877 research outputs found

    Change in Abundance of Pacific Brant Wintering in Alaska: Evidence of a Climate Warming Effect?

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    Winter distribution of Pacific Flyway brant (Branta bernicla nigricans) has shifted northward from low-temperate areas to sub-Arctic areas over the last 42 years. We assessed the winter abundance and distribution of brant in Alaska to evaluate whether climate warming may be contributing to positive trends in the most northern of the wintering populations. Mean surface air temperatures during winter at the end of the Alaska Peninsula increased about 1°C between 1963 and 2004, resulting in a 23% reduction in freezing degree days and a 34% decline in the number of days when ice cover prevents birds from accessing food resources. Trends in the wintering population fluctuated with states of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, increasing during positive (warm) phases and decreasing during negative (cold) phases, and this correlation provides support for the hypothesis that growth in the wintering population of brant in Alaska is linked to climate warming. The size of the wintering population was negatively correlated with the number of days of strong northwesterly winds in November, which suggests that the occurrence of tailwinds favorable for migration before the onset of winter was a key factor in whether brant migrated from Alaska or remained there during winter. Winter distribution of brant on the Alaska Peninsula was highly variable and influenced by ice cover, particularly at the heavily used Izembek Lagoon. Observations of previously marked brant indicated that the Alaska wintering population was composed primarily of birds originating from Arctic breeding colonies that appear to be growing. Numbers of brant in Alaska during winter will likely increase as temperatures rise and ice cover decreases at high latitudes in response to climate warming.Au cours des 42 dernières années, la répartition de la bernache cravant du Pacifique (Branta bernicla nigricans) s’est déplacée vers le nord en hiver, passant ainsi de régions faiblement tempérées à des régions subarctiques. Nous avons évalué l’abondance et la répartition de la bernache en Alaska l’hiver afin de tenter de déterminer si le réchauffement climatique contribue aux tendances positives au sein des populations d’hivernage les plus au nord. Les températures moyennes de l’air à la surface en hiver se sont accrues d’environ 1°C entre 1963 et 2004, ce qui s’est traduit par une réduction de 23 % du nombre de jours atteignant le point de congélation et d’une diminution de 34 % du nombre de jours pendant lesquels la couverture de glace empêche les oiseaux d’avoir accès aux ressources alimentaires. Les tendances caractérisant la population d’hivernage fluctuaient en fonction des états de l’oscillation pacifique décennale en ce sens qu’elles augmentaient pendant les phases positives (tièdes) et qu’elles baissaient pendant les phases négatives (froides). Cette corrélation vient appuyer l’hypothèse selon laquelle la croissance de la population d’hivernage de la bernache en Alaska est liée au réchauffement climatique. L’effectif de la population d’hivernage a été négativement corrélé au nombre de jours de vents forts en provenance du nord-ouest en novembre, ce qui laisse croire que l’occurrence de vents arrières favorables à la migration avant le début de l’hiver constituait un facteur-clé déterminant si une bernache migrait de l’Alaska ou y restait pendant l’hiver. Dans la péninsule de l’Alaska, la répartition de la bernache en hiver variait énormément et dépendait de la couverture de glace, surtout à la lagune Izembek particulièrement achalandée. Les observations de bernaches déjà marquées ont permis de constater que la population d’hivernage de l’Alaska était principalement composée d’oiseaux provenant des colonies de reproduction de l’Arctique qui semblent prendre de l’ampleur. Le nombre de bernaches en Alaska pendant l’hiver augmentera vraisemblablement au fur et à mesure que les températures augmenteront et que les couvertures de glace diminueront en haute latitude en raison du réchauffement climatique

    Menopausal-Related Symptoms in Women One Year After Breast Cancer Surgery.

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    CONTEXT: Approximately 60% to 100% of women with breast cancer experience at least one menopausal-related symptom. Little is known about associations between menopausal status and symptoms in women 12 months after breast cancer surgery. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to evaluate for differences in occurrence, severity, and distress of symptoms between pre- and postmenopausal women 12 months after breast cancer surgery. METHODS: Women with breast cancer (n = 327) completed the Menopausal Symptoms Scale, which evaluated the occurrence, severity, and distress of 46 common menopausal-related symptoms. Regression analyses were used to evaluate between-group differences in the seven symptoms that occurred in 30% and more of the sample (i.e., hot flashes, night sweats, depression, daytime sweats, joint pain or stiffness, wake during the night, and numbness or tingling). RESULTS: Of the 327 patients with breast cancer, who completed the 12-month assessment, 35.2% were premenopausal and 64.8% were postmenopausal before surgery. In the conditional models, when significant interactions were found, the differences in symptom occurrence rates between pre- and postmenopausal patients depended on their age. CONCLUSION: Regardless of menopausal status, women reported relatively high occurrence rates for several menopausal symptoms. Associations between symptom occurrence rates and menopausal status depended on the patient\u27s age. During the development of a survivorship care plan, clinicians need to assess symptom burden within the context of a woman\u27s menopausal status and salient demographic and clinical characteristics. This approach will assist with the prescription of more effective interventions

    L-Edge Spectroscopy of Dilute, Radiation-Sensitive Systems Using a Transition-Edge-Sensor Array

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    We present X-ray absorption spectroscopy and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) measurements on the iron L-edge of 0.5 mM aqueous ferricyanide. These measurements demonstrate the ability of high-throughput transition-edge-sensor (TES) spectrometers to access the rich soft X-ray (100-2000eV) spectroscopy regime for dilute and radiation-sensitive samples. Our low-concentration data are in agreement with high-concentration measurements recorded by conventional grating-based spectrometers. These results show that soft X-ray RIXS spectroscopy acquired by high-throughput TES spectrometers can be used to study the local electronic structure of dilute metal-centered complexes relevant to biology, chemistry and catalysis. In particular, TES spectrometers have a unique ability to characterize frozen solutions of radiation- and temperature-sensitive samples.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Financing Direct Democracy: Revisiting the Research on Campaign Spending and Citizen Initiatives

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    The conventional view in the direct democracy literature is that spending against a measure is more effective than spending in favor of a measure, but the empirical results underlying this conclusion have been questioned by recent research. We argue that the conventional finding is driven by the endogenous nature of campaign spending: initiative proponents spend more when their ballot measure is likely to fail. We address this endogeneity by using an instrumental variables approach to analyze a comprehensive dataset of ballot propositions in California from 1976 to 2004. We find that both support and opposition spending on citizen initiatives have strong, statistically significant, and countervailing effects. We confirm this finding by looking at time series data from early polling on a subset of these measures. Both analyses show that spending in favor of citizen initiatives substantially increases their chances of passage, just as opposition spending decreases this likelihood

    Risk Alleles for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in a Large Case-Control Collection and Associations with Clinical Subphenotypes

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a genetically complex disease with heterogeneous clinical manifestations. Recent studies have greatly expanded the number of established SLE risk alleles, but the distribution of multiple risk alleles in cases versus controls and their relationship to subphenotypes have not been studied. We studied 22 SLE susceptibility polymorphisms with previous genome-wide evidence of association (p<5×10−8) in 1919 SLE cases from 9 independent Caucasian SLE case series and 4813 independent controls. The mean number of risk alleles in cases was 15.1 (SD 3.1) while the mean in controls was 13.1 (SD 2.8), with trend p = 4×10−128. We defined a genetic risk score (GRS) for SLE as the number of risk alleles with each weighted by the SLE risk odds ratio (OR). The OR for high-low GRS tertiles, adjusted for intra-European ancestry, sex, and parent study, was 4.4 (95% CI 3.8–5.1). We studied associations of individual SNPs and the GRS with clinical manifestations for the cases: age at diagnosis, the 11 American College of Rheumatology classification criteria, and double-stranded DNA antibody (anti-dsDNA) production. Six subphenotypes were significantly associated with the GRS, most notably anti-dsDNA (ORhigh-low = 2.36, p = 9e−9), the immunologic criterion (ORhigh-low = 2.23, p = 3e−7), and age at diagnosis (ORhigh-low = 1.45, p = 0.0060). Finally, we developed a subphenotype-specific GRS (sub-GRS) for each phenotype with more power to detect cumulative genetic associations. The sub-GRS was more strongly associated than any single SNP effect for 5 subphenotypes (the above plus hematologic disorder and oral ulcers), while single loci are more significantly associated with renal disease (HLA-DRB1, OR = 1.37, 95% CI 1.14–1.64) and arthritis (ITGAM, OR = 0.72, 95% CI 0.59–0.88). We did not observe significant associations for other subphenotypes, for individual loci or the sub-GRS. Thus our analysis categorizes SLE subphenotypes into three groups: those having cumulative, single, and no known genetic association with respect to the currently established SLE risk loci

    Attitude toward contraception and abortion among Curaçao women. Ineffective contraception due to limited sexual education?

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    Background In Curaçao is a high incidence of unintended pregnancies and induced abortions. Most of the induced abortions in Curaçao are on request of the woman and performed by general practitioners. In Curaçao, induced abortion is strictly prohibited, but since 1999 there has been a policy of connivance. We present data on the relevance of economic and socio-cultural factors for the high abortion-rates and the ineffective use of contraception. Methods Structured interviews to investigate knowledge and attitudes toward sexuality, contraception and abortion and reasons for ineffective use of contraceptives among women, visiting general practitioners. Results Of 158 women, 146 (92%) participated and 82% reported that their education on sexuality and about contraception was of good quality. However 'knowledge of reliable contraceptive methods' appeared to be - in almost 50% of the cases - false information, misjudgements or erroneous views on the chance of getting pregnant using coitus interruptus and about the reliability and health effects of oral contraceptive pills. Almost half of the interviewed women had incorrect or no knowledge about reliability of condom use and IUD. 42% of the respondents risked by their behavior an unplanned pregnancy. Most respondents considered abortion as an emergency procedure, not as contraception. Almost two third experienced emotional, physical or social problems after the abortion. Conclusions Respondents had a negative attitude toward reliable contraceptives due to socio-cultural determined ideas about health consequences and limited sexual education. Main economic factors were costs of contraceptive methods, because most health insurances in Curaçao do not cover contraceptives. To improve the effective use of reliable contraceptives, more adequate information should be given, targeting the wrong beliefs and false information. The government should encourage health insurance companies to reimburse contraceptives. Furthermore, improvement of counseling during the abortion procedure is important

    Age Related Differences in Responsiveness to Sildenafil and Tamsulosin are due to Myogenic Smooth Muscle Tone in the Human Prostate

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    Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) due to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) are highly prevalent in older men, having a profound impact on patient quality of life. Current therapeutics for BPH/LUTS target neurogenic smooth muscle tone, but response is unpredictable and many patients fail to respond. Spontaneous myogenic tone is another component of smooth muscle contractility that is uncharacterized in human prostate. To better understand and improve the predictability of patient response, we defined myogenic contractility using human prostate specimens and examined the effect of existing therapeutics. We show that myogenic activity is present in the human prostate with the frequency of contractions in transition zone (TZ) specimens from BPH diagnosed patients approximately 160% greater than matched controls. α1-adrenoreceptor antagonists (Tamsulosin) and PDE5 inhibitors (Sildenafil) both significantly reduced myogenic contractile parameters, including frequency, with notable interpatient variability. Tamsulosin was more effective in older patients (R2 = 0.36, p < 0.01) and men with larger prostate volumes (R2 = 0.41, p < 0.05), while Sildenafil was more effective in younger men (R2 = 0.45, p < 0.05). As myogenic tone is significantly increased in BPH, therapeutics targeting this mechanism used with reference to patient characteristics could improve clinical outcomes and better predict patient response

    Early neonatal vitamin A supplementation and infant mortality: an individual participant data meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

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    Background Biannual vitamin A supplementation is a well-established survival tool for preschool children 6 months and older in vitamin A deficient populations but this schedule misses the opportunity to intervene on most young infant deaths. Randomised trials of neonatal vitamin A supplementation (NVAS) in the first few days of life to assess its impact on under 6-month mortality in low/middle-income countries have had varying results. Methods Investigators of 11 published randomised placebo-controlled NVAS trials (n=163 567 children) reanalysed their data according to an agreed plan and pooled the primary outcomes of mortality from supplementation through 6 and 12 months of age using random effects models and meta-regression. One investigator withdrew but allowed use of the data. Findings Overall there was no effect of NVAS on infant survival through 6 (risk ratio (RR) 0.97; 95% CI 0.89 to 1.06) or 12 months of age (RR 1.00; 95% CI 0.93 to 1.08) but results varied by study population characteristics. NVAS significantly reduced 6-month mortality among the trials conducted in Southern Asia (RR 0.87; 95% CI 0.77 to 0.98), in contexts with moderate or severe vitamin A deficiency (defined as 10% or higher proportion of women with serum retinol 32% mothers had no schooling (RR 0.88; 95% CI 0.80 to 0.96). NVAS did not reduce mortality in the first 6 months of life in trials conducted in Africa, in contexts characterised by a low prevalence of vitamin A deficiency, lower rates of infant mortality and where maternal education was more prevalent. There was a suggestion of increased infant mortality in trials conducted in Africa (RR 1.07; 95% CI 1.00 to 1.15). Individual-level characteristics such as sex, birth weight, gestational age and size, age at dosing, parity, time of breast feeding initiation, maternal education and maternal vitamin A supplementation did not modify the impact of NVAS. Conclusion NVAS reduced infant mortality in South Asia, in contexts where the prevalence of maternal vitamin A deficiency is moderate to severe and early infant mortality is high; but it had no beneficial effect on infant survival in Africa, in contexts where the prevalence of maternal vitamin A deficiency is lower, early infant mortality is low

    Cyclical and dose-dependent responses of adult human mature oligodendrocytes to fingolimod

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    Fingolimod is a sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) analogue that has been used in clinical trials as a systemic immunomodulatory therapy for multiple sclerosis. Fingolimod readily accesses the central nervous system, raising the issue of its direct effects on neural cells. We assessed the effects of active fingolimod on dissociated cultures of mature, myelin-producing oligodendrocytes (OLGs) derived from adult human brain. Human OLGs express S1P receptor transcripts in relative abundance of S1P5>S1P3>S1P1, with undetectable levels of S1P4. Low doses of fingolimod (100 pmol/L to 1 nmol/L) induced initial membrane elaboration (2 days), subsequent retraction (4 days), and recurrence of extension with prolonged treatment (8 days). Higher doses (10 nmol/L to 1 μmol/L) caused the opposite modulation of membrane dynamics. Retraction was rescued by co-treatment with the S1P3/S1P5 pathway antagonist, suramin, and was associated with RhoA-mediated cytoskeletal signaling. Membrane elaboration was mimicked using the S1P1 agonist SEW2871. Fingolimod rescued human OLGs from serum and glucose deprivation-induced apoptosis, which was reversed with suramin co-treatment and mimicked using an S1P5 agonist. High doses of fingolimod induced an initial down-regulation of S1P5 mRNA levels relative to control (4 hours), subsequent up-regulation (2 days), and recurrent down-regulation (8 days). S1P1 mRNA levels were inversely regulated compared with S1P5. These results indicate that fingolimod modulates maturity- and species-specific OLG membrane dynamics and survival responses that are directly relevant for myelin integrity
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