cambios f?sicos, sociales, familiares, personales y culturales de la adolescencia que trae la transici?n hacia la secundaria. La investigaci?n se realiza desde una metodolog?a mixta (cualitativa-cuantitativa), presentando en la fase cuantitativa un subtipo descriptivo, mientras que, en la fase cualitativa, un subtipo de teor?a fundamentada. Para esto las t?cnicas empleadas son: la observaci?n, la entrevista y la encuesta. Resulta interesante la informaci?n obtenida en la investigaci?n, porque reflej? que la falta de atenci?n de estas conductas problemas en el aula de clase afectan el ?xito en el proceso de transici?n de los estudiantes de primaria a secundaria, porque arrojo que el temor a la violencia ?bullying?, al consumo de drogas, a bajar el rendimiento acad?mico y a los cambios propios de la adolescencia que surgen con el tiempo generando mayor dificultad de adaptaci?n , evidenciando tambi?n que la convivencia no solo es compromiso de los estudiantes si no de la mejora de las practicas del docente en el aula y de sus familias en el hogar. Palabras Claves: Convivencia escolar, transici?n de primaria a secundaria, violencia escolar, clima de aula.The current investigation was carried out with the intention of knowing the behaviors that affect the school coexistence of the students who make their passage from the fifth grade to the sixth grade of the "DINDALITO CENTRO" a public school located on EspinalTolima. The main objective was to characterize, interpret and compare behaviors, based on the students' perception of the teaching practice and their own behavior. In addition to a view of teachers about what they observe in reality in terms of the style of coexistence that occurs within the classroom. The theoretical framework was constructed based on the problem, mentioned corresponding to conceptualize several terms from a primary basic perspective and all the physical, social, family, personal and cultural changes of adolescence that the transition to secondary school brings. The research is carried out following a mixed methodology (qualitative-quantitative), presenting in the quantitative phase a descriptive subtype, while, in the qualitative phase, a subtype of grounded theory. The techniques used are: observation, interview and survey. It is Interestingly that the information obtained in the research reflected the lack of attention to these behaviors problems in the classroom affect success in the process of transition of students from primary to secondary, because it showed that the fear of violence " bullying ", to drug use, to lowering academic performance and the changes of adolescence that arise over time, generating greater difficulty of adaptation, also demonstrating that coexistence is not only student commitment but also the improvement of teacher practices in the classroom and their families at home. Keywords: School life, transition from primary to secondary, school violence, classroom climate


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    La l?dica como estrategia para el fortalecimiento de la psicomotricidad de los ni?os y ni?as del nivel preescolar del Colegio ?ngelo Giuseppe Roncalli de la ciudad de Ibagu?.

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    92 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente trabajo es llevado a cabo en el Colegio Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli con los ni?os del nivel preescolar, en los cuales se observ? que estos menores se caracterizan por ser din?micos, participativos y expresivos frente a lo que les gusta y les disgusta; gozan de una buena disposici?n en el momento de realizar tareas, dentro y fuera del aula. Sin embargo, en ciertas oportunidades algunos ni?os se les dificultan la realizaci?n de trabajos, debido a que poseen problemas relacionados con su psicomotricidad. Por lo mencionado anteriormente se construye un proyecto implementando la investigaci?n formativa, a trav?s de la metodolog?a cualitativa con un enfoque etnogr?fico; para este proceso se utiliz? t?cnicas e instrumentos que permitieron la recolecci?n de informaci?n como: fichas de observaci?n, entrevista informal, y diarios de campo. De igual manera se tienen en cuenta los diferentes estamentos legales nacionales, locales e institucionales. Adem?s, se crea e implementa un proyecto pedag?gico de aula El tren l?dico como instrumento facilitador en la estimulaci?n del proceso psicomotriz de los ni?os del nivel preescolar, de manera que se fortalezca su aprendizaje y desenvolvimiento en su contexto escolar; permiti?ndole a los docentes dise?ar actividades l?dico-pedag?gicas y cambiar la visi?n que tienen sobre la educaci?n f?sica como asignatura importante en el desarrollo integral de los ni?os. Por ?ltimo, el desarrollo de este proceso investigativo la comunidad educativa identifico la incidencia que tiene la psicomotricidad en el desarrollo integral de los ni?os. Palabras claves: psicomotricidad, desarrollo integral, estrategias, estimulaci?n, investigaci?n.The present work is carried out in the school Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli with the children of the preschool level, in which it was observed that these minors are characterized by being dynamic, participative and expressive in front of what they like and dislike them; Have a good disposition when performing tasks, inside and outside the classroom. However, in some cases, some children find it difficult to carry out work, because they have problems related to their psychomotor skills. For the aforementioned, a project is being implemented implementing the formative research, through the qualitative methodology with an ethnographic approach; For this process techniques and instruments were used that allowed the collection of information as: observation tokens, informal interview, and field diaries. Likewise, different national, local and institutional legal systems are taken into account. In addition, a pedagogical project of classroom "The ludic train" is created and implemented as a facilitating instrument in the stimulation of the psychomotor process of the children of the pre-school level, so as to strengthen their learning and development in their school context; Allowing teachers to design ludic-pedagogical activities and change the vision they have on physical education as an important subject in the integral development of children. Finally, the development of this research process, the educational community identifies the incidence of psychomotricity in the integral development of children. Keywords: psychomotricity, integral development, strategies, stimulation, research

    Measurements of Freestream Fluctuations in the NASA Langley 20-Inch Mach 6 Tunnel

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    An experimental campaign was conducted to measure and to characterize the freestream disturbance levels in the NASA Langley Research Center 20-Inch Mach 6 Wind Tunnel. A pitot rake was instrumented with fast pressure transducers, hot wires, and an atomic layer thermopile to quantify the fluctuation levels of pressure, mass flux, and heat flux, respectively. In conjunction with these probe-based measurements, focused laser differential interferometry was used to optically measure density fluctuations. Measurements were made at five nominal different unit Reynolds numbers ranging from (3.28 to 26.5) times 10 (sup 6) per meter. The rake was positioned at two different stream-wise locations and several different roll angles to measure flow uniformity within the test section. In general, noise levels were spatially consistent within the tested region. Pitot pressure fluctuation levels ranged from 0.84 percent at the highest Reynolds number tested to 1.89 percent at the lowest Reynolds number tested. Freestream mass-flux fluctuations remained relatively constant between 1.8-2.5 percent of the freestream. The pressure transducers were also used to determine the dominant disturbance speed and angle of propagation. The disturbances were estimated to travel at approximately 54-81 percent of the freestream speed at an angle of approximately 21-44 degrees from the freestream direction, but these measurements had a significant amount of uncertainty. A comparison to previous measurements of pressure made in 2012 and of mass flux made in 1994 show almost no change in the RMS (Root Mean Square) fluctuation of these flow quantities

    Generalizaciones de una definici?n iterativa de ?lgebra booleana

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    58 P?ginasIntroducci?n 4 1 Las estructuras 6 1.1 Semirret?culos 6 1.2 Ret?culos 10 1.3 Algebras booleanas 20 1.4 Algebras de Heyting 23 1.5 Algebras de Hilbert 30 1.6 Semirret?culos de Hilbert 36 2 Definiciones iterativas 40 2.1 Ret?culos distributivos 40 2.2 Algebras booleanas 41 2.3 Semirret?culos de Hilbert 47 2.4 Algebras de Heyting 50 Conclusiones 55 Bibliograf?a 5

    Caracterizaci?n de los programas para el control de tuberculosis en comunidades ind?genas de Latinoam?rica

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    145 p. Recurso Electr?nicoIntroducci?n: la alta incidencia de tuberculosis en poblaci?n ind?gena a nivel mundial y en especial en Latinoam?rica y el caribe se convirti? en un problema serio de salud p?blica, por lo cual se tom? como objetivo caracterizar los diferentes programas de control de tuberculosis en comunidades ind?genas. M?todos: revisi?n sistem?tica de la literatura en las principales bases de datos sobre programas implementados en esta regi?n en los ?ltimos 10 a?os, incluyendo art?culos anal?ticos y descriptivos, excluyendo art?culos que cursen con infecciones concomitantes o estudios en menores de 14 a?os. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 32 art?culos: 68% de MEDLINE, y el 32% de LILACS seg?n criterio inclusi?n. Se identific? a Brasil como el pa?s con m?s publicaciones con un 53%. En su mayor?a los hombres fueron m?s afectados en un m?ximo de 68.7%, el grupo etario menor a 15 a?os tuvo una incidencia mucho mayor con reportes hasta del 67.6%. Seg?n criterio de GRADE la calidad de los estudios fue baja y muy baja. Fueron identificados 5 estrategias para el control de la TB sin embargo no fue posible determinar la efectividad de los mismos. Discusi?n: los estudios analizados contaron con una calidad baja, limitaciones por sesgo, no hubo homogeneidad en la implementaci?n de una estrategia control para la tuberculosis ni en los resultados, es posible un inadecuado control y seguimiento presentes. Conclusiones: la literatura publicada pone de evidencia la falta de estandarizaci?n en el cuidado de la tuberculosis por medio de programas dirigidos, no se pudo determinar en ning?n caso la efectividad de los programas implementados por medio de estrategia DOTS, plan nacional para control de la tuberculosis en Brasil ni estrategia supervisada. Palabras claves: Tuberculosis, Comunidad Ind?gena, Tratamiento, Latinoam?rica, Dots.Introduction: the high incidence of tuberculosis in the indigenous population worldwide and especially in Latin America and the Caribbean became a serious problem of public health, for which purpose the objective was to characterize the different tuberculosis control programs in indigenous communities. Methods: systematic review of the literature in the main databases on programs implemented in this regi?n taking in consideration last 10 years of literature, including analytical and descriptive articles, excluding articles that present concomitant infections or studies in children under 14 years of age. Results: 32 articles were selected: 68% of MEDLINE, and 32% of LILACS according to inclusion criteria. Brazil was identified as the country with the most publications with 53%. In most men were affected in a maximum proportion of 68.7%, the age group less than 15 years had a much higher incidence with reports up to 67.6%. According to GRADE criteria, the quality of the studies was low and very low. Five strategies for TB control were identified, however it was not possible to determine the effectiveness of them. Discussion: the studies analyzed had a low quality, limitations due to bias, there was no homogeneity in the implementation of a control strategy for tuberculosis or in the results, an inadequate control and monitoring is a posible explanation. Conclusions: the published literature highlights the lack of standardization in the care of tuberculosis through targeted programs. In no case was possible to determine the effectiveness of the programs implemented through the DOTS strategy, national plan for tuberculosis control in Brazil or others supervised strategy. Keyworks: Tuberculosis, Indigenous Community, Treatment, Latin America, Dots