544 research outputs found

    Optimally squeezed spin states

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    We consider optimally spin-squeezed states that maximize the sensitivity of the Ramsey spectroscopy, and for which the signal to noise ratio scales as the number of particles NN. Using the variational principle we prove that these states are eigensolutions of the Hamiltonian H(λ)=λSz2Sx, H(\lambda)=\lambda S_z^2-S_x, and that, for large NN, the states become equivalent to the quadrature squeezed states of the harmonic oscillator. We present numerical results that illustrate the validity of the equivalence

    Robust Entanglement in Atomic Systems via Lambda-Type Processes

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    It is shown that the system of two three-level atoms in Λ\Lambda configuration in a cavity can evolve to a long-lived maximum entangled state if the Stokes photons vanish from the cavity by means of either leakage or damping. The difference in evolution picture corresponding to the general model and effective model with two-photon process in two-level system is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Rates and Factors Associated with Major Modifications to First-Line Combination Antiretroviral Therapy: Results from the Asia-Pacific Region

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    Background: In the Asia-Pacific region many countries have adopted the WHO's public health approach to HIV care and treatment. We performed exploratory analyses of the factors associated with first major modification to first-line combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) in resource-rich and resource-limited countries in the region. Methods: We selected treatment naive HIV-positive adults from the Australian HIV Observational Database (AHOD) and the TREAT Asia HIV Observational Database (TAHOD). We dichotomised each country's per capita income into high/upper-middle (T-H) and lower-middle/low (T-L). Survival methods stratified by income were used to explore time to first major modification of first-line ART and associated factors. We defined a treatment modification as either initiation of a new class of antiretroviral (ARV) or a substitution of two or more ARV agents from within the same ARV class. Results: A total of 4250 patients had 961 major modifications to first-line ART in the first five years of therapy. The cumulative incidence (95% CI) of treatment modification was 0.48 (0.44-0.52), 0.33 (0.30-0.36) and 0.21 (0.18-0.23) for AHOD, T-H and T-L respectively. We found no strong associations between typical patient characteristic factors and rates of treatment modification. In AHOD, relative to sites that monitor twice-yearly (both CD4 and HIV RNA-VL), quarterly monitoring corresponded with a doubling of the rate of treatment modifications. In T-H, relative to sites that monitor once-yearly (both CD4 and HIV RNA-VL), monitoring twice-yearly corresponded to a 1.8 factor increase in treatment modifications. In T-L, no sites on average monitored both CD4 & HIV RNA-VL concurrently once-yearly. We found no differences in rates of modifications for once- or twice-yearly CD4 count monitoring. Conclusions: Low-income countries tended to have lower rates of major modifications made to first-line ART compared to higher-income countries. In higher-income countries, an increased rate of RNA-VL monitoring was associated with increased modifications to first-line ART. © 2013 Wright et al

    Collective dynamics of internal states in a Bose gas

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    Theory for the Rabi and internal Josephson effects in an interacting Bose gas in the cold collision regime is presented. By using microscopic transport equation for the density matrix the problem is mapped onto a problem of precession of two coupled classical spins. In the absence of an external excitation field our results agree with the theory for the density induced frequency shifts in atomic clocks. In the presence of the external field, the internal Josephson effect takes place in a condensed Bose gas as well as in a non-condensed gas. The crossover from Rabi oscillations to the Josephson oscillations as a function of interaction strength is studied in detail.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Guía explicativa del tratado internacional sobre los recursos fitogenéticos para la alimentación y la agricultura

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    La entrada en vigor del Tratado Internacional sobre los Recursos Fitogenéticos para la Agricultura y la Alimentación marca el compromiso de la comunidad internacional con un acuerdo independiente dirigido a abordar tanto las necesidades mundiales de seguridad alimentaria como los objetivos acordados a nivel internacional en relación con los conceptos de ”acceso y participación en los beneficios” plasmados en el Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica. Esta es la sexta de una serie de guías para la implementación de instrumentos y conceptos internacionales específicos, que aspira a promover una mayor comprensión del texto del Tratado, incluyendo algunos de los aspectos científicos, técnicos y jurídicos sobre los que se basa, y las posibles consecuencias

    Structure of the poly-C9 component of the complement membrane attack complex

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    The membrane attack complex (MAC)/perforin-like protein complement component 9 (C9) is the major component of the MAC, a multi-protein complex that forms pores in the membrane of target pathogens. In contrast to homologous proteins such as perforin and the cholesterol-dependent cytolysins (CDCs), all of which require the membrane for oligomerisation, C9 assembles directly onto the nascent MAC from solution. However, the molecular mechanism of MAC assembly remains to be understood. Here we present the 8 Å cryo-EM structure of a soluble form of the poly-C9 component of the MAC. These data reveal a 22-fold symmetrical arrangement of C9 molecules that yield an 88-strand pore-forming β-barrel. The N-terminal thrombospondin-1 (TSP1) domain forms an unexpectedly extensive part of the oligomerisation interface, thus likely facilitating solution-based assembly. These TSP1 interactions may also explain how additional C9 subunits can be recruited to the growing MAC subsequent to membrane insertion

    Not Yet Ready for Everyone: An Experience Report about a Personal Learning Environment for Language Learning

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    Abstract. A Personal Learning Environment (PLE) is a mash-up of learning services. It enables students and teachers to assemble a work environment that is adapted to a domain and specific individual needs. In this article, we report on our experiences on using a PLE for Lan-guage Learning in five French lectures at the Shanghai Jiao Tong Uni-versity Continuing Education School. We found that while a PLE has the potential to simplify access to and usage of Web sites and services for language learning, students will use it only if properly motivated. Fur-thermore, at the time being, difficulties that result from the user interface and technical implementation make the interactions with PLEs difficult. The problems need to be overcome in order for PLEs to become adopted by the average, not technically highly literate students and teachers. Key words: PLE, mash-up, experience report

    Adaptive optics in high-contrast imaging

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    The development of adaptive optics (AO) played a major role in modern astronomy over the last three decades. By compensating for the atmospheric turbulence, these systems enable to reach the diffraction limit on large telescopes. In this review, we will focus on high contrast applications of adaptive optics, namely, imaging the close vicinity of bright stellar objects and revealing regions otherwise hidden within the turbulent halo of the atmosphere to look for objects with a contrast ratio lower than 10^-4 with respect to the central star. Such high-contrast AO-corrected observations have led to fundamental results in our current understanding of planetary formation and evolution as well as stellar evolution. AO systems equipped three generations of instruments, from the first pioneering experiments in the nineties, to the first wave of instruments on 8m-class telescopes in the years 2000, and finally to the extreme AO systems that have recently started operations. Along with high-contrast techniques, AO enables to reveal the circumstellar environment: massive protoplanetary disks featuring spiral arms, gaps or other asymmetries hinting at on-going planet formation, young giant planets shining in thermal emission, or tenuous debris disks and micron-sized dust leftover from collisions in massive asteroid-belt analogs. After introducing the science case and technical requirements, we will review the architecture of standard and extreme AO systems, before presenting a few selected science highlights obtained with recent AO instruments.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figure