1,598 research outputs found

    A Historic Verdict Against Chiquita Brands

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    Statistical analysis of the influence of tooth geometry in the performance of a harmonic drive

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    The objective of this research is to determine the influence of gear tooth geometrical variations in the performance of a double wave harmonic drive through statistical analysis. This work incorporates state of the art analytical and numerical models to evaluate kinematic error, load capacity, bending fatigue strength, and pitting. The geometric variables considered in this study include gear modulus, pressure angle, and tooth correction factor. The statistical analysis follows a three-level full-factorial design of experiments. Nonlinear dynamic simulation is accompanied by finite element analysis to estimate contact and bending stresses. Largest bending fatigue strength is also determined. Results demonstrate that gear modulus is the geometric parameter with prevalent influence on the kinematic error, and pitting life is rather high for all geometric variables considered

    Extinction Arouses Attention to the Context in a Behavioral Suppression Method With Humans

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    One experiment assessed predictions from the attentional theory of context processing (ATCP, J. M. Rosas, J. E. Callejas-Aguilera, M. M. Ramos-Álvarez, & M. J. F. Abad, 2006, Revision of retrieval theory of forgetting: What does make information context-specific? International Journal of Psychology & Psychological Therapy, Vol. 6, pp. 147–166) that extinction arouses attention to contextual stimuli. In a video-game method, participants learned a biconditional discrimination (RG+/BG−/RY−/BY+) either after extinction of another stimulus had occurred, or not. When contextual stimuli were relevant to solving the discrimination (i.e., all RG+/BG− trials occurred in one context and all RY−/BY+ in another), prior extinction of another stimulus facilitated the discrimination, as if extinction enhanced attention to the contexts. Results are discussed briefly in terms of ATCP and the model of N. A. Schmajuk, Y. W. Lam, & J. A. Gray (1996, Latent inhibition: A neural network approach, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, Vol. 22, pp. 321–349). (APA PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)The research presented here was made possible by Grant No. PSI2011- 24231 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Grant No. IT-276-07 from the Basque Ministry of Science. Participation of Jeffrey A. Lamoureux in the project was supported by funds from the Psychology Department of Boston College. Participation of Samuel P. León was made possible by Grant No. BES-2008-003634 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

    Uruguay and Neighboring Countries: Scenarios and Conditions for the Incorporation of Rights in Mental Health Care Reform Processes

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    A través del análisis documental y conceptual, se describen contextos y condiciones de producción de los procesos de legislación y reforma en la atención de la salud mental en países del Cono Sur, con énfasis en Uruguay. En las últimas décadas, a partir del retorno a las democracias en Uruguay y países limítrofes, se han desarrollado -con diferentes resultados- intencionalidades de avanzar en el cambio de paradigma desde una lógica manicomial hacia la atención comunitaria. Ello ha implicado la incorporación de la perspectiva de derechos en la atención y consideración de personas usuarias. Se profundiza el análisis en el proceso desarrollado en Uruguay a partir del año 2015, revisando las diferentes tensiones, concepciones y puntos de vista presentes en el campo de fuerzas que concluyó con la promulgación de la Ley de Salud Mental N° 19529 en el año 2017.This article describes, through a documentary and conceptual analysis, the frameworks and conditions in which processes of reform and legislation on mental health attention are carried out on countries of the Southern Cone, emphasizing the analysis on the case of Uruguay. In the last decades, since the returning of democracies on Uruguay and neighboring countries, there have been intentions on moving further the asylum/mental hospital logics to a shift of paradigm, getting various results. This has led to the inclusion of a perspective that pays special attention to the rights and consideration of the users. This analysis emphasizes its focus on the process made in Uruguay on the year 2015, looking through the different perspectives that participated on the dispute that led to the enactment of the Mental Health Law #19529 on 201

    An experimental study on evolutionary reactive behaviors for mobile robots navigation

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    Mobile robot's navigation and obstacle avoidance in an unknown and static environment is analyzed in this paper. From the guidance of position sensors, artificial neural network (ANN) based controllers settle the desired trajectory between current and a target point. Evolutionary algorithms were used to choose the best controller. This approach, known as Evolutionary Robotics (ER), commonly resorts to very simple ANN architectures. Although they include temporal processing, most of them do not consider the learned experience in the controller's evolution. Thus, the ER research presented in this article, focuses on the specification and testing of the ANN based controllers implemented when genetic mutations are performed from one generation to another. Discrete-Time Recurrent Neural Networks based controllers were tested, with two variants: plastic neural networks (PNN) and standard feedforward (FFNN) networks. Also the way in which evolution was performed was also analyzed. As a result, controlled mutation do not exhibit major advantages against over the non controlled one, showing that diversity is more powerful than controlled adaptation.Facultad de Informátic

    An experimental study on evolutionary reactive behaviors for mobile robots navigation

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    Mobile robot's navigation and obstacle avoidance in an unknown and static environment is analyzed in this paper. From the guidance of position sensors, artificial neural network (ANN) based controllers settle the desired trajectory between current and a target point. Evolutionary algorithms were used to choose the best controller. This approach, known as Evolutionary Robotics (ER), commonly resorts to very simple ANN architectures. Although they include temporal processing, most of them do not consider the learned experience in the controller's evolution. Thus, the ER research presented in this article, focuses on the specification and testing of the ANN based controllers implemented when genetic mutations are performed from one generation to another. Discrete-Time Recurrent Neural Networks based controllers were tested, with two variants: plastic neural networks (PNN) and standard feedforward (FFNN) networks. Also the way in which evolution was performed was also analyzed. As a result, controlled mutation do not exhibit major advantages against over the non controlled one, showing that diversity is more powerful than controlled adaptation.Facultad de Informátic

    Experiencia del módulo sociedad y cultura en el marco de la etapa de preparación en la enseñanza media con estudiantes del programa pace de la UC Temuco.

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    El Programa de Acompañamiento y Acceso Efectivo a la Educación SuperiorPACE, intenta contribuir a la equidad y restaurar el derecho a la EducaciónSuperior a estudiantes académicamente talentosos de contextos desfavorecidosde Chile. En este marco, la UC Temuco implementa acciones de preparación en36 liceos de la Región de la Araucanía, dirigidas a 3° y 4° medio. Este trabajopresenta una experiencia emanada de la estrategia denominada Jornadas deExploración Vocacional e Integración (JEV), cuyo objetivo es contribuir a laclarificación vocacional, tomando en cuenta que la orientación vocacional debepermitir al estudiante enfrentarse a experiencias que le posibiliten modificar supercepción en relación con el horizonte electivo (De León, 2008)El módulo central de estas jornadas se denomina Sociedad y Cultura, bajo undiseño de “Escuela al aire libre”, en la que, a través de un relato histórico y social,se da cuenta de la evolución histórica del hombre, avances tecnológicos ycientíficos, procesos culturales y su impacto en el medio ambiente. De carácterreflexivo y crítico, los estudiantes participan en momentos de discusión desde lamirada de los propios intereses vocacionales y personales, a través delplanteamiento de desafíos y elaboración de propuestas. Andaur (2010) planteaque la orientación vocacional debe moverse hacia nuevos espacios de acciónubicados más allá de las instancias tradicionales, además de preocuparse poratender nuevas necesidades que traspasan los objetivos propios de la vidaescolar.Se implementó por primera vez en 2017, y sucesivamente en 2018 y 2019,alcanzando a 4489 estudiantes de 3° medio en sus 3 periodos. El propósito deeste trabajo es presentar esta experiencia y su valor en cuanto a la búsqueda dela claridad vocacional, la toma de decisiones informadas, el desarrollo delpensamiento crítico, la reflexión frente a las necesidades de la sociedad y lavisualización del quehacer social desde un rol profesional. Por lo tanto, suimportancia en cuanto a la reducción del abandono, radica en que se trata deuna acción temprana, vinculada a una secuencia de acciones tendientes adesarrollar las habilidades necesarias para proyectar intereses académicos yvocacionales en los estudiantes de 3° y 4° medio, fomentar el espíritu crítico yprofundizar en ellos el sentido de ser ciudadano. Como resultado, los estudiantestransitan desde un acercamiento a diferentes áreas del conocimiento paraposteriormente conocer carreras y profesiones específicas, constituyéndoseeste Módulo como un punto de partida hacia la toma de decisiones vocacionalesque propendan a una mayor permanencia en la educación superior