An Evaluation Of Assigning Written Homework For Industrial Arts Courses In Junior And Senior High Schools


A particularly thornly problem is the old one of homework. This is an area in which there is much misunderstanding} teachers, students, and parents rarely see eye-to-eye. What should you tell parents about homework? Homework, by definition, is a task motivated or initiated in the classroom, performed outside of regular school time, which enriches, extends, stimulates, or strengthens learning directly related to classwork. A child\u27s success in school depends largely on how he does his homework, says Dr. Theisen, Parents should aim to give the kind of help that encourages a child to succeed on his own. This is not as simple as it sounds. Many sincere parents are puzzled about homework. They are fearful of helping incorrectly; for example, they are fearful of using outdated methods of reading or problem-solving in arithmetic. Parents are fearful of helping their children too much with their homework. As a result of parents helping them too much, the children will become dependent upon the parents and will not do anything themselves. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The purpose of this study was to collect and present data relative to the opinions of teachers of Industrial Arts concerning assigning written homework. In making this study, data was sought which would assist in answering the following questions? 1. Do you assign written homework? 2, How often should written homework be assigned? 3. To what degree expended by the teacher in assigning homework is justified by student participation? 4, To what degree should students be allowed to work on assignments of their own interests? It Is imperative that social institutions in a democracy have a worthwhile purpose, In determining the direction or goal of Industrial Arts in a dynamic society.the needs, abilities, and interests of students are paramount. The needs of the individual must be served if education is to be of maximum assistance, To be able to supply these needs, various studies are constantly in progress to determine specific areas in which aid will be needed in rendering a better-vocationallyprepared graduate

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