165 research outputs found
Analysis of time dependent phenomena observed with the LPSP OSO-8 instrument
Data obtained by the Laboratoire de Physique Stellaire et Planetaire's ultraviolet spectrometer onboard the OSO-8 spacecraft were analyzed in an effort to dynamically model the solar chromosphere as an aid in enhancing knowledge of the dynamical processes themselves and of spectral line formation in the dynamic chromosphere. Repeated spectral scans of strong, optically thick resonance lines formed in the solar chromosphere were examined for indications of oscillatory velocities and intensities among other indications of velocity which were studied, the blue peak is reasonably well defined, and the position of a parabolic filter fitted by the least squares method was used to define it. Observed chromospheric oscillation periods are discussed as well as the variations in altitude of the emitting region which result primarily from the motion up and down during the oscillation
Analysis of time dependent phenomena observed with the LPSP OSO-8 instrument
The dynamics of the solar photosphere and chromosphere are studied. Observations obtained by the Laboratorie de Physique Stellaire et Planetaire's (LPSP) ultraviolet spectrometer onboard the OSO-8 spacecraft are analyzed, and dynamic models of the chromosphere and the emitted resonance line spectrum are calculated. Some of the unpublished data analysis and theoretical modeling which are being prepared for publication are discussed. A discussion of the state of the theory of velocity fields in the solar atmosphere is also presented. An invited review presented at the OSO-8 Workshop on the topic of oscillatory motions in the quiet sun is included. The results of the OSO-8 data analysis prepared in close collaboration with LPSP scientists are presented. Material for two articles is also presented
Fil:Mandrini, C.H. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina
Proper orthogonal decomposition of solar photospheric motions
The spatio-temporal dynamics of the solar photosphere is studied by
performing a Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) of line of sight velocity
fields computed from high resolution data coming from the MDI/SOHO instrument.
Using this technique, we are able to identify and characterize the different
dynamical regimes acting in the system. Low frequency oscillations, with
frequencies in the range 20-130 microHz, dominate the most energetic POD modes
(excluding solar rotation), and are characterized by spatial patterns with
typical scales of about 3 Mm. Patterns with larger typical scales of 10 Mm, are
associated to p-modes oscillations at frequencies of about 3000 microHz.Comment: 8 figures in jpg in press on PR
Mode excitation by turbulent convection in rotating stars. I. Effect of uniform rotation
We focus on the influence of the Coriolis acceleration on the stochastic
excitation of oscillation modes in convective regions of rotating stars. Our
aim is to estimate the asymmetry between excitation rates of prograde and
retrograde modes. We extend the formalism derived for obtaining stellar -
and -mode amplitudes (Samadi & Goupil 2001, Belkacem et al. 2008) to include
the effect of the Coriolis acceleration. We then study the special case of
uniform rotation for slowly rotating stars by performing a perturbative
analysis. This allows us to consider the cases of the Sun and the CoRoT target
HD 49933. We find that, in the subsonic regime, the influence of rotation as a
direct contribution to mode driving is negligible in front of the Reynolds
stress contribution. In slow rotators, the indirect effect of the modification
of the eigenfunctions on mode excitation is investigated by performing a
perturbative analysis of the excitation rates. It turns out that the excitation
of solar modes is affected by rotation with excitation rates asymmetries
between prograde and retrograde modes of the order of several percents. Solar
low-order modes are also affected by uniform rotation and their excitation
rates asymmetries are found to reach up to 10 %. The CoRoT target HD 49933 is
rotating faster than the Sun () and we show
that the resulting excitation rates asymmetry is about 10 % for the excitation
rates of modes. We have then demonstrated that and mode excitation
rates are modified by uniform rotation through the Coriolis acceleration. Study
of the effect of differential rotation is dedicated to a forthcoming paper.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted in A&
Measurement of low signal-to-noise-ratio solar p modes in spatially-resolved helioseismic data
We present an adaptation of the rotation-corrected, m-averaged spectrum
technique designed to observe low signal-to-noise-ratio, low-frequency solar p
modes. The frequency shift of each of the 2l+1 m spectra of a given (n,l)
multiplet is chosen that maximizes the likelihood of the m-averaged spectrum. A
high signal-to-noise ratio can result from combining individual low
signal-to-noise-ratio, individual-m spectra, none of which would yield a strong
enough peak to measure. We apply the technique to GONG and MDI data and show
that it allows us to measure modes with lower frequencies than those obtained
with classic peak-fitting analysis of the individual-m spectra. We measure
their central frequencies, splittings, asymmetries, lifetimes, and amplitudes.
The low-frequency, low- and intermediate-angular degrees rendered accessible by
this new method correspond to modes that are sensitive to the deep solar
interior down to the core and to the radiative interior. Moreover, the
low-frequency modes have deeper upper turning points, and are thus less
sensitive to the turbulence and magnetic fields of the outer layers, as well as
uncertainties in the nature of the external boundary condition. As a result of
their longer lifetimes (narrower linewidths) at the same signal-to-noise ratio
the determination of the frequencies of lower-frequency modes is more accurate,
and the resulting inversions should be more precise.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ on 27 January
Searching for p-modes in MOST Procyon data: Another view
Photometry of Procyon obtained by the MOST satellite in 2004 has been
searched for p modes by several groups, with sometimes contradictory
interpretations. We explore two possible factors that complicate the analysis
and may lead to erroneous reports of p modes in these data. Two methods are
used to illustrate the role of subtle instrumental effects in the photometry:
time-frequency analysis, and a search for regularly spaced peaks in a Fourier
spectrum based on the echelle diagramme approach. We find no convincing
evidence of a p-mode signal in the MOST Procyon data. We can account for an
apparent excess of power close to the p-mode frequency range and signs of
structure in an echelle diagramme in terms of instrumental effects.Comment: Article accepted, to appear in A&
The Detection of Multimodal Oscillations on Alpha UMa
We have used the star camera on the WIRE satellite to observe the K0 III star
Alpha UMa, and we report the apparent detection of 10 oscillation modes. The
lowest frequency mode is at 1.82 microhertz, and appears to be the fundamental
mode. The mean spacing between the mode frequencies is 2.94 microhertz, which
implies that all detected modes are radial. The mode frequencies are consistent
with the physical parameters of a K0 III star, if we assume that only radial
modes are excited. Mode amplitudes are 100 -- 400 micromagnitudes, which is
consistent with the scaling relation of Kjeldsen & Beddinge (1995).Comment: ApJ Letters, in press. 14 pages, including 3 figure
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