247 research outputs found

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    AprĂšs la mort de Paul Celan, fut dĂ©couverte parmi ses manuscrits une phrase destinĂ©e Ă  Martin Heidegger consistant Ă  interprĂ©ter son « attitude » comme une cause d’affaiblissement du poĂ©tique et du pensif. MĂȘme si les circonstances d’écriture n’en sont pas connues, ce texte doit ĂȘtre lu comme un acte de rĂ©sistance. Sa lecture conduit Ă  rĂ©flĂ©chir au risque de fermeture sur soi auquel s’expose Heidegger Ă  partir de 1935 en dĂ©terminant la relation entre l’art et la vĂ©ritĂ© de façon circulaire. Ce mode de fondation semble Ă©chapper Ă  la perspective mĂ©taphysique parce qu’il ne se rĂ©duit pas Ă  la position principielle d’un Ă©tant. Mais en considĂ©rant ce double conditionnement comme la source unique de l’histoire, Heidegger tend Ă  reproduire le geste mĂ©taphysique jusque dans la pensĂ©e de l’Ereignis. Cette tendance pourrait contribuer Ă  expliquer son aveuglement devant la rĂ©alitĂ© du nazisme et la persistance de son dĂ©ni politique et moral aprĂšs la guerre. Il est d’autant plus paradoxal qu’il se soit appuyĂ© sur la parole de Hölderlin que celui-ci avait mis en garde contre toute interprĂ©tation hĂ©gĂ©monique de la relation.Following the death of the poet Paul Celan, a sentence intended for Martin Heidegger was discovered among his manuscripts, consisting of an interpretation of his “attitude” as a cause of the weakening of the poetic and the reflective. Even if the circumstances in which he wrote these words are not known, this text must be read as an act of resistance. Reading it makes one reflect on the risk of withdrawing into oneself to which Heidegger exposed himself from 1935 by determining the relation between art and truth in a circular way. This mode of foundation seems to avoid the metaphysical perspective because it is not reducible to the fundamental position of a being. But, in considering this double conditioning as the unique source of history, Heidegger tends to reproduce the metaphysical manner even into his thoughts about the Ereignis. This tendency could help explain his blindness when confronted with the reality of Nazism and the persistence of his moral and political denial after the war. It is all the more paradoxical that he supported the warning given by Hölderlin about any hegemonic interpretation of the relation

    Deuterium adsorption on (and desorption from) SiC(0001)-(3×3), (√3×√3)R30°, (6√3×6√3)R30° and quasi-free standing graphene obtained by hydrogen intercalation

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    International audienceWe present a comparative high-resolution electron energy-loss spectroscopy study on the interaction of atomic hydrogen and deuterium with various reconstructions of SiC(0 0 0 1). We first show that on both the (3 × 3) and reconstructions, deuterium atoms only bind to silicon atoms, thereby confirming the silicon-rich appellation of these reconstructions. Deuterium passivation of the (3 × 3) is only reversible when exposed to atomic deuterium at a surface temperature of 700 K since tri- and dideuterides, necessary precursors for silicon etching, are not stable. On the other hand, we show that the deuteration of the is always reversible because precursors to silicon etching are scarce on the surface. Then, we demonstrate that hydrogen (deuterium) adsorption at 300 K on both the (buffer-layer) and the quasi-free-standing graphene occurs on carbon atoms justifying their carbon-rich appellation. Comparison of the deuterium binding in the intercalation layer of quasi-free-standing graphene with the deuterated surface provides some indication on the bonding structure at the substrate intercalation layer. Finally, by measuring C-H (C-D) vibrational frequencies and hydrogen (deuterium) desorption temperatures we suggest that partial sp2-to-sp3 rehybridization occurs for the carbon atoms of the buffer-layer because of the corrugation related to covalent bonding to the SiC substrate. In contrast, on quasi-free-standing graphene hydrogen (deuterium) atoms adsorb similarly to what is observed on graphite, i.e. without preferential sticking related to the underlying SiC substrate

    Study of hydrogen isotopes behavior in tungsten by a multi trapping macroscopic rate equation model

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    International audienceDensity functional theory (DFT) studies show that in tungsten a mono vacancy can contain up to six hydrogen isotopes (HIs) at 300 K with detrapping energies varying with the number of HIs inthe vacancy. Using these predictions, a multi trapping rate equation model has been built and used to model thermal desorption spectrometry (TDS) experiments performed on single crystaltungsten after deuterium ions implantation. Detrapping energies obtained from the model to adjust temperature of TDS spectrum observed experimentally are in good agreement with DFTvalues within a deviation below 10%. The desorption spectrum as well as the diffusion of deuterium in the bulk are rationalized in light of the model results

    Dynamic fuel retention in tokamak wall materials: An in situ laboratory study of deuterium release from polycrystalline tungsten at room temperature

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    International audienceRetention of deuterium ion implanted in polycrystalline tungsten samples is studied in situ in an ultra-high vacuum apparatus equipped with a low-flux ion source and a high sensitivity thermo-desorption setup. Retention as a function of ion fluence was measured in the 10^17 -10^21 D+/m^2 range. By combining this new fluence range with the literature in situ experimental data, we evidence the existence of a retention = fluence^ 0.645±0.025 relationship which describes deuterium retention behavior on polycrystalline tungsten on 8 orders of magnitude of fluence. Evolution of deuterium retention as a function of the sample storage time in vacuum at room temperature was followed. A loss of 50% of the retained deuterium is observed when the storage time is increased from 2 h to 135 h. The role of the surface and of natural bulk defects on the deuterium retention/release in polycrystalline tungsten is discussed in light of the behavior of the single desorption peak obtained with Temperature Programmed Desorption

    Negative-ion production on carbon materials in hydrogen plasma: influence of the carbon hybridization state and the hydrogen content on H− yield

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    International audienceHighly oriented polycrystalline graphite (HOPG), boron-doped diamond (BDD), nanocrystalline diamond, ultra-nanocrystalline diamond and diamond-like carbon surfaces are exposed to low-pressure hydrogen plasma in a 13.56MHz plasma reactor. Relative yields of surface-produced H− ions due to bombardment of positive ions from the plasma are measured by an energy analyser cum quadrupole mass spectrometer. Irrespective of plasma conditions (0.2 and 2 Pa), HOPG surfaces show the highest yield at room temperature (RT), while at high temperature (HT), the highest yield (∌3-5 times compared to HOPG surface at RT) is observed on BDD surfaces. The shapes of ion distribution functions are compared at RT and HT to demonstrate the mechanism of ion generation at the surface. Raman spectroscopy analyses of the plasma-exposed samples reveal surface modifications influencing H− production yields, while further analyses strongly suggest that the hydrogen content of the material and the sp3/sp2 ratio are the key parameters in driving the surface ionization efficiency of carbon materials under the chosen plasma conditions

    Production of negative ions on graphite surface in H₂/D₂ plasmas: experiments and SRIM calculations

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    In previous works, surface-produced negative-ion distribution-functions have been measured in H2 and D2 plasmas using graphite surfaces (highly oriented pyrolitic graphite). In the present paper, we use the srim software to interpret the measured negative-ion distribution-functions. For this purpose, the distribution-functions of backscattered and sputtered atoms arising due to the impact of hydrogen ions on a-CH and a-CD surfaces are calculated. The srim calculations confirm the experimental deduction that backscattering and sputtering are the mechanisms of the origin of the creation of negative ions at the surface. It is shown that the srim calculations compare well with the experiments regarding the maximum energy of the negative ions and reproduce the experimentally observed isotopic effect. A discrepancy between calculations and measurements is found concerning the yields for backscattering and sputtering. An explanation is proposed based on a study of the emitted-particle angular-distributions as calculated by srim
