32 research outputs found

    5G-Network-Based Connectivity and Data Platforms for Smart Cities– an Explorative Case Study of Drivers for Industry Transformation

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    Digital platforms, more detailed connectivity and increased availability of data are re-shaping markets. This is an opportunity for telecom companies to partner with other industries and offerings. We conduct an explorative case study to understand the connectivity and data platforms in smart cities. The contribution of our study is that it provides insights on the business models, platform control and competitive strategy in smart cities. Specifically, we find that the understanding of business models together with political, economic, social, environmental, technological and legal aspects are prerequisites to successful cases. Finally, we highlight the importance of co-creation and collaboration, as a means to tackle the challenges of platform localisations. Based on our findings we indicate promising aspects for future research in these fields.©2022 the authors. Published by University of Hawaii. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Transformative power of mundane technologies in institutional change

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    To examine the role of mundane technologies in institutional change, we conduct an inductive longitudinal study of a translation in the field of UK grocery retailing and elucidate a process of bottom-up transformation, where customer data replaced product data as a key determinant in decision-making. Our analysis uncovers that such change develops over time through three phases: (1) triggering change through the costs of the technology, (2) capturing value through the benefits of the technology, and (3) retaining transformative momentum through the ability of the technology to develop. While illustrating the process, we show how mundane technologies do not take on new meaning as a result of their innate features but through their relationality in mutual constitution with the field. Hence our study illustrates the fact that each technology holds the potential for generativity

    5G-Network-Based Connectivity and Data Platforms for Smart Cities– an Explorative Case Study of Drivers for Industry Transformation

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    Digital platforms, more detailed connectivity and increased availability of data are re-shaping markets. This is an opportunity for telecom companies to partner with other industries and offerings. We conduct an explorative case study to understand the connectivity and data platforms in smart cities. The contribution of our study is that it provides insights on the business models, platform control and competitive strategy in smart cities. Specifically, we find that the understanding of business models together with political, economic, social, environmental, technological and legal aspects are prerequisites to successful cases. Finally, we highlight the importance of co-creation and collaboration, as a means to tackle the challenges of platform localisations. Based on our findings we indicate promising aspects for future research in these fields

    Algorithmic Food – How “Software is Eating the World”

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    In this paper, we explore how algorithms have empowered customers and promoted their preferences, while turning the sourcing of food from the purchase of a valuable good into a simple transaction. Focusing on the generative character of algorithms in the organizing of food, we study the changing nature of food retailing in the UK over the last 20 years. Theoretically we focus on the role that algorithms and thus technology have played in the transformation of the organizing of food and shed new light on how the latter has undergone tremendous changes. Our study enhances the current understanding of the impact big data has and will have on many organizational aspects and demonstrates that we need to have a better and more critical understanding of its consequences

    Ecosystem Dynamics in Industry Transformation (EDIT) - Projektin loppuraportti

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    EDIT-projektin tavoitteina oli ymmĂ€rtÀÀ digitalisaation aiheuttaman murroksen vaikutuksia eri toimijoille ja liiketoimintamalleille sekĂ€ kehittÀÀ uusia avauksia innovaatiopolitiikkaan. Projektissa keskityttiin kahteen yhteiskunnan kannalta keskeiseen sektoriin, joilla digitalisaatio on vasta aluillaan: kiinteistö- ja rakennusalaan sekĂ€ kaupan alaan. Tutkimus toteutettiin Aalto-yliopiston Insinööritieteiden ja Kauppakorkeakoulun yhteistyönĂ€ ja Tekesin tuella 1/2014–12/2015. TĂ€mĂ€ julkaisu on hankkeen tuloksia esittelevĂ€ loppuraportti

    The role of abduction in production of new ideas in design

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    The pragmatist philosopher Peirce insisted that besides deduction and induction there is a third main form of inference, abduction, which is the only type of inference capable of producing new ideas. Also he defined abduction as a stage of the methodological process in science, where hypotheses are formed to explain anomalies. Basing on these seminal ideas, scholars have proposed modified, widened or alternative definitions of abduction and devised taxonomies of abductive inferences. Influenced by Peirce’s seminal writings and subsequent treatments on abduction in philosophy of science, design scholars have in the last 40 years endeavoured to shed light on design by means of the concept of abduction. The first treatment was provided by March in 1976. He viewed that abduction, which he called “productive reasoning”, is the key mode of reasoning in design. He also presented a three-step cyclic design process, similar to Peirce’s methodological process in science. Among the many other later treatments of design abduction, Roozenburg’s definition of explanatory and innovative abduction is noteworthy. However, an evaluation of the related literature suggests that research into abduction in design is still in an undeveloped stage. This research shows gaps in coverage, lack of depth and diverging outcomes. By focusing on the differences between science and design as well as on empirical knowledge of different phenomena comprising design, new conceptions of abduction in design are derived. Given the differences of context, abduction in design shows characteristics not yet found or identified in science. For example, abduction can occur in connection to practically all inference types in design; it is a property of an inference besides an inference itself. A number of the most important abductive inference types as they occur in design are identified and discussed in more detail.Peer reviewe

    Treatment after traumatic shoulder dislocation: a systematic review with a network meta-analysis

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    Objective To review and compare treatments (1) after primary traumatic shoulder dislocation aimed at minimising the risk of chronic shoulder instability and (2) for chronic post-traumatic shoulder instability. Design Intervention systematic review with random effects network meta-analysis and direct comparison meta-analyses. Data sources Electronic databases (Ovid MEDLINE, Cochrane Clinical Trials Register, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Embase, Scopus, CINAHL, Ovid MEDLINE Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE Daily, DARE, HTA, NHSEED, Web of Science) and reference lists were searched from inception to 15 January 2018. Eligibility criteria for selecting studies Randomised trials comparing any interventions either after a first-time, traumatic shoulder dislocation or chronic post-traumatic shoulder instability, with a shoulder instability, function or quality of life outcome. Results Twenty-two randomised controlled trials were included. There was moderate quality evidence suggesting that labrum repair reduced the risk of future shoulder dislocation (relative risk 0.15; 95% CI 0.03 to 0.8, p=0.026), and that with non-surgical management 47% of patients did not experience shoulder redislocation. Very low to low-quality evidence suggested no benefit of immobilisation in external rotation versus internal rotation. There was low-quality evidence that an open procedure was superior to arthroscopic surgery for preventing shoulder redislocations. Conclusions There was moderate-quality evidence that half of the patients managed with physiotherapy after a first-time traumatic shoulder dislocation did not experience recurrent shoulder dislocations. If chronic instability develops, surgery could be considered. There was no evidence regarding the effectiveness of surgical management for post-traumatic chronic shoulder instability.Peer reviewe