2,914 research outputs found

    Fonctionnement des réseaux de diffusion des silex bédouliens du Vème au IVème millénaire : questions ouvertes

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    Bien qu'abondamment datés, les contextes du Néolithique moyen et supérieur méditerranéens, restent trop souvent mal calés chronologiquement, et leur sériation interne pose de nombreux problèmes. En contexte chasséen, les styles de débitage lithiques, qui ont mené à une périodisation de référence (Binder, 1991), ne sont pas encore bien situés en terme de datation C14. Dans ce contexte culturel, les écart-types des datations, (souvent réalisées il y a 20 ou 30 ans), sont d'ailleurs en général beaucoup trop importants (Vaquer, 1998, p. 427-433 ; Evin et Oberlin, 2001, p. 98-99). L'objectif est donc, à travers ce poster, de préciser la chronologie en confrontant les données issues des études du mobilier lithique, avec les données stratigraphiques et les datations C14 . Des corrélations entre sites seront de même effectuées. De manière plus précise, les auteurs tenteront, après un examen critique des dates, de mieux caler en chronologie absolue certains faits techniques liés au fonctionnement des réseaux de circulation des silex bédouliens : traitement thermique, style de débitage, et typologie.Pour cela, les auteurs considèrent un ensemble de sites sélectionnés du Néolithique méridional datés des 5ème et 4ème millénaires av. J.-C. calibré. L'horizon géographique envisagé comprend l'arc méditerranéen de la Ligurie à la Catalogne, en passant par la Provence, la vallée du Rhône, et le Languedoc. Les sites choisis sont la plupart du temps des stratigraphies : Arene Candide (Ligurie), Chiris (Alpes-Maritimes), Villa Giribaldi (Alpes-Maritimes), Fontbrégoua (Var), Trou Arnaud (Drôme), Port-Ariane (Hérault), Font-Juvénal (Aude), Montou (Pyrénées-orientales).Le recours à ce corpus de dates, et l'utilisation d'une méthode statistique bayesienne permettra de combiner les informations issues des séquences stratigraphiques avec les données du C14, afin d'obtenir des informations quantifiables avec des probabilités connues

    Production, gestion et utilisation des outillages lithiques du Chasséen méridional

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    Is the opposition between specialized and non specialized productions a key to characterizethe lithic assemblages from the southern Chassey Culture ? The former have been used to define the culture itself and to build up theories based on craft specialization to approach the social organization of these Neolithic groups. Our first studies about the latter show that they reveal specific technical activities conducted at the site or that they are useful to build up interpretation on both site functions and social organization.We base our study on a corpus of sites localized in the south of France–from Alpes-Maritimes to Lot–between 4300 and 353500 BC cal. Different site function are here represented and these sites are situated at different levels in the area of bedoulien flint diffusion,from the production zone to the border of the diffusion area : when and where do the different degrees of know-how appear ? How far are the consumption modes (i.e., tool curation and use) directly related to the production modes ?On note au sein des assemblages lithiques du Chasséen méridional une opposition très marquée entre productions non spécialisées et productions spécialisées, à partir desquelles ont été proposées une définition chronoculturelle et des théories sur l'organisation sociale, autour de la notion de spécialisation artisanale. Les productions non spécialisées ont souvent été négligées. Elles témoignent pourtant fréquemment d'activités techniques particulières, et permettent de discuter du fonctionnement des sites et de l'organisationsociale des groupes.Nous nous fondons ici sur un corpus de sites du Midi de la France, des Alpes-Maritimes au Lot, entre 4300 et 353500 av. J.-C. Ces sites relèvent de statuts fonctionnels variés et se placent à différents niveaux des réseaux de diffusion des silex bédouliens du Vaucluse, depuis l'aire de production jusqu'à ses marges : à quels stades de production et de circulationapparaissent les divers degrés de savoir-faire ? Les modes de gestion et d'utilisationdes supports sont-ils largement partagés

    Lithic Management in the Chassey Culture Neolithic

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    The integrated technological approach of the lithic industries in Southern France Chassey culture and neighbouring cultures is a way to highlight a complex organisation of space. The development of long distance diffusion networks of lithic products from western Provence creates interdependence between producing-exporting sites and receiving-consuming sites. The analysis of their functioning, from raw material sources until remote consuming sites, is undergone on various scales (from supra-regional to local), through lithic technology and use wear analysis

    Burins du Chasséen méridional

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    The lithic industries of the end of the fifth and beginning of the fourth millennium B.C. in south of France and Catalogne (Chasseen, Montbolo, Molinot, Sepulcros de Fosa cultures) rely for the most part on the importation of blades, and bladelet cores knapped by pressure after thermal treatment, on bedoulien flint from Vaucluse. The study of the distribution and function of a burin sample of these lithic industries highlights several facts concerning these tools: • most of them are used by the lateral edges to scrape plants, however there exists a certain functional variation; • the transformation of supports into burins frequently corresponds to the recycling of a previously used tool; the burin blow technique derives from the lithic style of tool handling; • burins are used concurrently with other “equivalent-burins” derived from other techniques used for the same function; • these techniques (burin shaping, plants scraping,) are not shared by all the users of the lithic industries imported from western Provence. This demonstrates selective choices in the cultural borrowings and transfers between the groups linked by their usage of the same lithic production centres.Les industries lithiques de la fin du ve millénaire et du début du ive millénaire dans le Midi de la France et en Catalogne (Chasséen, Montbolo, Molinot, Sepulcros de Fosa) reposent en grande partie sur des importations de lames et de nucléus à lamelles débités par pression après traitement thermique, en silex bédoulien d'origine vauclusienne. L'étude de la répartition et de la fonction d'un échantillon de burins de ces industries lithiques met en évidence plusieurs faits concernant ces outils : • la majorité d'entre eux sont utilisés par les dièdres latéraux pour racler certains végétaux, mais il existe cependant une certaine variabilité fonctionnelle ; • la transformation des supports en burins constitue fréquemment un recyclage d'un outil déjà utilisé ; la technique du coup de burin relève en cela d'une modalité de gestion des outillages lithiques ; • les burins sont utilisés concurremment à des “équivalents – burins” relevant d'autres modalités techniques, pour les mêmes fonctions ; • ces techniques (façonnage des burins, raclage de certains végétaux) ne sont pas partagées par tous les utilisateurs des industries lithiques importées de Provence occidentale, ce qui témoigne de choix ou de filtres dans les emprunts et transferts culturels entre les groupes liés par le recours aux mêmes centres de production lithique

    The complete mitochondrial genome of a gray reef shark, Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos (Carcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae), from the Western Indian Ocean

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    We present the mitochondrial genome sequence of a gray reef shark, Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos (Bleeker 1856), a coral reef associated species. This is the first mitogenome for this species from the western Indian Ocean. The mitogenome is 16,705 bp in length, has 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNA genes, 2 rRNA genes and a non-coding control region, and demonstrates a gene arrangement congruent with other shark and most vertebrate species. This mitogenome provides a genomic resource for assisting with population, evolutionary and conservation studies for the gray reef shark, which is increasingly under threat from fisheries

    Multi-Session Influence of Two Modalities of Feedback and Their Order of Presentation on MI-BCI User Training

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    By performing motor-imagery tasks, for example, imagining hand movements, Motor-Imagery based Brain-Computer Interfaces (MI-BCIs) users can control digital technologies, for example, neuroprosthesis, using their brain activity only. MI-BCI users need to train, usually using a unimodal visual feedback, to produce brain activity patterns that are recognizable by the system. The literature indicates that multimodal vibrotactile and visual feedback is more effective than unimodal visual feedback, at least for short term training. However, the multi-session influence of such multimodal feedback on MI-BCI user training remained unknown, so did the influence of the order of presentation of the feedback modalities. In our experiment, 16 participants trained to control a MI-BCI during five sessions with a realistic visual feedback and five others with both a realistic visual feedback and a vibrotactile one. training benefits from a multimodal feedback, in terms of performances and self-reported mindfulness. There is also a significant influence of the order presentation of the modality. Participants who started training with a visual feedback had higher performances than those who started training with a multimodal feedback. We recommend taking into account the order of presentation for future experiments assessing the influence of several modalities of feedback

    Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Vocal Fold Approximation in Healthy and Simulated Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis

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    We have developed a novel surgical/computational model for the investigation of unilat-eral vocal fold paralysis (UVFP) which will be used to inform future in silico approaches to improve surgical outcomes in type I thyroplasty. Healthy phonation (HP) was achieved using cricothyroid suture approximation on both sides of the larynx to generate symmetrical vocal fold closure. Following high-speed videoendoscopy (HSV) capture, sutures on the right side of the larynx were removed, partially releasing tension unilaterally and generating asymmetric vocal fold closure characteristic of UVFP (sUVFP condition). HSV revealed symmetric vibration in HP, while in sUVFP the sutured side demonstrated a higher frequency (10–11%). For the computational model, ex vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans were captured at three configurations: non-approximated (NA), HP, and sUVFP. A finite-element method (FEM) model was built, in which cartilage displacements from the MRI images were used to prescribe the adduction, and the vocal fold deformation was simulated before the eigenmode calculation. The results showed that the frequency comparison between the two sides was consistent with observations from HSV. This alignment between the surgical and computational models supports the future application of these methods for the investigation of treatment for UVFP

    Strongly Correlated Cerium Systems: Non-Kondo Mechanism for Moment Collapse

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    We present an ab initio based method which gives clear insight into the interplay between the hybridization, the coulomb exchange, and the crystal-field interactions, as the degree of 4f localization is varied across a series of strongly correlated cerium systems. The results for the ordered magnetic moments, magnetic structure, and ordering temperatures are in excellent agreement with experiment, including the occurence of a moment collapse of non-Kondo origin. In contrast, standard ab initio density functional calculations fail to predict, even qualitatively, the trend of the unusual magentic properties.Comment: A shorter version of this has been submitted to PR

    MycoBank gearing up for new horizons.

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    MycoBank, a registration system for fungi established in 2004 to capture all taxonomic novelties, acts as a coordination hub between repositories such as Index Fungorum and Fungal Names. Since January 2013, registration of fungal names is a mandatory requirement for valid publication under the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi and plants (ICN). This review explains the database innovations that have been implemented over the past few years, and discusses new features such as advanced queries, registration of typification events (MBT numbers for lecto, epi- and neotypes), the multi-lingual database interface, the nomenclature discussion forum, annotation system, and web services with links to third parties. MycoBank has also introduced novel identification services, linking DNA sequence data to numerous related databases to enable intelligent search queries. Although MycoBank fills an important void for taxon registration, challenges for the future remain to improve links between taxonomic names and DNA data, and to also introduce a formal system for naming fungi known from DNA sequence data only. To further improve the quality of MycoBank data, remote access will now allow registered mycologists to act as MycoBank curators, using Citrix software
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