136 research outputs found

    Studying Within-Person Changes in Work Motivation in the Short and Medium- Term: You Will Likely Need More Measurement Points than You Think!

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    En el estudio de la motivación laboral, el análisis intrapersona de datos provenientes de diseños longitudinales es hoy común en el área. Sin embargo, algunas características del diseño de investigación empleado pueden estar influyendo en la variabilidad intrapersona encontrada. En este trabajo analizamos cómo influye el número de medidas repetidas por participante en la varianza intrapersona de la motivación laboral. Mediante dos estudios (una revisión sistemática y un estudio empírico original) mostramos cómo el número de medidas repetidas influye significativamente en la varianza intrapersona encontrada, que llega a alcanzar valores máximos del 52%-54% sobre el total de la varianza. Para llegar a esos valores de varianza explicada en el caso de la motivación laboral se necesitarían un mínimo de 25-30 medidas repetidas para ser rigurosos en la medida de la varianza intraperson

    The relative importance of phytoplankton aggregates and zooplankton fecal pellets to carbon export: insights from free-drifting sediment trap deployments in naturally iron-fertilised waters near the Kerguelen Plateau

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    The first KErguelen Ocean and Plateau compared Study (KEOPS1), conducted in the naturally iron-fertilised Kerguelen bloom, demonstrated that fecal material was the main pathway for exporting carbon to the deep ocean during summer (January–February 2005), suggesting a limited role of direct export via phytodetrital aggregates. The KEOPS2 project reinvestigated this issue during the spring bloom initiation (October–November 2011), when zooplankton communities may exert limited grazing pressure, and further explored the link between carbon flux, export efficiency and dominant sinking particles depending upon surface plankton community structure. Sinking particles were collected in polyacrylamide gel-filled and standard free-drifting sediment traps (PPS3/3), deployed at six stations between 100 and 400 m, to examine flux composition, particle origin and their size distributions. Results revealed an important contribution of phytodetrital aggregates (49 ± 10 and 45 ± 22% of the total number and volume of particles respectively, all stations and depths averaged). This high contribution dropped when converted to carbon content (30 ± 16% of total carbon, all stations and depths averaged), with cylindrical fecal pellets then representing the dominant fraction (56 ± 19%).At 100 and 200 m depth, iron- and biomass-enriched sites exhibited the highest carbon fluxes (maxima of 180 and 84 ± 27 mg C m-2 d-1, based on gel and PPS3/3 trap collection respectively), especially where large fecal pellets dominated over phytodetrital aggregates. Below these depths, carbon fluxes decreased (48 ± 21% decrease on average between 200 and 400 m), and mixed aggregates composed of phytodetritus and fecal matter dominated, suggesting an important role played by physical aggregation in deep carbon export.Export efficiencies determined from gels, PPS3/3 traps and 234Th disequilibria (200 m carbon flux/net primary productivity) were negatively correlated to net primary productivity with observed decreases from ~ 0.2 at low-iron sites to ~ 0.02 at high-iron sites. Varying phytoplankton communities and grazing pressure appear to explain this negative relationship. Our work emphasises the need to consider detailed plankton communities to accurately identify the controls on carbon export efficiency, which appear to include small spatio-temporal variations in ecosystem structure

    What causes the inverse relationship between primary production and export efficiency in the Southern Ocean?

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    The ocean contributes to regulating atmospheric CO2 levels, partly via variability in the fraction of primary production (PP) which is exported out of the surface layer (i.e. the e-ratio). Southern Ocean studies have found that, contrary to global scale analyses, an inverse relationship exists between e-ratio and PP. This relationship remains unexplained, with potential hypotheses being i) large export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in high PP areas, ii) strong surface microbial recycling in high PP regions and/ or iii) grazing mediated export varies inversely with PP. We find that the export of DOC has a limited influence in setting the negative e-ratio/PP relationship. However, we observed that at sites with low PP and high e-ratios, zooplankton mediated export is large and surface microbial abundance low suggesting that both are important drivers of the magnitude of the e-ratio in the Southern Ocean

    Resupply of mesopelagic dissolved iron controlled by particulate iron composition

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    The dissolved iron supply controls half of the oceans’ primary productivity. Resupply by the remineralization of sinking particles, and subsequent vertical mixing, largely sustains this productivity. However, our understanding of the drivers of dissolved iron resupply, and their influence on its vertical distribution across the oceans, is still limited due to sparse observations. There is a lack of empirical evidence as to what controls the subsurface iron remineralization due to difficulties in studying mesopelagic biogeochemistry. Here we present estimates of particulate transformations to dissolved iron, concurrent oxygen consumption and iron-binding ligand replenishment based on in situ mesopelagic experiments. Dissolved iron regeneration efficiencies (that is, replenishment over oxygen consumption) were 10- to 100-fold higher in low-dust subantarctic waters relative to higher-dust Mediterranean sites. Regeneration efficiencies are heavily influenced by particle composition. Their make-up dictates ligand release, controls scavenging, modulates ballasting and may lead to the differential remineralization of biogenic versus lithogenic iron. At high-dust sites, these processes together increase the iron remineralization length scale. Modelling reveals that in oceanic regions near deserts, enhanced lithogenic fluxes deepen the ferricline, which alter the vertical patterns of dissolved iron replenishment, and set its redistribution at the global scale. Such wide-ranging regeneration efficiencies drive different vertical patterns in dissolved iron replenishment across oceanic provinces