1,404 research outputs found

    Parsing Grammatical Tone Using FLEx

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    In many languages, tone is a principle strategy to mark grammatical categories and syntactic relations. Including a suitable annotation of grammatical tone in the documentation and description of a language is therefore essential. In standardized glossing formats such as Interlinear Morphemic Glossing (IMG) (Lehmann 1982; Lehmann 2004) and the Leipzig Glossing Rules (Comrie, Haspelmath & Bickel 1982) it is impossible to separate segmental from suprasegmental material in order to gloss them individually. Other formats like Advanced Glossing (Drude & Lieb 2000) are simply too time- consuming and inconvenient to use in publications. McGill (2007) highlights these deficiencies and proposes the four-tier annotation (example 1) that has been used in Toolbox (SIL International 1987) as a method to separately gloss the segmental and suprasegmental material. Its application in Toolbox enables automated glossing. While the theory of annotation and interlinear glossing develops, its adaptation to modern technologies that automate the glossing has to be constantly renewed. New software like the FieldWorks Language Explorer (FLEx) (SIL International 2001) facilitates glossing of texts and has become an essential tool for linguistic fieldwork and language description. Its ability to parse grammatical tone, however, is not always obvious and often complicates work for fieldworkers who work on tonal languages. This paper draws on McGill’s (2007) implementation in Toolbox and proposes a method to parse grammatical tone using FLEx after exploring the representation of grammatical tone in linguistic theory, annotation and orthography. It discusses FLEx’s limits regarding grammatical tone and suggests best practice guidelines that aim to facilitate grammatical tone parsing. The proposed method in combination with the guidelines enable fieldworkers to easily create annotations for documentary corpora by using FLEx for automated glossing of tone languages. To exemplify and test the methods of parsing, negation patterns in Ikaan, which heavily rely on grammatical tone, will be used. Ikaan is a minority language of the Benue-Congo language family spoken in Southern Nigeria. The primary data is drawn from the corpus of Sophie Salffner’s research in Nigeria deposited in the Endangered Languages Archive (Salffner 2010). References Comrie, Bernard, Martin Haspelmath & Balthasar Bickel. 1982. The Leipzig Glossing Rules. Folia Linguistica. 1–10. Drude, Sebastian & Hans-Heinrich Lieb. 2000. Advanced Glossing: A language documentation format. http://dobes.mpi.nl/documents/Advanced-Glossing1.pdf (1 June, 2016). Lehmann, Christian. 1982. Directions for Interlinear Morphemic Translations. Folia Linguistica (Acta Societatis Linguisticae Europaeae) XVI. 199–224. Lehmann, Christian. 2004. Interlinear morphemic glossing. In Geert Booij, Christian Lehmann, Joachim Mugdan & Stavos Skopeteas (eds.), Morphologie. Ein internationales Handbuch zur Flexion und Wortbildung. 2. Halbband, 1834–1857. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. McGill, Stuart. 2007. Documenting grammatical tone using Toolbox: an evaluation of Buseman’s interlinearisation technique. In Peter K Austin, Oliver Bond & David Nathan (eds.), Proceedings of Conference on Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory, 177–186. London: SOAS. Salffner, Sophie. 2010. Ikaan and related dialects of Ukaan: an archive of language and cultural material from the Akaan people of Ikakumo (Ondo State, Nigeria). SOAS, Endangered Languages Archive. http://elar.soas.ac.uk/deposit/0034 (26 July, 2016). SIL International. 1987. Shoebox/Toolbox (Software). http://www- 01.sil.org/computing/toolbox/index.htm (20 August, 2016). SIL International. 2001. FieldWorks Language Explorer (Software). http://fieldworks.sil.org/flex/ (20 August, 2016)

    Performance of cooperative MIMO based on measured urban channel data

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    We study the potential benefits of cooperative multiple-input multiple-output signaling from multiple coherent base stations with one or more mobile stations in an urban macrocellular environment. The analysis uses novel and fully coherent measurements of the channel from three base stations to a single mobile station equipped with four antennas. The observed channels are used to explore the gains in capacity enabled by cooperative base station signaling for point-to-point and multi-user communications. The analysis shows that cooperative signaling using practical algorithms yields significant increases in average capacity

    Experimental investigation of adaptive impedance matching for a MIMO terminal with CMOS SOI tuners

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    It is well known that user proximity introduces absorption and impedance mismatch losses that severely degrade multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) performance of handset antennas. In this work, we experimentally verified the potential of adaptive impedance matching (AIM) to mitigate user interaction effects and identified the main AIM gain mechanism in realistic systems. A practical setup including custom-designed CMOS silicon-on-insulator (SOI) impedance tuners implemented on a MIMO handset was measured in three propagation environments and 10 real user scenarios. The results indicate that AIM can improve MIMO capacity by up to 42% equivalent to 3.5 dB of multiplexing efficiency (ME) gain. Taking into account the measured losses of 1 dB in the integrated tuners, the maximum net ME gain is 2.5 dB suggesting applicability in practical systems. Variations in ME gains of up to 1.5 dB for different hand-grip styles were mainly due to differences in impedance mismatch and tuner loss distribution. The study also confirmed earlier results on the significant differences in mismatch and absorption between phantoms and real users, in which the phantoms underestimated user effects and therefore AIM gains. Finally, propagation environments of different angular spreads were found to give only minor ME gain variations

    Impact of Rician fading on the orthogonality of dual-polarized macrocellular channels

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    The paper examines the impact of Rician fading on the orthogonality of dual-polarized MIMO channels in a measured urban macrocellular scenario. The measurements confirm the previous finding that the Ricia

    Associations between long-term exercise participation and lower limb joint and whole-bone geometry in young and older adults

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    Introduction: Features of lower limb bone geometry are associated with movement kinematics and clinical outcomes including fractures and osteoarthritis. Therefore, it is important to identify their determinants. Lower limb geometry changes dramatically during development, partly due to adaptation to the forces experienced during physical activity. However, the effects of adulthood physical activity on lower limb geometry, and subsequent associations with muscle function are relatively unexplored. Methods: 43 adult males were recruited; 10 young (20–35 years) trained i.e., regional to world-class athletes, 12 young sedentary, 10 older (60–75 years) trained and 11 older sedentary. Skeletal hip and lower limb geometry including acetabular coverage and version angle, total and regional femoral torsion, femoral and tibial lateral and frontal bowing, and frontal plane lower limb alignment were assessed using magnetic resonance imaging. Muscle function was assessed recording peak power and force of jumping and hopping using mechanography. Associations between age, training status and geometry were assessed using multiple linear regression, whilst associations between geometry and muscle function were assessed by linear mixed effects models with adjustment for age and training. Results: Trained individuals had 2° (95% CI:0.6°–3.8°; p = 0.009) higher femoral frontal bowing and older individuals had 2.2° (95% CI:0.8°–3.7°; p = 0.005) greater lateral bowing. An age-by-training interaction indicated 4° (95% CI:1.4°–7.1°; p = 0.005) greater acetabular version angle in younger trained individuals only. Lower limb geometry was not associated with muscle function (p > 0.05). Discussion: The ability to alter skeletal geometry via exercise in adulthood appears limited, especially in epiphyseal regions. Furthermore, lower limb geometry does not appear to be associated with muscle function

    Reflexion als soziale Praxis. Sequenzanalytische praxisreflexive Kasuistik in Fortbildungen mit LehrkrÀften am Beispiel des SpannungsverhÀltnisses von Leistung und Inklusion

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    Ausgehend von dem SpannungsverhĂ€ltnis von Leistung und Inklusion als Anlass zur Reflexion wird in diesem Beitrag das VerstĂ€ndnis von Reflexion als soziale Praxis vorgestellt. Auf Basis der im Projekt „Reflexion, Leistung und Inklusion“ (ReLInk) durchgefĂŒhrten Fortbildungsworkshops wird dazu mit Blick auf die Frage der Gestaltung entsprechender institutioneller ReflexionsrĂ€ume die Methode der sequenzanalytischen praxisreflexiven Kasuistik fokussiert. Im Anschluss an die zusammenfassende Darstellung der Erfahrungen und Evaluationsergebnisse werden als Ausblick konzeptionelle Überlegungen zu einer lĂ€ngerfristigen schulinternen Fortbildung zum reflexiven Umgang mit Leistung in inklusiven Settings skizziert. (DIPF/Orig.

    Reflexionsimpulse im Schnittfeld von Professionalisierung und Schulentwicklung: Konzeptuelle Überlegungen zur sequenzanalytischen praxisreflexiven Kasuistik im Rahmen einer schulinternen Fortbildung zu Leistung und Inklusion

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    Mit der Entwicklung inklusiver Bildung werden Fragen der Professionalisierung u.a. in Fortbildungen virulent. Zudem gilt Inklusion als Anlass zur Schulentwicklung. Wir betrachten in diesem Beitrag Fragen der Professionalisierung und Schulentwicklung als interdependent. Vor dem Hintergrund von Erkenntnissen zu wirksamen Fortbildungen legt dieser Beitrag den Schwerpunkt auf den Bereich der Reflexion. Entgegen der Tendenz, Reflexionsaufforderungen individualisierend zu wenden, fokussieren wir – im Schnittfeld von Professionalisierung und Schulentwicklung – das Format einer lĂ€ngerfristigen schulinternen LehrkrĂ€ftefortbildung (SchiLf) zum reflexiven Umgang mit Leistung in inklusiven Schulen. Im Zentrum des Beitrages stehen konzeptionelle Überlegungen zu den Potenzialen einer sequenzanalytischen praxisreflexiven Kasuistik im Rahmen einer lĂ€ngerfristigen SchiLf. Wir beleuchten die, mit diesem speziellen methodischen Zugriff verbundenen, Reflexionsimpulse in Relation zu den Gedanken der Schulentwicklung
