2,459 research outputs found

    An Evaluation Of Assigning Written Homework For Industrial Arts Courses In Junior And Senior High Schools

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    A particularly thornly problem is the old one of homework. This is an area in which there is much misunderstanding} teachers, students, and parents rarely see eye-to-eye. What should you tell parents about homework? Homework, by definition, is a task motivated or initiated in the classroom, performed outside of regular school time, which enriches, extends, stimulates, or strengthens learning directly related to classwork. A child\u27s success in school depends largely on how he does his homework, says Dr. Theisen, Parents should aim to give the kind of help that encourages a child to succeed on his own. This is not as simple as it sounds. Many sincere parents are puzzled about homework. They are fearful of helping incorrectly; for example, they are fearful of using outdated methods of reading or problem-solving in arithmetic. Parents are fearful of helping their children too much with their homework. As a result of parents helping them too much, the children will become dependent upon the parents and will not do anything themselves. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The purpose of this study was to collect and present data relative to the opinions of teachers of Industrial Arts concerning assigning written homework. In making this study, data was sought which would assist in answering the following questions? 1. Do you assign written homework? 2, How often should written homework be assigned? 3. To what degree expended by the teacher in assigning homework is justified by student participation? 4, To what degree should students be allowed to work on assignments of their own interests? It Is imperative that social institutions in a democracy have a worthwhile purpose, In determining the direction or goal of Industrial Arts in a dynamic society.the needs, abilities, and interests of students are paramount. The needs of the individual must be served if education is to be of maximum assistance, To be able to supply these needs, various studies are constantly in progress to determine specific areas in which aid will be needed in rendering a better-vocationallyprepared graduate


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    The Variability of Currents in the Yucatan Channel: Analysis of Results from a Numerical Ocean Model

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    The flow through the Yucatan Channel and into the Gulf of Mexico is a major component of the Gulf Stream and the subtropical gyre circulation. Surprisingly, however, little is known about the forcing and physical parameters that effect the current structures in the Channel. This paper attempts to improve our understanding of the flow through the Channel with a detailed analysis of the currents obtained from a primitive-equation model that includes the Gulf and the entire Caribbean Sea and forced by 6-hourly wind from ECMWF. The analysis includes two parts: First, the overall statistics of the model results, including the Loop Current (LC) variability, the frequency of LC eddy-shedding, and the means and standard deviations (SD) of transports and currents, are compared with observations. Secondly, an Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis attempts to identify the physical parameters responsible for the dominant modal fluctuations in the Channel. The model LC sheds seven eddies in 4 years at irregular time intervals (6.6, 7.1, 11.9, 4.2, 10.9 months). The model\u27s upper (thickness ∼800 m) inflow into the Gulf of Mexico occupies two-thirds of the Channel on the western side, with a near-surface maximum (4-year) mean of around 1.5 m s-1 and SD ≈ 0.4 m s-1. Three (return) outflow regions are identified, one in the upper layer (thickness ∼600 m) on the eastern third of the Channel, with mean near the surface of about 0.2 m s-1 and SD ≈ 0.14 m s-1, and two deep outflow cores, along the western and eastern slopes of the Channel, with (Mean, SD) ≈ (0.17, 0.05) and (0.09, 0.07) m s-1, respectively. The total modeled Channel transport varies from 16 to 34 Sv (1 Sverdrup = 106 m3 s-1) with a mean around 25 Sv. The above velocity and transport values agree quite well with observations by Maul et al. [1985], Ochoa et al. [2001], and Sheinbaum et al. [2002]. The deep return transport below 800 m was found to correlate with changes in the Loop Current extension area, in agreement with the observational analysis by Bunge et al. [2002]. The EOF mode#1 of the along-channel currents contains 50% of the total energy. It is surface-trapped, is 180° out of phase across the channel, and correlates well (correlation coefficient γ ≈ 0.8) with the cross-channel vacillations of the LC frontal position. The EOF mode#2 contains 18% of the energy, and its structure mimics that of the mean flow: dominated by two vertically more coherent regions that are 180° out of phase across the Channel. The mode is dominated by two periods, approximately 11 months and 2 months respectively, and correlates (γ ≈ 0.7) with the upper-channel inflow transport. The third and fourth modes, together, account for 18% of the total energy. Their combined time series correlates (γ ≈ 0.66) with the deep current over the sill, and is dominated by fluctuations with a period ≈205 days coincident with the dominant low-frequency fluctuations inherent in Maul et al.\u27s [1985] sill measurement. Thus the dominant mode of flow fluctuations in the Yucatan Channel is caused by LC cross-frontal movements which may not be directly related to LC eddy-sheddings, while higher modes correspond to transport fluctuations that affect eddy-sheddings, and to bottom-trapped current fluctuations, the cause of which has yet to be fully uncovered

    Homogeneous gold catalysis using complexes recovered from waste electronic equipment

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    Despite the greater awareness of elemental sustainability and the benefits of the circular economy concept, much waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is still destined for landfill. Effective methods for valorizing this waste within our society are therefore imperative. In this contribution, two gold(III) complexes obtained as recovery products from WEEE and their anion metathesis products were investigated as homogenous catalysts. These four recovery products were successfully applied as catalysts for the cyclization of propargylic amides and the condensation of acetylacetone with o-iodoaniline. Impressive activity was also observed in the gold-catalyzed reaction between electron-rich arenes (2-methylfuran, 1,3-dimethoxybenzene, and azulene) and α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds (methyl vinyl ketone and cyclohexenone). These recovered compounds were also shown to be effective catalysts for the oxidative cross-coupling reaction of aryl silanes and arenes. When employed as Lewis acid catalysts for carbonyl-containing substrates, the WEEE-derived gold complexes could also be recovered at the end of the reaction and reused without loss in catalytic activity, enhancing still further the sustainability of the process. This is the first direct application in homogeneous catalysis of gold recovery products sourced from e-waste

    Far-Ultraviolet Dust Albedo Measurements in the Upper Scorpius Cloud Using the SPINR Sounding Rocket Experiment

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    The Spectrograph for Photometric Imaging with Numeric Reconstruction (SPINR) sounding rocket experiment was launched on 2000 August 4 to record far-ultraviolet (912-1450 A) spectral and spatial information for the giant reflection nebula in the Upper Scorpius region. The data were divided into three arbitrary bandpasses (912-1029 A, 1030-1200 A, and 1235-1450 A) for which stellar and nebular flux levels were derived. These flux measurements were used to constrain a radiative transfer model and to determine the dust albedo for the Upper Scorpius region. The resulting albedos were 0.28+/-0.07 for the 912-1029 A bandpass, 0.33+/-0.07 for the 1030-1200 A bandpass, and 0.77+/-0.13 for the 1235-1450 A bandpass

    The decoupled potential integral equation for time harmonic electromagnetic scattering

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: "Vico, F., Ferrando, M., Greengard, L. and Gimbutas, Z. (2016), The Decoupled Potential Integral Equation for Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Scattering. Commun. Pur. Appl. Math., 69: 771–812", which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cpa.21585. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] We present a new formulation for the problem of electromagnetic scattering from perfect electric conductors. While our representation for the electric and magnetic fields is based on the standard vector and scalar potentials A, phi in the Lorenz gauge, we establish boundary conditions on the potentials themselves rather than on the field quantities. This permits the development of a wellconditioned second-kind Fredholm integral equation that has no spurious resonances, avoids low-frequency breakdown, and is insensitive to the genus of the scatterer. The equations for the vector and scalar potentials are decoupled. That is, the unknown scalar potential defining the scattered field, phi(scat), is determined entirely by the incident scalar potential phi(inc). Likewise, the unknown vector potential defining the scattered field, A scat, is determined entirely by the incident vector potential A(inc). This decoupled formulation is valid not only in the static limit but for arbitrary omega >= 0. (C) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.This work was supported in part by the Applied Mathematical Sciences Program of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-FGO288ER25053 (L.G.), by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering and AFOSR under NSSEFF Program Award FA9550-10-1-0180 (L.G. and Z.G.), and in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion) under projects CSD2008-00068 and TEC2010-20841-C04-01. The authors thank A. Klockner and M. O'Neil for many useful discussions.Vico Bondía, F.; Ferrando Bataller, M.; Greengard, L.; Gimbutas, Z. (2016). The decoupled potential integral equation for time harmonic electromagnetic scattering. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. 69(4):771-812. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpa.21585S77181269
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