208 research outputs found

    Systematic interrogation of the Conus marmoreus venom duct transcriptome with ConoSorter reveals 158 novel conotoxins and 13 new gene superfamilies

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    International audienceConopeptides, often generically referred to as conotoxins, are small neurotoxins found in the venom of predatory marine cone snails. These molecules are highly stable and are able to efficiently and selectively interact with a wide variety of heterologous receptors and channels, making them valuable pharmacological probes and potential drug leads. Recent advances in next-generation RNA sequencing and high-throughput proteomics have led to the generation of large data sets that require purpose-built and dedicated bioinformatics tools for efficient data mining

    Muscle RANK is a key regulator of calcium storage, SERCA activity, and function of fast-twitch skeletal muscles

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    Receptor-activator of nuclear factor kB (RANK), its ligand RANKL and the soluble decoy receptor osteoprotegerin (OPG)are the key regulators of osteoclast differentiation and bone remodeling. Here we show that RANK is also expressed in fully differentiated myotubes and skeletal muscle. Muscle RANK deletion (RANKmko) has inotropic effects in denervated, but not in sham, extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle preventing the loss of maximum specific force while promoting muscle atrophy, fatigability and increased proportion of fast-twitch fibers. In denervated EDL muscles, RANK deletion markedly increased stromal interaction molecule 1 (Stim1) content, a calcium sensor, and altered activity of the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA) modulating Ca2+ storage. Muscle RANK deletion had no significant effects on the sham or denervated slow-twitch soleus (Sol) muscles. These data identify a novel role for RANK as a key regulator of calcium storage and SERCA activity, ultimately affecting denervated skeletal muscle function

    Tempo and drivers of plant diversification in the European mountain system

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    There is still limited consensus on the evolutionary history of species-rich temperate alpine floras due to a lack of comparable and high-quality phylogenetic data covering multiple plant lineages. Here we reconstructed when and how European alpine plant lineages diversified, i.e., the tempo and drivers of speciation events. We performed full-plastome phylogenomics and used multi-clade comparative models applied to six representative angiosperm lineages that have diversified in European mountains (212 sampled species, 251 ingroup species total). Diversification rates remained surprisingly steady for most clades, even during the Pleistocene, with speciation events being mostly driven by geographic divergence and bedrock shifts. Interestingly, we inferred asymmetrical historical migration rates from siliceous to calcareous bedrocks, and from higher to lower elevations, likely due to repeated shrinkage and expansion of high elevation habitats during the Pleistocene. This may have buffered climate-related extinctions, but prevented speciation along elevation gradients as often documented for tropical alpine floras

    High resolution ancient sedimentary DNA shows that alpine plant diversity is associated with human land use and climate change.

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    The European Alps are highly rich in species, but their future may be threatened by ongoing changes in human land use and climate. Here, we reconstructed vegetation, temperature, human impact and livestock over the past ~12,000 years from Lake Sulsseewli, based on sedimentary ancient plant and mammal DNA, pollen, spores, chironomids, and microcharcoal. We assembled a highly-complete local DNA reference library (PhyloAlps, 3923 plant taxa), and used this to obtain an exceptionally rich sedaDNA record of 366 plant taxa. Vegetation mainly responded to climate during the early Holocene, while human activity had an additional influence on vegetation from 6 ka onwards. Land-use shifted from episodic grazing during the Neolithic and Bronze Age to agropastoralism in the Middle Ages. Associated human deforestation allowed the coexistence of plant species typically found at different elevational belts, leading to levels of plant richness that characterise the current high diversity of this region. Our findings indicate a positive association between low intensity agropastoral activities and precipitation with the maintenance of the unique subalpine and alpine plant diversity of the European Alps

    High resolution ancient sedimentary DNA shows that alpine plant diversity is associated with human land use and climate change

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    The European Alps are highly rich in species, but their future may be threatened by ongoing changes in human land use and climate. Here, we reconstructed vegetation, temperature, human impact and livestock over the past ~12,000 years from Lake Sulsseewli, based on sedimentary ancient plant and mammal DNA, pollen, spores, chironomids, and microcharcoal. We assembled a highly-complete local DNA reference library (PhyloAlps, 3923 plant taxa), and used this to obtain an exceptionally rich sedaDNA record of 366 plant taxa. Vegetation mainly responded to climate during the early Holocene, while human activity had an additional influence on vegetation from 6 ka onwards. Land-use shifted from episodic grazing during the Neolithic and Bronze Age to agropastoralism in the Middle Ages. Associated human deforestation allowed the coexistence of plant species typically found at different elevational belts, leading to levels of plant richness that characterise the current high diversity of this region. Our findings indicate a positive association between low intensity agropastoral activities and precipitation with the maintenance of the unique subalpine and alpine plant diversity of the European Alps. Here, the authors use sedimentary DNA, pollen, fungal spores, chironomids, and microcharcoal from an alpine lake core to reconstruct vegetation across 12,000 years. They find that vegetation responded to climate in the early Holocene, followed by a shift to human activity from 6000 years onward corresponding with an increase in deforestation and agropastoralism

    LocoGSE, a sequence-based genome size estimator for plants

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    Extensive research has focused on exploring the range of genome sizes in eukaryotes, with a particular emphasis on land plants, where significant variability has been observed. Accurate estimation of genome size is essential for various research purposes, but existing sequence-based methods have limitations, particularly for low-coverage datasets. In this study, we introduce LocoGSE, a novel genome size estimator designed specifically for low-coverage datasets generated by genome skimming approaches. LocoGSE relies on mapping the reads on single copy consensus proteins without the need for a reference genome assembly. We calibrated LocoGSE using 430 low-coverage Angiosperm genome skimming datasets and compared its performance against other estimators. Our results demonstrate that LocoGSE accurately predicts monoploid genome size even at very low depth of coverage (<1X) and on highly heterozygous samples. Additionally, LocoGSE provides stable estimates across individuals with varying ploidy levels. LocoGSE fills a gap in sequence-based plant genome size estimation by offering a user-friendly and reliable tool that does not rely on high coverage or reference assemblies. We anticipate that LocoGSE will facilitate plant genome size analysis and contribute to evolutionary and ecological studies in the field. Furthermore, at the cost of an initial calibration, LocoGSE can be used in other lineages

    Feathers iridescence sheds light on the assembly rules of humingbirds communities

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    A recommendation – based on reviews by 2 anonymous reviewers – of the article: Gruson, H., Elias, M., Parra, J. L., Andraud, C., Berthier, S., Doutrelant, C., and Gomez, D. (2019). Distribution of iridescent colours in hummingbird communities results from the interplay between selection for camouflage and communication. BioRxiv, 586362, v5 peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Evolutionary Biology. doi: 10.1101/586362. doi: 10.1101/58636
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