323 research outputs found

    Ajankohtaista maatalousekonomiaa : maatalouden hintalinjat ja tulonjako

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    Tuotantorajoitusten vaikutus maatalouteen ja koko kansantalouteen

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    Verkkosivuston kehittäminen ketterästi

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    Insinöörityön tarkoitus oli tutkia ketterän kehityksen soveltamista verkkosivustojen kehittämiseen. Asiakkaan kannalta tavoitteena oli rakentaa sivusto, joka toimisi pääasiallisena kanavana yrityksen markkinointiin, ja mahdollistaa sosiaalisen median aktivointi sivuston kautta. Sivustoprosessien suurimmat haasteet liittyvät ohjelmistotuotannon malleihin, jotka eivät mukaudu mahdollisiin muutoksiin projektin kuluessa. Insinöörityössä tutkittiin, mitä ketterä kehitys tarkoittaa, mitä sovellusmalleja se sisältää ja minkälaisia piirteitä on Scrum-tavassa toteuttaa ketterää kehitystä. Työn tarkoitus oli selvittää, millä tavoin ketterää kehitysmallia voidaan soveltaa käytännön verkkosivusto projektissa. Insinöörityön lopputuloksena asiakkaalle toteutettiin Drupal-pohjainen verkkosivusto. Drupalin käyttäminen sivuston alustana oli kehityksen kannalta järkevää aikaisemman Drupal-osaamisen perusteella. Sivuston jatkokehitys on helppoa Drupalin laajennettavuuden vuoksi. Scrumin käyttäminen projektinhallintametodina mahdollisti sivuston rakentamisen pienissä osissa, ja asiakas koki saavansa lisäarvoa sen käytöstä. Projektin läpivienti ketterästi oli tehokasta, ja sivuston jatkokehitys toteutetaan samojen periaatteiden mukaisesti.The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis was to examine the usage of agile development methods in web development process. On customer’s behalf the target was to build a website which would function as a marketing channel for the customer and enable activa-tion of social media channels. The major challenge in website development process are tied to software process models which are not suitable for alterations during the development process. This thesis examines agile development in general, agile development models and characteristics of Scrum. The purpose is to clarify how agile development methods can be applied to website development process. As a result of this thesis a Drupal based website was built for the customer. Usage of Drupal as a base was practical because of previous experience with Drupal. Further development will be simple as Drupal can be easily extended. Scrum as a project management method enabled development in fragments and the customer felt value-added by Scrum. The agile project model was effective and further development will be accomplished with the same principles

    Improving lightning impulse measurement system of Tampere University: Hardware development and uncertainty evaluation

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    Electrical grids’ components are tested with standardized lightning impulses to ensure their capability to withstand stresses caused by lightning phenomena to ensure a strong network. Currently the trends in transmission networks are towards higher system and test voltages which generates the need for better calibration capabilities. This thesis focuses on development and characterization of Tampere University’s lightning impulse measurement system. The system is studied because it is needed to be prepared for an European intercomparison campaign, where reference level uncertainties are necessary. The old system was altered by adding a new low voltage arm to the damped capacitive high voltage divider as well as a new measuring cable. Thorough initial characterizations were carried out for the existing measuring system. It was found out that the HV arm’s elements exhibit unidealities that result in high oscillations in the divider’s response. The high voltage arm’s capacitance also exhibits frequency dependency which is compensated in the new low voltage arm by adding a compensation branch to the printed circuit board. Together with simulations and step response testing, analysis of different improvements are carried out in order to improve divider’s dynamic performance. The compensation is also tuned with step response tests. The uncertainty contributions are studied with different testing setups or by estimation. The different standard uncertainties for the voltage divider are examined and uncertainty analysis performed using a reference measurement system method. The peak voltage and time parameter uncertainties are presented and compared for three different measurement systems. Accuracy of the time to half value is successfully improved by the added compensation.Sähköverkkojen komponentit, kuten muuntajat, testataan standardimuotoisilla salamasyöksyjännitteillä todennuksena siitä, että komponentti toimii suunnitellusti myös esimerkiksi ukonilman aiheuttamien jänniterasituksien aikana. Tämä varmistaa komponentin luotettavan toiminnan verkossa. Tällä hetkellä kehityssuunta sähköverkoissa on nostaa jännitetasoa siirrettävän tehon kasvattamiseksi. Kasvava jännitetaso aiheuttaa kasvavat vaatimukset kalibrointikyvylle. Tämä opinnäytetyö keskittyy Tampereen yliopiston salamasyöksyjännitteen mittausjärjestelmän kehittämiseen ja karakterisointiin. Järjestelmä pitää valmistella eurooppalaista vertailumittausta varten, jossa referenssimittausjärjestelmiltä vaadittavat mittausepävarmuustasot ovat vaatimuksena. Vanhaa olemassa olevaa järjestelmää kehitettiin suunnittelemalla ja rakentamalla uusi alajänniteosa vaimennettuun kapasitiiviseen jännitteenjakajaan, sekä uusi mittauskaapeli. Järjestelmän jännitteenjakajan yläjänniteosan komponentit osoittivat epäideaalisuuksia, mikä aiheutti järjestelmän vasteeseen suuria värähtelyjä. Yläjänniteosan kapasitanssi oli taajuusriippuvaa, joka on kompensoitu uudessa alajänniteosassa lisäämällä alajänniteosan piirilevyn kondensaattoreiden rinnalle kompensointihaara. Erilaisten parannuskeinojen toimivuutta on analysoitu yhdessä simulointien ja askelvastemittausten avulla. Myös kompensointihaara on mitoitettu askelvastetta käyttäen. Epävarmuustekijät on määritetty erilaisilla testausjärjestelyillä tai arvioimalla. Kullekin vaihtoehtoiselle mittausjärjestelmälle on laskettu kokonaisepävarmudet standardiepävarmuuksien ja referenssijärjestelmän kanssa suoritettujen vertailumittausten pohjalta. Kolmelle eri mittausjärjestelmälle määritetyt kokonaisepävarmuudet jännitteen huippuarvolle sekä aikaparemetreille on esitetty ja erisysteemejä vertailtu keskenään. Salamasyöksyjännitteen selän puoliarvoajan epävarmuus on parantunut huomattavasti suunnitellun kompensointihaaran avulla

    Germline mutations in young non-smoking women with lung adenocarcinoma

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    Objectives: Although the primary cause of lung cancer is smoking, a considerable proportion of all lung cancers occur in never smokers. Gender influences the risk and characteristics of lung cancer and women are over-represented among never smokers with the disease. Young age at onset and lack of established environmental risk factors suggest genetic predisposition. In this study, we used population-based sampling of young patients to discover candidate predisposition variants for lung adenocarcinoma in never-smoking women. Materials and methods: We employed archival normal tissue material from 21 never-smoker women who had been diagnosed with lung adenocarcinoma before the age of 45, and exome sequenced their germline DNA. Results and conclusion: Potentially pathogenic variants were found in eight Cancer Gene Census germline genes: BRCAI, BRCA2, ERCC4, EXT1, HNF1 A, PTCH1, SMARCB1 and TP53. The variants in TP53, BRCAI, and BRCA2 are likely to have contributed to the early onset lung cancer in the respective patients (3/21 or 14%). This supports the notion that lung adenocarcinoma can be a component of certain cancer predisposition syndromes. Fifteen genes displayed potentially pathogenic mutations in at least two patients: ABCC10, ATP7B, CACNA1S, CFTR, CLIP4, COL6A1, COL6A6, GCN1, GJB6, RYR1, SCN7A, SEC24A, SP100, TEN and USH2A. Four patients showed a mutation in COL6A1, three in CLIP4 and two in the rest of the genes. Some of these candidate genes may explain a subset of female lung adenocarcinoma.Peer reviewe

    Sex-specific familial aggregation of cancers in Finland

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    Despite the fact that the effect of sex on the occurrence of cancers has been studied extensively, it remains unclear whether sex modifies familial aggregation of cancers. We explored sex-specific familial aggregation of cancers in a large population-based historical cohort study. We combined cancer and population registry data, inferring familial relationships from birth municipality-surname-sex (MNS) combinations. Our data consisted of 391,529 incident primary cancers in 377,210 individuals with 319,872 different MNS combinations. Cumulative sex-specific numbers of cancers were compared to expected cumulative incidence. Familial cancer risks were similar between the sexes in our population-wide analysis. Families with concordant cancer in both sexes exhibited similar sex-specific cancer risks. However, some families had exceptionally high sex-specific cumulative cancer incidence. We identified six families with exceptionally strong aggregation in males: three families with thyroid cancer (ratio between observed and expected incidence 184.6; 95% credible interval (95% CI) 33.1-1012.7, 173.4 (95% CI 65.4-374.3), and 161.4 (95% CI 29.6-785.7), one with stomach (ratio 14.4 (95% CI 6.9-37.2)), colon (ratio 15.5 (95% CI 5.7-56.3)) cancers and one with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (ratio 33.5 (95% CI 17.2-207.6)). Our results imply that familial aggregation of cancers shows no sex-specific preference. However, the atypical sex-specific aggregation of stomach cancer, colon cancer, thyroid cancer and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia in certain families is difficult to fully explain with present knowledge of possible causes, and could yield useful knowledge if explored further.Peer reviewe

    “First, Do No Harm”: Have the Health Impacts of Government Bills on Tax Legislation Been Assessed in Finland?

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    As taxation is one of the key public policy domains influencing population health, and as there is a legal, strategic, and programmatic basis for health impact assessment (HIA) in Finland, we analyzed all 235 government bills on tax legislation over the years 2007–2014 to see whether the health impacts of the tax bills had been assessed. We found that health impacts had been assessed for 13 bills, bills dealing with tobacco, alcohol, confectionery, and energy legislation and that four of these impact assessments included impacts on health inequalities between social classes. Based on our theoretical classification, the health impacts of 40 other tax bills should have been evaluated

    Fire safety in modern smart construction: Awareness and attitudes

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    Whole-exome sequencing identifies novel candidate predisposition genes for familial polycythemia vera

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    Background: Polycythemia vera (PV), characterized by massive production of erythrocytes, is one of the myeloproliferative neoplasms. Most patients carry a somatic gain-of-function mutation in JAK2, c.1849G > T (p.Val617Phe), leading to constitutive activation of JAK-STAT signaling pathway. Familial clustering is also observed occasionally, but high-penetrance predisposition genes to PV have remained unidentified. Results: We studied the predisposition to PV by exome sequencing (three cases) in a Finnish PV family with four patients. The 12 shared variants (maximum allowed minor allele frequency G (p.Phe418Leu) in ZXDC, c.1931C > G (p.Pro644Arg) in ATN1, and c.701G > A (p.Arg234Gln) in LRRC3. We also observed a rare, predicted benign germline variant c.2912C > G (p.Ala971Gly) in BCORL1 in all four patients. Somatic mutations in BCORL1 have been reported in myeloid malignancies. We further screened the variants in eight PV patients in six other Finnish families, but no other carriers were found. Conclusions: Exome sequencing provides a powerful tool for the identification of novel variants, and understanding the familial predisposition of diseases. This is the first report on Finnish familial PV cases, and we identified three novel candidate variants that may predispose to the disease.Peer reviewe