1,920 research outputs found

    Disfunción cervical asociada a variables de personalidad depresiva y ansiosa.

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    La cervicalgia puede llegar a afectar al 70% de la población y más del 75% de los pacientes deprimidos ingresados en atención primaria la presenta. Aunque no se sepa la direccionalidad, la relación entre depresión y ansiedad con dolor cervical y disfunción está clara. El objetivo de este estudio es examinar si existe una asociación significativa entre el dolor cervical y la presencia de una personalidad depresiva y ansiosa determinando la importancia de los factores psicosociales en relación con las afecciones músculo-esqueléticas y sus efectos en el tratamiento de estas. Se realizó mediante un cuestionario de depresión y ansiedad y otro sobre la disfunción cervical vía telemática a través de familiares y conocidos, con un total de 75 participantes con dolor de cuello o sin él, de 18 a 56 años, con una edad media de 25 años, siendo un 45,3% hombres y un 54,7% mujeres. Los participantes con personalidad depresiva presentaban mayor dolor cervical, siendo las mujeres las que exhiben mayor nivel de depresión. El sexo y la edad actúa como moderadores del efecto de la depresión sobre la disfunción cervical. Los participantes con personalidad ansiosa no presentaban mayor dolor cervical ni se relaciona con el sexo. El 40% de participantes con dolor cervical presenta depresión y ansiedad conjuntamente. Existe relación entre depresión y disfunción cervical modulada por el sexo. No existe una relación significativa entre ansiedad y disfunción cervical. Se observó ausencia de efectos significativos de interacción entre ambas variables ansiedad y depresión sobre la disfunción cervical

    Macrólidos para el tratamiento de la infección por Haemophilus ducreyi en población sexualmente activa: Una revisión sistemática

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    Chancroide es una enfermedad ulcerativa genital, endémica en países de bajos recursos; su reconocimiento como una enfermedad susceptible de control y erradicación, puede reducir la tasa de infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS). Los Macrólidos pueden usarse en esta situación, con buena efectividad y seguridad, en diferentes esquemas, por lo que pueden reemplazar otro tratamiento antibiótico. No existe una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre las alternativas terapéuticas, excepto para la tasa de cura clínica entre la primera y segunda semana, donde los Macrólidos pueden tener cierta ventaja cuando se implementan como primera línea de tratamiento para adultos sexualmente activos con úlceras genitales compatibles con chancroide. La frecuencia de efectos adversos menores puede no ser diferente entre los grupos. En la actualidad, la calidad de la evidencia de la efectividad y seguridad del uso de Macrólidos para el tratamiento de la infección por H. ducreyi, es baja y muy baja, lo que implica que el efecto del tratamiento es incierto. La decisión de prescribir un macrólido sobre otro, debe estar basada en las preferencias locales en cuanto a tratamiento y costos. Sin embargo, evidencia de muy baja calidad sugiere que la Azitromicina puede ser considerada como primera línea de tratamiento, basado en su administración oral en mono dosis, con perfil de seguridad y efectividad similar, comparado con el uso de Eritromicina.Abstract: Chancroid is a genital ulcerative disease endemic in some low-income countries. Recognition of Chancroid as a susceptible disease for control and eradication, could reduce STI transmission rates. Macrolides could be use in this situation, with good effectiveness and safety in different schemes, therefore, could replace other antibiotic treatment. There is no statistically significant difference between the therapeutic alternatives, except for the rate of clinical cure between first and second week, where macrolides could have some advantage when it is implemented as first line therapy for treatment of sexually-active adults with genital ulcers clinically compatible with chancroid. The frequency of minor adverse effects could be not different between the groups. At present, the quality of the evidence on the effectiveness and safety of macrolides for treatment of H. ducreyi infection is low and very low, implying that we are uncertain about the estimated treatment effect. The decision to prescribe one macrolide over another one, should based on the local costs and treatment preferences. However, very low quality of evidence suggest that, Azithromycin could be considered as the first therapeutic alternative, based on their monodose oral administration, with a similar safety and effectiveness profile, when it is compared with long Erythromycin use.Otr

    ¿Para qué utilizan Internet los preadolescentes? Estudio sobre el uso de la red por estudiantes de Educación Primaria de Andalucía

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    El uso temprano de Internet es un hecho consumado y demostrado entre la población infantil. Sus habilidades como nativos digitales, la atracción que ejercen las pantallas y la comodidad de formatos más manejables como las tabletas y teléfonos móviles propician (ayudan) un acercamiento cada vez mayor. A través de la esta investigación se ofrecen los resultados derivados de un análisis cuantitativo sobre el consumo de Internet en la enseñanza primaria efectuado en las ocho provincias andaluzas a alumnos con edades comprendidas entre los 9 y los 12 años. Este estudio se enmarca dentro de un Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía, dirigido por el catedrático José Ignacio Aguaded-Gómez, que lleva por título ‘La competencia audiovisual de la ciudadanía andaluza: estrategias de alfabetización mediática en la sociedad del ocio digital’ (P10-SEJ-5823), con fecha de inicio en el año 2010. Los resultados ofrecen una clara visión sobre la funcionalidad de la red en este segmento población y permite dar orientaciones sobre la necesidad de una educación en pantallas. Sectores como la escuela y la propia familia deberían asumir.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    ¿Para qué utilizan Internet los preadolescentes?: estudio sobre el uso de la red por estudiantes de Educación Primaria de Andalucía

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    Ponencia del I Congreso Internacional de Comunicación Infantil (2014).El uso temprano de Internet es un hecho consumado y demostrado entre la población infantil. Sus habilidades como nativos digitales, la atracción que ejercen las pantallas y la comodidad de formatos más manejables como las tabletas y teléfonos móviles propician (ayudan) un acercamiento cada vez mayor. En este estudio se ofrecen los resultados derivados de un análisis descriptivo y cuantitativo sobre el consumo de Internet en la enseñanza primaria efectuado en las ocho provincias andaluzas a alumnos con edades comprendidas entre los 9 y los 12 años. Este estudio se enmarca dentro de un Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía, dirigido por el Dr. D. José Ignacio Aguaded-Gómez, que lleva por título “La competencia audiovisual de la ciudadanía andaluza: estrategias de alfabetización mediática en la sociedad del ocio digital” (referencia P10-SEJ-5823), con fecha de inicio en el año 2010. Los resultados ofrecen una clara visión sobre la funcionalidad de la red en este segmento población y permite dar orientaciones sobre la necesidad de una educación en pantallas. Sectores como la escuela y la propia familia deberían asumir.The early use of the Internet is accomplished and demonstrated fact among children. His skills as digital natives, the attraction of the screens and the convenience of manageable formats such as tablets and mobile phones conducive (help) a growing approach. Through this research the results from a quantitative analysis of Internet consumption in primary education conducted in the eight Andalusian provinces pupils aged between 9 and 12 years is. This study is part of a Project Excellence Andalusian, directed by Ph. Dr. D. José Ignacio Gómez - Aguaded, titled “The jurisdiction of the Andalusian audiovisual citizens-hip: strategies for media literacy in the digital society of leisure” (reference P10-SEJ-5823), with a start date in 2010. The results provide a clear vision of the network functionality in this population segment and allows to give guidance on the need for education displays. Sectors such as the school and the family itself should take assume

    Testing the Effects of COVID-19 Confinement in Spanish Children: The Role of Parents’ Distress, Emotional Problems and Specific Parenting

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    The present study aimed to examine the effects of the Spanish confinement derived from the COVID-19 crisis on children and their families, accounting for child’s age. A range of child negative (e.g., conduct problems) and positive outcomes (e.g., routine maintenance) were examined, along with a set of parent-related variables, including resilience, perceived distress, emotional problems, parenting distress and specific parenting practices (e.g., structured or avoidant parenting), which were modeled through path analysis to better understand child adjustment. Data were collected in April 2020, with information for the present study provided by 940 (89.6%) mothers, 102 (9.7%) fathers and 7 (0.7%) different caregivers, who informed on 1049 Spanish children (50.4% girls) aged 3 to 12 years (Mage = 7.29; SD = 2.39). The results suggested that, according to parents’ information, most children did not show important changes in behavior, although some increasing rates were observed for both negative and positive outcomes. Child adjustment was influenced by a chain of effects, derived from parents’ perceived distress and emotional response to the COVID-19 crisis, via parenting distress and specific parenting practices. While parenting distress in particular triggered child negative outcomes, specific parenting practices were more closely related to child positive outcomes. These findings may help to better inform, for potential future outbreaks, effective guidelines and prevention programs aimed at promoting the child’s well-being in the familyThis research was funded by FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades—Agencia Estatal de Investigación/Grant (PSI2015-65766-R); Programa de Axudas á Etapa Posdoutoral da Xunta de Galicia; and Axudas para a Consolidación e Estruturación de Unidades de Investigación Competitivas e outras Accións de Fomento nas Univeridades; GRC, 2018 (Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia)S

    AnaPro, Tool for Identification and Resolution of Direct Anaphora in Spanish

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    Introduction Anaphora is a relation of coreference between linguistic terms. According to Webster’s dictionary: “It is the use of a grammatical substitute (as a pronoun or a pro-verb) to refer to the denotation of a preceding word or group of words; also : the relation between a grammatical substitute and its antecedent.” Therefore, anaphora is a discourse relation. Anaphora resolution is very important in Natural Language Processing (NLP). This work is part of Project OM* (Ontology Merging), which seeks to build a large ontology by fusing smaller ontologies extracted from textual documents. An important part of the project is to analyze the sentences in a document with the goal to transform that text into an ontology that comprises its contents. A brief description of Project OM* follows.AnaPro is software that solves direct anaphora in Spanish, specifically pronouns: it finds the noun or group of words to which the pronoun refers. It locates in the previous sentenc es the referent or antecedent which the pronoun replaces. An example of a direct anaphora solved is the pronoun “ he” in the sentence “He is sad.” Much of the work on anaphora has been done for texts in English; thus , we specifically focus on Spanish documents. AnaPro directly supports text analys is (to understand what a document says ), a non trivial task since there are different writing styles, references, idiomatic expressions, etc. The problem grows if t he analyzer is a computer, because they lack “common sense” (which persons possess) . Hence, before text analysis, its preprocessing is required, in order to assign tags (noun, verb,...) to each word, find the stems, disambiguate nouns, verbs, prepositions, identify colloquial expressions, i dentify and resolve anaphor a, among other chores. AnaPro works for Spanish sentences. It is a novel procedure, since it is automatic (no user intervenes during the resolution) and it does not need dictionaries. It employs heu ristics procedures to discover the semantics and help in the decisions; they are rather easy to implement and use li mited knowledge. Nevertheless, its results are good (81% of correct answers, at least). However, more tests will give a better idea of its goodness.Authors I.T. and E.V. would like to acknowledge ESCOM-IPN, where they defended their thesis, #20110083 , which gives a more detailed description of AnaPro. Work herein reported was partially sponsored by CONACYT Grant #128163 (Project OM*), by IPN and by SNI and UAEM

    Children Coping, Contextual Risk and Their Interplay During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Spanish Case

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the lives of millions of people around the globe and some of the unprecedent emerged disruptions, are likely to have been particularly challenging for young children (e.g., school closures, social distancing measures, movement restrictions). Studying the impact of such extraordinary circumstances on their well-being is crucial to identify processes leading to risk and resilience. To better understand how Spanish children have adapted to the stressful disruptions resulting from the pandemic outbreak, we examined the effects of child coping and its interactions with contextual stressors (pandemic and family related) on child adjustment, incorporating in our analysis a developmental perspective. Data was collected in April 2020, through parent-reports, during the acute phase of the pandemic and, temporarily coinciding with the mandatory national quarantine period imposed by the Spanish Government. A sample of 1,123 Spanish children (50% girls) aged 3 to 12 (Mage = 7.26; SD = 2.39) participated in the study. Results showed differences in the use of specific strategies by children in different age groups (i.e., 3–6, 7–9 and 10–12-year-olds). Despite the uncontrollable nature of the pandemic-related stressors, child disengagement coping was distinctively associated to negative outcomes (i.e., higher levels of behavioral and emotional difficulties), whereas engagement coping predicted psychosocial adjustment across all age groups. Moreover, interactively with child coping, parent fear of the future and parent dispositional resilience appear as relevant contextual factors to predict both negative and positive outcomes, but their effects seem to be age dependent, suggesting a higher contextual vulnerability for younger children. These findings might have implications for identifying individual and contextual risk and informing potential preventive interventions aimed to reduce the impact of future pandemic outbreaks on children of different agesFEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación/Grant (PSI2015-65766-R) and Axudas para a Consolidación e Estruturación de Unidades de Investigación Competitivas e outras Accións de Fomento nas Univeridades; GRC, 2018 (Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia) provided finantial support for this research. In addition, this study was supported by Programa de Formación de Profesorado Universitario/Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Reference: FPU 16/06777)S

    Percepções dos alunos do oitavo ano sobre a osmose na escola Liceo Integral Los Alisos localizada no município de Soacha- Cundinamarca, Colômbia

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    The present project has as its purpose to observe the different perceptions that have eight graders at the school Liceo Integral Los Alisios, about osmosis, taking in account the importance of this concept, in relation to the understanding of biology applied to everyday life and environmental aspects. The basic rights of learning (DBA), which are the standards of education in Colombia, mention that eighth graders should be related to osmosis and the importance of this process in everyday life. At the beginning of this investigation, it is assumed that at their stage of formative process, it was possible that the students have some idea of ​​the theme, but when it was observed the results of the knowledge test related to osmosis, it was possible to identify the absence of appropriation of this concept, reflected in absent, meaningless and confused answers. According to previous studies consulted, it was possible to reaffirm that osmosis is a topic that remains confusing for students, mainly because they are topics related to physics and chemistry. Therefore, it is desired to show the absence of appropriation by the students, of such important concepts like this in the teaching of biology, to make a call to the planning of strategies that reach the standards of education in Colombia.El presente proyecto tiene como finalidad observar las diferentes percepciones que tienen estudiantes de grado octavo del colegio Liceo Integral Los Alisos, acerca de la ósmosis, teniendo en cuenta la importancia de este concepto, en relación con la comprensión de la biología aplicada a la vida cotidiana y a aspectos ambientales. Los derechos básicos de aprendizaje (DBA), que son los estándares de educación en Colombia, mencionan que los estudiantes de octavo grado deberían estar relacionados con la ósmosis y la importancia de este proceso en la vida cotidiana. Al principio de esta investigación, se asume que, en esta etapa de su proceso formativo, ya deben tener alguna idea del tema, pero al observar los resultados del cuestionario de conocimientos relacionados a la ósmosis, se logró identificar la ausencia de apropiación de este concepto, reflejado en respuestas ausentes, fuera de sentido y confusas. De acuerdo con estudios anteriores consultados, se logró reafirmar que la ósmosis es un tema que persiste siendo confuso para los estudiantes, principalmente porque son temas relacionados con física y química. Por consiguiente, se desea mostrar la ausencia apropiación por parte de los estudiantes, de conceptos tan importantes en la enseñanza de la biología, como lo es la ósmosis, para hacer un llamado al planeamiento de estrategias que cumplan con los estándares de educación en Colombia.O objetivo deste projeto é observar as diferentes percepções que os alunos do oitavo ano da escola Liceo Integral Los Alisios têm sobre osmose, levando em consideração a importância desse conceito, em relação à compreensão da biologia aplicada à vida cotidiana e aspectos ambientais. Os direitos básicos de aprendizagem (DBA), que são os padrões de educação na Colômbia, mencionam que os alunos da oitava série devem estar relacionados à osmose e à importância desse processo na vida cotidiana. No início desta pesquisa, supõe-se que, nesta fase de seu processo de formação, eles já devem ter alguma noção do assunto, mas ao observar os resultados do questionário de conhecimento relacionado à osmose, foi possível identificar a ausência de apropriação desse conceito. refletida em respostas ausentes, sem sentido e confusas. De acordo com estudos anteriores consultados, foi possível reafirmar que a osmose é um tema que continua confuso para os alunos, principalmente por serem temas relacionados à física e química. Portanto, deseja-se mostrar a ausência de apropriação por parte dos alunos de conceitos tão importantes no ensino de biologia, como a osmose, para convocar o planejamento de estratégias que atendam aos padrões da educação na Colômbia

    Arylsulfatase A Remodeling during Human Sperm In Vitro Capacitation Using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM)

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    Capacitation drives sperm biophysical and biochemical changes for sperm-oocyte interactions. It is a well-known fact that the molecular complex arylsulfatase A (ARSA), hyaluronidase sperm adhesion molecule 1 (SPAM1), and heat shock protein 2 (HSPA2) plays a significant role in sperm–zona pellucida (ZP) binding. However, the time-dependent capacitation effects on the sperm surface ARSA presence and specific topographic distributions remain to be elucidated. Here, we quantified the ARSA density and specific membrane domain locations before (US) and after in vitro capacitation (one and four hours; CS1–CS4) in human sperm using high-resolution field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and immunogold labeling. Our results showed a significant and progressive capacitation-mediated increase of labeled spermatozoa from the US (37%) to CS4 (100%) physiological conditions. In addition, surface mapping revealed a close relationship between the ARSA residues and their acrosomal repositioning. Compared with the ARSA surface heterogeneous distribution found in US, the CS1–4 conditions exhibited clustering on the peri-acrosomal region, showing that time-dependent capacitation also induced a ARSA residue dramatic translocation on sperm surfaces. Our findings provide novel insights into the molecular remodeling events preceding sperm-oocyte interactions.This research was funded by the Human Fertility Cathedra of the University of Alicante and R&D&I projects financed by competitive public entities (ViGrob-186, UAIND17-03 and PGC2018-094781-B-100)

    Core Indicators to Assess Quality of Life in Population with Brain Injury

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    Abstract Assessing quality of life of people with brain injury has a relevant role for developing strategies focused on personal outcomes that allow us to guide good practices and rehabilitation. So far, assessment of quality of life for this population has been restricted to an evaluation of personal outcomes from a health-related quality of life perspective. This approach it is mostly centered on physical health, however, quality of life needs to be addressed from a holistic and multidimensional perspective. The goal of this study is to identify core indicators of quality of life in brain injury based on a comprehensive theoretical model focused on the most relevant aspects of this population functioning. A Delphi study was carried out to obtain the specific core indicators of quality of life for this population. The methodology used to reach a consensus about the best indicators and items to measure quality of life involved four rounds and 14 experts on rehabilitation of people with brain injury. The Delphi study provided evidence of content validity for the field-test version of a new scale that will be applied to a wide sample in order to empirically check its suitability for this population