970 research outputs found

    William Conyngham and the Roman theater of Sagunto

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    Los viajeros ingleses, que llegaron a la españa del siglo xviii, tenían como objetivo el desarrollo de actividades alejadas del estudio de las antigüedades. Sin embargo, la mayoría visitaban, dibujaban y estudiaban nuestros restos; incluso, en algunas oc

    El estudio de los edificios de espectáculos romanos en la España del siglo XVIII. Análisis del uso de la imagen en los inicios de la arqueología española

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    Tesis descargada desde TESEOHemos planteado como objetivo concreto en este trabajo el análisis de los estudios de edificios de espectáculos en el siglo XVIII en España, pero no sólo para estudiar profundamente las descripciones textuales, sino también -y sobre todo- examinar las láminas y comparar los distintos trabajos gráficos realizados por eruditos ilustrados españoles en sus estudios de teatros, circos y anfiteatros romanos en España. Con ello se ha pretendido saber cómo los eruditos ilustrados recogían la información, la redactaban y la plasmaban gráficamente, para -trascendiendo en cierto modo el tema de análisis- poder establecer la evolución de la "arqueología del siglo XVIII en esta parcela de los estudios arqueológicos-arquitectónicos.Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado U

    Influence of COVID on the Educational Use of Social Media by Students of Teaching Degrees

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    The situation caused by SARS-CoV-2 has resulted in the intensive use of technology in all fields, including education and interactions between students. This research seeks to identify changes in the way social media have been used for educational purposes by students of teaching degrees both before and after lockdown. Based on an online survey administered to a sample of 524 students from different Spanish universities in which it has been observed how their use has generally been very similar, although significant differences have been detected according to the kind of university. In this capacity, the use of social media for academic purposes has increased in universities offering traditional classroom based courses, while it has remained the same in virtual universities which, due to their particular idiosyncrasies, have not been directly affected

    El uso del cine como recurso para la adquisición de competencias del Máster de Formación del Profesorado de Secundaria en los alumnos de la especialidad de Ciencias Sociales

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    Actas del V Congreso Internacional de Historia y Cine celebrado en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid del 5 al 7 de Septiembre de 2016.En nuestra docencia en el Máster del Profesorado de Secundaria, desde el Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, enseñamos a utilizar el cine como recurso docente de manera habitual desde distintas asignaturas, insistiendo en las nuevas perspectivas, la innovación y las posibilidades didácticas del mismo con el fin de alcanzar las competencias de dicho máster. Puesto que constituye una herramienta imprescindible para los alumnos de Secundaria, asumimos que debe estar presente en la formación de los futuros profesores, pues el trabajo con películas que tratan sobre educación afianzará sus nuevos conocimientos sobre didáctica utilizando un campo que a casi todos les resulta atractivo y familiar. Por tanto, para que perciban sus beneficios en su futura actividad docente, debemos utilizarlo para formarlos, seleccionando cuidadosamente las películas y la metodología para trabajar las competencias y contenidos (en especial actitudinales y procedimentales) del máster.In our teaching in the Master Teacher High School, from the Department of Teaching Social Sciences, we taught to use film as a teaching resource regularly from different subjects, insisting the new perspectives, innovation and the educational possibilities of the same in order to meet the responsibili ties of the master. Since it is an essential tool for secondary pupils tool, we assume that must be present in the training of future teachers, for work with films that deal with education entrench their new knowledge about teaching using a field that most appeals to them and familiar. Therefore, to receive their benefits in their future teaching, we must use it to train them, carefully selecting movies and methodology for work skills and content (especially attitudinal and procedural) of the master

    Active core rewarming avoids bioelectrical impedance changes in postanesthetic patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Postoperative hypothermia is a common cause of complications in patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Hypothermia is known to elicit electrophysiological, biochemical, and cellular alterations thus leading to changes in the active and passive membrane properties. These changes might influence the bioelectrical impedance (BI). Our aim was to determine whether the BI depends on the core temperature.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We studied 60 patients (52 female and 8 male) age 40 to 80 years with an ASA I-II classification that had undergone laparoscopic cholecystectomy under balanced inhalation anesthesia. The experimental group (<it>n </it>= 30) received active core rewarming during the transanesthetic and postanesthesic periods. The control group (<it>n </it>= 30) received passive external rewarming. The BI was recorded by using a 4-contact electrode system to collect dual sets of measurements in the deltoid muscle. The body temperature, hemodynamic variables, respiratory rate, blood-gas levels, biochemical parameters, and shivering were also measured. The Mann-Whitney unpaired <it>t</it>-test was used to determine the differences in shivering between each group at each measurement period. Measurements of body temperature, hemodynamics variables, respiratory rate, and BI were analyzed using the two-way repeated-measures ANOVA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The gradual decrease in the body temperature was followed by the BI increase over time. The highest BI values (95 ± 11 Ω) appeared when the lowest values of the temperature (35.5 ± 0.5°C) were reached. The active core rewarming kept the body temperature within the physiological range (over 36.5°C). This effect was accompanied by low stable values (68 ± 3 Ω) of BI. A significant decrease over time in the hemodynamic values, respiratory rate, and shivering was seen in the active core-rewarming group when compared with the controls. The temporal course of shivering was different from those of body temperatue and BI. The control patients showed a significant increase in the serum-potassium levels, which were not seen in the active-core rewarming group.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The BI analysis changed as a function of the changes of core temperature and independently of the shivering. In addition, our results support the beneficial use of active core rewarming to prevent accidental hypothermia.</p

    Aspergillus fumigatus: análisis microscópico de su estructura en un modelo de biofilm in vitro

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    La enfermedad asociada al biofilm está siendo evaluada con profundidad en diferentes campos de la Microbiología Clínica, en tanto que representa un importante problema de salud pública. La formación de biofilms constituye un modo de crecimiento que hace que las células que lo forman sean menos susceptibles a los antimicrobianos y a la acción del sistema inmune del huésped y, permite que los patógenos sobrevivan en entornos hostiles, se dispersen y colonicen nuevos nichos no previstos. En lo relativo a la infección fúngica de gravedad, aún hoy constituye un gran reto para la salud pública por su elevada morbi-mortalidad a pesar de los avances en diagnóstico y estrategias de tratamiento. Para avanzar en el conocimiento de los procesos que motivan la invasión fúngica, los modelos in vitro de biofilm constituyen una herramienta interesante para hallar respuestas que puedan trasladarse y aplicarse en la práctica clínica. En el laboratorio de Referencia e Investigación en Micología, del CNM-ISCIII mantenemos una línea de investigación, utilizando un modelo de biofilm de Aspergillus fumigatus, y cepas de diferentes orígenes y fondos genéticos, que nos ayudarán a desarrollar herramientas complementarias para establecer nuevos test diagnósticos y estrategias de tratamiento, así como relacionar resistencia con la capacidad de formar biofilms y con la patogenia y virulencia del hongo. En este estudio se analiza fenotípicamente esta estructura mediante técnicas de imagen basadas en microscopia de fluorescencia con marcajesespecíficos para evaluar la arquitectura del biofilm intraespecie y el efecto de factores que puedan alterar su desarrollo e integridad.Biofilm-associated disease is being evaluated in depth in different fields of Clinical Microbiology, as it represents an important public health problem. The formation of biofilms constitutes a mode of growth that makes forming cells less susceptible to antimicrobials and to the action of the host's immune system. This structure also allows pathogens to survive in hostile environments and disperse and colonize new unforeseen niches. Regarding serious fungal infection, even today it constitutes a great challenge for public health due to its high morbidity and mortality despite important advances in diagnosis and treatment strategies. In an attempt to advance our knowledge on fungal cell invasion, in vitro fungal biofilm models are an interesting tool to find answers that can be applied in clinical practice. At the CNM-ISCIII Reference and Research Laboratory in Mycology, we maintain a line of research, using an Aspergillus fumigatusbiofilm model, and strains from different origins and genetic backgrounds, which will help us develop new complementary tools to establish new diagnostics tests and treatment strategies, as well as to connect resistance to biofilms and to fungal virulence traits. In this study, this structure is phenotypically analysed using imagingtechniques based on fluorescence microscopy with specific markings to evaluate the architecture of the intraspecies biofilm and the effect of factors that may alter its development and integrity

    Aplicación de la metodología Aprendizaje - Servicio a alumnos que cursan el Máster en Economía Internacional y Desarrollo

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    Depto. de Economía Aplicada, Estructura e HistoriaFac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesFALSEsubmitte

    Global Gene Expression Characterization of Circulating Tumor Cells in Metastasic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Patients

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    Background: Current therapeutic options in the course of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancers (mCRPC) reinforce the need for reliable tools to characterize the tumor in a dynamic way. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) have emerged as a viable solution to the problem, whereby patients with a variety of solid tumors, including PC, often do not have recent tumor tissue available for analysis. The biomarker characterization in CTCs could provide insights into the current state of the disease and an overall picture of the intra-tumor heterogeneity. Methods: in the present study, we applied a global gene expression characterization of the CTC population from mCRPC (n = 9), with the goal to better understand the biology of these cells and identify the relevant molecules favoring this tumor progression. Results: This analysis allowed the identification of 50 genes specifically expressed in CTCs from patients. Six of these markers (HOXB13, QKI, MAOA, MOSPD1, SDK1, and FGD4), were validated in a cohort of 28 mCRPC, showing clinical interest for the management of these patients. Of note, the activity of this CTC signature was related to the regulation of MYC, a gene strongly implicated in the biology of mCRPC. Conclusions: Overall, our results represent new evidence on the great value of CTCs as a non-invasive biopsy to characterize PCThis work was partially financed with the “liquid Biopsy crowdfunding, 2017”. L.M-L. is supported by AECCS

    Comparación anatómica e histoquímica de la madera del guayacán medicinal proveniente de muestras de mercados con la de Guaiacum coulteri A. Gray

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    The medicinal plant guayacan is recommended for health problems derived from diabetes mellitus. The species most often associated in the literature with the common name guayacan is Guaiacum coulteri. For this study, anatomical and histochemical comparisons were made of wood samples from five markets in Mexico City and of Guaiacum coulteri wood deposited in the xylarium MEXUw, housed at the Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. The market samples were anatomically dissimilar, not only to Guaiacum coulteri but also to each other. The histochemical comparison showed higher lipid and glucoprotein contents in the parenchyma of the market samples than in G. coulteri, whose parenchyma is scarce. These results demonstrate the importance of anatomical characterization of species that are commercialized for medicinal use in order to assure an accurate identification. The histochemical reactions of samples enabled the structural differences among them to be observed with greater precision, and provided more information on their cellular composition; however, these results could be complemented with a subsequent phytochemical study that would provide more information on the compounds in each sample.El guayacán como planta medicinal se recomienda para problemas de salud derivados de la diabetes mellitus. En la literatura, la especie que cuenta con más reportes con el nombre común de guayacán esGuaiacum coulteri. Se caracterizaron anatómica e histoquímicamente muestras de la madera de guayacán procedentes de cinco mercados públicos de la Ciudad de México y una de G. coulteri obtenida de la xiloteca MEXUw, del Instituto de Biología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Al contrastar la estructura anatómica de los especímenes comprados con los de la xiloteca, ninguna correspondió con G. coulteri y además entre ellos fueron diferentes. En la comparación histoquímica se encontró mayor contenido lipídico y glucoproteíco en las células de parénquima de las muestras de mercado que en el escaso tejido de G. coulteri. Con este trabajo se demostró la importancia de caracterizar las especies que se comercializan como medicinales mediante su análisis anatómico, para una plena identificación. La reacción histoquímica realizada permitió resaltar con mayor precisión sus diferencias estructurales y dar información acerca de su estructura celular; sin embargo, estos datos podrían complementarse con un estudio fitoquímico posterior que provea mayor información acerca de los compuestos de cada muestra

    A logistic model for the detection of circulating tumour cells in human metastatic colorectal cancer

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    The accuracy in the diagnosis of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) represents one of the challenges in the clinical management of patients. The detection of circulating tumour cells (CTC) is becoming a promising alternative to current detection techniques, as it focuses on one of the players of the metastatic disease and it should provide with more specific and sensitive detection rates. Here, we describe an improved method of detection of CTC from mCRC patients by combining immune-enrichment, optimal purification of RNA from very low cell numbers, and the selection of accurate PCR probes. As a result, we obtained a logistic model that combines GAPDH and VIL1 normalized to CD45 rendering powerful results in the detection of CTC from mCRC patients (AUROC value 0.8599). We further demonstrated the utility of this model at the clinical setting, as a reliable prognosis tool to determine progression-free survival in mCRC patients. Overall, we developed a strategy that ameliorates the specificity and sensitivity in the detection of CTC, resulting in a robust and promising logistic model for the clinical management of metastatic colorectal cancer patients.Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social. Beca número: CP08/00142Programa Comisión Europea Fondo Europeo de Desarollo Regional (FEDER