563 research outputs found

    Ein neues politisches Koordinatensystem? Die französischen PrÀsidentschaftswahlen und der Blick auf die Parlamentswahl

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    Die Wiederwahl Emmanuel Macrons offenbart eine tiefe Spaltung der französischen Gesellschaft. Diese wird vom praktisch verschwunde- nen traditionellen Parteiensystem nicht mehr abgebildet. Stattdessen stehen sich nach der PrĂ€sidentschaftswahl drei Lager (Linkspopulisten, liberales Zentrum, Rechtspopulisten) gegenĂŒber. Dieses Novum im bisher bipolaren französischen politischen System wird sich auf die be- vorstehende Parlamentswahl auswirken. Möglicherweise wird PrĂ€sident Macron nach der Wahl zwar nicht ĂŒber eine eigene Mehrheit verfĂŒgen, es wird aber auch keine Mehrheit gegen ihn (Cohabitation) geben. Diese Situation wĂ€re ein Novum fĂŒr das politische System der V. Republik. Die darin zum Ausdruck kommenden gesellschaftlichen Spannungen werden so oder so eine lagerĂŒbergreifende Anstrengung zur politischen und gesellschaftlichen Reform erfordern.La rĂ©Ă©lection d’Emmanuel Macron rĂ©vĂšle une profonde division de la so- ciĂ©tĂ© française. Celle-ci n’est plus reprĂ©sentĂ©e par le systĂšme de partis traditionnel, qui ont pratiquement disparu. Au lieu de cela, trois blocs (populistes de gauche, centre libĂ©ral, populistes de droite) s’affrontent aprĂšs l’élection prĂ©sidentielle. Cette transformation du systĂšme politique français, jusqu’ici bipolaire, aura des rĂ©percussions sur les prochaines Ă©lections lĂ©gislatives. Aussi il est possible que le prĂ©sident Macron ne disposera pas d’une majoritĂ© propre Ă  l’issue de celles-ci, mais sans qu’une majoritĂ© contre lui (cohabitation) soit envisageable. Cette situation serait alors une premiĂšre pour la VĂšme RĂ©publique. Les tensions sociales s’exprimant Ă  travers cette situation nĂ©cessiteront d’une maniĂšre ou d’une autre un effort transcendant les camps pour rĂ©former la politique et la sociĂ©tĂ©

    Astraeus VII: The environmental-dependent assembly of galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization

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    Using the ASTRAEUS (semi-numerical rAdiative tranSfer coupling of galaxy formaTion and Reionization in N-body dark matter simUlationS) framework, we explore the impact of environmental density and radiative feedback on the assembly of galaxies and their host halos during the Epoch of Reionization. The ASTRAEUS framework allows us to study the evolution of galaxies with masses (108.2M⊙<Mh<1013M⊙\rm 10^{8.2}M_\odot < M_{\rm h} < 10^{13}M_\odot) in wide variety of environment (−0.5<log(1+ÎŽ)<1.3-0.5 < {\rm log}(1+\delta) < 1.3 averaged over (2 cMpc)3(2~{\rm cMpc})^3). We find that : (i) there exists a mass- and redshift- dependent "characteristic" environment (log(1+ÎŽa(Mh,z))=0.021×Mh0.16+0.07z−1.12{\rm log} (1+\delta_a(M_{\rm h}, z)) = 0.021\times M_{\rm h}^{0.16} + 0.07 z -1.12, up to z∌10z\sim 10) at which galaxies are most efficient at accreting dark matter, e.g at a rate of 0.2%0.2\% of their mass every Myr at z=5z=5; (ii) the number of minor and major mergers and their contributions to the dark matter assembly increases with halo mass at all redshifts and is mostly independent of the environment; (iii) at z=5z=5 minor mergers contribute slightly more (by up to ∌10%\sim 10\%) to the dark matter assembly while for the stellar assembly, major mergers dominate the contribution from minor mergers for Mhâ‰Č1011.5M⊙M_{\rm h}\lesssim 10^{11.5}M_\odot galaxies; (iv) radiative feedback quenches star formation more in low-mass galaxies (Mhâ‰Č109.5M⊙M_{\rm h} \lesssim 10^{9.5}M_\odot) in over-dense environments (log(1+ÎŽ)>0.5{\rm log}(1+\delta) > 0.5); dominated by their major branch, this yields star formation histories biased towards older ages with a slower redshift evolution.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures, submitted to MNRAS, comments welcome

    Astraeus VIII: A new framework for Lyman-α\alpha emitters applied to different reionisation scenarios

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    We use the {\sc astraeus} framework to investigate how the visibility and spatial distribution of Lyman-α\alpha (Lyα\alpha) emitters (LAEs) during reionisation is sensitive to a halo mass-dependent fraction of ionising radiation escaping from the galactic environment (fescf_\mathrm{esc}) and the ionisation topology. To this end, we consider the two physically plausible bracketing scenarios of fescf_\mathrm{esc} increasing and decreasing with rising halo mass. We derive the corresponding observed Lyα\alpha luminosities of galaxies for three different analytic Lyα\alpha line profiles and associated Lyα\alpha escape fraction (fescLyαf_\mathrm{esc}^\mathrm{Ly\alpha}) models: importantly, we introduce two novel analytic Lyα\alpha line profile models that describe the surrounding interstellar medium (ISM) as dusty gas clumps. They are based on parameterising results from radiative transfer simulations, with one of them relating fescLyαf_\mathrm{esc}^\mathrm{Ly\alpha} to fescf_\mathrm{esc} by assuming the ISM of being interspersed with low-density tunnels. Our key findings are: (i) for dusty gas clumps, the Lyα\alpha line profile develops from a central to double peak profile as a galaxy's halo mass increases; (ii) LAEs are galaxies with Mh≳1010M⊙M_h\gtrsim10^{10}M_\odot located in overdense and highly ionised regions; (iii) for this reason, the spatial distribution of LAEs is primarily sensitive to the global ionisation fraction and only weakly in second-order to the ionisation topology or a halo mass-dependent fescf_\mathrm{esc}; (iv) furthermore, as the observed Lyα\alpha luminosity functions reflect the Lyα\alpha emission from more massive galaxies, there is a degeneracy between the fescf_\mathrm{esc}-dependent intrinsic Lyα\alpha luminosity and the Lyα\alpha attenuation by dust in the ISM if fescf_\mathrm{esc} does not exceed ∌50%\sim50\%.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Astraeus - VI. Hierarchical assembly of AGN and their large-scale effect during the Epoch of Reionization

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    In this work, the sixth of a series, we use the ASTRAEUS (semi-numerical rAdiative tranSfer coupling of galaxy formaTion and Reionization in N-body dark matter simUlationS) framework to investigate the nature of the sources that reionized the Universe. We extend ASTRAEUS, which already couples a galaxy formation semi-analytical model with a detailed semi-numerical reionization scheme, to include a model for black hole formation, growth, and the production of ionizing radiation from associated AGN (active galactic nuclei). We calibrate our fiducial AGN model to reproduce the bolometric luminosity function at z ~ 5, and explore the role of the resulting AGN population in reionizing the Universe. We find that in all the models yielding a reasonable AGN luminosity function, galaxies dominate overwhelmingly the ionizing budget during the Epoch of Reionization, with AGN accounting for 1-10% of the ionizing budget at z=6 and starting to play a role only below z < 5.Comment: 15+2 pages, 14+1 figures, 1 table. Accepted in MNRA

    Optimisation des paramĂštres d'estampage de renforts secs pour applications composites structuraux

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    Avec des normes europĂ©ennes de plus en plus restrictives vis-Ă -vis des Ă©missions de CO2 [1], l'industrie automobile mĂšnent une vĂ©ritable politique d'allĂ©gement de leurs vĂ©hicules [2]. Depuis plusieurs dĂ©cennies, les matĂ©riaux composites reprĂ©sentent une rĂ©ponse aux problĂ©matiques d'allĂšgement de structures. La filiĂšre automobile française s'intĂ©resse donc Ă  l'industrialisation de leurs procĂ©dĂ©s de mises en ?uvre, trop souvent peu rĂ©pĂ©tables et limitĂ©s aux petites et moyennes sĂ©ries.   Les procĂ©dĂ©s de type RTM (Resin tranfert Moulding) permettent la production de matĂ©riaux composites hautes performances en grande sĂ©rie tout en garantissant une bonne rĂ©pĂ©tabilitĂ©. Habituellement, le procĂ©dĂ© RTM est dĂ©composĂ© en deux Ă©tapes [3]: Mise en forme de renforts fibreux (semi-produits textiles) ou prĂ©formage. Injection de la rĂ©sine (ou imprĂ©gnation) dans la prĂ©forme.   L'Ă©tape de mise en forme de renforts secs selon la gĂ©omĂ©trie de la piĂšce joue influe directement sur les paramĂštres morphologiques de la prĂ©forme (orientation, densitĂ© et continuitĂ© des renforts) qui ont une incidence directe sur la permĂ©abilitĂ© de la prĂ©forme et sur le comportement mĂ©canique de la piĂšce composite finale [4]. Dans le cas de l'industrie automobile grand volume, un des procĂ©dĂ©s de mise en forme privilĂ©giĂ©s est l'estampage. Pour respecter du cahier des charges de la prĂ©forme et une bonne rĂ©pĂ©tabilitĂ©, une montĂ©e en maturitĂ© de ce procĂ©dĂ© est nĂ©cessaire.   Dans ce cadre, l'IRT M2P, un centre de recherche, est appuyĂ© par un consortium de 14 industriels (Arkema, Chomarat, Compose, Coriolis, ESI, Faurecia, Hexion, Hutchinson, Institut de Soudure, Owens Corning, PEI, PSA, Renault, SISE) dans le cadre du projet Fast FORM. Ce projet collaboratif ambitionne de dĂ©velopper les mĂ©thodes et technologies nĂ©cessaires Ă  la rĂ©alisation de prĂ©formes Ă  destination de l'industrie automobile : Pour piĂšces structurales de grandes dimensions Optimisation de l'engagement matiĂšre Optimum technico-Ă©conomique Temps de cycle de 2 min  Dans cette communication, les diffĂ©rents maillons de la dĂ©marche de montĂ©e en maturitĂ© du procĂ©dĂ© d'estampage seront prĂ©sentĂ©s :   CaractĂ©risation des renforts : permet de fournir une loi matĂ©riaux pour la simulation. Un intĂ©rĂȘt particulier est portĂ© sur la caractĂ©risation en cisaillement, qui est considĂ©rĂ© comme le mode de dĂ©formation prĂ©pondĂ©rant lors du prĂ©formage. L'essai de bias test est notamment simulĂ© pour vĂ©rifier la bonne corrĂ©lation avec l'expĂ©rience. Cette communication s'appuiera sur la caractĂ©risation d'un NCF de verre. RĂ©alisation d'estampages de gĂ©omĂ©tries Ă©lĂ©mentaires (hĂ©misphĂšres, goussets). Ces essais sont simulĂ©s sous PAM FORM (ESI Group [5]). La corrĂ©lation expĂ©riences / simulations permettra d'ajuster les cartes matĂ©riaux et d'identifier les leviers d'optimisation. ItĂ©ration pour dĂ©finir une configuration d'estampage optimale pour des piĂšces complexes de grandes dimensions. Cette phase dĂ©finit la forme des outils et leur cinĂ©matique grĂące Ă  la simulation sous PAM FORM. Ces dĂ©finitions permettent de concevoir et d'industrialiser le procĂ©dĂ©. CorrĂ©lation simulation-expĂ©rience d'estampages de grandes dimensions. Cette phase permet de valider les mĂ©thodes et la mise en donnĂ©es de l'Ă©tude numĂ©rique. RĂ©fĂ©rences :   [1] European Commission, Press release: Further CO2 emission reductions from cars and vans: a win-win for the climate, consumers, innovation and jobs. 2012. [2] L. David, ?StratĂ©gie MatĂ©riaux Automobile pour les annĂ©es Ă  venir.? PSA / SRA, 12-Jun-2013. [3] P. Boisse, ?Mise en forme des matĂ©riaux fibreux - Tech. ing.? 2004. [4] D. Turner and K. Hjelmstad, ?Determining the 3D permeability of fibrous media using the Newton method,? in Compos. Part B Eng., 2007, pp. 44 ? 57. [5] ?https://www.esi-group.com/fr.?

    Differential retention of transposable element-derived sequences in outcrossing Arabidopsis genomes

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    International audienceBackground: Transposable elements (TEs) are genomic parasites with major impacts on host genome architecture and host adaptation. A proper evaluation of their evolutionary significance has been hampered by the paucity of short scale phylogenetic comparisons between closely related species. Here, we characterized the dynamics of TE accumulation at the micro-evolutionary scale by comparing two closely related plant species, Arabidopsis lyrata and A. halleri. Results: Joint genome annotation in these two outcrossing species confirmed that both contain two distinct populations of TEs with either 'recent' or 'old' insertion histories. Identification of rare segregating insertions suggests that diverse TE families contribute to the ongoing dynamics of TE accumulation in the two species. Orthologous TE fragments (i.e. those that have been maintained in both species), tend to be located closer to genes than those that are retained in one species only. Compared to non-orthologous TE insertions, those that are orthologous tend to produce fewer short interfering RNAs, are less heavily methylated when found within or adjacent to genes and these tend to have lower expression levels. These findings suggest that long-term retention of TE insertions reflects their frequent acquisition of adaptive roles and/or the deleterious effects of removing nearly neutral TE insertions when they are close to genes. Conclusion: Our results indicate a rapid evolutionary dynamics of the TE landscape in these two outcrossing species, with an important input of a diverse set of new insertions with variable propensity to resist deletion

    Dispersal syndromes in challenging environments: A cross‐species experiment

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    Dispersal is a central biological process tightly integrated into life-histories, morphology, physiology and behaviour. Such associations, or syndromes, are anticipated to impact the eco-evolutionary dynamics of spatially structured populations, and cascade into ecosystem processes. As for dispersal on its own, these syndromes are likely neither fixed nor random, but conditional on the experienced environment. We experimentally studied how dispersal propensity varies with individuals' phenotype and local environmental harshness using 15 species ranging from protists to vertebrates. We reveal a general phenotypic dispersal syndrome across studied species, with dispersers being larger, more active and having a marked locomotion-oriented morphology and a strengthening of the link between dispersal and some phenotypic traits with environmental harshness. Our proof-of-concept metacommunity model further reveals cascading effects of context-dependent syndromes on the local and regional organisation of functional diversity. Our study opens new avenues to advance our understanding of the functioning of spatially structured populations, communities and ecosystems. Keywords: context-dependent dispersal; dispersal strategy; distributed experiment; predation risk; resource limitatio

    Design, manufacturing and testing of a green non-isocyanate polyurethane prosthetic heart valve.

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    peer reviewedThe sole effective treatment for most patients with heart valve disease is valve replacement by implantation of mechanical or biological prostheses. However, mechanical valves represent high risk of thromboembolism, and biological prostheses are prone to early degeneration. In this work, we aim to determine the potential of novel environmentally-friendly non-isocyanate polyurethanes (NIPUs) for manufacturing synthetic prosthetic heart valves. Polyhydroxyurethane (PHU) NIPUs are synthesized via an isocyanate-free route, tested in vitro, and used to produce aortic valves. PHU elastomers reinforced with a polyester mesh show mechanical properties similar to native valve leaflets. These NIPUs do not cause hemolysis. Interestingly, both platelet adhesion and contact activation-induced coagulation are strongly reduced on NIPU surfaces, indicating low thrombogenicity. Fibroblasts and endothelial cells maintain normal growth and shape after indirect contact with NIPUs. Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) allows modeling of the ideal valve design, with minimal shear stress on the leaflets. Injection-molded valves are tested in a pulse duplicator and show ISO-compliant hydrodynamic performance, comparable to clinically-used bioprostheses. Poly(tetrahydrofuran) (PTHF)-NIPU patches do not show any evidence of calcification over a period of 8 weeks. NIPUs are promising sustainable biomaterials for the manufacturing of improved prosthetic valves with low thrombogenicity

    Global standards of Constitutional law : epistemology and methodology

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    Just as it led the philosophy of science to gravitate around scientific practice, the abandonment of all foundationalist aspirations has already begun making political philosophy into an attentive observer of the new ways in which constitutional law is practiced. Yet paradoxically, lawyers and legal scholars are not those who understand this the most clearly. Beyond analyzing the jurisprudence that has emerged from the expansion of constitutional justice, and taking into account the development of international and regional law, the ongoing globalization of constitutional law requires comparing the constitutional laws of individual nations. Following Waldron, the product of this new legal science can be considered as ius gentium. This legal science is not as well established as one might like to think. But it can be developed on the grounds of the practice that consists in ascertaining standards. As abstract types of best “practices” (and especially norms) of constitutional law from around the world, these are only a source of law in a substantive, not a formal, sense. They thus belong to what I should like to call a “second order legal positivity.” In this article I will undertake, both at a methodological and an epistemological level, the development of a model for ascertaining global standards of constitutional law

    Long-range angular correlations on the near and away side in p&#8211;Pb collisions at

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