45 research outputs found

    Mammary Gland Ultrasound Evaluation of Jersey Cattle Breed

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    Background: Ultrasound allows the udder evaluation of lactating cattle, through parameters such as the area of the cistern of the mammary gland and teat, and can reveal structures with different echogenicity, indicating injuries as mastitis, edema, hematoma, abscess, atrophy and fibrosis in the mammary gland parenchyma. The aim of this study was to observe the clinical, morphometric and sonographic assessment of the mammary gland of Jersey cows, evaluating the correlation of this exam and the production of milk.Materials, Methods & Results: Nine Jersey breed cows, aged 3 to 9 years, in a variable order of first to seventh lactation were evaluated. Animals were submitted to general and specific clinical examination of the mammary gland. For the evaluation, inspection and palpation of the gland cistern and teat cistern, measuring with tape measure the udder circumference and width and height of each mammary quarter was held, and length measurements of the four teats individually using a caliper. By palpation the mammary gland parenchyma was classified as nothing worthy of note and fibrosis. After this evaluation, the mammary glands were evaluated using ultrasound, analyzing biometrics and echotexture in order to detect and/or confirm possible changes identified in prior palpation. The diameter of the gland and teat cistern were measured, and the echogenicity of each region and each mammary quarter, checking the homogeneity of the parenchyma, evaluating the possible presence of nodules, scarring or acute injuries. The average milk production was 15.57 ± 5.4 L. There was no correlation between milk production, measured biometric data of the mammary gland and clinical and ultrasonographic changes (P > 0.05). On palpation exam, a few number of animals had soft to normal consistency in mammary glands (2/9), the occurrence of fibrosis was observed, but could only be detected by ultrasonography (4/9).Discussion: Using the ultrasound examination is possible to access more accurately the morphology of the udder of lactating animals, examining and measuring the area of the cistern of the mammary gland and teat, the thickness of the wall and ceiling interface. Several studies correlate the morphology of these parameters with resistance to mastitis. The imaging aids to differentiate the teats according to animal age, milk production, lactation number, size, as well as a predisposition to mastitis. In healthy animals, the boundary between the gland cistern and teat cistern is marked by the presence of large anechoic structures. Changes in the teats of a gland with mastitis are mild inflammation, proliferation of tissues and mucosal lesions. No significant correlation between the morphology, physical examination and ultrasound changes of the mammary gland and milk production was observed. Possibly this was due to the limited number of experimental animals, and there is a wide variation in age and clinical profiles, as already observed in other studies that cows with high and wide rear udders tend to have higher milk production. In some cases ultrasound allows observe formation of gas, bruising, edema, abscess, atrophy, fibrosis, fistulae and intraluminal obstructions and parenchymal echogenicity changes during infection cases. In normal ultrasound examination, the parenchyma of the mammary gland must be homogeneous with high echogenicity and anechoic alveolus. Atresic and fibrosis are hyperechoic and lose the typical echogenicity of the udder. Thus, it is emphasized that ultrasound is a complementary method in the evaluation of the mammary gland, since it identifies not noticeable injuries on physical examination that may affect milk production


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    Dioctophyma renale is classified as a cosmopolitan zoonotic helminth, belonging to Nematoda class and Dioctophymoidea superfamily. Dogs are considered definitive hosts, suffering with large kidney damage, and the disease diagnosis can be done through ultrasound, x-ray and light microscopy. The aim in this paper was to report the sonographic and microscopic aspects of a canine affected by Dioctophyma renale. Dark colored urine evolving to hematuria and abdominal pain was the main symptoms observed in the animal. Performing urinalysis it was verified D. renale eggs. Ultrasonography could observe total destruction of the right renal parenchyma, hyperechoic structures of cylindrical and rounded shape bounded by the renal capsule, suggesting the presence of the parasite, while the left kidney had normal size. The animal was submitted to nephrectomy, confirming the worm presence, measuring 31.8 cm long. It can be stated that ultrasound and light microscopy are highly effective to establish a definitive diagnosis of Dioctophyma renale

    Vasectomy in Spotted Paca (Cuniculus paca)

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    Background: Cuniculus paca is the second largest neotropical rodent. It is not endangered, but your habitat has been destroyed and the specie has been hunted, because of its prized meat. In this context captive breeding is an alternative to reduce the hunt. Then, adult male vasectomy is an interesting alternative for Cuniculus paca since the animal does not lose libido and maintain cyclicity of females into the enclosure. This technique is a method of sterilization which the vas deferens is surgically clamped, cut, or otherwise sealed and thus prevents the release of sperm when a male ejaculates. The aim of this study was to describe the vasectomy technique on a male spotted paca kept in captive. Case: A captive adult male of Cuniculus paca, lived in Brazilian wild fauna breeding for scientifc research. It was maintained on precinct with no other animal, ate fruits, vegetables, tubers and rodent chow and water offered ad libitum. It was submitted to bilateral vasectomy to maintain reproductive behavior on bevy, but not impregnate females. The anaesthesia was performed using ketamine hydrochloride (25 mg/kg IM) and midazolam (0.5 mg/kg IM) as premedication, and isoflurane in open system by facemask diluted in 100% O2 for induction and maintenance. Immediately after induction, was performed epidural anesthesia using 4 mg/kg of lidocaine hydrochloride without vasoconstrictor associated in the same syringe with 0.2 mg/kg of methadone hydrochloride to promote analgesia. As the testes in this species are inside the abdomen, the surgical approach was made by paraprepucial skin incision and ventral midline abdominal incision. After access the cavity, the testes were located and the vaginal tunics were incised to access the vas deferens. After exposed, both were doubly ligated, sectioned and removed a segment of approximately 1 cm of each duct. Finally, the occlusion of subcutaneous and muscle layers were made using 2-0 absorbable and skin with 2-0 non-absorbable sutures. Postoperatively, benzathine penicillin (30,000 IU/kg IM once), tramadol (4 mg/kg IM once) and meloxicam (0.3 mg/kg SC SID for 3 days) were administered. Ten days post-surgery, the animal was fully recovered and after twenty days, it was transferred to enclosure of females. None were fertilized after vasectomy, and there was no change in reproductive behavior among individuals. Discussion: Zoos and breeding have a problem when animal population increases too much, thus vasectomy is an important alternative to avoid this, because it does not lose sexual behavior, but cannot impregnate. The spotted paca presented intracavitary testicles without elevation Skin evidence to scrotum formation, however may also present inguinal regions testes beside penis or scrotum, most evident in reproductive season, similarly occurs in rats and agoutis. In the present case was performed bilaterally vasectomy to have satisfactory results for spermatogenesis reduction, confrming was indicated by some studies in rats and rabbits. Some studies in monkeys and rodents showed that after some time the spermatic cells decrease. In the present study sexual behavior and quality of patient ejaculate, were not completely monitor, to not interfere on management, but there was no female fertilized in a period of 1 year. This procedure showed to be feasible and an easy implementation for maintenance of the estrous cycle of females. Keywords: Cuniculidae, reproduction, rodent, surgery, vas deferens

    Schistosomus reflexus in a Dog and a Cat

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    Background: Schistosomus reflexus (SR) is a congenital anomaly, that the animal presents exposed abdominal and thoracic organs. The alterations includes limbs malformation, abnormal spinal column, liver and diaphragm hypoplasia, genitourinary and gastrointestinal changes, on this way, the fetus can not survive. The aim of this study was to report the first SR case in dog and cat in Brazil, and describe anatomical, pathological and radiographic changes.Case: The puppy had ventral midline defect in the abdominal and thoracic wall extending from the sternum to the pubis with viscera exposition, including the heart, lung, liver, stomach, intestine, spleen, kidneys, moreover right army was abnormal, however no spinal column was present. It was performed radiography to evaluate bone abnormalities, and was diagnosed agenesis of carpal, metacarpal and phalange bones. The kitten had ventral midline defect measuring 4 x 2 cm, in the abdominal wall and exposition of liver, stomach, intestine and spleen, as well as tibiotarsal joint arthrogryposis on both lags. It was performed fetus radiography and no spinal column change was diagnosed.Discussion: Schistosomus reflexus is a congenital abnormality common in ruminants. Although it was few reported in dogs and cats. The two cases in this study are the firsts reposts in Brazil in these especies. In our case, the dog had exposition of abdominal and thoracic organs and died one hour after born, similar to this, another author reported a case where the thoracic and abdominal evisceration and the puppy died ten minutes after born. However, in another case with abdominal evisceration only, the puppy survived for eight days. Probably it happened because respiratore function was not compromised. The kitten had abdominal opening only, in turn, other authors reported a case whose abdominal viscera exposition was by pelvic fissure, and another case, what presented thoracic and abdominal evisceration, like our dog case. Some authors affirm that this defect causes fetal dystocia on ruminants, because of the vertebral column abnormality, what promote passage difficult at born moment. On the other hand, dogs did not present these kind of changes and dystocia was not related to this pathology on cases in dogs and cats, however most of these authors performed cesarean because the female did not get normal born. As well as, on two cases in kitten were reported vertebral column abnormalities, what can be related to dystocia. Even no animal of our study present any vertebral column abnormality, other bone changes were found, like carpal, metacarpal and phalange agenesis on army of the dog and tibiotarsal joint arthrogryposis on both lags of the cat fetus. The others report in dogs did not found vertebral column or bone changes, but in cats it was observed vertebral column abnormalities and other changes, like arthrogryposis on four limbs, skull flattening, mandibular brachignathism, reduced ossification of the cranial vault bones, palatoschisis and unfused eyelids. SR etiology is not clearly known, it may be related with genetic, mechanic, endocrine, metabolic, nutrition and infectious factors. The moment of embryonic development, where these factors influence the changes is related with abnormality grade. Although, Chromosomic abnormalities, like chromatid and chromosome breaks, non-homologous pairing of chromosomes was shown. In this study the bitch did not present any metabolic, endocrine or nutritional change, on other hand the queen was submitted to exogenous hormonal treatment to avoid pregnancy, what may be related to SR development. SR is a rare abnormality in dog and cat, fetus radiographic, anatomical and pathological findings confirmed to being this congenital defect, and this are the first reports in Brazil in these species


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    Considerando os recentes avanços em diagnóstico por imagem para animais de companhia, a ultrassonografia Doppler está se destacando como uma importante e adequada ferramenta não invasiva para a avaliação do fluxo sanguíneo, utilizada para o estudo do ciclo estral em cadelas e gatas, assim como no diagnóstico e acompanhamento da gestação, no estudo da viabilidade fetal e na detecção da malignidade em tecidos mamários nestas espécies. Em machos, os estudos com a técnica Doppler em tecidos prostáticos e testiculares são recentes, com grandes perspectivas para sua aplicabilidade. Dessa forma, esta revisão tem como objetivo descrever o uso da técnica de ultrassonografia Doppler em reprodução e obstetrícia veterinária de pequenos animais, além de trazer um breve histórico a respeito dos diferentes modos de apresentação da tecnologia, que podem ser utilizadas em medicina veterinária de animais de companhia

    Ultrasound evaluation of fetal bone development in the collared (Pecari tajacu) and white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari)

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    El estudio del desarrollo fetal permite evaluar las diferentes estrategias adoptadas por las especies de mamíferos para maximizar la supervivencia neonatal. La locomoción autónoma es fundamental para que los recién nacidos realicen actividades de búsqueda de alimento y aumenta la supervivencia neonatal frente a la depredación. En este estudio, evaluamos el desarrollo óseo gestacional de 53 pecaríes de collar (CP, Pecari tajacu) y 61 pecaríes de labios blancos (WLP, Tayassu pecari), recolectados mediante la colaboración de cazadores de subsistencia en la Amazonia. La mineralización ósea y la biometría del esqueleto axial y apendicular se evaluaron mediante exámenes ecográficos, y se calculó el momento de los principales acontecimientos del desarrollo óseo en relación con la longitud dorsal total (TDL) y el porcentaje del período gestacional total (GP). Los primeros signos ecográficos de mineralización del esqueleto axial en CP y WLP se observaron en fetos de 3,4 cm (42 días de gestación, 30% GPCP) y 5,1 cm (51 días de gestación, 32% GPWLP). El desarrollo temprano del esqueleto apendicular se observó por la aparición sincrónica de la escápula mineralizada, el húmero, el radio, el cúbito, el ilion, el isquion, el fémur, la tibia y el peroné con un 36% de GPCP (50 días de gestación) y un 35% de GPWLP (56 días de gestación). El pubis estaba mineralizado en los fetos con un 55% de GPCP (75 días de gestación) y un 59% de GPWLP (94 días de gestación). La mineralización se observó en todos los huesos autópodos al 79% GPCP (109 días de gestación) y al 67% GPWLP (106 días de gestación). Todos los centros primarios de osificación de los huesos largos de las extremidades torácicas y pélvicas estaban mineralizados en los fetos avanzados (GPCP y GPWLP ≥75%). La rótula mineralizada no se observó en fetos avanzados de ninguna de las dos especies. Los centros de osificación secundaria aparecieron por primera vez en la epífisis distal del fémur en el CP (99 días de gestación, 72% GPCP) y en la epífisis distal del radio, fémur y tibia en el WLP (106 días de gestación, 67% GPWLP). Los fetos avanzados de CP y WLP presentaban el 60% (15/25) y el 68% (17/25) del total de centros de osificación secundaria observados presentes en el cerdo doméstico adulto, mientras que los recién nacidos del cerdo doméstico presentaban el 52% (13/25). El temprano desarrollo intrauterino del sistema esquelético en ambas especies de pecaríes sugiere una estrategia de desarrollo precoz, que probablemente se correlaciona con la capacidad neonatal para escapar de los depredadores y reduce la dependencia de los cuidados parentales.Revisión por pares

    Perfil de progesterona em macacos-da-noite (Aotus azarai infulatus) em cativeiro

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    Owl Monkeys are considered excellent experimental models and can contribute to the development of biotechnologies of reproduction in primates. Monitoring the reproductive cycle is a basic procedure, however complex in wild animals. Noninvasive methods has been developed to assess the reproductive hormonal profile of these animals expanding knowledge on reproductive physiology of primates in captivity and the wild. This study aims to monitor follicular activity and fecal progesterone levels to increase knowledge about reproductive physiology of this species. 12 adult females belonging to the breeding colony of owl monkeys of CENP were used. The study was performed using the ultrasound examination of the ovaries and feces collection for monitoring the levels of metabolites of progesterone by enzymeimuneassay. By progesterone assay we may suggest the cycle of the species for the period studied. However, the baseline levels (2.1 ± 0.8 ng/g), mean peak (36.6 ± 8.6 ng/g), mean levels (4.7 ± 1.8 ng/g) and the minimum (0.4 ng/g) and maximum (49.9 ng/g) metabolites of progesterone were determined for the specie in captivity. The determination of the peak and basal levels of progesterone together to the sonographic evaluation are noninvasive and feasible in the evaluation of the estrous cycle in owl monkeysMacacos-da-noite são tidos como excelentes modelos experimentais, que podem contribuir com o desenvolvimento de biotécnicas da reprodução em primatas. O monitoramento do ciclo é um procedimento básico, porém complexo em animais selvagens. Tem-se desenvolvido métodos não invasivos para avaliar o perfil hormonal reprodutivo desses animais expandindo o conhecimento sobre a fisiologia reprodutiva de primatas em cativeiro e vida livre. O presente estudo visa monitorar a atividade folicular e as concentrações fecais de metabólitos de progesterona para ampliar os conhecimentos sobre a fisiologia reprodutiva dessa espécie. Foram utilizadas 12 fêmeas adultas, pertencentes à colônia de reprodução de macacos-da-noite do CENP. O estudo foi realizado a partir do exame ultrassonográfico do ovário e colheita de fezes para monitoramento dos níveis de metabólitos de progesterona dos animais por enzimaimunoensaio. Por meio da dosagem de metabólitos de progesterona foi possível apenas sgerir o ciclo da espécie para o período estudado. Porém, os níveis basais (2,1 ± 0,8 ng/g de fezes secas), a médio do pico (36,6 ± 8,6 ng/g fezes secas), os níveis médios (4,7 ± 1,8 ng/g de fezes secas) e os valores mínimo (0,4 ng/g de fezes secas) e máximo (49,9 ng/g de fezes secas) de metabólitos de progesterona foram determinados para espécie em cativeiro sob estas condições. A determinação do pico e concentrações basais de metabólitos de progesterona, conjuntamente a avaliação ultrassonográfica são ferramentas não invasivas e factíveis na avaliação do ciclo estral de macacos-da-noit