446 research outputs found

    Using Empathy Maps to Investigate Complex Problems

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    The empathy map is a powerful tool that can provide insight into complex problems by revealing stakeholders’ unspoken perspectives and needs which interfere with seemingly optimal solutions. As institutions strive to meet LCME standards, complex problems, such as mistreatment in the clinical learning environment, arise. Institutions pour resources into solutions but repeated roadblocks often result in abandoned initiatives before real change can take place. For a solution to work it needs to be desirable (people want to do it), functional (it does what we want), and feasible (we have the resources). Often metrics for functionality and feasibility can be well defined but assessments of desirability are based on faulty assumptions which can keep an initiative from succeeding. Empathy-based problem-solving sets you up for success by centering the human factors which make or break systemic changes. Empathy maps are part of the suite of “design thinking” tools used to solve complex problems. They make data gathered through surveys, interviews, and focus groups more tangible and reveal patterns that are otherwise lost in the details. Using empathy maps early in the design of a solution helps unearth hidden obstacles and unique levers for change thereby providing a solid foundation for successful solutions

    Inclusivity in the Archives: Expanding Undergraduate Pedagogies for Diversity and Inclusion

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    This chapter uses the experience of two undergraduate students conducting research in their university archives to consider the “hidden curriculum” entailed in archival research at some institutions. When diverse identities and experiences are not represented in our archives, we run the risk of communicating a lack of value for those identities, producing a feeling of marginalization and exclusion for some students and foreclosing an opportunity to build solidarity across difference for others. In light of the limited holdings at many university archives and the increased prevalence of archival research in the undergraduate classroom, the authors draw on research from writing studies, anthropology, archival research, and public memory to produce recommendations for students, faculty, and institutions working to compose inclusive archives and research experiences

    EvryFlare II: Rotation Periods of the Cool Flare Stars in TESS Across Half the Southern Sky

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    We measure rotation periods and sinusoidal amplitudes in Evryscope light curves for 122 two-minute K5-M4 TESS targets selected for strong flaring. The Evryscope array of telescopes has observed all bright nearby stars in the South, producing two-minute cadence light curves since 2016. Long-term, high-cadence observations of rotating flare stars probe the complex relationship between stellar rotation, starspots, and superflares. We detect periods from 0.3487 to 104 d, and observe amplitudes from 0.008 to 0.216 g' mag. We find the Evryscope amplitudes are larger than those in TESS with the effect correlated to stellar mass (p-value=0.01). We compute the Rossby number (Ro), and find our sample selected for flaring has twice as many intermediate rotators (0.040.44) rotators; this may be astrophysical or a result of period-detection sensitivity. We discover 30 fast, 59 intermediate, and 33 slow rotators. We measure a median starspot coverage of 13% of the stellar hemisphere and constrain the minimum magnetic field strength consistent with our flare energies and spot coverage to be 500 G, with later-type stars exhibiting lower values than earlier-types. We observe a possible change in superflare rates at intermediate periods. However, we do not conclusively confirm the increased activity of intermediate rotators seen in previous studies. We split all rotators at Ro~0.2 into Prot10 d bins to confirm short-period rotators exhibit higher superflare rates, larger flare energies, and higher starspot coverage than do long-period rotators, at p-values of 3.2 X 10^-5, 1.0 X 10^-5, and 0.01, respectively.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables. Ancillary machine-readable files included. Accepted for publication in ApJ (proofs submitted). Includes significant new material, including starspot color that depends on stellar mass, more rotation periods, potential changes in activity during spin-down, and examples of binary rotator

    Variables in the Southern Polar Region Evryscope 2016 Dataset

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    The regions around the celestial poles offer the ability to find and characterize long-term variables from ground-based observatories. We used multi-year Evryscope data to search for high-amplitude (~5% or greater) variable objects among 160,000 bright stars (Mv < 14.5) near the South Celestial Pole. We developed a machine learning based spectral classifier to identify eclipse and transit candidates with M-dwarf or K-dwarf host stars - and potential low-mass secondary stars or gas giant planets. The large amplitude transit signals from low-mass companions of smaller dwarf host stars lessens the photometric precision and systematics removal requirements necessary for detection, and increases the discoveries from long-term observations with modest light curve precision. The Evryscope is a robotic telescope array that observes the Southern sky continuously at 2-minute cadence, searching for stellar variability, transients, transits around exotic stars and other observationally challenging astrophysical variables. In this study, covering all stars 9 < Mv < 14.5, in declinations -75 to -90 deg, we recover 346 known variables and discover 303 new variables, including 168 eclipsing binaries. We characterize the discoveries and provide the amplitudes, periods, and variability type. A 1.7 Jupiter radius planet candidate with a late K-dwarf primary was found and the transit signal was verified with the PROMPT telescope network. Further followup revealed this object to be a likely grazing eclipsing binary system with nearly identical primary and secondary K5 stars. Radial velocity measurements from the Goodman Spectrograph on the 4.1 meter SOAR telescope of the likely-lowest-mass targets reveal that six of the eclipsing binary discoveries are low-mass (.06 - .37 solar mass) secondaries with K-dwarf primaries, strong candidates for precision mass-radius measurements.Comment: 32 pages, 17 figures, accepted to PAS

    Long-term outcomes after elective sterilization procedures — a comparative retrospective cohort study of Medicaid patients

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    Objectives: The objectives were to compare the long-termoutcomes, including hysterectomy, chronic pelvic pain (CPP) and abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB), in women post hysteroscopic sterilization (HS) and laparoscopic tubal ligation (TL) in the Medicaid population. Study design: This was a retrospective observational cohort analysis using data from the US Medicaid Analytic Extracts Encounters database.Women aged 18 to 49 years with at least one claimfor HS (n=3929) or TL (n=10,875) between July 1, 2009, through December 31, 2010, were included. Main outcome measures were hysterectomy, CPP or AUB in the 24 months poststerilization. Propensity score matching was used to control for patient demographics and baseline characteristics. Logistic regression analysis investigated the variables associated with a 24-month rate of each outcome in the HS versus laparoscopic TL cohorts. Results: Postmatching analyses were performed at 6, 12 and 24 months post index procedure. At 24 months, hysterectomy was more common in the laparoscopic TL than the HS group (3.5% vs. 2.1%; p=.0023), as was diagnosis of CPP (26.8% vs. 23.5%; p=.0050). No significant differences in AUB diagnoseswere observed. Logistic regression identified HS as being associated with lower risk of hysterectomy ( odds ratio [OR] 0.77 [95% confidence interval {CI} 0.60–0.97]; p=.0274) and lower risk of CPP diagnosis (OR 0.91 [95% CI 0.83–0.99]; p= .0336) at 24 months poststerilization. Conclusion: In Medicaid patients,HS is associated with a significantly lower risk of hysterectomyor CPP diagnosis 24 months poststerilization versus laparoscopic TL. Incidence of AUB poststerilization is not significantly different.While some differences in outcomes were statistically significant, the effect sizes were small, and the conclusion is one of equivalence and not clinical superiority. Implications statement: This propensity score matching analysis confirms that pelvic pain andAUBarecommon in women before and after sterilization regardless of whether the procedure is performed hysteroscopically or laparoscopically. Moreover, HS is associated with a significantly lower risk of hysterectomy or a CPP diagnosis in the 24 months poststerilization when compared to TL

    Evryscope and K2 Constraints on TRAPPIST-1 Superflare Occurrence and Planetary Habitability

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    The nearby ultracool dwarf TRAPPIST-1 possesses several Earth-sized terrestrial planets, three of which have equilibrium temperatures that may support liquid surface water, making it a compelling target for exoplanet characterization. TRAPPIST-1 is an active star with frequent flaring, with implications for the habitability of its planets. Superflares (stellar flares whose energy exceeds 10^33 erg) can completely destroy the atmospheres of a cool star's planets, allowing ultraviolet radiation and high-energy particles to bombard their surfaces. However, ultracool dwarfs emit little ultraviolet flux when quiescent, raising the possibility of frequent flares being necessary for prebiotic chemistry that requires ultraviolet light. We combine Evryscope and Kepler observations to characterize the high-energy flare rate of TRAPPIST-1. The Evryscope is an array of 22 small telescopes imaging the entire Southern sky in g' every two minutes. Evryscope observations, spanning 170 nights over 2 years, complement the 80-day continuous short-cadence K2 observations by sampling TRAPPIST-1's long-term flare activity. We update TRAPPIST-1's superflare rate, finding a cumulative rate of 4.2 (+1.9 -0.2) superflares per year. We calculate the flare rate necessary to deplete ozone in the habitable-zone planets' atmospheres, and find that TRAPPIST-1's flare rate is insufficient to deplete ozone if present on its planets. In addition, we calculate the flare rate needed to provide enough ultraviolet flux to power prebiotic chemistry. We find TRAPPIST-1's flare rate is likely insufficient to catalyze some of the Earthlike chemical pathways thought to lead to RNA synthesis, and flux due to flares in the biologically relevant UV-B band is orders of magnitude less for any TRAPPIST-1 planet than has been experienced by Earth at any time in its history.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    Evryscope and K2 Constraints on TRAPPIST-1 Superflare Occurrence and Planetary Habitability

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    The nearby ultracool dwarf TRAPPIST-1 possesses several Earth-sized terrestrial planets, three of which have equilibrium temperatures that may support liquid surface water, making it a compelling target for exoplanet characterization. TRAPPIST-1 is an active star with frequent flaring, with implications for the habitability of its planets. Superflares (stellar flares whose energy exceeds 1033 erg) can completely destroy the atmospheres of a cool star's planets, allowing ultraviolet radiation and high-energy particles to bombard their surfaces. However, ultracool dwarfs emit little ultraviolet flux when quiescent, raising the possibility of frequent flares being necessary for prebiotic chemistry that requires ultraviolet light. We combine Evryscope and Kepler observations to characterize the high-energy flare rate of TRAPPIST-1. The Evryscope is an array of 22 small telescopes imaging the entire Southern sky in g' every two minutes. Evryscope observations, spanning 170 nights over 2 yr, complement the 80 day continuous short-cadence K2 observations by sampling TRAPPIST-1's long-term flare activity. We update TRAPPIST-1's superflare rate, finding a cumulative rate of 4.2−0.2+1.9 superflares per year. We calculate the flare rate necessary to deplete ozone in the habitable-zone planets' atmospheres, and find that TRAPPIST-1's flare rate is insufficient to deplete ozone if present on its planets. In addition, we calculate the flare rate needed to provide enough ultraviolet flux to power prebiotic chemistry. We find TRAPPIST-1's flare rate is likely insufficient to catalyze some of the Earthlike chemical pathways thought to lead to ribonucleic acid synthesis, and flux due to flares in the biologically relevant UV-B band is orders of magnitude less for any TRAPPIST-1 planet than has been experienced by Earth at any time in its history