160 research outputs found


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    Diabetes Mellitus is a lifelong disease that can reduce the patient's quality of life. Quality of life that is not maintained can cause complications and even increase mortality. One of the actions that can be taken to improve the quality of life is by taking self-care actions. Self care is self-care independently to maintain health. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between self care and quality of life of type 2 DM patients at Santa Elisabeth Hospital Medan  2022. This study uses a cross sectional research design and sampling technique with purposive sampling and a sample size of 70 people. The statistical test used is the Spearman Rank test with the results of p = 0.000 (p <0.05), meaning that there is a relationship between self care and the quality of life of type 2 DM patients at Santa Elisabeth Hospital Medan 2022. Self care is in the category good as many as 66 people (94.3%) and Quality of life in the good category as many as 60 people (85.7%), respondents who have good self care with good quality of life are 58 people (82.9%). Recommendations for respondents to maintain good self-care and for further researchers to look for other factors related to the quality of life of Type 2 DM patients at Santa Elisabeth Hospital Medan.Diabetes Melitus merupakan penyakit yang diderita seumur hidup sehingga    dapat menurunkan kualitas hidup penderita. Kualitas hidup yang tidak terpelihara dapat menyebabkab terjadinya komplikasi bahkan dapat meningkatkan angka kematian. Salah satu tindakan yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup yakni dengan melakukan tindakan self care. Self care merupakan perawatan diri secara mandiri untuk memelihara kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis hubungan antara self care dengan kualitas hidup pasien DM tipe 2 di RS Santa Elisabeth Medan tahun 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian  cross sectional dan teknik pengambilan sampel dengan jenis Purposive Sampling dan jumlah sampel 70 orang. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah yakni Uji Spearman Rank dengan hasil nilai p=0,000 (p<0,05), artinya ada hubungan antara self care dengan kualitas hidup pasien DM tipe 2 di Rumah Sakit Santa Elisabeth Medan tahun 2022. Self care berada pada kategori baik sebanyak 66 orang (94.3%) dan Kualitas hidup pada kategori baik yaitu sebanyak 60 orang (85.7%), responden yang memiliki self care yang baik dengan kualitas hidup baik sebanyak 58 orang (82.9%). Rekomendasi bagi responden untuk tetap memelihara self care dengan baik dan bagi peneliti selanjutnya untuk mencari faktor lain yang berhubungan dengan kualitas hidup pasien DM Tipe 2 di RS Santa Elisabeth Medan

    Pengembangan Komik Pembelajaran Peduli dan Tanggung Jawab pada anak di Daerah Relokasi Sinabung Tanah Karo.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengembangkan media komik pembelajaran karakter peduli dan tanggung jawab yang layak pada anak di daerah relokasi gunung Sinabung dan (2) mengetahui efektivitas komik pembelajaran karakter peduli dan tanggung jawab pada anak di daerah relokasi gunung Sinabung. Penelitian pengembangan ini mengacu pada langkah-langkah yang dikembangkan oleh Borg and Gall. Dari 10 langkah prosedur penelitian dan pengembangan Borg and Gall, penelitian ini hanya sampai pada langkah ke sembilan. Kesembilan langkah tersebut meliputi: (1) studi pendahuluan dan pengumpulan informasi, (2) perencanaan, (3) pengembangan format produk awal, (4) uji lapangan awal), (5) revisi produk awal, (6) uji lapangan utama, (7) revisi produk operasional (8) uji operasional, (9) revisi produk akhir. Subjek uji coba kelompok kecil melibatkan 6 anak usia 9-12 tahun di relokasi. Subjek uji coba lapangan melibatkan 20 orang anak usia 6-12 tahun di relokasi. Uji efektivitas melibatkan 23 anak usia 9-12 tahun di relokasi Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi, angket penilaian materi dan media, angket respon siswa dan tes hasil belajar. Data yang terkumpul selanjutnya dianalisis dengan deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian pengembangan ini menghasilkan produk komik pembelajaran cetak yang layak untuk anak di relokasi. Komik Pembelajaran yang dikembangkan digunakan untuk mengembangkan karakter peduli dan tanggung jawab anak di daerah Relokasi Sinabung. Pertama, hasil validasi ahli media dan materi menunjukkan bahwa komik pembelajaran ini layak untuk digunakan dengan skor 3,88 dari segi media dan perolehan skor 3,61 dari segi materi. Penilaian tersebut termasuk kedalam kriteria “sangat layak”. Kedua, komik pembelajaran ini efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran karakter peduli dan tanggung jawab. Hal tersebut berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar anak dilihat dari peningkatan hasil pre test dan post test. Hasil yang diperoleh berdasarkan nilai N-gain yaitu sebesar 0,63 atau termasuk dalam kategori sedang


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    Today globalization has penetrated all nations in the world including Indonesia. Globalization occurs in almost all aspects of life including the socio-economic field which can be said to have improved people's standard of living.  Theaim of this study is to find out the picture between hedonic lifestyle and consumptive behavior in MIK STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan study program students.  The study used cross sectional design with random sampling and data collection was carried out through the distribution of online questionnaires via whatsapp.  The population used in this study was MIK Study Program students level 1 and 2 with a sample of 30 respondents and indicators of 30 statements.  Data collection techniques use questionnaires as primary data, and journals and books as secondary data. The results showed that the hedonic lifestyle of students was high, namely 17 (57%) students, this can be seen from the habits of students who like to buy luxury goods, the habit of buying food online and really like to follow trends, while the consumptive behavior of students is low, namely 18 (60%) Students, the level of consumption is low due to campus rules that prohibit using luxury items that are not needed. So it can be concluded that MIK STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan study program students have a relatively high lifestyle in using luxury goods and relatively low consumptive behavior because they are bound by dormitory rules.  Abstract Pada era globalisasi ini sudah merambah ke seluruh negara-negara di dunia termasuk Indonesia. Globalisasi terjadi hampir diseluruh aspek kehidupan termasuk bidang sosial ekonomi yang dapat dikatakan telah meningkatkan taraf kehidupan masyarakat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran antara gaya hidup hedonis dengan perilaku konsumtif pada mahasiswa prodi MIK STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan. Penelitian menggunakan cross sectional design dengan random sampling dan pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuesioner online melalui whatsapp. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Mahasiswa Prodi MIK tingkat 1 dan 2 dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 30 responden dan indikator sebanyak 30 pernyataan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket sebagai data primer, serta jurnal dan buku sebagai data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa gaya hidup hedonis mahasiswa tergolong tinggi yaitu 17 (57%) mahasiswa, hal ini dapat dilihat dari kebiasaan mahasiswa yang suka membeli barang mewah, kebiasaan membeli makanan online dan sangat suka mengikuti trend, Sedangkan perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa tergolong rendah yaitu 18 (60%) mahasiswa, tingkat konsumtifnya rendah disebabkan aturan kampus yang melarang untuk menggunakan barang-barang mewah yang tidak dibutuhkan.Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa mahasiswa prodi MIK STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan memiliki gaya hidup yang relatif  tinggi dalam menggunakan barang mewah dan perilaku konsumtif yang relatif rendah karena terikat dengan aturan asrama. ABSTRAK Dewasa ini globalisasi sudah merambah ke seluruh bangsa-bangsa di dunia termasuk Indonesia. Globalisasi terjadi hampir diseluruh aspek kehidupan termasuk bidang sosial ekonomi yang dapat dikatakan telah meningkatkan taraf kehidupan masyarakat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran antara gaya hidup hedonis dengan perilaku konsumtif pada mahasiswa prodi MIK STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan. Penelitian menggunakan cross sectional design dengan random sampling dan pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuesioner online melalui whatsapp. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Mahasiswa Prodi MIK tingkat 1 dan 2 dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 70 responden dan indikator sebanyak 30 pernyataan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket sebagai data primer, serta jurnal dan buku sebagai data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa gaya hidup hedonis mahasiswa tergolong tinggi yaitu 17 (57%) mahasiswa, hal ini dapat dilihat dari kebiasaan mahasiswa yang suka membeli barang mewah, kebiasaan membeli makanan online dan sangat suka mengikuti trend, Sedangkan perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa tergolong rendah yaitu 18 (60%) mahasiswa, tingkat konsumtifnya rendah disebabkan aturan kampus yang melarang untuk menggunakan barang-barang mewah yang tidak dibutuhkan.Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa mahasiswa prodi MIK STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan memiliki gaya hidup yang relatif  tinggi dalam menggunakan barang mewah dan perilaku konsumtif yang relatif rendah karena terikat dengan aturan asrama.    &nbsp

    A dimensional summation account of polymorphous category learning

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer via the DOI in this record.Data and code availaibility: The data and code for all analyses for all experiments are available at the OSF addresses given in each Results section. The stimuli are available at the same locations.Polymorphous concepts are hard to learn, and this is perhaps surprising because they, like many natural concepts, have an overall similarity structure. However, the dimensional summation hypothesis (Milton & Wills, 2004) predicts this difficulty. It also makes a number of other predictions about polymorphous concept formation, which are tested here. In Experiment 1 we confirm the theory’s prediction that polymorphous concept formation should be facilitated by deterministic pretraining on the constituent features of the stimulus. This facilitation is relative to an equivalent amount of training on the polymorphous concept itself. In Experiments 2–4, the dimensional summation account of this single feature pretraining effect is contrasted with some other accounts, including a more general strategic account (Experiment 2), seriality of training and stimulus decomposition accounts (Experiment 3), and the role of errors (Experiment 4). The dimensional summation hypothesis provides the best account of these data. In Experiment 5, a further prediction is confirmed — the single feature pretraining effect is eliminated by a concurrent counting task. The current experiments suggest the hypothesis that natural concepts might be acquired by the deliberate serial summation of evidence. This idea has testable implications for classroom learning.Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC

    Smoking initiation is followed by the early acquisition of epigenetic change in cervical epithelium: a longitudinal study

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    background: To prove a causal link between an epigenetic change and an environmental or behavioural risk factor for a given disease, it is first necessary to show that the onset of exposure precedes the first detection of that epigenetic change in subjects who are still free of disease. methods: Towards this end, a cohort of women aged 15–19 years, recruited soon after they first had sexual intercourse, were used to provide sequential observations on the relationship between cigarette smoking and the detection in cervical cytological samples of methylated forms of CDKN2A (p16) using nested methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction. results: Among women who remained cytologically normal and who tested negative for human papillomavirus DNA in cervical smears during follow-up, those who first started to smoke during follow-up had an increased risk of acquiring CDKN2A methylation compared with never-smokers (odds ratio=3.67; 95% confidence interval 1.09–12.33; P=0.04). conclusion: Smoking initiation is associated with the appearance of methylated forms of CDKN2A

    Visualization and Curve-Parameter Estimation Strategies for Efficient Exploration of Phenotype Microarray Kinetics

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    The Phenotype MicroArray (OmniLog® PM) system is able to simultaneously capture a large number of phenotypes by recording an organism's respiration over time on distinct substrates. This technique targets the object of natural selection itself, the phenotype, whereas previously addressed '-omics' techniques merely study components that finally contribute to it. The recording of respiration over time, however, adds a longitudinal dimension to the data. To optimally exploit this information, it must be extracted from the shapes of the recorded curves and displayed in analogy to conventional growth curves.The free software environment R was explored for both visualizing and fitting of PM respiration curves. Approaches using either a model fit (and commonly applied growth models) or a smoothing spline were evaluated. Their reliability in inferring curve parameters and confidence intervals was compared to the native OmniLog® PM analysis software. We consider the post-processing of the estimated parameters, the optimal classification of curve shapes and the detection of significant differences between them, as well as practically relevant questions such as detecting the impact of cultivation times and the minimum required number of experimental repeats.We provide a comprehensive framework for data visualization and parameter estimation according to user choices. A flexible graphical representation strategy for displaying the results is proposed, including 95% confidence intervals for the estimated parameters. The spline approach is less prone to irregular curve shapes than fitting any of the considered models or using the native PM software for calculating both point estimates and confidence intervals. These can serve as a starting point for the automated post-processing of PM data, providing much more information than the strict dichotomization into positive and negative reactions. Our results form the basis for a freely available R package for the analysis of PM data

    Understanding and Integrating Local Perceptions of Trees and Forests into Incentives for Sustainable Landscape Management

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    We examine five forested landscapes in Africa (Cameroon, Madagascar, and Tanzania) and Asia (Indonesia and Laos) at different stages of landscape change. In all five areas, forest cover (outside of protected areas) continues to decrease despite local people’s recognition of the importance of forest products and services. After forest conversion, agroforestry systems and fallows provide multiple functions and valued products, and retain significant biodiversity. But there are indications that such land use is transitory, with gradual simplification and loss of complex agroforests and fallows as land use becomes increasingly individualistic and profit driven. In Indonesia and Tanzania, farmers favor monocultures (rubber and oil palm, and sugarcane, respectively) for their high financial returns, with these systems replacing existing complex agroforests. In the study sites in Madagascar and Laos, investments in agroforests and new crops remain rare, despite government attempts to eradicate swidden systems and their multifunctional fallows. We discuss approaches to assessing local values related to landscape cover and associated goods and services. We highlight discrepancies between individual and collective responses in characterizing land use tendencies, and discuss the effects of accessibility on land management. We conclude that a combination of social, economic, and spatially explicit assessment methods is necessary to inform land use planning. Furthermore, any efforts to modify current trends will require clear incentives, such as through carbon finance. We speculate on the nature of such incentive schemes and the possibility of rewarding the provision of ecosystem services at a landscape scale and in a socially equitable manner

    Frontal GABA Levels Change during Working Memory

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    Functional neuroimaging metrics are thought to reflect changes in neurotransmitter flux, but changes in neurotransmitter levels have not been demonstrated in humans during a cognitive task, and the relationship between neurotransmitter dynamics and hemodynamic activity during cognition has not yet been established. We evaluate the concentration of the major inhibitory (GABA) and excitatory (glutamate + glutamine: Glx) neurotransmitters and the cerebral perfusion at rest and during a prolonged delayed match-to-sample working memory task. Resting GABA levels in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex correlated positively with the resting perfusion and inversely with the change in perfusion during the task. Further, only GABA increased significantly during the first working memory run and then decreased continuously across subsequent task runs. The decrease of GABA over time was paralleled by a trend towards decreased reaction times and higher task accuracy. These results demonstrate a link between neurotransmitter dynamics and hemodynamic activity during working memory, indicating that functional neuroimaging metrics depend on the balance of excitation and inhibition required for cognitive processing