778 research outputs found

    Long-range order in arrays of composite and monolithic magneto-toroidal moments

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    Magneto-toroidal order, also called ferrotoroidicity, is the most recently established type of ferroic state. It is based on a spontaneous and uniform alignment of unit-cell-sized magnetic whirls, called magneto-toroidal moments, associated with a macroscopic toroidization. Because of its intrinsic magnetoelectric coupling, this new ferroic state could be useful in the development of spintronic devices. We exploit two-dimensional periodic arrays of magnetostatically coupled nanomagnets as model systems for the investigation of long-range magneto-toroidal order. We present two pathways promoting this order, namely (i), structures comprising a ring of uniformly magnetized sub-micrometer-sized bar magnets and (ii), structures in which each magnetic building block itself hosts a magnetic vortex. For both cases calculations of the magnetic-dipole interaction and micromagnetic simulations reveal the conditions for the formation of spontaneous magneto-toroidal order. We confirm this order and the formation of magneto-toroidal domains in our arrays by magnetic force microscopy. We identify the presence of two types of domain-wall states emerging from the competition of two intrinsic microscopic couplings. Our work not only identifies the microscopic conditions promoting spontaneous magneto-toroidal order but also highlights the possibility tailor mesoscale magnetic arrays towards elusive types of ferroic order.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Cheapest Is dearest, though far from professional: A qualitative study on the use of social media during the Federal Election 2021 in Germany

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    Like in other areas, the importance of social media in the German political communication landscape has rapidly grown in recent years. The purpose of this study is to examine how the communication professionals of the different parties of the German Bundestag describe and characterize the role of social media in their political communication, especially in the last federal election in 2021. This research fills a critical gap by investigating 13 semiopen qualitative interviews with both political and strategic officials of the eight parties represented in the German Bundestag. By doing so, it provides insights into current and future social media practices and their level of professionalization in the German political sphere. Both the sample and focus of this study are, to our knowledge, unique in their nature. The results indicate that, while social media is seen as one of the most important channels to both inform and communicate with potential voters, the professionalization in the field seems to be on a relatively low level. Namely, both strategic and political professionals criticize a lack of human, time, and financial resources. Therefore, the parties lack behind in their practices, particularly considering the newest trends and possibilities of social media like big data, algorithms, or monitoring practices. These results suggest that previous assumptions regarding social media as a cheap and resource-efficient practice are outdated. However, the communicators voice future efforts to catch up on these topics. Further research is needed to investigate how the parties meet these intents

    The effect of group size and individual characteristics on between-group encounters in primates

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    Between-group encounters are common in non-human primates and can vary from affiliative to aggressive. We extracted data from the literature to test five different hypotheses: 1) where there are group size differences between opposing groups, whether the larger group is more likely to win a between-group encounter than the smaller group; 2) whether the likelihood of a group engaging in aggressive between-group encounters increases with group size; and 3-5) whether dominant, older animals, and/or males are more likely to participate aggressively in between-group encounters than subordinate, younger animals and/or females. Our dataset comprised 52 studies on 31 primate species (3 lemur species, 5 New World monkeys, 19 Old World monkeys and 4 apes). We found that the larger group is more likely to win an encounter against a smaller group than vice-versa. We found no significant relationship between group size and propensity to be aggressive during between-group encounters. We found weak/no support for the effect of age, dominance rank and sex on the frequency of aggression displayed towards outgroup animals during between-group encounters. Species- and population-specific differences in between- and within-group competition and in the degree of the unequal distribution of resources across group members may explain why age, dominance rank and sex are not strong predictors of aggression during between-group encounters

    Randomized, Double-Blind Trial of the Effect of Fluid Composition on Electrolyte, Acid-Base, and Fluid Homeostasis in Patients Early After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

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    Background: Hyper- and hyponatremia are frequently observed in patients after subarachnoidal hemorrhage, and are potentially related to worse outcome. We hypothesized that the fluid regimen in these patients is associated with distinct changes in serum electrolytes, acid-base disturbances, and fluid balance. Methods: Thirty-six consecutive patients with SAH were randomized double-blinded to either normal saline and hydroxyethyl starch dissolved in normal saline (Voluven®; saline) or balanced crystalloid and colloid solutions (Ringerfundin® and Tetraspan®; balanced, n=18, each) for 48h. Laboratory samples and fluid balance were evaluated at baseline and at 24 and 48h. Results: Age [57±13years (mean±SD; saline) vs. 56±12years (balanced)], SAPS II (38±16 vs. 34±17), Hunt and Hess [3 (1-4) (median, range) vs. 2 (1-4)], and Fischer scores [3.5 (1-4) vs. 3.5 (1-4)] were similar. Serum sodium, chloride, and osmolality increased in saline only (p≤0.010, time-group interaction). More patients in saline had Cl >108mmol/L [16 (89%) vs. 8 (44%); p=0.006], serum osmolality >300mosmol/L [10 (56%) vs. 2 (11%); p=0.012], a base excess 1,500mL during the first 24h [11 (61%) vs. 5 (28%); p=0.046]. Hyponatremia and hypo-osmolality were not more frequent in the balanced group. Conclusions: Treatment with saline-based fluids resulted in a greater number of patients with hyperchloremia, hyperosmolality, and positive fluid balance >1,500mL early after SAH, while administration of balanced solutions did not cause more frequent hyponatremia or hypo-osmolality. These results should be confirmed in larger studie


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    El presente artĂ­culo pretende, basándose en la evoluciĂłn del pensamiento y de las diferentes escuelas del feminismo, explicar quĂ© es el feminismo hoy. Como no es posible analizar el impacto de todas estas corrientes –por ejemplo, no analizamos en profundidad el feminismo liberal-, nos centramos en lo que denominamos corrientes neofeministas. Estas Escuelas o corrientes del feminismo que calificamos como comprensivas o completas, por tener una visiĂłn total sobre la sociedad, le dan un alcance ideolĂłgico al feminismo que va mucho más allá de las Escuelas o corrientes, que más bien se enfocan en la igualdad entre gĂ©neros. En este trabajo no abordamos el impacto que estas visiones tienen sobre el Derecho, pero creemos que lo afectan desde dos vertientes, a saber, como metodologĂ­a de investigaciĂłn y en su sustrato ideolĂłgico. Naturalmente que, en esta parte, sĂłlo nos abocaremos a lo que es el feminismo.This article aims, based on the evolution of thought and the different schools of feminism, to explain what feminism is today. As it is not possible to analyze the impact of all these -for example, we do not analyze in depth the liberal feminism-, we focus in enter to distinguish between what we call neo-feminist currents. These Schools or currents of feminism that we qualify as comprehensive or complete, for having a total vision about society, give an ideological scope to feminism that goes far beyond the Schools or currents that rather focus on gender equality. In this paper we do not address the impact that these visions have on the law, but we believe that they affect it from two aspects, namely, as a research methodology and in its ideological substratum. Of course, in this part, we will only focus on what feminism is

    Effects of Psychotherapy on Glutamatergic Neurotransmission

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    Introduction: Psychodynamic psychotherapy is an effective and widely used treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD); however, little is known about neurobiological changes associated with induced symptom improvement. Methods: Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy with a two-dimensional J-resolved sequence served to test the relationship between glutamate (Glu) and glutamine (Gln) levels, measured separately in pregenual anterior cingulate cortex (pgACC) and the anterior midcingulate cortex (aMCC) as a control region, with change in depression symptoms after 6 months of weekly psychodynamic psychotherapy sessions in MDD patients. Depressed (N = 45) and healthy (N = 30) subjects participated in a baseline proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy measurement and a subgroup of MDD subjects (N = 21) then received once-a-week psychodynamic psychotherapy and participated in a second proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy measurement after 6 months. Change in depression symptoms was assessed using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD). Results: Higher pretreatment pgACC Gln concentrations in MDD patients compared to healthy controls were associated with symptom severity. Patients and controls did not differ regarding Gln levels in aMCC nor regarding Glu levels in both regions. The association of pgACC Gln concentration and severity of depressive symptoms was reversed after 6 months of psychotherapy in MDD subjects. Regarding Gln in aMCC as well as Glu in both regions, there were no significant associations with improvement of depressive symptoms in the course of psychotherapy. Discussion: Findings indicate specific regional effects of psychodynamic psychotherapy on glutamatergic neurotransmission and thereby highlight the key role of the pgACC in both depression pathophysiology and recovery

    Online-Aktivitäten und rechtsextreme Einstellungen im Jugendalter

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    Die Nutzung des Internets durchzieht den Alltag Jugendlicher. Diese technologische Entwicklung geht mit einer Vielzahl an positiven neuen Möglichkeiten einher. Allerdings können insbesondere soziale Medien für Jugendliche ein Risiko darstellen, in Radikalisierungsprozesse hineinzugeraten. In der Forschung wurde bislang kaum betrachtet, welche spezifischen Online-Aktivitäten zu einer Radikalisierung führen bzw. mit ihr einhergehen. Der Zusammenhang zwischen rechtsextremen Einstellungen und verschiedenen Online-Aktivitäten wie Konsum von Internetseiten, Vernetzung und Posting rechter Inhalte wird in diesem Beitrag geschlechtsspezifisch untersucht, da sowohl das Online-Verhalten als auch das Ausmass extremistischer Einstellungen bei Jungen und Mädchen unterschiedlich ausgeprägt ist und somit angenommen werden kann, dass auch der Zusammenhang geschlechtsspezifischer Betrachtung bedarf. Es werden Daten einer Schüler:innenbefragung (N = 6.715) herangezogen, die vom Kriminologischen Forschungsinstitut Niedersachsen durchgeführt und vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung gefördert wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass rechtsextreme Einstellungen mit dem Konsum politischer Websites in Verbindung stehen (insbesondere bei Jungen). Vernetzung und Posting-Verhalten weisen (unabhängig vom Geschlecht) nur geringe Zusammenhänge mit rechtsextremen Einstellungen auf
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