107 research outputs found

    Atomism, teleology and causality: the principles in the critical materialism of Pierre Gassendi

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    A partir del contexto de la naciente filosofía moderna y de la Scientia nova del siglo XVII, el presente artículo se propone revisar la propuesta filosófica de Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655) acerca de su concepto de materia, de la causalidad y del carácter teleológico de su filosofía natural. Principalmente, sostenemos que para interpretar adecuadamente la filosofía gassendiana se deben tener en cuenta los aspectos finalistas que recupera el pensador francés. En este sentido, para comprender la propuesta de Gassendi debemos, en primer lugar, ofrecer un marco introductorio respecto de la actividad intelectual en su época; en segundo lugar, vamos a exponer los principios atomistas y creacionistas de su materialismo más las consideraciones problemáticas que ellas traen; en tercer lugar, abordaremos la dimensión probabilista de su filosofía; en cuarto lugar, revisaremos la discusión gassendiana de las causas aristotélicas en la que se intenta la recuperación de la causa final. Finalmente, ofreceremos una interpretación del pensamiento de Gassendi que intente poner los elementos conceptuales básicos a tomar en consideración para comprender las tensiones filosóficas expresadas en su “téleo-mecanicismo” natural.From the context of Early Modern Philosophy and the Scientia Nova of Seventeenth-century, this article has the aim to review the philosophical proposal of Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655) about his concept of matter, causality, and the teleological character of his Philosophy of Nature. In order to interpret with accuracy the philosophical ideas of Gassendi, we have to take the teleological issues into account. In order to understand Gassendi’s approach we offer, on first place, a theoretical framework introducing his intellectual activity; second, we study the atomistic and creationist principles of his materialism and his interpretative problems; third, we examine the probabilistic version of his philosophy; fourth, we expose the gassendian discussion about the Aristotelian principles of causality and his recovery of the final cause on the context of his theory of generation. Finally, we offer our interpretation of Gassendi’s ideas, trying to convey the basic conceptual elements required to understand the philosophical tensions expressed in his natural “teleo-mechanicism”

    Mathematical and statistical modelling for assessing COVID-19 superspreader contagion: analysis of geographical heterogeneous impacts from public events

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    During a pandemic, public discussion and decision-making may be required in face of limited evidence. Data-grounded analysis can support decision-makers in such contexts, contributing to inform public policies. We present an empirical analysis method based on regression modelling and hypotheses testing to assess events for the possibility of occurrence of superspreading contagion with geographically heterogeneous impacts. We demonstrate the method by evaluating the case of the May 1st, 2020 Demonstration in Lisbon, Portugal, on regional growth patterns of COVID-19 cases. The methodology enabled concluding that the counties associated with the change in the growth pattern were those where likely means of travel to the demonstration were chartered buses or private cars, rather than subway or trains. Consequently, superspreading was likely due to travelling to/from the event, not from participating in it. The method is straightforward, prescribing systematic steps. Its application to events subject to media controversy enables extracting well founded conclusions, contributing to informed public discussion and decision-making, within a short time frame of the event occurring.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Scaling properties of the Fermi-Ulam model

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    The chaotic low energy region (chaotic sea) of the Fermi-Ulam accelerator model is discussed within a scaling framework near the integrable to non-integrable transition. Scaling results for the average quantities (velocity, roughness, energy etc.) of the simplified version of the model are reviewed and it is shown that, for small oscillation amplitude of the moving wall, they can be described by scaling functions with the same characteristic exponents. New numerical results for the complete model are presented. The chaotic sea is also characterized by its Lyapunov exponents

    A Formação de Professores na Perspectiva da Mídia Educação.

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    As mudanças provocadas pelas tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação têm exigido uma integração crítica destas tecnologias no contexto escolar. Para que essa integração não fique simplesmente na inclusão de novas ferramentas e supere o uso meramente instrumental, precisamos repensar a formação do professor. Entre tantos aspectos que precisam ser contemplados, quando se pensa em formação docente, este trabalho destaca a necessidade de uma formação que promova o uso crítico e criativo das tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação. Nesse sentido, encontramos, na perspectiva da mídia-educação, uma forte aliada para alcançar a formação desejada. Discutimos aspectos fundamentais da mídia-educação, visando contribuir com as pesquisas na área de formação docente e apresentamos duas experiências concebidas e executadas nesta perspectiva. Uma delas acontece com professores de uma escola da rede pública estadual, no município de Águas Mornas – SC, e a outra com professores da disciplina de Física de escolas da mesma rede

    Early-stage intestinal-type gastric adenocarcinoma as an incidental finding: case report and review of literature

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    Gastric cancer is the malignant neoplasm in which gastric resection is the only viable strategy for long-term survival. Gastric carcinoma typically does not produce symptoms, therefore presenting as either advance or metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis. The most common early symptoms tend to be abdominal pain and weight loss. Adequate surgical resection is the only curative therapeutic option in patients with resectable gastric cancer.  We present the case of a 66-year-old male patient who initially presented with abdominal pain and one episode of gastrointestinal bleeding, for which an endoscopic biopsy was conducted which reported intestinal-type gastric adenocarcinoma. Subtotal gastrectomy with Billroth II anastomosis was then performed without reported complications. Patient remains asymptomatic 3 months following the surgical intervention in surveillance with ambulatory care

    UPPERCARE: a community aware environment for post-surgical musculoskeletal recovery of elderly patients

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    Trabalho apresentado na Conferência Internacional realizada em Wellington, Nova Zelândia, de 26-28 de abril de 2017Disability from musculoskeletal diseases and comorbidities may lead to the worsening of social and economic well-being through a multitude of paths. Moreover since in European Union (EU) Member States it is projected that those aged 65 and over will become a much larger share (rising from 17% to 30% of the population), and those aged 80 and over (rising from 5% to 12%) will almost become as numerous as the young population in 2060, there is a great potential for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) solutions for addressing the present and future living arrangements in older people. The UPPERCARE system is meant to affect positively both the intergenerational and partners care since it contributes to decrease usability barriers and promote collaborative environments for informal and self-care. UPPERCARE is a new approach for integrated care supported by ICT systems and services, focusing on post-operative rehabilitation of musculoskeletal pathologies, having as a case study the knee post-operative scenarios of prosthetic care. This paper presents the UPPERCARE system, that provides an integrated care solution, supported ICT, for empowering self-care and adherence to rehabilitation plans through natural interfaces, gamification and cross-modal paths for community care collaboration. The system addresses current barriers from technological, clinical, social and organisational perspectives in a multidisciplinary environment. Special attention is given to the patients’ needs and behaviours entailing the participation of a wide care community, including clinical and non-clinical people, associations, institutions and authorities) through an user driven interaction within the system.This work was supported by Project ”NanoSTIMA: Macroto-Nano Human Sensing: Towards Integrated Multimodal Health Monitoring and Analytics/NORTE-01-0145-FEDER- 000016” financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, and through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The pesticides use and the risk for head and neck cancer:a review of case-control studies

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    Tobacco, alcohol consumption, and HPV infection are the most common risk factors for head and neck cancer (HNC). Despite of this, recent evidences are growing on the association between long-term exposure to pesticides and the risk of chronic diseases, including different types of cancer. The present review evaluated in current literature evidence of an association between exposure to pesticides and the occurrence of HNCs. A literature search of the case-control studies was conducted in the PubMed, Web of science and Cochrane databases. Methodological quality of each study was rated with the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN 50) checklist. One thousand and thirty-five studies were identified and twelve met all criteria and, therefore, considered for quality assessment and data extraction. According to SIGN 50 criteria, six studies received an overall high-quality. All the studies considered of high quality found a positive association between exposure to pesticides and different HNC sites, including larynx, pharynx and nasal cavity. In addition, the increased risk was associated with the frequency of exposure. Finally, improving pesticide users' awareness of their risks and proper handling, as well as adopting protective measures such as the use of personal protective equipment, appear to be effective in reducing human health damage


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    This research has relevance in the national legal scenario, since it turns to the analysis of the limits of the applicability of criminal legislation to insider trading, from the perspective of Article 27-D of Law No. 6385/76. Thus, the main objective of the research is to do a job with the aim of identifying the real applicability of law no. 6,385/76 to crimes in the financial market of actions, thus creating a north directed the legal community on the criminal consequences of the agents, demonstrating who they are and who has the ability to be imputed with active subject of the crime and also demonstrating who has the capacity to judge this offense through understandings jurisprudential, thus trying to solve some of the main dubious elements in insider trading crimes, based on the possible apparent conflicts of norms in the Brazilian legal system. As for the means, the research was bibliographic and a technique of deductive approach was used, in legal sites, jurisprudence, doctrines, because the theoretical-methodological foundation is very necessary for this work.Esta investigación tiene relevancia en el escenario jurídico nacional, ya que se dirige al análisis de los límites de la aplicabilidad de la legislación penal al uso de información privilegiada, desde la perspectiva del artículo 27-D de la Ley Nº 6385/76. Así, el objetivo principal de la investigación es hacer un trabajo con el objetivo de identificar la aplicabilidad real de la ley nº 6.385/76 a los delitos en el mercado financiero de acciones, creando así un norte dirigido a la comunidad jurídica sobre las consecuencias penales de los agentes, demostrando quiénes son y quién tiene la capacidad de ser imputado con sujeto activo del delito y también demostrando quién tiene la capacidad de juzgar este delito a través de entendimientos. jurisprudencial, tratando así de resolver algunos de los principales elementos dudosos en los delitos de uso de información privilegiada, a partir de los posibles conflictos aparentes de normas en el sistema legal brasileño. En cuanto a los medios, la investigación fue bibliográfica y se utilizó una técnica de abordaje deductivo, en sitios jurídicos, jurisprudencia, doctrinas, porque el fundamento teórico-metodológico es muy necesario para este trabajo.A presente pesquisa tem relevância no cenário jurídico nacional, posto que se volta para a analise dos limites da aplicabilidade da legislação penal ao crime de insider trading, sob a ótica do artigo 27-D da Lei n° 6385/76. Dessa forma, a pesquisa tem como objetivo principal, fazer um trabalho com o intuito de identificar a real aplicabilidade da lei n⁰ 6.385/76 aos crimes no mercado financeiro de ações, criando um norte direcionador à comunidade jurídica sobre as consequências penais dos agentes, demonstrando quem são eles e quem tem a capacidade de ser imputado como sujeito ativo do delito e demonstrando também quem tem a capacidade para julgamento deste delito através de entendimentos jurisprudenciais,  assim tentando solucionar alguns dos principais elementos dúbios nos crimes de Insider trading, tendo como base os  possíveis conflitos aparentes de normas no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Quanto aos meios, a pesquisa foi bibliográfica, sendo utilizada técnica de abordagem dedutiva, em sites jurídicos, jurisprudências, doutrinas, pelo fato de a fundamentação teórico-metodológica ser bastante necessária para este trabalho


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    This research has relevance in the national legal scenario, since it turns to the analysis of the limits of the applicability of criminal legislation to insider trading, from the perspective of Article 27-D of Law No. 6385/76. Thus, the main objective of the research is to do a job with the aim of identifying the real applicability of law no. 6,385/76 to crimes in the financial market of actions, thus creating a north directed the legal community on the criminal consequences of the agents, demonstrating who they are and who has the ability to be imputed with active subject of the crime and also demonstrating who has the capacity to judge this offense through understandings jurisprudential, thus trying to solve some of the main dubious elements in insider trading crimes, based on the possible apparent conflicts of norms in the Brazilian legal system. As for the means, the research was bibliographic and a technique of deductive approach was used, in legal sites, jurisprudence, doctrines, because the theoretical-methodological foundation is very necessary for this work.Esta investigación tiene relevancia en el escenario jurídico nacional, ya que se dirige al análisis de los límites de la aplicabilidad de la legislación penal al uso de información privilegiada, desde la perspectiva del artículo 27-D de la Ley Nº 6385/76. Así, el objetivo principal de la investigación es hacer un trabajo con el objetivo de identificar la aplicabilidad real de la ley nº 6.385/76 a los delitos en el mercado financiero de acciones, creando así un norte dirigido a la comunidad jurídica sobre las consecuencias penales de los agentes, demostrando quiénes son y quién tiene la capacidad de ser imputado con sujeto activo del delito y también demostrando quién tiene la capacidad de juzgar este delito a través de entendimientos. jurisprudencial, tratando así de resolver algunos de los principales elementos dudosos en los delitos de uso de información privilegiada, a partir de los posibles conflictos aparentes de normas en el sistema legal brasileño. En cuanto a los medios, la investigación fue bibliográfica y se utilizó una técnica de abordaje deductivo, en sitios jurídicos, jurisprudencia, doctrinas, porque el fundamento teórico-metodológico es muy necesario para este trabajo.A presente pesquisa tem relevância no cenário jurídico nacional, posto que se volta para a analise dos limites da aplicabilidade da legislação penal ao crime de insider trading, sob a ótica do artigo 27-D da Lei n° 6385/76. Dessa forma, a pesquisa tem como objetivo principal, fazer um trabalho com o intuito de identificar a real aplicabilidade da lei n⁰ 6.385/76 aos crimes no mercado financeiro de ações, criando um norte direcionador à comunidade jurídica sobre as consequências penais dos agentes, demonstrando quem são eles e quem tem a capacidade de ser imputado como sujeito ativo do delito e demonstrando também quem tem a capacidade para julgamento deste delito através de entendimentos jurisprudenciais,  assim tentando solucionar alguns dos principais elementos dúbios nos crimes de Insider trading, tendo como base os  possíveis conflitos aparentes de normas no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Quanto aos meios, a pesquisa foi bibliográfica, sendo utilizada técnica de abordagem dedutiva, em sites jurídicos, jurisprudências, doutrinas, pelo fato de a fundamentação teórico-metodológica ser bastante necessária para este trabalho