79 research outputs found

    Discovery of a size-record breaking green-emissive fluorophore: small, smaller, HINA

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    Astonishingly, 3-hydroxyisonicotinealdehyde (HINA) is despite its small size a green-emitting push–pull fluorophore in water (QY of 15%) and shows ratiometric emission response to biological relevant pH differences (pKa2_{a2} ∼ 7.1). Moreover, HINA is the first small-molecule fluorophore reported that possesses three distinctly emissive protonation states. This fluorophore can be used in combination with metal complexes for fluorescent-based cysteine detection in aqueous media, and is readily taken up by cells. The theoretical description of HINA\u27s photophysics remains challenging, even when computing Franck–Condon profiles via coupled-cluster calculations, making HINA an interesting model for future method development

    Variations in Biodistribution and Acute Response of Differently Shaped Titania Nanoparticles in Healthy Rodents

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    Biodistribution; Nanotoxicity; Physico-chemical propertiesBiodistribución; Nanotoxicidad; Propiedades fisicoquímicasBiodistribució; Nanotoxicitat; Propietats fisicoquímiquesTitanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) are one of the main sources of the nanoparticulate matter exposure to humans. Although several studies have demonstrated their potential toxic effects, the real nature of the correlation between NP properties and their interaction with biological targets is still far from being fully elucidated. Here, engineered TiO2 NPs with various geometries (bipyramids, plates, and rods) have been prepared, characterized and intravenously administered in healthy mice. Parameters such as biodistribution, accumulation, and toxicity have been assessed in the lungs and liver. Our data show that the organ accumulation of TiO2 NPs, measured by ICP-MS, is quite low, and this is only partially and transiently affected by the NP geometries. The long-lasting permanence is exclusively restricted to the lungs. Here, bipyramids and plates show a higher accumulation, and interestingly, rod-shaped NPs are the most toxic, leading to histopathological pulmonary alterations. In addition, they are also able to induce a transient increase in serum markers related to hepatocellular injury. These results indicate that rods, more than bipyramidal and spherical geometries, lead to a stronger and more severe biological effect. Overall, small physico-chemical differences can dramatically modify both accumulation and safety.This research was funded by National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2017FYA0205301), Projects of International Cooperation and Exchanges NSFC (No. 82020108017), National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 82272821); MCIN/AEI (PID2019-111218RB-I00 and RYC-2017-23457) and Centro Singular De Investigación de Galicia Accreditation 2019−2022, and ED431G 2019/03. Moreover, parts of this work were funded by the Cluster of Excellence ‘Advanced Imaging of Matter’ of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)-EXC 2056-project ID 390715994; by Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD); and by an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship. G.S. is supported by the Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC), grants 22820 and 22737. NGB and VP receive financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCIU) (RTI2018-099965-B-I00, AEI/FEDER, UE) proyectos de I + D + i de programación conjunta internacional MCIN/AEI (CONCORD, PCI2019-103436), co-funded by the European Union. P.B. is supported by the CONCORD project (EuroNanoMed III)

    Longitudinal tracking of triple labeled umbilical cord derived mesenchymal stromal cells in a mouse model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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    The translational potential of cell therapy to humans requires a deep knowledge of the interaction between transplanted cells and host tissues. In this study, we evaluate the behavior of umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cells (UC-MSCs), labeled with fluorescent nanoparticles, transplanted in healthy or early symptomatic transgenic SOD1G93A mice (a murine model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). The double labeling of cells with nanoparticles and Hoechst-33258 enabled their tracking for a long time in both cells and tissues. Whole-body distribution of UC-MSCs was performed by in-vivo and ex-vivo analyses 1, 7, 21 days after single intravenous or intracerebroventricular administration. By intravenous administration cells were sequestered by the lungs and rapidly cleared by the liver. No difference in biodistribution was found among the two groups. On the other hand, UC-MSCs transplanted in lateral ventricles remained on the choroid plexus for the whole duration of the study even if decreasing in number. Few cells were found in the spinal cord of SOD1G93A mice exclusively. No migration in brain parenchyma was observed. These results suggest that the direct implantation in brain ventricles allows a prolonged permanence of cells close to the damaged areas and makes this method of tracking reliable for future studies of efficacy

    Variations in Biodistribution and Acute Response of Differently Shaped Titania Nanoparticles in Healthy Rodents

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    Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO NPs) are one of the main sources of the nanoparticulate matter exposure to humans. Although several studies have demonstrated their potential toxic effects, the real nature of the correlation between NP properties and their interaction with biological targets is still far from being fully elucidated. Here, engineered TiO NPs with various geometries (bipyramids, plates, and rods) have been prepared, characterized and intravenously administered in healthy mice. Parameters such as biodistribution, accumulation, and toxicity have been assessed in the lungs and liver. Our data show that the organ accumulation of TiO NPs, measured by ICP-MS, is quite low, and this is only partially and transiently affected by the NP geometries. The long-lasting permanence is exclusively restricted to the lungs. Here, bipyramids and plates show a higher accumulation, and interestingly, rod-shaped NPs are the most toxic, leading to histopathological pulmonary alterations. In addition, they are also able to induce a transient increase in serum markers related to hepatocellular injury. These results indicate that rods, more than bipyramidal and spherical geometries, lead to a stronger and more severe biological effect. Overall, small physico-chemical differences can dramatically modify both accumulation and safety


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    Com o intuito de monitorar alterações no índice de contaminação durante o armazenamento, foram avaliadas quanto à contaminação por Pseudomonas aeruginosa setenta e cinco amostras, de cinco marcas distintas, de água mineral envasadas em copos ou garrafas plásticas de 500 mL e 1500 mL. Os ensaios foram efetuados em dois períodos diferenciados, o primeiro um dia após aquisição das amostras no ponto de venda e o segundo quando as amostras completaram seis meses de armazenamento. Segundo os padrões determinados pela RDC n. 275/05 do Ministério da Saúde, 53% dos lotes foram rejeitados. O monitoramento da contaminação durante o armazenamento revelou que, independente da elevação ou redução nas contagens, P.aeruginosa foi detectada mesmo após 180 dias de estocagem, confirmando que se trata de micro-organismo que se adapta em ambientes com baixo teor nutricional. O percentual de rejeição das amostras revelou a necessidade de práticas de higiene mais efetivas a serem adotadas durante o envase, garantindo a comercialização de produtos seguros e que atendam aos rigorosos padrões microbiológicos estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira

    A Nanoscale Shape-Discovery Framework Supporting Systematic Investigations of Shape-Dependent Biological Effects and Immunomodulation

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    Since it is now possible to make, in a controlled fashion, an almost unlimited variety of nanostructure shapes, it is of increasing interest to understand the forms of biological control that nanoscale shape allows. However, a priori rational investigation of such a vast universe of shapes appears to present intractable fundamental and practical challenges. This has limited the useful systematic investigation of their biological interactions and the development of innovative nanoscale shape-dependent therapies. Here, we introduce a concept of biologically relevant inductive nanoscale shape discovery and evaluation that is ideally suited to, and will ultimately become, a vehicle for machine learning discovery. Combining the reproducibility and tunability of microfluidic flow nanochemistry syntheses, quantitative computational shape analysis, and iterative feedback from biological responses in vitro and in vivo, we show that these challenges can be mastered, allowing shape biology to be explored within accepted scientific and biomedical research paradigms. Early applications identify significant forms of shape-induced biological and adjuvant-like immunological control

    Clinicopathological predictors of recurrence in nodular and superficial spreading cutaneous melanoma: A multivariate analysis of 214 cases

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    Abstract Background Nodular melanoma (NM) accounts for most thick melanomas and because of their frequent association with ulceration, fast growth rate and high mitotic rate, contribute substantially to melanoma-related mortality. In a multicentric series of 214 primary melanomas including 96 NM and 118 superficial spreading melanoma (SSM), histopathological features were examined with the aim to identify clinicopathological predictors of recurrence. Methods All consecutive cases of histopathologically diagnosed primary invasive SSM and NM during the period 2005–2010, were retrieved from the 12 participating Italian Melanoma Intergroup (IMI) centers. Each center provided clinico-pathological data such as gender, age at diagnosis, anatomical site, histopathological conventional parameters, date of excision and first melanoma recurrence. Results Results showed that NM subtype was significantly associated with Breslow thickness (BT) at multivariate analysis: [BT 1.01–2 mm (OR 7.22; 95% CI 2.73–19.05), BT 2.01–4 mm (OR 7.04; 95% CI 2.54–19.56), and BT > 4 mm (OR 51.78; 95% CI 5.65–474.86) (p  5 mitoses/mm2 (OR 4.87; 95% CI 1.77–13.40) (p = 0.002)]. The risk of recurrence was not significantly associated with NM histotype while BT [BT 1.01–2.00 mm (HR 1.55; 95% CI 0.51–4.71), BT 2.01–4.00 mm (HR 2.42; 95% CI 0.89–6.54), BT > 4.00 mm. (HR 3.13; 95% CI 0.95–10.28) (p = 0.05)], mitotic rate [MR > 2 mitoses/mm2 (HR 2.34; 95% CI, 1.11–4.97) (p = 0.03)] and the positivity of lymph node sentinel biopsy (SNLB) (HR 2.60; 95% CI 1.19–5.68) (p = 0.007) were significantly associated with an increased risk of recurrence at multivariate analysis. Conclusions We found that NM subtype was significantly associated with higher BT and MR but it was not a prognostic factor since it did not significantly correlate with melanoma recurrence rate. Conversely, increased BT and MR as well as SNLB positivity were significantly associated with a higher risk of melanoma recurrence

    Development of a questionnaire specifically for patients with Ileal Orthotopic Neobladder (IONB)

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    The ileal orthotopic neobladder (IONB) is often used in patients undergoing radical cystectomy. The IONB allows to void avoiding the disadvantages of the external urinary diversion.In IONB patients the quality of life (QoL) appears compromised by the need to urinate voluntarily. The patients need to wake up at night interrupting the sleep-wake rhythm with consequences on social and emotional life.At present the QoL in IONB patients is evaluated by generic questionnaires. These are useful when IONB patients are compared with patients with different urinary diversions but they are less effective when only IONB patients are evaluated. To address this problem a specific questionnaire-the IONB-PRO-was developed. METHODS: A) Based on a conceptual framework, narrative-based interviews were conducted on 35 IONB patients. A basic pool of 43 items was produced and organized throughout two clinical and four QoL dimensions. An additional 15 IONB patients were interviewed for face validity testing.B) Psychometric testing was conducted on 145 IONB patients. Both classic test strategy and Rasch analysis were applied. Psychometric properties of the resulting scales were comparatively tested against other QoL-validated scales. RESULTS: The IONB-PRO questionnaire includes two sections: one on the QoL and a second section on the capability of the patient to manage the IONB. For evaluation of the QoL, three versions were delivered: 1) a basic 23-item QoL version (3 domains 23-items; alpha 0.86÷ 9.69), 2) a short-form 12-item QoL scale (alpha = 0.947), and 3) a short-form 15-item Rasch QoL scale (alpha = 0.967). Correlations of the long version scales with the corresponding dimensions of the EORTC-QLQ C30 and the EORTC-BLM30 were significant. The short forms exhibited significant correlations with the global health dimension of the EORTC-QLQ and with the urinary subscales of the EORTC-BLM30. The effect size was approximately 1.00 between patients at the 1-year follow-up period and those with 3, 5, and > 5-year follow-up periods for all scales. No relevant differences were observed between the 12-item short-form and the Rasch scale. CONCLUSIONS: The IONB-PRO long and short-forms demonstrated a high level of internal consistency and reliability with an excellent discriminanting validity