105 research outputs found

    Quali competenze per i professionisti della prima infanzia?

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    The close connection between the quality of provision for young children and professionaliation of the field has long been supported by international research. That the two are inseparable aspects of one picture is beginning to become accepted at European policy level, as evident in recent high level EU policy documents. This article explores the reciprocal relationship between quality and professionalisation, drawing on the findings of the study on ‘competence requirements in early childhood education and care’ (CoRe), jointly conducted by the University of East London and the University of Gent, and funded by the European Commission. Based on a review of literature in several European languages and data from a 15 country survey and seven in-depth case studies, CoRe has identified systemic conditions for a professionalisation of the entire early childhood system, beyond the formal qualification levels of individual practitioners. The article argues for a critical and systemic reconceptualisation of professional practice in a competent system


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    In Italy, the issue of initial preparation and continuing professional development (CPD) of early childhood education and care (ECEC) workforce has become a particularly contentious issue in the light of the recent reform on the institution of the integrated ECEC system from birth up to six years. The article will critically review the historical evolution of the two different university degrees for the professional preparation of early childhood educators and pre-school teachers and will reflect on its implications for ensuring pedagogical continuity across the 0-6 sector

    Il coordinamento pedagogico territoriale nel sistema integrato 0-6: sfide e opportunitĂ 

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    The institution of pedagogical coordination platforms is considered a strategic objective for the qualification of the 0-6 integrated system established by LD 65/2017. In the context of a multi-layered governance characterised by a renewed institutional organisation, pedagogical coordination platforms play a key role in: a) connecting the needs of local communities with regional planning of 0-6 provision, b) providing professional support to early childhood educators and teachers through joint in-service training initiatives and inter-professional exchanges, c) fostering pedagogical experimentation and co-design of innovative educational continuity practices by involving local ECEC providers. Drawing on the preliminary findings of the European project XXXXX, the paper will examine challenges and opportunities connected with the implementation of pedagogical coordination platforms within the recently established 0-6 integrated system. The data analysed derive from interviews (n=12) involving policy-makers and stakeholders in the ECEC field, which were carried out between April 2020 and February 2021.L’istituzione dei coordinamenti pedagogici territoriali (CPT) è considerato un obiettivo strategico per la qualificazione del sistema integrato 0-6 all’interno del DL 65/2017. Nel contesto di una governance multilivello dai mutati assetti istituzionali, il ruolo dei CPT assume una valenza cruciale non solo nel connettere le azioni di programmazione regionale dell’offerta dei servizi 0-6 ai bisogni presenti nelle singole comunità locali, ma anche nell’offrire un supporto professionale a educatori e insegnanti promuovendo occasioni di formazione congiunta, di scambio e riflessione sulle prassi educative, di co-progettazione e sperimentazione di azioni innovative che coinvolgano in modo trasversale operatori afferenti a diversi soggetti gestori. A partire dagli esiti preliminari del progetto europeo XXXXXX, nel presente contributo saranno prese in esame sfide e opportunità connesse al ripensamento dei CPT all’interno del sistema integrato 0-6 facendo riferimento all’analisi di interviste rivolte a decisori politici e stakeholders di settore (n=12) condotte tra aprile 2020 e febbraio 2021

    Le percezioni di educatori e insegnanti rispetto alle ricadute della formazione in servizio sulle pratiche educative. Risultati di uno studio sistematico della letteratura condotto in ambito Europeo

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    The article illustrates the findings of a study jointly conducted by VBJK, IOE, PPMI and commissioned by Eurofound on the effects of continuing professional development on ECEC quality. The study reviews existing research evidence produced in EU-28 member states on this topic in order to draw policy relevant information that might support decision- makers in designing effective ECEC policies in their countries. In this sense, the research question was framed by the political priorities identified by the Council Conclusions on Early Childhood Education and Care (Council of the European Union, 2011). The study was conducted by adopting the systematic literature review methodology elaborated by the EPPI-Centre for informing evidence-based policies in the field of educationand social sciences and it reviewed qualitative evidence drawn from primary research studies carried out in all EU-28 languages.Questo articolo illustra i risultati di uno studio europeo condotto da un consorzio di enti di ricerca (VBJK, IOE, PPMI) e commissionato da Eurofound per verificare gli effetti della formazione sulla qualità dei servizi educativi e di cura per l’infanzia. Il progetto si colloca nell’ambito delle ricerche mirate a ricavare informazioni rilevanti – a partire dall’analisi sistematica di evidenze scientifiche– che consentano ai decisori politici di orientare eventuali azioni di miglioramento da intraprendere nel settore dei servizi per l’infanzia sulla base delle priorità identificate dal Consiglio dell’Unione Europea. Coerentemente con questo scopo, le procedure adottate per la revisione sistematica della letteratura fanno riferimento alla metodologia elaborata dall’EPPI-Centre per l’analisi delle evidenze derivanti da studi qualitativi condotti nell’ambito delle scienze educative e sociali

    Early childhood education and care (ECEC) as social innovation tool? Insights from a multi-site case study carried out in Emilia-Romagna Region

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    There is an increasing consensus in international academic and policy debates that accessible and high quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) can play a crucial role in tackling social and cultural inequalities. Nevertheless, the contextualised conditions within which ECEC services are operating at local level – conditions upon which the success of such initiatives in closing the educational gap and promoting social cohesion is critically relying on – are rarely investigated. The multi-site case study on the integrated system of ECEC in Emilia-Romagna carried out within the European project INNOSI addresses such research gap by analysing – within a systemic perspective – the experimental initiatives and practices elaborated by early childhood institutions in order to meet responsively the needs of children, families and local communities. The case study findings presented in this article examine and critically review the challenges and success factors characterising ECEC services as tools for promoting social innovation


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    Dostupnost usluga djeci iz ranjivih skupina

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    Ranom djetinjstvu je neophodno osigurati ‘univerzalnu’ uslugu integriranog sustava odgoja, obrazovanja i skrbi

    The integrated system of early childhood education and care of the Emilia-Romagna Region. Case studies of innovative services.

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    The Report analyses the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services, which are certainly one of the core policy areas of the SIP – Social Investment Package (COM 2013/83). Moreover, according to the Europe 2020 Strategy, ECEC services are an essential requirement to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The Report presents the results of an eight-month research program undertaken under the INNOSI Project framework. In order to verify the potentialities in term of Social Innovation of the ECEC services in the Emilia-Romagna Region, we opted for a “Case Studies” research methodology. We carried out an ECEC services analysis articulated at the micro (social demands), meso (societal challenges) and macro (systemic change) levels. We selected three cases: “Filonido” in the city of Bologna; “Girotondo intorno al Bosco” in the Apennines' village of Serramazzoni; “La Gabianella” and “L’albero delle meraviglie” in the town of Comacchio; one for each ECEC main typology operating in the system (daycare centres; complementary services such as meeting places for children and parents; family daycare). The qualitative analysis of the data collected through documentary sources, focus groups and interviews with stakeholders (including municipal administrators, pedagogical coordinators, professionals and parents) and observations were analysed across three main dimensions, recalling the complementary functions of ECEC: a) reconciliation of family and working life responsibilities for parents; b) equal educational opportunities for children’s development and growth; c) participation of groups which are at risk of social exclusion (low-income families, children from ethnic minority background)

    I Contributi della Video-Analisi per la Ricerca nei Servizi per la Prima Infanzia

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    This paper presents a review of the literature on the use of video-analysis in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) contexts. The purpose of conducting such review emerged from the needs of exploring possibilities and limitations of video-analysis as a research mediational tool in ECEC services, especially in a European context. Constituting an integral task of a larger study funded by the Erasmus + grant program, and titled Transition Children and Kindergarten, this review considers English language studies and studies written in the language of the project partner countries (i.e. Italy, Poland, and Belgium/Flanders). The narrative synthesis of the studies considered develops around three emerging areas in which video-analysis in ECEC has been used already, namely: (1) teachers/parents/community’s reflection, consciousness and empowerment; (2) diversity and inclusion; (3) interaction children-educator. The paper ends with a final conclusion on the relevance of video-analysis for ECEC practitioners’ professional development and collaborative growth.Questo articolo presenta una rassegna della letteratura sull’uso della video analisi per la ricerca educativa nei servizi per l’infanzia. In particolare, la revisione della letteratura qui illustrata esplorale possibilità e i limiti come strumento di mediazione per la ricerca e la formazione di educatori e insegnanti che entro tali servizi operano. Condotta nell’ambito di uno studio europeo intitolato Transition Children and Kindergarten (TRACKs), la rassegna considera sia gli studi pubblicati in lingua inglese sia quelli pubblicati nella lingua dei paesi partner del progetto (Italia, Polonia, Belgio/ Regione Fiamminga). La sintesi narrativa degli studi considerati si sviluppa attorno a tre aree emergenti in cui è già stata utilizzata la video analisi nei servizi per l’infanzia, vale a dire: (1) riflessione, coscientizzazione ed empowerment di educatori e insegnanti, genitori, comunità; (2) diversità e inclusione; (3) interazioni tra adulti e bambini. Il documento si conclude con una riflessione rispetto all'utilizzo della video-analisi come strumento per favorire lo sviluppo professionale e la crescita collaborativa dei professionisti nei servizi ECEC


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    Severe cardiovascular diseases can be treated using left ventricular assist devices (LVAD). One of the possible LVADs is the Pulsatile Catheter (PUCA) pump that consists of a hydraulically or pneumatically driven membrane pump connected to a valved catheter. In this work a numerical model of the cardiocirculatory system and of the PUCA have been developed in order to study their interaction. In the numerical simulator a pathological condition of the left ventricle has been reproduced and successively the effects of the PUCA on the haemodynamic variables applied were studied. Different functioning modes were tested by changing the ratio between the pump frequency and the heart beat rate (HR) as 1:1, 1:2 or 1:3 and by introducing a delay time between the cardiac and the PUCA cycle. The performance of the pump was evaluated in terms of cardiac output, PUCA and coronary flows and it was studied for different HR values. Results show a good resemblance between the model and literature data and indicate that different synchronization and timing can influence the functioning of the pump. In particular, the frequency ratio and the time delay of the pump cycle can contribute to optimize the performance of the PUCA
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