5,386 research outputs found

    Giant Molecular Clouds are More Concentrated to Spiral Arms than Smaller Clouds

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    From our catalog of Milky Way molecular clouds, created using a temperature thresholding algorithm on the Bell Laboratories 13CO Survey, we have extracted two subsets:(1) Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs), clouds that are definitely larger than 10^5 solar masses, even if they are at their `near distance', and (2) clouds that are definitely smaller than 10^5 solar masses, even if they are at their `far distance'. The positions and velocities of these clouds are compared to the loci of spiral arms in (l, v) space. The velocity separation of each cloud from the nearest spiral arm is introduced as a `concentration statistic'. Almost all of the GMCs are found near spiral arms. The density of smaller clouds is enhanced near spiral arms, but some clouds (~10%) are unassociated with any spiral arm. The median velocity separation between a GMC and the nearest spiral arm is 3.4+-0.6 km/s, whereas the median separation between smaller clouds and the nearest spiral arm is 5.5+-0.2 km/s.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Central Production with Tagged Forward Protons and the Star Detector at RHIC

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    We describe a setup which will allow extend the physics reach of the STAR detector at RHIC to include the measurement of very forward protons. Tagging on very forward protons, detected by the Roman Pots at RHIC energies, selects processes, in which the proton stays intact and the exchange is dominated by one with the quantum numbers of the vacuum, thus enhancing the probability of measuring reactions where colorless gluonic matter dominates the exchange. The processes include both elastic and inelastic diffraction. The capabilities of the STAR detector to detect Gleuballs and Exotics in central production mechanism are described.Comment: Submitted to the HADRON07: XII Int. Conf. on Hadron Spectroscopy Frascati, October 8-13, 2007; 8 pages, 2 figure

    An ASCA Study of the W51 Complex

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    We present the analysis of ASCA archival data from the Galactic source W51. The ASCA spectra show that the soft (kT<= 2.5 keV) X-rays are of thermal origin and are compatible with W51C being a single, isothermal (kT~0.3 keV) supernova remnant at the far-side of the Sagittarius arm. The ASCA images reveal hard (kT>=2.5 keV) X-ray sources which were not seen in previous X-ray observations. Some of these sources are coincident with massive star-forming regions and the spectra are used to derive X-ray parameters. By comparing the X-ray absorbing column density with atomic hydrogen column density, we infer the location of star-forming regions relative to molecular clouds. There are unidentified hard X-ray sources superposed on the supernova remnant and we discuss the possibility of their association.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, to be published in Astronomical Journa

    The Bell Laboratories (13)CO Survey: Longitude-Velocity Maps

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    A survey is presented of the Galactic plane in the J=1-0 transition of (13)CO. About 73,000 spectra were obtained with the 7 m telescope at Bell Laboratories over a ten-year period. The coverage of survey is (l, b) = (-5 to 117, -1 to +1), or 244 square degrees, with a grid spacing of 3' for |b| < 0.5, and a grid spacing of 6' for |b| > 0.5. The data presented here have been resampled onto a 3' grid. For 0.68 km/s channels, the rms noise level of the survey is 0.1 K on the TR∗T_R^* scale. The raw data have been transformed into FITS format, and all the reduction processes, such as correcting for emission in the reference positions, baseline removal and interpolation were conducted within IRAF using the FCRAO task package and additional programs. The reduced data are presented here in the form of longitude-velocity color maps at each latitude. These data allow identification and classification of molecular clouds with masses in excess of ~ 1,000 solar masses throughout the first quadrant of the Galaxy. Spiral structure is manifested by the locations of the largest and brightest molecular clouds.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, ApJS submitted (out of 41 frames of Figure4, only one is included becaue of size limit

    Statistical Communication Theory

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    Contains research objectives and reports on three research projects

    The Prevalence of Pulmonary and Upper Respiratory Tract Symptoms and Spirometric Test Findings Among Newspaper Pressroom Workers Exposed to Solvents

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    To investigate the relationship between exposure to organic solvents and the presence of pulmonary and upper respiratory tract mucous membrane symptoms, we conducted a cross-sectional study of 215 newspaper pressroom workers who were occupationally exposed to organic solvent and lubricant mixtures. Thirty-four compositors, who were not occupationally exposed to the solvents or lubricants, served as controls. Pressroom workers and compositors underwent spirometric testing and were also asked about the presence of cough, phlegm, hemoptysis, dyspnea, wheezing, chest tightness, nose or throat irritation, eye irritation, and sinus trouble. The spirometric results did not significantly differ between the two groups. However, the pressroom workers were significantly more likely to report pulmonary or upper respiratory tract mucous membrane symptoms than were compositors (P \u3c 0.005). An exposure-response relationship could be demonstrated when comparing the number of solvents exposed with the total number of symptoms (P \u3c 0.001). Similarly, an exposure-response relationship could be demonstrated when comparing the frequency of use of each of the seven solvents with the total number of symptoms (P \u3c 0.002). Each of these findings was supported in a multivariable linear regression model that adjusted for potential confounders such as age, smoking history, and number of years in the industry. A high prevalence of these symptoms was reported even though the degree of exposure to solvents and lubricants was within the current permissible exposure limits

    The effects of job embeddedness on organizational citizenship, job performance, volitional absences, and voluntary turnover

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    This study extends theory and research on job embeddedness, which was disaggregated into its two major subdimensions, on-the-job and off-the-job embeddedness. As hypothesized, regression analyses revealed that off-the-job embeddedness was significantly predictive of subsequent voluntary turnover and volitional absences, whereas on-the-job embeddedness was not. Also as hypothesized, on-the-job embeddedness was significantly predictive of organizational citizenship and job performance, whereas off-the-job embeddedness was not. In addition, embeddedness moderated the effects of absences, citizenship, and performance on turnover. Implications are discussed

    Uranium (VI) Adsorbate Structures on Portlandite [Ca(OH)2] Type Surfaces Determined by Computational Modelling and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy

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    Portlandite [Ca(OH)2] is a potentially dominant solid phase in the high pH fluids expected within the cementitious engineered barriers of Geological Disposal Facilities (GDF). This study combined X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy with computational modelling in order to provide atomic-scale data which improves our understanding of how a critically important radionuclide (U) will be adsorbed onto this phase under conditions relevant to a GDF environment. Such data are fundamental for predicting radionuclide mass transfer. Surface coordination chemistry and speciation of uranium with portlandite [Ca(OH)2] under alkaline groundwater conditions (ca. pH 12) were determined by both in situ and ex situ grazing incidence extended X-ray absorption fine structure analysis (EXAFS) and by computational modelling at the atomic level. Free energies of sorption of aqueous uranyl hydroxides, [UO2(OH)n]2–n (n = 0–5) with the (001), (100) and (203) or (101) surfaces of portlandite are predicted from the potential of mean force using classical molecular umbrella sampling simulation methods and the structural interactions are further explored using fully periodic density functional theory computations. Although uranyl is predicted to only weakly adsorb to the (001) and (100) clean surfaces, there should be significantly stronger interactions with the (203/101) surface or at hydroxyl vacancies, both prevalent under groundwater conditions. The uranyl surface complex is typically found to include four equatorially coordinated hydroxyl ligands, forming an inner-sphere sorbate by direct interaction of a uranyl oxygen with surface calcium ions in both the (001) and (203/101) cases. In contrast, on the (100) surface, uranyl is sorbed with its axis more parallel to the surface plane. The EXAFS data are largely consistent with a surface structural layer or film similar to calcium uranate, but also show distinct uranyl characteristics, with the uranyl ion exhibiting the classic dioxygenyl oxygens at 1.8 Å and between four and five equatorial oxygen atoms at distances between 2.28 and 2.35 Å from the central U absorber. These experimental data are wholly consistent with the adsorbate configuration predicted by the computational models. These findings suggest that, under the strongly alkaline conditions of a cementitious backfill engineered barrier, there would be significant uptake of uranyl by portlandite to inhibit the mobility of U(VI) from the near field of a geological disposal facility
