337 research outputs found
Reduccion de CO2 por el Uso de Lamparas de Bajo Consumo a Expensas de la Generacion de Residuos Peligrosos Domiciliarios
Because the national legislation prohibits the sale of incandescent lamps the argentine citizen can acquire compact fluorescent lamps in their replacement. This situation has led us to develop this work whose main objective is to establish a comparison between these two types of lamps from the energy point of view and its environmental consequences. To this end, we have developed a study based on the last national census in Argentina. While significant energy savings achieved, and as a result lower emissions of carbon dioxide, this leads to an environmental problem due to the mercury content of compact fluorescent lamps. They become in hazardous waste when exhausted their useful lives and are discarded in sites for municipal solid waste. High probability that the lamps are broken and release mercury that can contaminate 19,55 liters of drinking water for kilogram of CO2 saved. We conclude that the regulations required to purchase compact fluorescent lamps instead of traditional incandescent lamps must go accompanied with sustainable alternatives to dispose them appropriately since otherwise we will be replacing an environmental problem with another
Pluralité culturelle à l'école: les apports de la psychologie interculturelle
La psychologie interculturelle examine les processus psychologiques dans leur contexte culturel. Elle permet de prendre du recul par rapport à une psychologie ethnocentrique, élaborée uniquement dans un contexte occidental. Le potentiel d'application dans le milieu scolaire mérite d'être développé de façon plus explicite, en prenant en compte d'une part le développement cognitif, d'autre part les relations intergroupes et la communication interculturelle, enfin les psychologies sociales, scolaires et clinique
Environmental productivity index GIS-based model to estimate prickly pear biomass potential availability for biogas production
Nowadays, climate change is the environmental issue facing the world. To reach the 2030 European Union goals, recently, biogas production through anaerobic digestion has developed significantly, by using alternative biomass sources due to the competition between food and no-food products. In this regard, Opuntia ficus-indica (OFI) has been suggested as a suitable new biomass for producing biomethane within the context of circular economy. In this study, a predictive methodology was applied by combining the Nobel model of environmental productivity index (EPI) and geographic information system (GIS), with the aim of estimating OFI biomass amount, as well as biogas and electricity potential production. The GIS analyses allowed the identification of the most suitable territorial areas for producing biogas from OFI, and an estimation of electricity production. The achieved results are highly valuable information for strategic planning of biogas sector development and could be relevant to the intervention priorities established by the EU
Estudio de la Huella de Carbono de la Facultad Regional Delta
La huella de carbono es un indicador que mide el impacto que provocan las actividades del ser humano sobre el cambio climático. Aplicada a una organización muestra el efecto que tiene ésta sobre el clima medido en unidades equivalentes de dióxido de carbono. El objetivo del trabajo es realizar un estudio de la huella de carbono de nuestra Facultad para encontrar un procedimiento adecuado considerando que el mismo generará una idea general sobre la influencia de cada uno de los componentes analizados. El trabajo se desarrolla considerando la composición de la comunidad universitaria, las distancias recorridas por sus integrantes teniendo en cuenta si el transporte es particular o colectivo, el consumo de gas natural y energía eléctrica, la alimentación durante la estadía en la institución y los residuos generados. La huella de carbono calculada, basada en datos del año 2013, es de 850 toneladas anuales de dióxido de carbono
Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas (Frantz's tumor)
Solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas (Frantz's tumor
Study of Fe/Silicalite catalyst for the N2O oxidation of benzene to phenol
A set of Fe-silicalite samples of MFI structure have been prepared by the hydrothermal technique, followed by steaming and by further chemical treating of the solid. After characterisation by nitrogen adsorption/desorption, X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy-electron probe micro analysis (SEM-EPMA), the samples have been tested as catalysts for the oxidation of benzene to phenol by N2O. The best performing catalyst has been studied also by temperature programmed desorption-mass spectrometry and temperature programmed reaction-mass spectrometry (TPD-TPR-MS), after pre-adsorption of both reactants and products. It was found that phenol forms when N2O is adsorbed first, followed by benzene. Almost no phenol formation was observed when adsorbing benzene before N2O. Furthermore, on this catalyst N2O decomposed since 50\ub0C or less, forming gaseous N2 and adsorbed oxygen, which started to become available for the oxidation of benzene since 100\u2013200\ub0C. However, the so formed phenol remained adsorbed onto the catalyst. It desorbed within the 225\u2013425\ub0C temperature range, with a maximum around 300\ub0C
L'intégration en Suisse: un cas particulier?
Dans les premiers mois de l'an 2000, la Commission fédérale des étrangers (CFE) a rendu public un rapport intitulé "L'intégration des migrantes et des migrants en Suisse: faits - secteurs d'activité - postulats." Ce document fait suite à une "Esquisse pour un concept d'intégration" mise en consultation par la CFE en 1996. Cette esquisse avait l'avantage de réactualiser la question de la place des étrangers en Suisse quelque temps avant la votation par les chambres fédérales de l'article de loi sur l'intégration. Elle reprenait à son compte une série d'idées reçues, sans l'analyse critique que l'on aurait pu souhaiter dans un tel document. Ce dernier peut être considéré, nous semble-t-il, comme le témoin d'une façon de réfléchir aux questions de société que posent les migrations, un exemple de discours qui prévaut dans l'espace public et en politique, mais qui se construit quasiment hors du champ des recherches sur le sujet en sciences sociales
Perovskite catalysts for the catalytic flameless combustion of methane : preparation by flame-hydrolysis and characterisation by TPD-TPR-MS and EPR
A new method was employed for the preparation of a set of lanthanum cobaltites of general formula La1-(x)M(x)CoO3+(\u3b4) with M=Ce, Eu and x=0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2. All the samples thus prepared were nanostructured, thermally very stable and characterised by highly crystalline perovskite-like structure and high surface area. Their activity as catalysts for the catalytic tameless combustion (CFC) of methane was by ca. one order of magnitude higher than that of their analogues, prepared through the usual calcination-milling (CM) procedure. Adsorption of oxygen was accompanied by formation of paramagnetic species. Desorption of preadsorbed oxygen was dependent on the nature of the doping element and on the value of the stoichiometric coefficient x of their formula. A correlation between the temperature of the maximal rate of oxygen release and catalytic activity was found. The following scale of activity for the title reaction versus x values could be set up: 0.1Ce>0.05Ce>0>0.05Eu>0.1 Eu 430.2Ce. The higher activity of Ce-doped catalysts as compared to those doped with Eu was found to be related to the strength of the bond between oxygen and Co ions
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