517 research outputs found

    Emotion: Appraisal-coping model for the "Cascades" problem

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    Modelling emotion has become a challenge nowadays. Therefore, several models have been produced in order to express human emotional activity. However, only a few of them are currently able to express the close relationship existing between emotion and cognition. An appraisal-coping model is presented here, with the aim to simulate the emotional impact caused by the evaluation of a particular situation (appraisal), along with the consequent cognitive reaction intended to face the situation (coping). This model is applied to the "Cascades" problem, a small arithmetical exercise designed for ten-year-old pupils. The goal is to create a model corresponding to a child's behaviour when solving the problem using his own strategies.Comment: 6 page

    EmoçÔes, “stress”, ansiedade e “coping": estudo qualitativo com treinadores de nĂ­vel internacional

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    A influĂȘncia dos fatores e processos psicolĂłgicos no desempenho desportivo dos atletas estĂĄ, de uma forma geral, amplamente demonstrada; todavia, poucas investigaçÔes procuraram estudar esta relação nos treinadores. Neste sentido, empregando uma entrevista semi-estruturada, a presente investigação procurou, junto de seis treinadores de elite com idades compreendidas entre os 55 e os 63 anos (M = 59 ± 3,03) de diversas modalidades, identificar as caracterĂ­sticas/competĂȘncias psicolĂłgicas mais importantes para o sucesso desportivo, as principais fontes de “stress” e ansiedade experienciadas e as estratĂ©gias de “coping” a que recorriam em situaçÔes estressantes e/ou problemĂĄticas, adicionalmente, pretendeu explorar o papel de outras emoçÔes no seu desempenho. Os resultados revelaram que: 1) a motivação era uma das competĂȘncias/caracterĂ­sticas psicolĂłgicas percepcionadas pelos treinadores como mais importantes para o sucesso; 2) as principais fontes de “stress” estavam relacionadas com preocupaçÔes com o desempenho dos atletas, sendo comuns a diferentes modalidades; 3) os treinadores recorriam a diversas estratĂ©gias de “coping” em simultĂąneo, geralmente adaptativas; e 4) para alĂ©m da ansiedade, outras emoçÔes, positivas e negativas, pareciam influenciar o desempenho dos treinadores.Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia (FCT

    Children’s depressive symptoms and their regulation of negative affect in response to vignette-depicted emotion-eliciting events

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    The present study examined the relationship between sub-clinical depressive symptoms and children's anticipated cognitive and behavioral reactions to two written vignettes depicting emotion-eliciting stressors (i.e., fight with one's best friend and failure at a roller blade contest). Participants (N = 244) ranging in age between 10 and 13 were presented each vignette and then asked to rate their anticipated utilization of each of seven emotion-regulation strategies (ERs), along with the anticipated mood enhancement effects of each strategy. In addition, ratings of participants' perceived coping efficacy to manage the stressful situation were collected. Results indicated that participants were more likely to endorse ERs for which they have greater confidence in their mood enhancement effects. Moreover, marked differences were observed between ratings for conceptually distinct cognitive ERs. Consistent with expectations, results revealed that participants displaying higher levels of depressive symptoms were more likely to endorse cognitive and behavioral ERs that are negative, passive, and/or avoidant in nature. Children's ratings of the anticipated mood enhancement effects of several ERs were inversely related to their level of depressive symptoms, as was their perceived self-efficacy to manage the stressor. © 2007 The International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development

    Predictors of care-giver stress in families of preschool-aged children with developmental disabilities

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    Background This study examined the predictors, mediators and moderators of parent stress in families of preschool-aged children with developmental disability. Method One hundred and five mothers of preschool-aged children with developmental disability completed assessment measures addressing the key variables. Results Analyses demonstrated that the difficulty parents experienced in completing specific caregiving tasks, behaviour problems during these caregiving tasks, and level of child disability, respectively, were significant predictors of level of parent stress. In addition, parents’ cognitive appraisal of care-giving responsibilities had a mediating effect on the relationship between the child’s level of disability and parent stress. Mothers’ level of social support had a moderating effect on the relationship between key independent variables and level of parent stress. Conclusions Difficulty of care-giving tasks, difficult child behaviour during care-giving tasks, and level of child disability are the primary factors which contribute to parent stress. Implications of these findings for future research and clinical practice are outlined

    The Ties that Double Bind Us: Career, Emotion and Narrative Coping in Difficult Working Relationships

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    This article examines through an autoethnographic account how career aspirations and constraints may lead individuals to endure emotionally aversive situations. It presents evidence that individuals in such situations engage in emotion‐focused coping through narrative, illustrated by the author’s autoethnographic narrative of a difficult working relationship which developed into a double bind situation. The paper suggests that narrative coping in response to a double bind can actually serve to reify and prolong such situations. The paper concludes that autoethnographic research does not lend itself to simple organisational solutions. Possible avenues for further research are outlined and discussed

    Using job strain and organizational justice models to predict multiple forms of employee performance behaviours among Australian policing personnel

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    The overall purpose of this investigation was to examine the relationship between stress-related working conditions and three forms of employee performance behaviours: in-role behaviours, citizenship behaviours directed at other individuals and citizenship behaviours directed at the organization. The potentially stressful working conditions were based on the job strain model (incorporating job demands, job control and social support) as well as organizational justice theory. A sample of Australian-based police officers (n = 640) took part in this study and the data were collected via a mail-out survey. Multiple regression analyses were undertaken to assess both the strength and the nature of the relationships between the working conditions and employee performance and these analyses included tests for additive, interactional and curvilinear effects. The overall results indicated that a significant proportion of the explained variance in all three outcome measures was attributed to the additive effects of demand, control and support. The level of variance associated with the organizational justice dimensions was relatively small, although there were signs that specific dimensions of justice may provide unique insights into the relationship between job stressors and employee performance. The implications of these and other notable findings are discussed.<br /

    Comprendre les comportements face Ă  un risque modĂ©rĂ© d’inondation. Etude de cas dans le pĂ©riurbain toulousain (Sud-Ouest de la France)

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    Les espaces urbanisĂ©s soumis Ă  des risques modĂ©rĂ©s d’inondation pour les vies humaines sont souvent peu considĂ©rĂ©s dans les Ă©tudes sur la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© aux risques naturels en dĂ©pit des enjeux qu’ils reprĂ©sentent en termes de gestion de crise. Comment les riverains y font-ils face au danger et quelles sont leurs « bonnes raisons » d’agir? A partir de l’étude socio-gĂ©ographique de deux inondations rĂ©centes (2000 et 2003) dans la pĂ©riphĂ©rie toulousaine (Sud-Ouest de la France), nous montrons que les caractĂ©ristiques de l’alĂ©a dans les vallĂ©es Ă©tudiĂ©es influencent les reprĂ©sentations du risque et par consĂ©quent les motivations Ă  se protĂ©ger. Face au risque majeur, la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© sociale se trouve ainsi augmentĂ©e. Pour amĂ©liorer la rĂ©silience des populations, il convient d’adapter la communication sur les risques: personnaliser l’information, amĂ©liorer la comprĂ©hension de l’évĂ©nement vĂ©cu et mobiliser de nouvelles formes de mĂ©diation entre gestionnaires et riverains
