23,793 research outputs found

    Theory for Gossamer and Resonating Valence Bond Superconductivity

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    We use an effective Hamiltonian for two-dimensional Hubbard model including an antiferromagnetic spin-spin coupling term to study recently proposed gossamer superconductivity. We formulate a renormalized mean field theory to approximately take into account the strong correlation effect in the partially projected Gutzwiller wavefucntions. At the half filled, there is a first order phase transition to separate a Mott insulator at large Coulomb repulsion U from a gossamer superconductor at small U. Away from the half filled,the Mott insulator is evolved into an resonating valence bond state, which is adiabatically connected to the gossamer superconductor.Comment: 10 pages, 13 figure

    A longitudinal study of team-fan role identity on self-reported attendance behavior and future intentions

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    Attendance at college sporting events generates billions of dollars annually for athletic departments at the college level in the United States. Based on Identity Theory and prior research, we developed and tested two models that were successful in predicting actual attendance, attendance intentions (conative loyalty), and support for the team across time. Respondents (N = 165; 60% female, 59% Caucasian) filled out three surveys across the year. In Model A (RMSEA = .066, χ2/df = 50.02/29 = 1.73), prior season attendance, number of games intending to attend, and preseason team-fan role identity (Time 1) explained 63% of self-reported attendance behavior (Time 2). Those variables and postseason role identity (Time 2) explained 48.5% of attendance intentions (Time 3; Model A) and 43% of supporting the team in the future (Time 3; Model B, RMSEA = .060, χ2/df = 46.16/29 = 1.59). Sports marketers need to take into account both the impact of role identity as a fan of the team and attendance intentions, not just prior attendance behavior when predicting future attendance behavior and support for the tea

    A rotating molecular jet from a Perseus protostar

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    We present 12^{12}CO(2-1) line and 1.4 mm continuum archival observations, made with the Submillimeter Array, of the outflow HH 797 located in the IC 348 cluster in Perseus. The continuum emission is associated with a circumstellar disk surrounding the class 0 object IC 348-MMS/SMM2, a very young solar analog. The line emission, on the other hand, delineates a collimated outflow, and reveals velocity asymmetries about the flow axis over the entire length of the flow. The amplitude of velocity differences is of order 2 km s1^{-1} over distances of about 1000 AU, and we interpret them as evidence for jet rotation --although we also discuss alternative possibilities. A comparison with theoretical models suggests that the magnetic field lines threading the protostellar jet might be anchored to the disk of a radius of about 20 AU.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Kondo lattice model: Unitary transformations, spin dynamics, strongly correlated charged modes, and vacuum instability

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    Using unitary transformations, we express the Kondo lattice Hamiltonian in terms of fermionic operators that annihilate the ground state of the interacting system and that represent the best possible approximations to the actual charged excitations. In this way, we obtain an effective Hamiltonian which, for small couplings, consists in a kinetic term for conduction electrons and holes, an RKKY-like term, and a renormalized Kondo interaction. The physical picture of the system implied by this formalism is that of a vacuum state consisting in a background of RKKY-induced spin correlations, where two kinds of elementary modes can be excited: Soft neutral modes associated with deformations of the spin liquid, which lead to very large low-temperature values of the heat capacity and magnetic susceptibility, and charged modes corresponding to the excitation of electrons and holes in the system. Using the translational and spin rotational symmetries, we construct a simple ansatz to determine the charged excitations neglecting the effects of the spin correlations. Apart from the `normal', uncorrelated states, we find strongly correlated charged modes involving soft electrons (or holes) and spin fluctuations, which strongly renormalize the low-energy charged spectrum, and whose energy becomes negative beyond a critical coupling, signaling a vacuum instability and a transition to a new phase.Comment: 35 pages, revtex 3.

    New HST WFC3/UVIS observations augment the stellar-population complexity of omega Centauri

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    We used archival multi-band Hubble Space Telescope observations obtained with the Wide-Field Camera 3 in the UV-optical channel to present new important observational findings on the color-magnitude diagram (CMD) of the Galactic globular cluster omega Centauri. The ultraviolet WFC3 data have been coupled with available WFC/ACS optical-band data. The new CMDs, obtained from the combination of colors coming from eight different bands, disclose an even more complex stellar population than previously identified. This paper discusses the detailed morphology of the CMDs.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures (11 in low res), 3 tables. Accepted for publication in AJ on June 19, 201

    Quiver Structure of Heterotic Moduli

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    We analyse the vector bundle moduli arising from generic heterotic compactifications from the point of view of quiver representations. Phenomena such as stability walls, crossing between chambers of supersymmetry, splitting of non-Abelian bundles and dynamic generation of D-terms are succinctly encoded into finite quivers. By studying the Poincar\'e polynomial of the quiver moduli space using the Reineke formula, we can learn about such useful concepts as Donaldson-Thomas invariants, instanton transitions and supersymmetry breaking.Comment: 38 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Thermodynamics of a weakly interacting Bose-Einstein gas

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    The one-loop effective potential for non-relativistic bosons with a delta function repulsive potential is calculated for a given chemical potential using functional methods. After renormalization and at zero temperature it reproduces the standard ground state energy and pressureas function of the particle density. At finite temperatures it is found necessary to include ring corrections to the one-loop result in order to satisfy the Goldstone theorem. It is natural to introduce an effective chemical potential directly related to the order parameter and which uniformly decreases with increasing temperatures. This is in contrast to the the ordinary chemical potential which peaks at the critical temperature. The resulting thermodynamics in the condensed phase at very low temperatures is found to be the same as in the Bogoliubov approximation where the degrees of freedom are given by the Goldstone bosons. At higher temperatures the ring corrections dominate and result in a critical temperature unaffected by the interaction.Comment: 39 pages, 9 figures, picTex, submitted to Annals of Physics. Discussions on renormalization and off-diagonal self energies are made clearer in this version. A short derivation of the non-relativistic limit is adde

    Is there spin-charge separation in the 2D Hubbard and t-J models at low electronic densities?

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    The spin and density correlation functions of the two-dimensional Hubbard model at low electronic density are calculated in the ground state by using the power method, and at finite temperatures by using the quantum Monte Carlo technique. Both approaches produce similar results, which are in close agreement with numerical and high temperature expansion results for the two-dimensional tJ{\rm t-J} model. Using perturbative approximations, we show that the examination of the density correlation function alone is not enough to support recent claims in the literature that suggested spin and charge separation in the low electronic density regime of the tJ{\rm t-J} model.Comment: 11 pages, tex, 3 figures upon request, NTHU - preprin

    Gossamer Superconductor, Mott Insulator, and Resonating Valence Bond State in Correlated Electron Systems

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    Gutzwiller variational method is applied to an effective two-dimensional Hubbard model to examine the recently proposed gossamer superconductor by Laughlin. The ground state at half filled electron density is a gossamer superconductor for smaller intra-site Coulomb repulsion U and a Mott insulator for larger U. The gossamer superconducting state is similar to the resonant valence bond superconducting state, except that the chemical potential is approximately pinned at the mid of the two Hubbard bands away from the half filled

    Structural Polymorphism of the Cytoskeleton: A Model of Linker-Assisted Filament Aggregation

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    The phase behavior of charged rods in the presence of inter-rod linkers is studied theoretically as a model for the equilibrium behavior underlying the organization of actin filaments by linker proteins in the cytoskeleton. The presence of linkers in the solution modifies the effective inter-rod interaction and can lead to inter-filament attraction. Depending on the system's composition and physical properties such as linker binding energies, filaments will either orient perpendicular or parallel to each other, leading to network-like or bundled structures. We show that such a system can have one of three generic phase diagrams, one dominated by bundles, another by networks, and the third containing both bundle and network-like phases. The first two diagrams can be found over a wide range of interaction energies, while the third occurs only for a narrow range. These results provide theoretical understanding of the classification of linker proteins as bundling proteins or crosslinking proteins. In addition, they suggest possible mechanisms by which the cell may control cytoskeletal morphology.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure