17 research outputs found

    Factors determining family planning in Catalonia. Sources of inequity

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    Análisis del impacto de las OTA en las reservas de los hoteles. caso de estudio: Bogotá

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    The purpose is to analyze the impact of online travel agencies (OTA) reservations on the probability of making reservations on the hotel website. For this purpose, from January 26 to February 26, 2016, the reservations made at 10 hotels located in Bogota (Colombia) of the GHL Hotel Chain were analyzed through the official website of the hotel and OTA. It was found that 6,8% of reservations are made through the hotel websites, while OTA groups make up 93,2% of the bookings. Booking.com was the OTA where the biggest number of reservations were made, with 55,3%, followed by Expedia.com, with 29,1%. The present research is the first in Latin America to analyze the reservations made through OTA’s and to compare them with those received by the hotel website. Likewise, it analyzes, the percentage and number of reservations by different OTA’s, allowing to gain insight into the interests of the guests at the time of booking.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar el impacto de las OTA En la probabilidad de realización de reservas en la página web de un hotel. Con este fin, del 26 de enero al 26 de febrero de 2016 se observaron las reservas realizadas en 10 hoteles de la Cadena Hotelera GHL de Bogotá (Colombia) por medio de la página web y OTA. Se encontró que el 6,8 % de las reservaciones fueron hechas mediante la página web del hotel, mientras que el 93,2 % se hicieron por intermedio de OTA. La OTA que registró el mayor número de reservas fue Booking.com, con el 55,3 %, seguida por Expedia.com, con un 29,1 %. La presente investigación es la primera en América Latina en llevar a cabo un análisis de las reservas mediante OTA y compararlas con la página web de un hotel. También analiza el porcentaje y número de reservaciones por las diferentes OTA. &nbsp

    Impacto das redes sociais nos rendimentos dos hotéis na Colômbia, no Equador e no Peru

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    The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of hotel ratings on social networks and how they affect hotel revenues. From 48 hotels´ monthly data (between August 2014 and July 2015) of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, the following variables were analyzed: GRI (Global Review Index), Offer, Demand, Sale, RevPAR (Revenue Per Available Room) and Location; by conglomerates analysis and a linear model. It was found that a better GRI favors a better ratio between sales and supply. Specifically, we observe that when the GRI increases by one unit, the RevPAR grows by 0.49%, keeping the rest of the variables constant. It is the first research conducted in South America to analyze the incidence of social networks on hotel revenues.El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar la influencia de las valoraciones de los hoteles en las redes sociales y cómo estas afectan los ingresos de los hoteles. A partir de los datos mensuales (entre agosto de 2014 y julio de 2015) de 48 hoteles de Colombia, Ecuador y Perú se analizaron principalmente las variables: GRI (Global Review Index), Oferta, Demanda, Venta, RevPAR (Revenue Per Avalable Room) y Ubicación; mediante análisis de conglomerados y un modelo lineal. Se encontró que un mejor GRI favorece a una mejor ratio entre las ventas y la oferta. En concreto, observamos que cuando el GRI se incrementa en una unidad, el RevPAR crece en 0,49%, manteniendo el resto de variables constantes. Es la primera investigación realizada en Sudamérica para analizar la incidencia de las redes sociales en los ingresos de los hoteles.O objetivo da presente pesquisa é analisar a influência das avaliações dos hotéis nas redes sociais e como estas afetam seus rendimentos. A partir de dados mensais (entre agosto de 2014 e julho de 2015) de 48 hotéis da Colômbia, do Equador e do Peru, analisaram-se principalmente as variáveis: GRI (Global Review Index), oferta, demanda, venda, RevPAR (Revenue Per Avalable Room) e localização, mediante análise de conglomerados e um modelo linear. Encontrou-se que um melhor GRI favorece a uma melhor ratio entre as vendas e a oferta. Mais especificamente, observamos que quando o GRI se incrementa em uma unidade, o RevPAR cresce em 0,49%, mantendo o resto de variáveis constantes. É a primeira pesquisa realizada na América do Sul para analisar a incidência das redes sociais nos rendimentos dos hotéis

    Entrepreneurial skills in university degrees

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    Purpose: From a skills perspective, the academic field of entrepreneurship has grown to become a key element in university studies. Determining whether these skills exist among university students and how to foster them is a key in higher education. To this effect, the aim of this study is to determine the entrepreneurial skills’ level among the students on the different bachelor’s degrees taught at the Faculty of Business and Economics Sciences of University of Girona. Design/methodology/approach: Information about the skill level was collected using a skills model called Tricuspoid, which was specifically designed for the self-assessment of entrepreneurial skills. Information about students’ sociodemographic, professional and educational profile was collected using a self-administered complementary questionnaire. Bivariate analysis and statistical contrast were applied. Findings: Being a man, doing sport, balancing studying with paid work and accessing university studies via the vocational training pathway are indicators of a greater entrepreneurial capacity. On the other hand, being a woman, accessing university studies via baccalaureate or having no knowledge of English, however, are factors associated with a deficit in entrepreneurial talent. Originality/value: Considering the fact that attitude to entrepreneurship can be modified through educational interventions, identifying these factors enables us to formulate guidelines for teaching activities that increase students’ entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial capacity for a better integration for our students into the job market

    Prevalence of sexual harassment among young Spaniards before, during, and after the COVID-19 lockdown period in Spain

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    Background: Sexual harassment is a type of coercion, including social pressure, intimidation, physical force, and verbal acts, in addition to other forms such as cyber-harassment, recognized as a major important public health problem. Methods: This cross-sectional study, based on a survey administered online to men and women aged 18 to 35 years and living in Spain throughout 15th and 28th October 2020, aims to analyze the prevalence and factors associated with sexual harassment among young people in Spain within the last 12 months, particularly according to the COVID-19 lockdown period. It has been conducted by bivariate analysis and robust Poisson regression models. The final sample includes 2.515 participants. Results: The results indicate that women were almost twice as likely as men to experience sexual harassment (49% vs 22.2%). Also, among heterosexual men and women, the estimated prevalence was lower concerning that observed among bisexuals, gays, and lesbians (31.5% vs 53, 39.2, and 34.6% respectively). The prevalence percentage in the 18–24 age group was twice high as that observed in the 30–35 age group. Finally, during the lockdown period, the harassment through electronic channels increased (32.6% vs 16.5 and 17.8% before and after this period, respectively) and decreased on public roads (22.9% vs 63.4 and 54.4% pre-lockdown and post-lockdown periods, respectively). Conclusion: These findings highlight that sexual harassment presents a high prevalence among young people, especially cyber-harassment, and workplace harassment and it is important to be aware that young women are more likely to suffer harassment and even more if they do not have a partner or have LGB orientation. During the lockdown sexual harassment has moved from public spaces to the social network.This research was supported by the CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health of Spain; Grant ESP20PI02

    La Utilització dels serveis d'atenció primària a la Regió Sanitària Girona i els seus condicionants demogràfics, econòmics i socials

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    El percentatge de població immigrant a l'estat espanyol oscil·la al voltant d'un 14%. Les característiques sociodemogràfiques d'aquests col·lectius nouvinguts ha suposat una alteració en la utilització dels recursos públics (sanitat o educació). Si pretenem garantir l'equitat en la prestació d'aquests serveis, cal identificar els factors que influeixen en la seva utilització. Definim i comparem el perfil demogràfic, socioeconòmic, de morbiditat atesa i d'utilització dels serveis sanitaris d'atenció primària pels usuaris immigrants i autòctons de la Regió Sanitaria Girona. Alhora, determinem quins d'aquests factors influeixen en l'accés i en l'ús d'aquests serveis. Les dades analitzades provenen d'un qüestionari administrat a una mostra d'usuaris dels serveis d'atenció primària de la Regió Sanitària Girona durant l'any 2006 i dels registres mèdics de l'Institut Català de la Salut. Les comparacions demogràfiques, socieconòmiques, de morbiditat atesa i utilització dels serveis sanitaris entre immigrants i autòctons es realitzen a través de contrastos paramètrics i no paramètrics. La identificació dels factors que influeixen en el primer contacte i en la freqüentació dels serveis d'atenció primària, es formula mitjançant l'especificació d'un model en dues parts. Els resultats evidencien l'existència de diferències demogràfiques, socioeconòmiques, culturals i d'estat de salut entre immigrants i autòctons. La modelització dels factors que intervenen en l'accés i freqüentació dels serveis d'atenció primària ens indica que realitzar el primer contacte amb els serveis de salut només es veu influenciat per factors relacionats amb la morbiditat. En canvi, una major o menor freqüentació depèn tant de factors relacionats amb la pròpia salut com dels elements socioeconòmics i demogràfics abans esmentats. Addicionalment, l'anàlisi fa evident no es pot considerar el col·lectiu d'immigrants com un tot homogeni, doncs l'origen de l'usuari és un element clau a l'hora de determinar diferents intensitats en l'accés i freqüentació.The proportion of immigrants in Spain ranges around 14%. Sociodemographic characteristics of these newcomer's groups has meant an alteration in the use of public resources (health or education). If we want to ensure equity in the provision of these services, we must identify the factors that influence their use. We have defined and we have compared demographic profile, socioeconomic status, morbidity and the utilization of primary health care services for immigrant and native users in Girona Health Region. Likewise, we have determined which of these factors influence into the access and into the use of these services. The data come from a questionnaire administered to a sample of users of primary health cares services in Girona Health Region during 2006, and from the medical records of the Catalan Health Institute. Comparisons of demographic, socioeconomic, morbidity and health care services utilization between immigrants and natives are performed through parametric and nonparametric contrasts. The identification of factors that influence into the initial contact and into the frequency of primary care services utilization is formulated by specifying a model in two parts. The results show the existence of differences in demographic, socioeconomic, cultural and health status between immigrants and natives. The modeling of factors that affect access and frequency of primary health care services shows that make the first contact with health services is influenced only by factors related to morbidity. In contrast, a greater or lesser frequency depends on both their own health-related factors such as socioeconomic and demographic elements mentioned above. Additionally, the analysis evidences that immigrants are not an homogeneous collective, so the user origin is a key element in determining access to different intensities and frequency


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    El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar la influencia de las valoraciones de los hoteles en las redes sociales y cómo estas afectan los ingresos de los hoteles. A partir de los datos mensuales (entre agosto de 2014 y julio de 2015) de 48 hoteles de Colombia, Ecuador y Perú se analizaron principalmente las variables: GRI (Global Review Index), Oferta, Demanda, Venta, RevPAR (Reve - nue Per Avalable Room) y Ubicación; mediante análisis de conglomerados y un modelo lineal. Se encontró que un mejor GRI favorece a una mejor ratio entre las ventas y la oferta. En concreto, observamos que cuando el GRI se incrementa en una unidad, el RevPAR crece en 0,49%, mante - niendo el resto de variables constantes. Es la primera investigación realizada en Sudamérica para analizar la incidencia de las redes sociales en los ingresos de los ho teles

    Impacto das redes sociais nos rendimentos dos hotéis na Colômbia, no Equador e no Peru

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    The objective of this research is to analyze the influence of hotel ratings on social networks and how they affect hotel revenues. From 48 hotels´ monthly data (between August 2014 and July 2015) of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, the following variables were analyzed: GRI (Global Review Index), Offer, Demand, Sale, RevPAR (Revenue Per Available Room) and Location; by conglomerates analysis and a linear model. It was found that a better GRI favors a better ratio between sales and supply. Specifically, we observe that when the GRI increases by one unit, the RevPAR grows by 0.49%, keeping the rest of the variables constant. It is the first research conducted in South America to analyze the incidence of social networks on hotel revenues.El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar la influencia de las valoraciones de los hoteles en las redes sociales y cómo estas afectan los ingresos de los hoteles. A partir de los datos mensuales (entre agosto de 2014 y julio de 2015) de 48 hoteles de Colombia, Ecuador y Perú se analizaron principalmente las variables: GRI (Global Review Index), Oferta, Demanda, Venta, RevPAR (Revenue Per Avalable Room) y Ubicación; mediante análisis de conglomerados y un modelo lineal. Se encontró que un mejor GRI favorece a una mejor ratio entre las ventas y la oferta. En concreto, observamos que cuando el GRI se incrementa en una unidad, el RevPAR crece en 0,49%, manteniendo el resto de variables constantes. Es la primera investigación realizada en Sudamérica para analizar la incidencia de las redes sociales en los ingresos de los hoteles.O objetivo da presente pesquisa é analisar a influência das avaliações dos hotéis nas redes sociais e como estas afetam seus rendimentos. A partir de dados mensais (entre agosto de 2014 e julho de 2015) de 48 hotéis da Colômbia, do Equador e do Peru, analisaram-se principalmente as variáveis: GRI (Global Review Index), oferta, demanda, venda, RevPAR (Revenue Per Avalable Room) e localização, mediante análise de conglomerados e um modelo linear. Encontrou-se que um melhor GRI favorece a uma melhor ratio entre as vendas e a oferta. Mais especificamente, observamos que quando o GRI se incrementa em uma unidade, o RevPAR cresce em 0,49%, mantendo o resto de variáveis constantes. É a primeira pesquisa realizada na América do Sul para analisar a incidência das redes sociais nos rendimentos dos hotéis

    Factors determining family planning in Catalonia. Sources of inequity

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    Abstract Introduction In recent decades, the foreign population in Spain has increased significantly, particularly for Catalonia, an autonomous region of Spain (2.90% in 2000 and 15.95% in 2010) and in particular Girona province (6.18% in 2000 and 21.55% in 2010). Several studies have shown a lower use of family planning methods by immigrants. This same trend is observed in Spain. The objective of this paper is to determine the existence of differences and possible sources of inequity in the use of family planning methods among health service users in Catalonia (Spain) by sex, health status, place of birth and socioeconomic conditions. Methods Data were taken from an ad-hoc questionnaire which was compiled following a qualitative stage of individual interviews. Said questionnaire was administered to 1094 Catalan public health service users during 2007. A complete descriptive analysis was carried out for variables related to public health service users’ sociodemographic characteristics and variables indicating knowledge and use of family planning methods, and bivariate relationships were analysed by means of chi-square contrasts. Considering the use (or non-use) of family planning methods as a dependent variable and a set of demographic, socioeconomic and health status variables as explanatory factors, the relationship was modelled using mixed models. Results The analysed sample is comprised of 54.3% women and 45.7% men, with 74.3% natives (or from the EU) and 25.7% economic immigrants. 54.8% use some method of family planning, the condom (46.7%) and the pill (28.0%) being the two most frequently used methods. Statistical modelling indicates that those factors which most influence the use of family planning methods are level of education (30.59% and 39.29% more likelihood) and having children over 14 (35.35% more likelihood). With regard to the origin of the user, we observe that patients from North Africa,sub. Saharan Africa and Asia are less likely to use family planning methods (36.68%, 38.59% and 70.51%, respectively). Conclusions The use of family planning methods is positively related to a higher level of education and having children over 14. Factors such as sex, age, income and self-perceived health do not appear to influence their use. Furthermore, being a native of this country, the European Union or Central/South America represents a greater likelihood of use than being African or Asian. Although no general differences in use were found between sexes, the difference found in the case of Asian women stands out, with a higher likelihood of use.</p