62 research outputs found

    Can discrete event simulation be of use in modelling major depression?

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    BACKGROUND: Depression is among the major contributors to worldwide disease burden and adequate modelling requires a framework designed to depict real world disease progression as well as its economic implications as closely as possible. OBJECTIVES: In light of the specific characteristics associated with depression (multiple episodes at varying intervals, impact of disease history on course of illness, sociodemographic factors), our aim was to clarify to what extent "Discrete Event Simulation" (DES) models provide methodological benefits in depicting disease evolution. METHODS: We conducted a comprehensive review of published Markov models in depression and identified potential limits to their methodology. A model based on DES principles was developed to investigate the benefits and drawbacks of this simulation method compared with Markov modelling techniques. RESULTS: The major drawback to Markov models is that they may not be suitable to tracking patients' disease history properly, unless the analyst defines multiple health states, which may lead to intractable situations. They are also too rigid to take into consideration multiple patient-specific sociodemographic characteristics in a single model. To do so would also require defining multiple health states which would render the analysis entirely too complex. We show that DES resolve these weaknesses and that its flexibility allow patients with differing attributes to move from one event to another in sequential order while simultaneously taking into account important risk factors such as age, gender, disease history and patients attitude towards treatment, together with any disease-related events (adverse events, suicide attempt etc.). CONCLUSION: DES modelling appears to be an accurate, flexible and comprehensive means of depicting disease progression compared with conventional simulation methodologies. Its use in analysing recurrent and chronic diseases appears particularly useful compared with Markov processes

    Seismoacoustic coupling induced by the breakup of the 15 February 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor

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    International audienceOn 15 February 2013 around 03:20:00 UTC, the largest meteor reported since the 1908 Tunguska event was observed as a fireball traveling through the Earth's atmosphere, exploding in an air burst near the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia. The rarity of such an event provides a unique window on the physics of meteoroid collision. We report the fine seismic detection of Rayleigh waves produced by the coupling of ground motion with the incident shock wave at distances up to 4000 km from the event. Combining information from seismic beam-forming analysis, recon- structed trajectory from casual video records, and remote sensing, we identify the Rayleigh waves as being initiated by the shock wave produced by the main blast that occasioned damages and injuries in Chelyabinsk. From the Rayleigh wave observations, we report a magnitude Ms ~ 3.7 seismic source

    WHOLE ISSUE \u3ci\u3eNebraska Bird Review\u3c/i\u3e (March 1974) 42(1)

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    Table of Contents 1973 Treasurer\u27s ........................................... 2 1973 Nebraska Nesting Survey ...................................... 3 1973 Christmas Count ...................................... 10 Canyon Wren in Nebraska ......................... 16 A Nebraska Swainson\u27s Thrush Nest .................................... 17 Another Black-throated Sparrow in Nebraska ................................. 18 Notes .......................................................... 1

    Vascular endothelial cell expression of JAK2V617F is sufficient to promote a pro-thrombotic state due to increased P-selectin expression

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    Thrombosis is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with JAK2V617F myeloproliferative neoplasms. Recent studies have reported the presence of JAK2V617F in endothelial cells of some patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms. We investigated the role of endothelial cells that express JAK2V617F in thrombus formation using an in vitro model of human endothelial cells overexpressing JAK2V617F and an in vivo model of mice with endothelial-specific JAK2V617F expression. Interestingly, these mice displayed a higher propensity for thrombus. When deciphering the mechanisms by which JAK2V617F-expressing endothelial cells promote thrombosis, we observed that they have a pro-adhesive phenotype associated with increased endothelial P-selectin exposure, secondary to degranulation of Weibel-Palade bodies. We demonstrated that P-selectin blockade was sufficient to reduce the increased propensity of thrombosis. Moreover, treatment with hydroxyurea also reduced thrombosis and decreased the pathological interaction between leukocytes and JAK2V617F-expressing endothelial cells through direct reduction of endothelial P-selectin expression. Taken together, our data provide evidence that JAK2V617F-expressing endothelial cells promote thrombosis through induction of endothelial P-selectin expression, which can be reversed by hydroxyurea. Our findings increase our understanding of thrombosis in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms, at least those with JAK2V617F-positive endothelial cells, and highlight a new role for hydroxyurea. This novel finding provides the proof of concept that an acquired genetic mutation can affect the pro-thrombotic nature of endothelial cells, suggesting that other mutations in endothelial cells could be causal in thrombotic disorders of unknown cause, which account for 50% of recurrent venous thromboses

    Subduction controls the distribution and fragmentation of Earth’s tectonic plates

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    International audienceThe theory of plate tectonics describes how the surface of the Earth is split into an organized jigsaw of seven large plates 1 of similar sizes and a population of smaller plates, whose areas follow a fractal distribution 2,3. The reconstruction of global tectonics during the past 200 My 4 suggests that this layout is probably a long-term feature of our planet, but the forces governing it are unknown. Previous studies 3,5,6 , primarily based on statistical properties of plate distributions, were unable to resolve how the size of plates is determined by lithosphere properties and/or underlying mantle convection. Here, we demonstrate that the plate layout of the Earth is produced by a dynamic feedback between mantle convection and the strength of the lithosphere. Using 3D spherical models of mantle convection with plate-like behaviour that match the plate size-frequency distribution observed for Earth, we show that subduction geometry drives the tectonic fragmentation that generates plates. The spacing between slabs controls the layout of large plates, and the stresses caused by the bending of trenches, break plates into smaller fragments. Our results explain why the fast evolution in small back-arc plates 7,8 reflects the dramatic changes in plate motions during times of major reorganizations. Our study opens the way to use convection simulations with plate-like behaviour to unravel how global tectonics and mantle convection are dynamically connected

    Epicardial cells derived from human embryonic stem cells augment cardiomyocyte-driven heart regeneration.

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    The epicardium and its derivatives provide trophic and structural support for the developing and adult heart. Here we tested the ability of human embryonic stem cell (hESC)-derived epicardium to augment the structure and function of engineered heart tissue in vitro and to improve efficacy of hESC-cardiomyocyte grafts in infarcted athymic rat hearts. Epicardial cells markedly enhanced the contractility, myofibril structure and calcium handling of human engineered heart tissues, while reducing passive stiffness compared with mesenchymal stromal cells. Transplanted epicardial cells formed persistent fibroblast grafts in infarcted hearts. Cotransplantation of hESC-derived epicardial cells and cardiomyocytes doubled graft cardiomyocyte proliferation rates in vivo, resulting in 2.6-fold greater cardiac graft size and simultaneously augmenting graft and host vascularization. Notably, cotransplantation improved systolic function compared with hearts receiving either cardiomyocytes alone, epicardial cells alone or vehicle. The ability of epicardial cells to enhance cardiac graft size and function makes them a promising adjuvant therapeutic for cardiac repair.: This work was supported by the British Heart Foundation (BHF; Grants NH/11/1/28922, G1000847, FS/13/29/30024 and FS/18/46/33663), Oxford-Cambridge Centre for Regenerative Medicine (RM/13/3/30159), the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) and the Cambridge Hospitals National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre funding (SS), as well as National Institutes of Health Grants P01HL094374, P01GM081619, R01HL12836 and a grant from the Fondation Leducq Transatlantic Network of Excellence (CEM). J.B. was supported by a Cambridge National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre Cardiovascular Clinical Research Fellowship and subsequently, by a BHF Studentship (Grant FS/13/65/30441). DI received a University of Cambridge Commonwealth Scholarship. LG is supported by BHF Award RM/l3/3/30159 and LPO is funded by a Wellcome Trust Fellowship (203568/Z/16/Z). NF was supported by BHF grants RG/13/14/30314. NL was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (Institute Strategic Programmes BBS/E/B/000C0419 and BBS/E/B/000C0434). SS and MB were supported by the British Heart Foundation Centre for Cardiovascular Research Excellence. Core support was provided by the Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute (203151/Z/16/Z), The authors thank Osiris for provision of the primary mesenchymal stem cells (59

    Control-Oriented Modeling and Analysis of Air Management System for Fuel Reforming Fuel Cell Vehicle

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    International audienceWith the purpose of meeting the specifically restrictive requirements of fuel reforming fuel cell vehicle, this paper brings into focus the issues of the transient operation of fuel cell systems and presents a control-oriented dynamic model of fuel cell air management system, suited for multivariable controller design, system optimization, and supervisory control strategy. In a first step, the dual analytical approach based on lumped and distributed parameter models is detailed: The partial differential equations deduced from mass/energy conservation laws and inertial dynamics are reduced to ordinary differential equations using spatial discretization and then combined with semiempirical actuator models to form the overall air system model. In a second step, a classical approach is followed to obtain a local linearization of the model. A validation of both nonlinear and linearized versions is performed by computational fluid dynamics simulations and experiments on a dedicated air system test bench. Thanks to dynamic analysis (pole/zero map), operating point impact and model order reduction are investigated. Finally, the multiinput multioutput state-space model--which balances model fidelity with model simplicity--can be coupled with reformer, stack, and thermal models to understand the system complexity and to develop model-based control methodologies
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