10 research outputs found

    Equidad de género en el mundo científico

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    When conducting a search on the 30 best scientists in history, it was observed that within that group only three women were named, these being Marie Curie, Hypatia of Alexandria and Rosalind Franklin; which demonstrates the lack of female representation in the scientific world.In the 21st century there is a greater number of women who are studying STEM careers and medical careers. Women who specialize in different fields of science and who are working in research laboratories. According to data from 2018 (El Comercio), in Ecuador there is a greater representation of female researchers in different areas, with 48% in medicine, 50% in social sciences, 26% in physics and mathematics, and 25% in engineering; These data indicate that the participation of women in the scientific world is gradually increasingAl realizar una búsqueda sobre los 30 mejores científicos en la historia, se pudo observar que dentro de ese grupo únicamente se nombra a tres mujeres, siendo estas Marie Curie, Hipatia de Alejandría y Rosalind Franklin; lo que demuestra la falta de representación femenina en el mundo científico.  En el siglo XXI existe un mayor número de mujeres que se encuentran estudiando carreras STEM y carreras médicas. Mujeres que se especializan en diferentes campos de la ciencia y que se encuentran trabajando en laboratorios de investigación. Según datos del 2018 (El Comercio), en el Ecuador hay una mayor representación de investigadoras en distintas áreas, con un 48% en medicina, 50% ciencias sociales, 26% en física y matemáticas y 25 % en ingenierías; estos datos nos indican que de manera paulatina está incrementando la participación de mujeres en el mundo científico.&nbsp

    Translesion DNA polymerases and genome maintenance in Trypanosoma brucei

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    Many DNA repair pathways have been documented in Trypanosoma brucei but less attention has been paid to damage tolerance, a reaction in which lesion bypass is needed, in particular to ensure continued genome replication. Such bypass is promoted by translesion DNA polymerases (TLS Pols). T. brucei has ~15 TLS polymerases candidate genes, only two of which have been functionally examined to date. Understanding the roles provided by TLS Pols could reveal new aspects of T. brucei biology. Here, I examine the activities of TLS Pol Nu (PolN), TbPolZ and TbPolQ (HelQ) in bloodstream cells. RNAi against TbPolN results in slowed growth after ~24 hours, which is associated with altered DNA content, changed cell morphology and sensitivity to DNA damage. Surprisingly, growth and morphology defects are reduced after ~48 hours, without apparent RNAi reversion. In addition, depletion of the protein seems to lead to an aberrant distribution of the chromosomes, as visualised by telomere fluorescent in situ hybridization. TbPolN epitope tagging demonstrates a discrete localisation of the protein at the periphery of the nucleus in the absence of damage, with a more widespread, but non-uniform localisation after damage. EdU labelling and γH2A analysis after TbPolN knockdown reveal a decrease in proliferating cells, which accumulate nuclear DNA damage. Finally, we show that TbPolN interacts with a nuclear putative non-canonical PolyA polymerase. Taken together, these data suggest TbPolN may be involved in T. brucei nuclear DNA maintenance. RNAi of TbPolZ (zeta) did not impair growth but resulted in increased sensitivity to methyl methanesulphonate (MMS) damage and UV radiation, suggesting a possible role in the response against both genotoxic agents. Generation of TbPolZ null mutants confirmed that the protein is non-essential and plays a role in genotoxic damage repair. Surprisingly, TbPolZ epitope tagging not only showed a nuclear signal, but a mitochondrial signal was also detected. These data were supported by immunoprecipitation, where mitochondrial proteins were obtained as potential interaction partners. These data suggest a contribution of TbPolZ to both nuclear and kinetoplast genome maintenance. Targeted RNAi of the third putative TLS-related factor, TbHelQ, was unsuccessful. Despite this, sequence analysis of the protein indicates that its current annotation as a PolQ homologue is inaccurate, since the predicted protein is not a joint polymerase-helicase like in other eukaryotes, but only a putative helicase. Hence, it is suggested it should be renamed TbHelQ. Immunoprecipitation and colocalisation analyses indicate a possible role of TbHelQ in homologous recombination, given the potential interaction of the factor with BRCA2 and other factors involved in this repair process. Notably, the predicted interactome of TbHelQ differs from that of TbPolN, suggesting discrete functions in T. brucei. Taken together, these data reveal widespread and variant functions of three putative TLS DNA polymerases in the parasite genome biology, suggesting a possible role in the maintenance of genome integrity in T. brucei

    Estudio preliminar de la prevalencia de cardiopatía chagásica en la provincia de Manabí, Ecuador y caracterización molecular y biológica de aislados TcI de Trypanosoma cruzi

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    La enfermedad de Chagas (ECh), causada por el protozoario flagelado Trypanosoma cruzi, se caracteriza por ocasionar cardiopatías y daños en el sistema digestivo. En el Ecuador, está presente en la Costa, Amazonía y en las regiones subtropicales de la Sierra; se estima que aproximadamente 165 a 170 mil personas se encuentran infectadas con T. cruzi en el país. Sin embargo, a pesar de que los daños cardiacos son el más común y perjudicial efecto de la enfermedad de Chagas, en nuestro país se desconoce la prevalencia de cardiopatía chagásica. Por ello, se realizó un estudio piloto sobre la seroprevalencia de la enfermedad de Chagas en las unidades de cardiología de hospitales de la provincia de Manabí. Se buscó caracterizar algunas de las propiedades biológicas de los parásitos que circulan en nuestro país, como características morfológicas, infectividad in vitro, y capacidad de inducir cambios en la expresión génica de las células infectadas in vitro. En el estudio piloto sobre cardiopatía chagásica en Manabí, encontramos que alrededor del 2% de pacientes que participaron en el estudio son reactivos en pruebas serológicas para Chagas. Ni los cardiólogos ni los pacientes estaban al tanto de esta infección. Esto demuestra la necesidad de estudios más amplios sobre cardiopatía chagásica en nuestro país. Se deseaba aislar parásitos de estos pacientes para estudiar sus propiedades biológicas..

    Revisión bibliográfica: Función e importancia de las ADN polimerasas

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    Introduction: DNA polymerases enzymes are involved in replication and repair processes. The enzymes are classified into four families based in sequence homology and function. The polymerases members of the A and X families are characterized for having a relevant role in replication and repair processes. Meanwhile, the members of the B family are considered high-fidelity enzymes, mainly participating in DNA replication. Finally, the Y family polymerases do not have 3'-5' exonuclease activity participating in translesion DNA synthesis. Objective:  To elaborate a narrative review on DNA polymerases in order to identify their role in replication and repair processes. Material and methods: The narrative literature review was performed by searching scientific papers in the databases PubMed and Google Scholar. The search parameters were DNA polymerases, translesion polymerases and polymerases in health and disease. Conclusion: The correct functioning of polymerases is essential in living organisms, due to their participation in crucial biological processes in cell survival. Their overexpression or mutations in the genes that code for the enzymes, can lead to the development of certain diseases such as cancer or mitochondrial disorders.Introducción: Las ADN polimerasas son enzimas las cuales se encuentran involucradas en los procesos de replicación y reparación. Dichas enzimas han sido clasificadas en cuatro familias, A, B, X y Y, basándose en la homología de sus secuencias y en el proceso que intervienen. La polimerasa de la familia A y X, se caracterizan por tener un rol importante tanto en el proceso de replicación, como de reparación. Mientras tanto los miembros de la familia B, son consideradas enzimas de alta fidelidad participando en la replicación de ADN.  Por último, los integrantes de la familia Y no poseen actividad exonucleasa 3’-5’; participando en la síntesis por translesión del ADN.  Objetivo: Realizar una revisión narrativa sobre las ADN polimerasas, con el fin de identificar su función en los procesos de replicación y reparación. Materiales y métodos: La revisión biobibliográfica narrativa, fue realizada mediante la búsqueda de artículo científicos en las bases de datos PubMed y Google Académico.  Los parámetros de búsqueda utilizados fueron: ADN polimerasas, polimerasas de translesión, polimerasas en salud y enfermedad Conclusión: El correcto funcionamiento de las polimerasas es esencial en los organismos vivos, debido a su participación en procesos biológicos cruciales. La sobre expresión de estas o mutaciones en los genes que codifican para dichas enzimas, puede encontrarse involucrado en el desarrollo de ciertas enfermedades tales como cáncer o desordenes mitocondriales

    Genome maintenance functions of a putative Trypanosoma brucei translesion DNA polymerase include telomere association and a role in antigenic variation

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    Maintenance of genome integrity is critical to guarantee transfer of an intact genome from parent to off-spring during cell division. DNA polymerases (Pols) provide roles in both replication of the genome and the repair of a wide range of lesions. Amongst replicative DNA Pols, translesion DNA Pols play a particular role: replication to bypass DNA damage. All cells express a range of translesion Pols, but little work has examined their function in parasites, including whether the enzymes might contribute to host-parasite interactions. Here, we describe a dual function of one putative translesion Pol in African trypanosomes, which we now name TbPolIE. Previously, we demonstrated that TbPolIE is associated with telomeric sequences and here we show that RNAi-mediated depletion of TbPolIE transcripts results in slowed growth, altered DNA content, changes in cell morphology, and increased sensitivity to DNA damaging agents. We also show that TbPolIE displays pronounced localization at the nuclear periphery, and that its depletion leads to chromosome segregation defects and increased levels of endogenous DNA damage. Finally, we demonstrate that TbPolIE depletion leads to deregulation of telomeric variant surface glycoprotein genes, linking the function of this putative translesion DNA polymerase to host immune evasion by antigenic variation

    Role of Extracellular Matrix in the Biomechanical Behavior of Pancreatic Tissue

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    Correlating the biomechanical properties of tissue with its function is an emerging area of research with potential impact in diagnostics, therapeutics, and prognostics. A critical stepping-stone in developing structure–function models is creating methods that can correlate the tissue structure with its mechanical behavior. As an initial step in addressing this challenge, we have characterized the mechanical behavior of unprocessed pancreatic tissue using optical fiber polarimetric elastography. To correlate the observed behavior to physiologically relevant structural features, a series of architectures are designed and fabricated using 3D printing. The mechanical response of the 3D printed elastomeric structures is analyzed using compressive testing and modeled using finite element analysis. The biomechanical behavior and buckling point of the 3D printed structures is used to create a calibration curve to understand the measured response of the resected pancreatic tissue. Based on the modeling and biomimetic results, the biomechanical behavior of pancreatic tissue is likely due to the collagen IV network

    ATLANTIC ANTS: a data set of ants in Atlantic Forests of South America

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    Subcutaneous anti-COVID-19 hyperimmune immunoglobulin for prevention of disease in asymptomatic individuals with SARS-CoV-2 infection: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised clinical trialResearch in context

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    Summary: Background: Anti-COVID-19 hyperimmune immunoglobulin (hIG) can provide standardized and controlled antibody content. Data from controlled clinical trials using hIG for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 outpatients have not been reported. We assessed the safety and efficacy of subcutaneous anti-COVID-19 hyperimmune immunoglobulin 20% (C19-IG20%) compared to placebo in preventing development of symptomatic COVID-19 in asymptomatic individuals with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Methods: We did a multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, in asymptomatic unvaccinated adults (≥18 years of age) with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection within 5 days between April 28 and December 27, 2021. Participants were randomly assigned (1:1:1) to receive a blinded subcutaneous infusion of 10 mL with 1 g or 2 g of C19-IG20%, or an equivalent volume of saline as placebo. The primary endpoint was the proportion of participants who remained asymptomatic through day 14 after infusion. Secondary endpoints included the proportion of individuals who required oxygen supplementation, any medically attended visit, hospitalisation, or ICU, and viral load reduction and viral clearance in nasopharyngeal swabs. Safety was assessed as the proportion of patients with adverse events. The trial was terminated early due to a lack of potential benefit in the target population in a planned interim analysis conducted in December 2021. ClinicalTrials.gov registry: NCT04847141. Findings: 461 individuals (mean age 39.6 years [SD 12.8]) were randomized and received the intervention within a mean of 3.1 (SD 1.27) days from a positive SARS-CoV-2 test. In the prespecified modified intention-to-treat analysis that included only participants who received a subcutaneous infusion, the primary outcome occurred in 59.9% (91/152) of participants receiving 1 g C19-IG20%, 64.7% (99/153) receiving 2 g, and 63.5% (99/156) receiving placebo (difference in proportions 1 g C19-IG20% vs. placebo, −3.6%; 95% CI -14.6% to 7.3%, p = 0.53; 2 g C19-IG20% vs placebo, 1.1%; −9.6% to 11.9%, p = 0.85). None of the secondary clinical efficacy endpoints or virological endpoints were significantly different between study groups. Adverse event rate was similar between groups, and no severe or life-threatening adverse events related to investigational product infusion were reported. Interpretation: Our findings suggested that administration of subcutaneous human hyperimmune immunoglobulin C19-IG20% to asymptomatic individuals with SARS-CoV-2 infection was safe but did not prevent development of symptomatic COVID-19. Funding: Grifols

    C. Literaturwissenschaft.

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