5 research outputs found

    Influence cinĂ©tique de H2S sur la pyrolyse des hydrocarbures aromatiques aux pressions de rĂ©servoirs gĂ©ologiques (700 bar) : Ă©tude expĂ©rimentale du systĂšme n-butylbenzĂšne – H2S comparĂ©e au n-butylbenzĂšne pur

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    Understanding of hydrocarbon composition in oil reservoirs is a major issue in order to assess the feasibility and the implications of further extraction of buried resources. The presence of acidic gases as well as corrosive compounds can make the difference between an extraction project that will be developed and another that will be considered as unsustainable. In this context, the presence of H2S plays a major role, due to H2S toxicity and the economic investments needed to separate it and to reduce the concentration of related sulfur compounds to permitted levels required by current legislations. Although it is known that high concentrations in carbonate oil reservoirs are produced by the reaction between hydrocarbons and sulfate ions (SO42-) in the aqueous phase, the influence of H2S on petroleum cracking and on the formation of sulfur compounds is little known. In this thesis, the influence of H2S on the cracking of aromatic hydrocarbons under oil reservoir pressure and temperature conditions was studied by confined pyrolysis artificial maturation of a model compound (n-butylbenzene) with and without presence of H2S. Thus, the pure n-butylbenzene and the n-butylbenzene-H2S mixture were pyrolyzed in the gold capsules at temperatures between 310 °C and 350 °C at a constant pressure of 700 bar for periods from 3 to 15 days. The results of pure n-butylbenzene pyrolysis allowed the construction and validation of a detailed kinetic model whose extrapolation to geological temperatures and pressures (200 °C, 700 bar) shows that the average half-life of n-butylbenzene is similar to that of alkanes. Some formation pathways of the major sulfur-containing compounds H2S (thiols and phenylthiophens) produced by interaction between n-butylbenzene have been proposed. These formation pathways highlight the control of the aliphatic chain reactions on the cracking of the alkyl-aromatic compounds at the experimental conditions of this study. Comparison of the two experimental systems in the presence and absence of H2S also exposed the accelerating effect of H2S cracking on n-butylbenzene and long-chain alkyl aliphatic compounds under pyrolysis conditionsLa connaissance de la composition en hydrocarbures des gisements pĂ©troliers est un enjeu majeur afin de dĂ©terminer la faisabilitĂ© et l’intĂ©rĂȘt de l’exploitation de leurs rĂ©servoirs. La prĂ©sence des gaz acides et des composĂ©s corrosifs peut marquer la diffĂ©rence entre un projet d’exploitation qui sera dĂ©veloppĂ© et un autre qui sera considĂ©rĂ© comme non viable. Dans ce contexte la prĂ©sence de H2S joue un rĂŽle majeur, du fait de sa toxicitĂ© et des investissements nĂ©cessaires pour sĂ©parer le H2S, ainsi que pour rĂ©duire la concentration des composĂ©s soufrĂ©s aux valeurs requises par la lĂ©gislation. Bien qu’il soit acceptĂ© que les concentrations Ă©levĂ©es en H2S dans les rĂ©servoirs carbonatĂ©s de pĂ©trole sont issues des rĂ©actions entre les hydrocarbures et les ions sulfates (SO42-) en phase aqueuse, l’influence de H2S sur le craquage des hydrocarbures et la formation des composĂ©s soufrĂ©s est peu connue. Dans le cadre de cette thĂšse, l’influence de H2S sur le craquage des hydrocarbures aromatiques dans les conditions des rĂ©servoirs pĂ©troliers a Ă©tĂ© mise en Ă©vidence par l’étude de la maturation artificielle par pyrolyse confinĂ©e d’un composĂ© modĂšle, le n-butylbenzĂšne, en prĂ©sence et en absence de H2S. Ainsi, le n-butylbenzĂšne pur, et le mĂ©lange n-butylbenzĂšne – H2S ont Ă©tĂ© pyrolysĂ©s dans les capsules en or Ă  des tempĂ©ratures entre 310 °C et 350 °C Ă  pression constante de 700 bar pour des durĂ©es comprises entre 3 et 15 jours. Les rĂ©sultats de la pyrolyse du n-butylbenzĂšne pur ont permis la construction et la validation d’un modĂšle cinĂ©tique dĂ©taillĂ© dont l’extrapolation aux tempĂ©ratures et pressions gĂ©ologiques (200 °C, 700 bar) montre que le temps de demi-vie moyen du n-butylbenzĂšne est similaire Ă  celle des alcanes. Certaines voies de formation des produits soufrĂ©s majeurs par les interactions entre le n-butylbenzĂšne et le H2S, des thiols et des phĂ©nylthiophĂšnes, ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©es faisant ressortir l’importance de la rĂ©activitĂ© de la chaĂźne aliphatique sur le craquage des composĂ©s alkyl-aromatiques dans les conditions expĂ©rimentales. La comparaison entre les deux systĂšmes expĂ©rimentaux en prĂ©sence et en absence de H2S a montrĂ© aussi l’effet accĂ©lĂ©rateur de H2S sur le craquage de n-butylbenzĂšne, et par extrapolation, sur le craquage des composĂ©s alkyl-aromatiques Ă  chaĂźne aliphatique longue dans les conditions de pyrolys

    Kinetic influence of H2S on aromatic hydrocarbons pyrolysis at reservoir geologic pressures (700 bar) : experimental study of n-butylbenzene - H2S compared to pure n-butylbenzene

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    La connaissance de la composition en hydrocarbures des gisements pĂ©troliers est un enjeu majeur afin de dĂ©terminer la faisabilitĂ© et l’intĂ©rĂȘt de l’exploitation de leurs rĂ©servoirs. La prĂ©sence des gaz acides et des composĂ©s corrosifs peut marquer la diffĂ©rence entre un projet d’exploitation qui sera dĂ©veloppĂ© et un autre qui sera considĂ©rĂ© comme non viable. Dans ce contexte la prĂ©sence de H2S joue un rĂŽle majeur, du fait de sa toxicitĂ© et des investissements nĂ©cessaires pour sĂ©parer le H2S, ainsi que pour rĂ©duire la concentration des composĂ©s soufrĂ©s aux valeurs requises par la lĂ©gislation. Bien qu’il soit acceptĂ© que les concentrations Ă©levĂ©es en H2S dans les rĂ©servoirs carbonatĂ©s de pĂ©trole sont issues des rĂ©actions entre les hydrocarbures et les ions sulfates (SO42-) en phase aqueuse, l’influence de H2S sur le craquage des hydrocarbures et la formation des composĂ©s soufrĂ©s est peu connue. Dans le cadre de cette thĂšse, l’influence de H2S sur le craquage des hydrocarbures aromatiques dans les conditions des rĂ©servoirs pĂ©troliers a Ă©tĂ© mise en Ă©vidence par l’étude de la maturation artificielle par pyrolyse confinĂ©e d’un composĂ© modĂšle, le n-butylbenzĂšne, en prĂ©sence et en absence de H2S. Ainsi, le n-butylbenzĂšne pur, et le mĂ©lange n-butylbenzĂšne – H2S ont Ă©tĂ© pyrolysĂ©s dans les capsules en or Ă  des tempĂ©ratures entre 310 °C et 350 °C Ă  pression constante de 700 bar pour des durĂ©es comprises entre 3 et 15 jours. Les rĂ©sultats de la pyrolyse du n-butylbenzĂšne pur ont permis la construction et la validation d’un modĂšle cinĂ©tique dĂ©taillĂ© dont l’extrapolation aux tempĂ©ratures et pressions gĂ©ologiques (200 °C, 700 bar) montre que le temps de demi-vie moyen du n-butylbenzĂšne est similaire Ă  celle des alcanes. Certaines voies de formation des produits soufrĂ©s majeurs par les interactions entre le n-butylbenzĂšne et le H2S, des thiols et des phĂ©nylthiophĂšnes, ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©es faisant ressortir l’importance de la rĂ©activitĂ© de la chaĂźne aliphatique sur le craquage des composĂ©s alkyl-aromatiques dans les conditions expĂ©rimentales. La comparaison entre les deux systĂšmes expĂ©rimentaux en prĂ©sence et en absence de H2S a montrĂ© aussi l’effet accĂ©lĂ©rateur de H2S sur le craquage de n-butylbenzĂšne, et par extrapolation, sur le craquage des composĂ©s alkyl-aromatiques Ă  chaĂźne aliphatique longue dans les conditions de pyrolyseUnderstanding of hydrocarbon composition in oil reservoirs is a major issue in order to assess the feasibility and the implications of further extraction of buried resources. The presence of acidic gases as well as corrosive compounds can make the difference between an extraction project that will be developed and another that will be considered as unsustainable. In this context, the presence of H2S plays a major role, due to H2S toxicity and the economic investments needed to separate it and to reduce the concentration of related sulfur compounds to permitted levels required by current legislations. Although it is known that high concentrations in carbonate oil reservoirs are produced by the reaction between hydrocarbons and sulfate ions (SO42-) in the aqueous phase, the influence of H2S on petroleum cracking and on the formation of sulfur compounds is little known. In this thesis, the influence of H2S on the cracking of aromatic hydrocarbons under oil reservoir pressure and temperature conditions was studied by confined pyrolysis artificial maturation of a model compound (n-butylbenzene) with and without presence of H2S. Thus, the pure n-butylbenzene and the n-butylbenzene-H2S mixture were pyrolyzed in the gold capsules at temperatures between 310 °C and 350 °C at a constant pressure of 700 bar for periods from 3 to 15 days. The results of pure n-butylbenzene pyrolysis allowed the construction and validation of a detailed kinetic model whose extrapolation to geological temperatures and pressures (200 °C, 700 bar) shows that the average half-life of n-butylbenzene is similar to that of alkanes. Some formation pathways of the major sulfur-containing compounds H2S (thiols and phenylthiophens) produced by interaction between n-butylbenzene have been proposed. These formation pathways highlight the control of the aliphatic chain reactions on the cracking of the alkyl-aromatic compounds at the experimental conditions of this study. Comparison of the two experimental systems in the presence and absence of H2S also exposed the accelerating effect of H2S cracking on n-butylbenzene and long-chain alkyl aliphatic compounds under pyrolysis condition

    Multiple Overlapping Epitopes in the Repetitive Unit of the Shed Acute-Phase Antigen from Trypanosoma cruzi Enhance Its Immunogenic Properties

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    The repetitive shed acute-phase antigen (SAPA) from Trypanosoma cruzi was thoroughly mapped by SPOT peptides and phage display strategies, showing that a single SAPA repeat is composed of multiple overlapping B-cell epitopes. We propose that this intricate antigenic structure constitutes an alternative device to repetitiveness in order to improve its immunogenicity

    Clinical obstetrics: the fetus & mother/ editors, E. Albert Reece, Gustavo F. Leguizamón, George A. Macones, Arnon Wiznitzer ; foreword by Charles Lockwood.

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    Includes bibliographical references and index."From preconception care through all aspects of care of the pregnant mother and newborn infant, Clinical Obstetrics provides comprehensive, authoritative information on today's obstetrics and maternal-fetal medicine. The fourth edition has been streamlined with concise chapters summarizing clinical content for busy practitioners. The eBook provides expanded content and exciting new animations and interactive decision-making algorithms. Together, the print and eBook offer residents, trainees, and all obstetrics and maternal-fetal practitioners a comprehensive resource featuring the most up-to-date guidelines, decision algorithms, and evidence for clinical practice. Expanded with a global perspective with international co-editors and contributions from global experts in all areas of obstetrics and maternal-fetal medicine, including embryology, fetal biology, genetics, prenatal diagnosis and imaging, maternal and fetal infections and diseases, and teratology. Contains clinical management algorithms and tables for quick reference and more than 1,000 full-color illustrations that highlight diagnostic features and treatment procedures. Features a new, compact, and streamlined format in the print version for easy access; the eBook will be updated periodically with vital new studies and techniques and includes expanded text, as well as animations and interactive content. Includes 14 new chapters covering topics such as fetal surgical interventions, obesity in pregnancy, health disparities in obstetrics, thrombophilias, neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, invasive diagnostic procedures, the fourth trimester, and more"--1 online resourc