2,633 research outputs found

    Retrieval of target structure information from laser-induced photoelectrons by few-cycle bicircular laser fields

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    Citation: Hoang, V. H., Le, V. H., Lin, C. D., & Le, A. T. (2017). Retrieval of target structure information from laser-induced photoelectrons by few-cycle bicircular laser fields. Physical Review A, 95(3), 6. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.95.031402By analyzing theoretical results from a numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for atoms in few-cycle bicircular laser pulses, we show that high-energy photoelectron momentum spectra can be used to extract accurate elastic scattering differential cross sections of the target ion with free electrons. We find that the retrieval range for a scattering angle with bicircular pulses is wider than with linearly polarized pulses, although the retrieval method has to be modified to account for different returning directions of the electron in the continuum. This result can be used to extend the range of applicability of ultrafast imaging techniques such as laser-induced electron diffraction and for the accurate characterization of laser pulses

    Design and Development of a Sub-Zero Fluid System for Demonstration of Orion's Phase Change Material Heat Exchangers on ISS

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    NASA's Orion Multipurpose Crew Vehicle's Exploration Mission 2 is expected to loiter in Lunar orbit for a relatively long period of time. In low Lunar orbit (LLO) the thermal environment is cyclic - extremely cold in the eclipse and relatively hot near the subsolar point. Phase change material heat exchangers (PCM HXs) are the best option for long term missions in these environments. A PCM HX allows a vehicle to store excess waste energy by thawing a phase change material such as n-pentadecane wax. During portions of the orbit that are extremely cold, the excess energy is rejected, resolidifying the wax. Due to the inherent risk of compromising the heat exchanger during multiple freeze and thaw cycles, a unique payload was designed for the International Space Station to test and demonstration the functions of a PCM HX. The payload incorporates the use of a pumped fluid system and a thermoelectric heat exchanger to promote the freezing and thawing of the PCM HX. This paper shall review the design and development undertaken to build such a system

    Assimilation of SMAP products for improving streamflow simulations over tropical climate region — is spatial information more important than temporal information?

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    Streamflow is one of the key variables in the hydrological cycle. Simulation and forecasting of streamflow are challenging tasks for hydrologists, especially in sparsely gauged areas. Coarse spatial resolution remote sensing soil moisture products (equal to or larger than 9 km) are often assimilated into hydrological models to improve streamflow simulation in large catchments. This study uses the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) technique to assimilate SMAP soil moisture products at the coarse spatial resolution of 9 km (SMAP 9 km), and downscaled SMAP soil moisture product at the higher spatial resolution of 1 km (SMAP 1 km), into the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to investigate the usefulness of different spatial and temporal resolutions of remotely sensed soil moisture products in streamflow simulation and forecasting. The experiment was set up for eight catchments across the tropical climate of Vietnam, with varying catchment areas from 267 to 6430 km2 during the period 2017–2019. We comprehensively evaluated the EnKF-based SWAT model in simulating streamflow at low, average, and high flow. Our results indicated that high-spatial resolution of downscaled SMAP 1 km is more beneficial in the data assimilation framework in aiding the accuracy of streamflow simulation, as compared to that of SMAP 9 km, especially for the small catchments. Our analysis on the impact of observation resolution also indicates that the improvement in the streamflow simulation with data assimilation is more significant at catchments where downscaled SMAP 1 km has fewer missing observations. This study is helpful for adding more understanding of performances of soil moisture data assimilation based hydrological modelling over the tropical climate region, and exhibits the potential use of remote sensing data assimilation in hydrology

    CodeTF: One-stop Transformer Library for State-of-the-art Code LLM

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    Code intelligence plays a key role in transforming modern software engineering. Recently, deep learning-based models, especially Transformer-based large language models (LLMs), have demonstrated remarkable potential in tackling these tasks by leveraging massive open-source code data and programming language features. However, the development and deployment of such models often require expertise in both machine learning and software engineering, creating a barrier for the model adoption. In this paper, we present CodeTF, an open-source Transformer-based library for state-of-the-art Code LLMs and code intelligence. Following the principles of modular design and extensible framework, we design CodeTF with a unified interface to enable rapid access and development across different types of models, datasets and tasks. Our library supports a collection of pretrained Code LLM models and popular code benchmarks, including a standardized interface to train and serve code LLMs efficiently, and data features such as language-specific parsers and utility functions for extracting code attributes. In this paper, we describe the design principles, the architecture, key modules and components, and compare with other related library tools. Finally, we hope CodeTF is able to bridge the gap between machine learning/generative AI and software engineering, providing a comprehensive open-source solution for developers, researchers, and practitioners.Comment: Ongoing work - Draft Previe

    Retrieval of material properties of monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides from magnetoexciton energy spectra

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    Reduced exciton mass, polarizability, and dielectric constant of the surrounding medium are essential properties for semiconduction materials, and they can be extracted recently from the magnetoexciton energies. However, the acceptable accuracy of the previously suggested method requires very high magnetic intensity. Therefore, in the present paper, we propose an alternative method of extracting these material properties from recently available experimental magnetoexciton s-state energies in monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs). The method is based on the high sensitivity of exciton energies to the material parameters in the Rytova-Keldysh model. It allows us to vary the considered material parameters to get the best fit of the theoretical calculation to the experimental exciton energies for the 1s1s, 2s2s, and 3s3s states. This procedure gives values of the exciton reduced mass and 2D polarizability. Then, the experimental magnetoexciton spectra compared to the theoretical calculation gives also the average dielectric constant. Concrete applications are presented only for monolayers WSe2_2 and WS2_2 from the recently available experimental data. However, the presented approach is universal and can be applied to other monolayer TMDCs. The mentioned fitting procedure requires a fast and effective method of solving the Schr\"{o}dinger of an exciton in monolayer TMDCs with a magnetic field. Therefore, we also develop such a method in this study for highly accurate magnetoexciton energies.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 4 table

    Characterization of Single-Shot Attosecond Pulses with Angular Streaking Photoelectron Spectra

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    Most of the traditional attosecond pulse retrieval algorithms are based on a so-called attosecond streak camera technique, in which the momentum of the electron is shifted by an amount depending on the relative time delay between the attosecond pulse and the streaking infrared pulse. Thus, temporal information of the attosecond pulse is encoded in the amount of momentum shift in the streaked photoelectron momentum spectrogram S(p, τ), where p is the momentum of the electron along the polarization direction and τ is the time delay. An iterative algorithm is then employed to reconstruct the attosecond pulse from the streaking spectrogram. This method, however, cannot be applied to attosecond pulses generated from free-electron x-ray lasers where each single shot is different and stochastic in time. However, using a circularly polarized infrared laser as the streaking field, a two (or three)-dimensional angular streaking electron spectrum can be used to retrieve attosecond pulses for each shot, as well as the time delay with respect to the circularly polarized IR field. Here we show that a retrieval algorithm previously developed for the traditional streaking spectrogram can be modified to efficiently characterize single-shot attosecond pulses. The methods have been applied to retrieve 188 single shots from recent experiments. We analyze the statistical behavior of these 188 pulses in terms of pulse duration, bandwidth, pulse peak energy, and time delay with respect to the IR field. The retrieval algorithm is efficient and can be easily used to characterize a large number of shots in future experiments for attosecond pulses at free-electron x-ray laser facilities

    Performance and carcass characteristics of Australian prime lambs grazing lucerne and cocksfoot pastures are enhanced by supplementation with plant oil infused pellets

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of pasture (cocksfoot cv. porto (CFP) and lucerne) and supplementation of grazing lambs with pellets with or without plant oil infusion on performance and carcass characteristics. Forty-eight White Suffolk x Corriedale first-cross weaners were randomly assigned to one of four treatments in a split-plot experimental design: (1) CFP or lucerne pastures only (control); CFP or lucerne pastures supplemented with pellets infused with oil from (2) canola (CO); (3) rice bran (RBO) and (4) no oil pellets (NOP). Lucerne and CFP pastures were considered as the main plot effect, and played the role of basal pastures. Lambs grazing lucerne or CFP pastures with pellet supplementation achieved carcass weights of >22 kg at 9 weeks, which met the specific requirements of Asian and United States of American export markets. Pellet supplementation did not affect final liveweight, average daily gain, body length, withers height and chest girth of grazing lambs. Dressing percentage of lambs grazing CFP pasture with pellet supplementation and lambs grazing lucerne pasture with RBO supplementation increased compared with lambs on pasture grazing only. Although supplementing lambs on CFP pasture with CO had relatively negligible impact on feed conversion efficiency, it significantly increased over the hook trade value compared with lambs grazing CFP pasture only. In conclusion, lucerne or CFP pasture plus pellet supplementation produced lamb carcasses >22 kg suitable for the export market. CO had relatively low feed cost per unit daily gain (0.9 AU/kgonCFPpastureand0.6AU/kg on CFP pasture and 0.6 AU/kg on lucerne pasture) and could also be used as a tactical supplementation tool for increasing the carcass weight of lambs grazing CFP pasture

    A Turnover in the Galaxy Main Sequence of Star Formation at M1010MM_{*} \sim 10^{10} M_{\odot} for Redshifts z<1.3z < 1.3

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    The relationship between galaxy star formation rates (SFR) and stellar masses (MM_\ast) is re-examined using a mass-selected sample of \sim62,000 star-forming galaxies at z1.3z \le 1.3 in the COSMOS 2-deg2^2 field. Using new far-infrared photometry from HerschelHerschel-PACS and SPIRE and SpitzerSpitzer-MIPS 24 μ\mum, along with derived infrared luminosities from the NRK method based on galaxies' locations in the restframe color-color diagram (NUVr)(NUV - r) vs. (rK)(r - K), we are able to more accurately determine total SFRs for our complete sample. At all redshifts, the relationship between median SFRSFR and MM_\ast follows a power-law at low stellar masses, and flattens to nearly constant SFR at high stellar masses. We describe a new parameterization that provides the best fit to the main sequence and characterizes the low mass power-law slope, turnover mass, and overall scaling. The turnover in the main sequence occurs at a characteristic mass of about M01010MM_{0} \sim 10^{10} M_{\odot} at all redshifts. The low mass power-law slope ranges from 0.9-1.3 and the overall scaling rises in SFR as a function of (1+z)4.12±0.10(1+z)^{4.12 \pm 0.10}. A broken power-law fit below and above the turnover mass gives relationships of SFRM0.88±0.06SFR \propto M_{*}^{0.88 \pm 0.06} below the turnover mass and SFRM0.27±0.04SFR \propto M_{*}^{0.27 \pm 0.04} above the turnover mass. Galaxies more massive than M1010 MM_\ast \gtrsim 10^{10}\ M_{\rm \odot} have on average, a much lower specific star formation rate (sSFR) than would be expected by simply extrapolating the traditional linear fit to the main sequence found for less massive galaxies.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Design and fabrication of effective gradient temperature sensor array based on bilayer SnO2/Pt for gas classification

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    Classification of different gases is important, and it is possible to use different gas sensors for this purpose. Electronic noses, for example, combine separated gas sensors into an array for detecting different gases. However, the use of separated sensors in an array suffers from being bulky, high-energy consumption and complex fabrication processes. Generally, gas sensing properties, including gas selectivity, of semiconductor gas sensors are strongly dependent on their working temperature. It is therefore feasible to use a single device composed of identical sensors arranged in a temperature gradient for classification of multiple gases. Herein, we introduce a design for simple fabrication of gas sensor array based on bilayer Pt/SnO2 for real-time monitoring and classification of multiple gases. The study includes design simulation of the sensor array to find an effective gradient temperature, fabrication of the sensors and test of their performance. The array, composed of five sensors, was fabricated on a glass substrate without the need of backside etching to reduce heat loss. A SnO2 thin film sensitized with Pt on top deposited by sputtering was used as sensing material. The sensor array was tested against different gases including ethanol, methanol, isopropanol, acetone, ammonia, and hydrogen. Radar plots and principal component analysis were used to visualize the distinction of the tested gases and to enable effective classification

    Correlations between growth and wool quality traits of genetically divergent Australian lambs in response to canola or flaxseed oil supplementation

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    The correlations between growth and wool traits in response to canola and flaxseed oil supplementation were evaluated in Australian prime lambs. Sixty dual-purpose prime lambs including purebred Merino and crossbred lambs were allocated to one of five treatments of lucerne hay basal diet supplemented with isocaloric and isonitrogenous wheat-based pellets. Treatments were: no oil inclusion (Control); 2.5% canola oil; 5% canola oil; 2.5% flaxseed oil and 5% flaxseed oil, with lamb groups balanced by breed and gender. Each lamb was daily supplemented with 1kg of pellets and had free access to lucerne hay and water throughout the 7-week feeding trial, after a 3-week adaptation. Individual animal basal and supplementary pellet feed intakes were recorded daily, while body conformation traits, body condition scores and liveweights were measured on days 0, 21, 35 and 49. The lambs were dye-banded on the mid-side and shorn before commencing the feeding trial and mid-side wool samples were collected from the same dye-banded area of each lamb at the end of the experiment. Correlations between wool quality traits and lamb performance were non-significant (P>0.05). Oil supplementation had no detrimental effect on lamb growth and wool quality traits (P > 0.05). Gender significantly affected wither height gain and fibre diameter. There were significant interactions between oil supplementation and lamb breed on chest girth. The correlations between clean fleece yield (CFY) and other wool quality traits were moderate ranging from 0.29 to 0.55. Moderate to high correlations between fibre diameter (FD) and other wool quality traits were detected (0.46–0.99) with the strongest relationship between FD and wool spinning fineness (SF). The relationship between CFY and wool comfort factor (CF) were positive, while negative relationships between CFY and the others were observed. A combination of 5% oil supplementation and genetics is an effective and strategic management tool for enhancing feed efficiency and growth performance without negative effects on wool quality in dual-purpose lamb production. This is a good outcome for dual-purpose sheep farmers. It essentially means the absorbed nutrients in supplemented lambs yielded good growth performance without any detrimental impact on wool quality; a win-win case of nutrient partitioning into the synthesis of muscle and wool without compromising either traits