95 research outputs found

    Identidad, diferencia y ciudadanía: una aproximación desde Chantal Mouffe

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    El presente artículo tratara de abordar la cuestión de la identidad en las sociedades democráticas actuales a partir de la interpretación de Chantal Mouffe y de su concepción acerca de la ciudadanía, entendida esta como forma de identidad colectiva construida por medio de la identificación con los valores ético-políticos esenciales de la democracia liberal, a saber, libertad e igualdad. De este modo, y partiendo de la "paradoja" que según la autora define al sistema político actual -paradoja resultado de la tensión entre la lógica liberal y la lógica democrática-, se abogará por la defensa de una democracia radical plural en la que, reconocida la inevitabilidad del conflicto y antagonismo, la actividad política quede orientada a la creación de identidades políticas que, bajo una preocupación común y un mismo juego de lenguaje, reconozcan a lo "otro" como adversario legítimo y con ello tanto una pluralidad de lealtades como la defensa de la libertad individual.This article seeks to deal with the idea of identity in current democratic societies starting with the interpretation of Chantal Mouffe and her conceptions of citizenship, understood as a form of collective identity constructed for the means of identification of essential ethic-political values of liberal democracy, in other words, liberty and equality. In this way, starting from the "paradox" that, according to the author, defines the current political system -a paradox that results from the tension between liberal logic and democratic logic-, it will be advocated the defense of a radical plural democracy in which, once we have recognized the inevitability of antagonism and conflict, the political activity would be orientated towards the creation of political identities that, under a common preoccupation and the same Word play, recognize the other as a legitimate adversary and with this a plurality of loyalties as much as a defense of the individual liberty

    Ideal, identidad e identificación: aproximaciones desde lo inconsciente y lo político

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    The objective of this discussion is to continue the study of the mutual inference of the political and the unconscious in contemporary society, through the analysis of what I call The "I-Complex", which is composed of the concepts "ideal", "identity" and "identification".La presente comunicación tiene por objeto retomar el estudio del mutuo inferir de lo político y lo inconsciente en la sociedad actual, a través del análisis de lo que llamaremos el complejo I, tejido compuesto por los conceptos ideal, identidad e identificación. Sirviéndonos de parte de los aparatos teóricos de Lacan y Deleuce, se mostrará cómo el sujeto (en su inexpugnable performatividad y dependencia del Otro/otro social) se halla determinado por innumerables trazos de identificación colectiva autorizados por aquel que ocupa la posición de ideal en el sistema de producción-reproducción social y activados sobre el "acolchamiento" de los distintos significantes que configuran las significaciones imaginarias sociales dominantes y modelan los procesos de identidad. Con todo ello, se intentará mostrar el modo en que tales mecanismos se ven alterados progresivamente por la axiomática propia del capitalismo y cómo las respectivas formaciones de lo inconsciente y lo político (en sus múltiples articulaciones discursivas) han derivado en una triple crisis de esta red ideal-identificación-identidad que conduce a la expropiación de lo común de la comunidad misma y a la consiguiente alienación del sujeto en su propia forma de desear

    Identidad, diferencia y ciudadanía: una aproximación desde Chantal Mouffe

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    El presente artículo tratará de abordar la cuestión de la identidad en las sociedades democráticas actuales a partir de la interpretación de Chantal Mouffe y de su concepción acerca de la ciudadanía, entendida ésta como forma de identidad colectiva construida por medio de la identificación con los valores ético-políticos esenciales de la democracia liberal, a saber, libertad e igualdad. De este modo, y partiendo de la “paradoja” que según la autora define al sistema político actual -paradoja resultado de la tensión entre la lógica liberal y la lógica democrática-, se abogará por la defensa de una democracia radical plural en la que, reconocida la inevitabilidad del conflicto y antagonismo, la actividad política quede orientada a la creación de identidades políticas que, bajo una preocupación común y un mismo juego de lenguaje, reconozcan a lo “otro” como adversario legítimo y con ello tanto una pluralidad de lealtades como la defensa de la libertad individual.Palabras claves: identidad, democracia radical, antagonismo, político.Abstract:This article seeks to deal with the idea of identity in current democratic societies starting with the interpretation of Chantal Mouffe and her conceptions of citizenship, understood as a form of collective identity constructed for the means of identification of essential ethic-political values of liberal democracy, in other words, liberty and equality.  In this way, starting from the “paradox” that, according to the author, defines the current political system -a paradox that results from the tension between liberal logic and democratic logic-, it will be advocated the defence of a radical plural democracy in which, once we have recognized the inevitability of antagonism and conflict, the political activity would be orientated towards the creation of political identities that, under a common preoccupation and the same Word play, recognize the other as a legitimate adversary and with this a plurality of loyalties as much as a defense of the individual liberty.Keywords: Identity, radical democracy, antagonism, political</p

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    Large-scale and multipolar anisotropies of cosmic rays detected at the Pierre Auger Observatory with energies above 4 EeV

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    A search for ultra-high-energy photons at the Pierre Auger Observatory exploiting air-shower universality

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    The Pierre Auger Observatory is the most sensitive detector to primary photons with energies above ∼0.2 EeV. It measures extensive air showers using a hybrid technique that combines a fluorescence detector (FD) with a ground array of particle detectors (SD). The signatures of a photon-induced air shower are a larger atmospheric depth at the shower maximum (Xmax_{max}) and a steeper lateral distribution function, along with a lower number of muons with respect to the bulk of hadron-induced background. Using observables measured by the FD and SD, three photon searches in different energy bands are performed. In particular, between threshold energies of 1-10 EeV, a new analysis technique has been developed by combining the FD-based measurement of Xmax_{max} with the SD signal through a parameter related to its muon content, derived from the universality of the air showers. This technique has led to a better photon/hadron separation and, consequently, to a higher search sensitivity, resulting in a tighter upper limit than before. The outcome of this new analysis is presented here, along with previous results in the energy ranges below 1 EeV and above 10 EeV. From the data collected by the Pierre Auger Observatory in about 15 years of operation, the most stringent constraints on the fraction of photons in the cosmic flux are set over almost three decades in energy

    Study on multi-ELVES in the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    Since 2013, the four sites of the Fluorescence Detector (FD) of the Pierre Auger Observatory record ELVES with a dedicated trigger. These UV light emissions are correlated to distant lightning strikes. The length of recorded traces has been increased from 100 μs (2013), to 300 μs (2014-16), to 900 μs (2017-present), to progressively extend the observation of the light emission towards the vertical of the causative lightning and beyond. A large fraction of the observed events shows double ELVES within the time window, and, in some cases, even more complex structures are observed. The nature of the multi-ELVES is not completely understood but may be related to the different types of lightning in which they are originated. For example, it is known that Narrow Bipolar Events can produce double ELVES, and Energetic In-cloud Pulses, occurring between the main negative and upper positive charge layer of clouds, can induce double and even quadruple ELVES in the ionosphere. This report shows the seasonal and daily dependence of the time gap, amplitude ratio, and correlation between the pulse widths of the peaks in a sample of 1000+ multi-ELVES events recorded during the period 2014-20. The events have been compared with data from other satellite and ground-based sensing devices to study the correlation of their properties with lightning observables such as altitude and polarity

    Outreach activities at the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The ultra-high-energy cosmic-ray sky above 32 EeV viewed from the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    Expected performance of the AugerPrime Radio Detector

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