1,321 research outputs found

    Burr detection and classification using RUSTICO and image processing

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    .Machined workpieces must satisfy quality standards such as avoid the presence of burrs in edge finishing to reduce production costs and time. In this work we consider three types of burr that are determined by the distribution of the edge shape on a microscopic scale: knife-type (without imperfections), saw-type (presence of small splinters that could be accepted) and burr-breakage (substantial deformation that produces unusable workpieces). The proposed method includes RUSTICO to classify automatically the edge of each piece according to its burr type. Experimental results validate its effectiveness, yielding a 91.2% F1-Score and identifying completely the burr-breakage type.S

    La huella de carbono como herramienta para lograr una producción sostenible en un cultivo de flores ubicado en la Sabana de Bogotá – Colombia

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    En la presente investigación se realizó el cálculo de la huella de carbono de un cultivo de flores, ubicado en la Sabana de Bogotá – Colombia, mediante el uso del Green House Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol), con el objetivo de utilizar esta información para proponer alternativas que permitan a la empresa tomar decisiones y adaptar su forma de producir hacia una producción sostenible. Por tal razón se calculó como un primer paso la fijación de CO2 de la vegetación arbórea presente en las dos fincas donde se realiza el cultivo y trasformación de las flores, encontrando que no era suficiente para poder tener una huella de carbono neutra, por lo que se proponen alternativas de producción más limpia al interior del proceso productivo, las cuales fueron evaluadas mediante el método de scoring con el fin de seleccionar aquella que se ajustara de mejor forma a los criterios de selección determinado

    Access to information and degree of community awareness of preventive health measures in the face of covid-19 in Spain

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    [EN] The COVID-19 pandemic is posing a major health crisis. Spanish legislation establishes the mandatory use of masks and the implementation of hygienic measures such as hand washing and physical distancing. The aim of this study is to describe access to information and the level of community knowledge/adoption about the preventive measures proposed by the Spanish health authorities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to analyze the influence of socio-demographic factors in compliance among people over 18 years of age resident in Spain. An observational, descriptive and transversal study was conducted. Data was collected on sociodemographic variables, access to information and the degree of knowledge/adoption about the preventive measures: use of masks, hand hygiene and physical distancing. A total of 1811 people participated. The average age was 45.1 ± 15.1 years, predominantly female (69.3%), from an urban geographical area (74%), with a higher education level of 53.2%. Most of the respondents (57.5%) are or live with people at risk. The main access to information on preventive measures was from secondary sources (49.2%), with television being the main medium; 72.3% think that there are some difficulties in accessing information, while 8.7% of the participants do not consider the use of masks to be useful. As regards the choice of type of mask, the majority of people (44.8%) opt for the surgical variety; 88.5% of respondents believe that the physical distancing established is at least 1.5 m. This study confirmed that socio-demographic factors influence compliance with or the degree of knowledge/adoption of the preventive measures proposed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and has made it possible to ascertain the sectors of the population with the greatest deficiencies in this respect. It shows the importance of implementing health information and education systems in the community, and it is advisable to promote specific programs aimed at men, people living in rural areas and people with a low level of education.S

    SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform)

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    Cap. 8, pp. 131-157SIFT es un método que permite detectar puntos característicos en una imagen y luego describirlos mediante un histograma orientado de gradientes. Y además, lo hace de forma que la localización y la descripción presenta una gran invarianza a la orientación, la posición y la escala. Cada punto característico queda, por lo tanto, definido mediante su vector de características de 128 elementos, y se obtiene la información de su posición en coordenadas de la imagen, la escala a la que se encontró y la orientación dominante de la región alrededor de dicho punto. En este capítulo se explican los pasos necesarios para obtener descriptores SIFT en una imagen. Se presenta un ejercicio sencillo que sirve para ilustrar numéricamente cómo se obtiene el descriptor a partir de la región que rodea un punto característico. También se comentan las posibilidades de SIFT para realizar reconocimiento de objetos presentes en una imagen. Y, finalmente, se habla brevemente de algunas extensiones del método así como de otros descriptores de imagen relacionados que han surgido posteriormente

    Promotion of resilience and arts education in high complexity schools: links and guidelines from the literature

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    La promoción de la resiliencia es un factor clave para mejorar la salud mental y el rendimiento académico de jóvenes en situación de vulnerabilidad. La literatura muestra el papel significativo que tiene el arte para lograrlo, aunque carece de estudios sobre cómo integrar ambas en el ámbito escolar. Esta investigación tiene como objetivos: describir qué características de la educación artística están relacionadas con la promoción de la resiliencia; y definir orientaciones educativas de forma globalizada para Centros de Máxima Complejidad (CMC). Se realizó un análisis de la literatura mediante una metodología basada en el análisis de contenido. Se estableció el Marco de Resiliencia (MR) (Aumann y Hart, 2009) como sistema de categorías con el que vincular las implicaciones de los estudios sobre educación artística en cada una de sus dimensiones: 'Necesidades básicas', 'Pertenencia', 'Aprendizaje', 'Afrontamiento' y 'Aspectos intrapersonales'. Los resultados describen cómo los vínculos entre arte y resiliencia incluyen otras teorías pedagógicas: educación emocional, intercultural e inclusiva, participación infantil y comunitaria, Desarrollo Positivo Adolescente, arte como estímulo, arte comunitario y diversidad de disciplinas artísticas. El análisis ha permitido definir una versión complementaria del MR con Objetivos para la Promoción de la Resiliencia a través de la Educación Artística de forma Globalizada (OPREAG). Los objetivos educativos propuestos son alcanzables y pretenden ser una herramienta sencilla que guíe a los docentes en el diseño y consecución de acciones para fomentar las prácticas artísticas globalizadas y favorecer el éxito educativo del alumnado.The promotion of resilience is a key factor in improving the mental health and academic performance of young people in vulnerability situation. The literature shows the significant role of art in achieving this, although there is a lack of studies on how to integrate both in the school. The aims of this research are: to describe which characteristics of arts education are related to the promotion of resilience; and to define globalised educational guidelines for Maximum Complexity Centres (CMC). We conducted a literature review using a method based on content analysis. The Resilience Framework (RF) (Aumann y Hart, 2009) was established as a system of categories with which to link the implications of arts education studies in each of its dimensions: Basic Needs, Belonging, Learning, Coping and Intrapersonal Aspects. The results describe how the links between art and resilience include other areas and pedagogical theories: emotional education, intercultural and inclusive education, child and community participation, Positive Youth Development, art as stimulus, community art and diversity of artistic disciplines. The analysis has made it possible to define a complementary version of the RF with Objectives for the Promotion of Resilience through Arts Education in a Globalised Way. The proposed educational objectives are achievable and are intended to be a simple tool to guide teachers in the design and implementation of actions to promote globalised arts practices and foster students’ educational success

    Influence of magnetic nanoparticle degradation in the frame of magnetic hyperthermia and photothermal treatments

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    This work aims at studying how the transformations that magnetic nanoparticles suffer in vivo affect their heating properties in the frame of hyperthermia treatments. Iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles (≈13 nm) with two different coatings [PMAO (polymaleic anhydride-alt-1-octadecene) and DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic acid)] have been subjected to an accelerated degradation in a medium simulating lysosome conditions. The particles physicochemical properties (size, size distribution, and magnetic properties) have been followed over the degradation process along 24 days. It was found that DMSA-coated particles degraded much faster than PMAO-coated ones. In addition, their heating properties under both the exposure to an alternating magnetic field or a near infrared light have been tracked along this degradation processes, assessing how the changes in their physicochemical properties affect their heating capacity. Along the degradation procedure, a stronger decrease of the particles heating properties has been observed in the frame of magnetic hyperthermia measurements, in comparison with the photothermal ones. Finally, the PMAO-coated particles have been selected for a degradation study in vivo after intratumoral administration. Interestingly, although the number of particles decreases with time in the tissue, the size and size distribution of the particles do not change significantly over time. This work is especially relevant in the frame of the design of in vivo hyperthermia treatments using magnetic nanoparticles as it would provide fundamental clues regarding the need of repeated doses or the possible use of a single administration depending on the treatment duration

    Late-life depression accelerates cognitive decline in a tauopathy mouse model

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    Background: Clinical studies suggest that depressive symptoms could be considered an important risk factor for the future development of cognitive impairment and even Alzheimer's disease (AD). In fact, there is a strong association between depression in later life and AD. The age of onset of AD has been shown to be accelerated in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) with a history of depression, and women appear to be particularly more vulnerable to this condition. In addition, individuals with MCI who present depressive symptoms have an elevated burden of amyloid-beta, one of the featured toxic proteins associated with Alzheimer's pathology, and a higher risk of developing AD compared to non-depressed MCI patients. Although it has been described that some transgenic models of AD can develop signs similar to depression in advanced stages, it is unknown whether late-life depression can accelerate tau-associated pathology and, therefore, acting as a risk factor for AD. Method: In this study, we induced chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) in P301S tau transgenic mice to determine whether depression is a cause, rather than a consequence, of the development of AD. Result: The results of our study indicate that the induction of CUMS in transgenic animals induces phenotypic changes related to a depressive state. Conclusion: The findings obtained after inducing late-life depression-like in P301S mice indicate that depression could be considered a risk factor for AD, by accelerating tau aggregation and worsening clinical signs.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Changes in tongue kissing in hook-ups after COVID-19

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    A growing body of social and behavioral sciences studies are providing evidence on how COVID-19 is influencing changes in society and among individuals. A few of those studies focus on how it is affecting behavioral and habit changes in stable couples. Yet its influence on changes in hook-ups remains understudied. To contribute to filling this gap, this exploratory study analyzes changes related to tongue kissing in hook-ups promoted by increased awareness of tongue kissing certain people as a potential source of transmission. Through pre- and post-test questionnaires given to 20 girls (18-30 years old), potential changes in the memories of past tongue-kissing hook-ups and in intentions and perceptions towards future ones can be observed among 12 participants. The implications of these findings suggest not only how the new normal might affect tongue kissing in hook-ups among these girls but also how these girls might freely decide with whom to engage in sexual-affective relationships in the future