47 research outputs found

    The Neogene and Lower Pleistocene crags of Upper Normandy: Biostratigraphic revision and paleogeographic implications

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    International audienceThe biostratigraphic revision of the benthic foraminifera present in the coastal Cenozoic quartzose and shelly sands (crags) at FĂ©camp and Valmont (Seine-Maritime) reveals Early Pliocene (FĂ©camp) and Early Pleistocene (Valmont) ages. The Tortonian-Messinian thanatocoenosis contained in the FĂ©camp Crag shows the presence of a former bryozoanrich platform on the floor of the Channel that was reworked during the Lower Pliocene transgression. Tortonian-Messinian and Lower Pliocene deposits have been found in Belgium, England, Brittany, and at FĂ©camp, but are absent in Cotentin (North-West Normandy), which was uplifted at this period. The Lower Pleistocene tidal sands and crags described in Cotentin, Upper Normandy and the southern North Sea Basin indicate a marine passage between the Channel and the North Sea

    Tectonic, eustatic and climatic significance of raised beaches of Val de Saire, Cotentin, Normandy, France

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    International audienceDetailed mapping, morphostratigraphical and geochronological analyses were undertaken in the Val de Saire, Cotentin, Normandy, northern France. These studies have identified a series of Middle and Upper Pleistocene-age deposits overlying four wave-cut platforms (PF IV–PF I), which can be associated with temperate high sea-level events and equated with MIS 11, 9, 7 and MI Substage 5e. A sea-level stand recorded at –20 m NGF at the La Mondrée site seems to correspond to MI Substage 5c or 5a. The completeness of the Val de Saire record, and particularly the width of platform IV (MIS 11), has so far no equivalent on the south coast of the English Channel. This study provides contribution to an understanding of the impact of the interglacial–glacial cycles in a coastal intraplate situation. The cyclicity of the morphogenesis is explained by interaction between eustatic variations and strongly expressed activity of slow uplift (ca 60 mm/kyr through the Middle Pleistocene). Several OSL dates from the gravel to sand sequence of the Eemian–Weichselian cycle indicate that these deposits represent the marine regression of the end of the Last Interglacial

    Évolution de la côte du Calvados depuis l'Éémien et découvertes d'un squelette de Cheval dans les tourbières holocènes.

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    International audienceWithin the fauna harvested by J. Couvelard during prospectings made during several years to Graye-sur-Mer and Asnelles (Calvados), represents a skeleton about suit of a Horse (Equus caballus), obviously Holocene. It is situated in the top of peats and clays deposited since the Preboreal so far, behind dune cords gradually pushed away towards the current line of coast during the flandrian transgression. In these swamps the marine influence is sharply marked only in the transition Subboreal-Subatlantique. Peats recover heads and weichseliens loess. On the base, a marine formation of final Eemian and peaty clays of the beginning weichselien fossilize an ancient marine platform. The skeleton of horse is contemporary of shards of pompean ceramic of the third in the fourth century AD.Au sein de la faune récoltée par J. Couvelard au cours de prospections effectuées pendant plusieurs années à Graye-sur-Mer et Asnelles (Calvados), figure un squelette à peu près complet d'un Cheval (Equus caballus), à l'évidence holocène. Il se situe dans la partie supérieure de tourbes et d'argiles déposées depuis le Préboréal jusqu'à maintenant derrière des cordons dunaires progressivement repoussés vers le trait de côte actuel pendant la transgression flandrienne. Dans ces marais l'influence marine n'est nettement marquée qu'à la transition Subboréal-Subatlantique. Les tourbes recouvrent des heads et des lœss weichseliens. Tout à la base une formation marine de l'Éémien final et des argiles tourbeuses du début weichselien fossilisent une ancienne plate-forme marine. Le squelette de cheval est contemporain de tessons de céramique pompéenne du troisième au quatrième siècle après Jésus-Christ