4,307 research outputs found

    Energy-related occupant behaviour in green and non-rated buildings

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    Occupants are one of the factors impacting the overall energy performance of buildings the most. Green buildings improve the levels of liveability in buildings and their annual energy performance by incorporating sustainable design solutions during the whole life cycle of a building. The operation stage is the most energy-intensive stage of a building because it involves technical systems, equipment, and occupants. The difference between actual energy data and the predicted energy has been identified as a main knowledge gap in the literature. This difference is related to the low maintenance, inefficiencies, and occupants. One of the main gaps of most green certification processes is related to the occupant behaviour (OB). Previous studies mainly focused on investigations of the energy-related OB in office and residential buildings or test bed environments. The present research comprises the study of the energy-related OB in two distinct university buildings with similar characteristics at Western Sydney University (WSU) in Sydney, Australia. One of the buildings is a 6-star building, according to the Australia certification process Green Star, and the other one is an existing non-rated building. The purpose of this study is to determine the direct and/or indirect impacts of occupants on the overall energy use in both buildings as well as how occupants perceive energy and their environmental and economic impacts. Other goals are to determine if the green rating has an impact on the way occupants interact with the building systems and if there is any significant difference between green-rated and non-rated buildings. Therefore, to support this study, a chronological literature review related to the OB and its effect on the energy use was carried out. Subsequently, building simulations were performed for the buildings using actual data and the software tools DesignBuilder and EnergyPlus. The occupants were categorised according to their level of energy use, that is, as saving, real and intensive energy users. Dynamic simulations were performed by varying parameters related to the lighting, plug loads, infiltrations, shading, and AC setpoints. The models were calibrated with actual annual data measured and registered by the university management system. In addition, 100 surveys were delivered to occupants, inquiring about their perception and interactions with heating and cooling, lighting, window/door opening, window blinds, and appliances. The results were obtained from statistical analysis using the software SSPS. Finally, the perceptions of occupants related to the energy use based on the surveys were used as input variables for the dynamic simulations. The actual behaviours and actions of occupants were quantified in terms of the energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, and costs. Furthermore, the correlation between climate and the energy-related OB for green-rated and non-rated buildings was studied in eight different climate zones in Australia. The results show that saving users will spend on average 43% less energy, while intensive users will spend on average 29% more energy, in both buildings, compared with real users. The overall energy use based on the occupant behaviour changes within similar ranges in both buildings and the green rating has no significant impact on the energy-related occupant behaviour. It is not possible to conclude that the occupants of the green building are more energy-efficient than the occupants of the non-rated building. However, the green rating affects occupant‘s overall satisfaction. The gender and age impact the perception of energy use. Women and the older generation are more tolerant and energy-efficient than men and the younger generation. Finally, this study shows that the green building is being managed inefficiently due to lack of awareness. Despite being classified as green, if the operational conditions of a building are not carefully maintained according to the best practices (rating), a green-rated building will operate within similar ranges as a non-rated building

    Video documental del Programa de Protección y Educación de niñas/os trabajadores (P.N.T.) en el proceso de reinserción al Sistema Escolar Regular de la Zona Sur de Quito

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    Se instan alternativas contemporáneas acordes con la modernización y las nuevas tecnologías llenando los procesos comunicativos de nuevos enfoques usos y manejos de los medios de comunicación, dentro de los cuales la información, el mensaje, el lenguaje, el significado, la imagen, el sonido y el color se juntan como elementos que conforman el sistema comunicativo transformando al emisor y un receptor en un ser más amplio, lleno de necesidades, demandas, y capacidad de discernimiento. Siendo esta la comunicación que busca planteamientos frente a las propias realidades, una comunicación que sea discutida, que se pueda analizar y que esos cuestionamientos y espacios creen momentos para la acción, gestión y cambio hacia un desarrollo

    The value of "may" as an evidential and epistemic marker in English medical abstracts

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    Our article addresses the issue of the relationship between epistemic modality and evidentiality. Earlier works such as Lazard (2001) claim that English does not hold grammatical markers for the source of knowledge in contrast to other languages, e.g. Quechua, that seem to do so. Dendale and Tasmowski (2001), however, think that grammatical evidentials are possible in English, and Aikhenvald (2004) admits that modal verbs in English are a borderline case. In our article, we seek to explore the use of may and might in a corpus of medical abstracts to demonstrate (i) their value as grammatical evidential markers, and (ii) their value as epistemic markers that show the author’s attitude to the proposition manifested. In doing so, we follow Cornillie (2009), who defines these two concepts as independent categories. The results of our analyses indicate that these modals may be used as grammatical markers of evidentiality, regardless of other semantic and pragmatic meanings.Part of the Research Project Evidencialidad en un corpus multidisciplinar de artículos científico-técnicos en lengua inglesa, grant FFI2009-10801 (FEDER, Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation)

    Nuclear-Mitochondrial Intergenomic Communication Disorders

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    The focus of this chapter is to review the clinical and molecular etiologies of nuclear defects involved in mtDNA stability and in mitochondrial protein synthesis. The overview done here will hopefully provide insights towards best diagnostic strategies of mitochondrial cross–talk disorders, being useful for clinicians when facing similar cases. Additionally we will present a diagnostic algorithm for these diseases based on our knowledge

    Pharmacists’ role in the management of patients receiving dual or triple antithrombotic therapy

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    Purpose: Patients on dual and triple antithrombotic therapy present the therapeutic dilemma of mitigating bleed risk while sustaining antithrombotic efficacy. Lack of literature and variability in existing published guidance potentiates inconsistent management of these patients. Furthermore, suboptimal dosing of direct oral anticoagulants is relatively common. One study reported as high as 43% of patients receive higher and 13% receive lower than clinically indicated doses. These findings were associated with a significantly increased risk of major bleeding and incidence of stroke, thus highlighting the importance of selecting an ideal regimen. The purpose of this project is to highlight pharmacists’ role in the optimization of antithrombotic therapy in patients with concurrent indications for antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents. Methods: This was a single center, quality improvement project including adult patients concomitantly receiving at least one antiplatelet agent and a therapeutic-dose anticoagulant between January and March 2021 at Baptist Hospital. Eligible patients were assessed and evaluated on a daily basis. Data collection included indications for prescribed antithrombotic agents and rationale for clinical recommendations. Potential therapeutic de-escalations and/or dose adjustments were communicated with the provider as necessary. The primary outcome of this study was appropriateness of anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy based on their specific indications. Secondary outcomes included the types of pharmacy interventions made and accepted. Results: A total of 239 patients receiving dual or triple antithrombotic therapy were prospectively reviewed over the 10-week study period. The average age was 74 years, and 56% of patients were male. The majority of regimens reviewed (95.4%) were dual antithrombotic therapy. Overall, 82% of all reviewed regimens were considered appropriate at time of pharmacist review (85% of dual therapy regimens and 27% of triple therapy regimens were appropriate). After pharmacist intervention, regimen appropriateness increased to 97% overall, with dual therapy regimens adjusted to 96.5% appropriate (78% acceptance rate) and triple therapy regimens adjusted to 100% appropriate (100% acceptance rate). The most common intervention was antiplatelet discontinuation (46%), however the most clinically significant intervention was discontinuation of oral anticoagulation (7.8%). Conclusion: Pharmacist intervention resulted in optimization of dual and triple antithrombotic therapies by 15% with an intervention acceptance rate of 83%. Triple antithrombotic regimens had the greatest room for optimization, as was demonstrated by a 73% increase in regimen appropriateness as a result of pharmacist review and intervention

    Lithium urinary levels and suicide mortality rate in Portugal

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    Resumo de Poster apresentado no Congresso Internacional "As Métricas, a Comunicação Científica e a Inovação Pedagógica", Porto, 7 e 8 de abril de 2022Introduction: Suicide is a major public health problem, estimated to be the cause of death of more than 700.000 people a year worldwide. Lithium is not considered an essential physiological element. However, a high dietary intake of lithium has been associated with beneficial effects, particular, a decrease in the suicide rate, possibly due to lithium having a known therapeutic role in bipolar disorder [1]. Objectives: To assess the existing scientific evidence on the relation between lithium levels in drinking water and the suicide rate in distinct world regions. Methods: An exhaustive literature search on the topic was carried out on PubMed, between January and February 2022. Results: In the majority of the published studies, the suicide mortality rate was shown to be inversely related to lithium levels in drinking water. However, this relation was not observed in some studies, including in Portugal. Additionally, it seems that a minimum concentration of 30 μg/L is the threshold from which such relation is observed [2,3,4,5]. Conclusions: An inverse relation has been demonstrated between the lithium concentration in drinking water and the suicide mortality rate. Portugal presented itself as one of the exceptions. The main limitation of these studies (ecological studies) is that they assume a correlation between the concentration of lithium in drinking water and the intake of lithium. However, other sources may be important. The determination of urinary lithium levels could represent an advance in addressing the issue of the possible protective effect of lithium concerning the tendency to suicide, by allowing a more realistic determination of lithium intake by the general population.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Matemática Escolar da Escola Primária da Década de 1940

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    http://www.pgsskroton.com.br/seer/index.php/ensino/article/view/3458/3094São raros os estudos voltados à história da matemática escolar, sobretudo os que buscam compreender como esse componente curricular favoreceu a permanência ou a transformação da cultura escolar da escola primária. O presente estudo tem como objetivo compreender como se apresentava a matemática escolar do ensino primário, na década de 1940, em duas escolas primárias do estado de Mato Grosso. A partir de um olhar minucioso aos conteúdos matemáticos prescritos e às formas como estes eram apropriados nas práticas escolares da escola primária, o estudo, orientado na perspectiva da história cultural, identifica mecanismos e lógicas utilizados pelos sujeitos na preservação da coerência simbólica da cultura escolar

    Análise microestrutural do esmalte decíduo desmineralizado após escovação dentária in vitro

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    The aim of this study was to investigate, in vitro, the morphological characteristics of demineralized primary enamel subjected to brushing with a dentifrice with or without fluoride. In order to do so, 32 enamel blocks were divided in 4 different groups containing 8 blocks each. They were separately immersed in artificial saliva for 15 days. The experimental groups were: C - control; E - submitted to etching with 37% phosphoric acid gel (30 s); EB - submitted to etching and brushing 3 times a day with a non-fluoridated dentifrice; EBF = submitted to etching and brushing 3 times a day with a fluoridated dentifrice. The toothbrushing force was standardized at 0.2 kgf and 15 double strokes were performed on each block. After the experimental period, the samples were prepared and examined under SEM. The control group (C) showed a smooth surface, presenting scratches caused by habitual toothbrushing. The etched samples (E) exhibited different degrees of surface disintegration, but the pattern of acid etching was predominantly the type II dissolution. The brushed surfaces were smooth, with elevations which corresponded to the exposure of Tomes process pits and depressions which corresponded to interrod enamel. Particles resembling calcium carbonate were found in the most protected parts of the grooves. No morphological differences were observed between brushing with fluoridated (EBF) and non-fluoridated (EB) dentifrice. The results suggest that the mechanical abrasion caused by brushing demineralized enamel with dentifrice smoothes the rough etched surface, and the presence of fluoride does not cause morphological modifications in this pattern.O objetivo do estudo foi investigar as características morfológicas do esmalte decíduo desmineralizado submetido à escovação com dentifrício fluoretado ou não fluoretado. Para isto, 32 blocos de esmalte foram separados em 4 grupos diferentes, contendo 8 elementos cada que foram imersos em saliva artificial por 15 dias: C = controle; E = atacado com gel de ácido fosfórico a 37% por 30 segundos; EB = atacado e escovado 3 vezes ao dia com dentifrício não fluoretado; EBF = atacado e escovado 3 vezes ao dia com dentifrício fluoretado. A escovação foi padronizada em 0,2 kgf e 15 movimentos de vai-e-vem foram executados em cada bloco. Após o período experimental, as amostras foram preparadas e examinadas no MEV. O grupo controle (C) apresentou lisura superficial e riscos causados pela escovação habitual; as amostras atacadas (E) apresentaram diferentes graus de desintegração superficial, porém o padrão de ataque ácido foi predominantemente a dissolução do tipo II. As superfícies escovadas apresentaram-se alisadas, com exposição das elevações correspondentes aos processos de Tomes e as depressões de esmalte interprismático. Partículas semelhantes a carbonato de cálcio foram encontradas nas partes mais protegidas das depressões. Não houve diferença quando os grupos foram escovados com dentifrício fluoretado (EBF) e dentifrício sem fluoreto (EB). Os resultados sugerem que a abrasão mecânica da escovação com dentifrício sobre o esmalte desmineralizado alisa a superfície rugosa causada pelo condicionamento ácido e que a presença do fluoreto não altera morfologicamente este padrão
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