474 research outputs found

    Optimizing Modern Family Size: Trade-offs between Fertility and the Economic Costs of Reproduction.

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    Modern industrialized populations lack the strong positive correlations between wealth and reproductive success that characterize most traditional societies. While modernization has brought about substantial increases in personal wealth, fertility in many developed countries has plummeted to the lowest levels in recorded human history. These phenomena contradict evolutionary and economic models of the family that assume increasing wealth reduces resource competition between offspring, favoring high fertility norms. Here, we review the hypothesis that cultural modernization may in fact establish unusually intense reproductive trade-offs in wealthy relative to impoverished strata, favoring low fertility. We test this premise with British longitudinal data (the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children), exploring maternal self-perceptions of economic hardship in relation to increasing family size and actual socioeconomic status. Low-income and low-education-level mothers perceived the greatest economic costs associated with raising two versus one offspring. However, for all further increases to family size, reproduction appears most expensive for relatively wealthy and well-educated mothers. We discuss our results and review current literature on the long-term consequences of resource dilution in modern families

    What Do Teacher Candidates Know About Large-Scale Assessments? What Should They Know?

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    As states and provinces develop large-scale assessment programs linked to their curricula, teachers are increasingly expected to interpret the assessment results and to explain them to parents. The challenge for teachers is especially great in Ontario, which began developing an assessment program in 1996 after almost three decades without provincially mandated testing. Three hundred and sixty teacher candidates completed a questionnaire on their knowledge about, exposure to, and opinions of the assessments. Many teacher candidates held strong views, often negative, about the assessments. Even those who had little exposure to or knowledge of the assessments held predominantly negative opinions.Dans un contexte oĂč les Ă©tats et les provinces dĂ©veloppent des programmes d'Ă©valuation Ă  grande Ă©chelle liĂ©s Ă  leurs curriculums, on s'attend Ă  ce que les enseignants interprĂštent les rĂ©sultats de ces Ă©valuations et qu'ils les expliquent aux parents. Le dĂ©fi se pose tout particuliĂšrement pour les enseignants en Ontario oĂč l'on a entamĂ© le dĂ©veloppement d'un programme d'Ă©valuation en 1996 aprĂšs presque trente ans d'absence d'Ă©valuations imposĂ©es par la province. Trois cent soixante stagiaires ont complĂ©tĂ© un questionnaire portant sur leurs connaissances et leurs avis des Ă©valuations, ainsi que sur le contact qu'ils avaient eu avec de tels examens. Plusieurs d'entre eux ont exprimĂ© des opinions fermes, et souvent nĂ©gatives, au sujet des Ă©valuations. MĂȘme ceux ayant peu de connaissances ou de contacts liĂ©s aux Ă©valuations ont exprimĂ© des avis surtout nĂ©gatifs

    Sustainable Procurement of Wood and Paper-Based Products: Version 3

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    Version 3 of this guide incorporates the most up-to-date developments on the legality of forest products, new technological developments to control wood and paper supply chains and increase their transparency, and an expanded chapter on the social implications of forest products.Decisions regarding the purchase and use of wood and paper-based products can have far-reaching, long-term impacts on the forests where they are harvested and the people and industries that depend on those forests for their livelihoods and raw materials.This joint WRI/WBCSD publication provides information about 10 key issues procurement managers might address as they develop and implement their procurement policies

    Identification and Analysis of Selected Wellness Programs in Educational Institutions in the State of Texas

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    A Wellness Program Questionnaire was designed to survey educational institutions in Texas as to the definition, goals, components, and services of their wellness programs. Through the pilot study and full study, 11 independent school districts, 13 junior/community colleges, and 8 universities were identified as having wellness programs.Higher Educatio

    A survey and evaluation of the professional literature on the over-aggressive primary school child, 1930-1948

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    The importance of the problem presented by the over-aggressive primary pupil can be justified by what the teachers generally talk about after the last school bus leaves, and they can take an easy breath. Almost invariably it is the over-aggressive behaviors of children, especially those who are always hitting and hurting someone else, pushing in line, destroying school materials, bullying, disobeying, quarreling, or having temper tantrums. It is believed that an up-to-date study to find what the authorities have said about the causes of over-aggression in the primary school child will be valuable to the teachers, and also indirectly helpful to the pupils themselves

    Construction of difference and diversity within policy and classroom practice in England

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    Policy and practice responses to diversity and difference in pupil populations continue to challenge education systems around the world. This paper considers how teachers’ understandings of diversity and difference and their pedagogical responses at the local level are influenced by, and can be reconciled with, policy at the general level with its impulse for categorisation, normalcy and ‘ableness’. Two frameworks around orientations to diversity and types of pedagogic need are combined in order to examine this tension and develop possible responses. This is illustrated through the example of special educational needs as a type of difference. The paper argues that for critical, ethical and socially just pedagogies, policy needs to support teachers in acknowledging and troubling difference at the classroom level

    Nonlocal effects in high energy charged particle beams

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    Within the framework of the thermal wave model, an investigation is made of the longitudinal dynamics of high energy charged particle beams. The model includes the self-consistent interaction between the beam and its surroundings in terms of a nonlinear coupling impedance, and when resistive as well as reactive parts are included, the evolution equation becomes a generalised nonlinear Schroedinger equation including a nonlocal nonlinear term. The consequences of the resistive part on the propagation of particle bunches are examined using analytical as well as numerical methods.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, uses RevTeX

    A unified convention for biological assemblies with helical symmetry

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    A new representation of helical structure by four parameters, [n 1, n 2, twist, rise], is able to generate an entire helical construct from asymmetric units, including cases of helical assembly with a seam
